Thursday, 2007-11-15

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mithroyou know what would be really useful in DDD00:02
mithropretty printing of stl data structures00:02
nashSTL... just say o00:07
mithroit's not that bad00:07
mithroit's nice to have data structures which know how big they are even if they have nulls in them :P00:07
* nash guesses this is a python problem?00:08
mithroa char* has no reference to it's length00:08
mithroand strlen and similar get confused by \000:08
nashnot quite... a char * has sizeof() == sizeof(void *)00:09
nashThe standard string encoding has a nil problem00:09
mithronash: sorry the length of the string people make it point to00:09
nashWhy do that?00:10
mithrodon't worry00:11
nashIf it's a string, use char*, not uint8, that's just stupid00:11
mithroit's not a string00:11
nashAnd why force sign down the throat unless you need it?00:11
mithroit's an array of bbytes00:11
mithrowhich could have nulls in it00:11
mithrosimilar to tp data00:12
mithrohaving things like a map is useful00:13
mithroMy total empire is:00:26
mithro      24 Planets00:26
mithro      15 Frigates00:26
mithro     468 Battleships00:26
mithroI have queued:00:26
mithro      24 Battleships00:26
mithro       7 Frigates00:26
mithroThe total enemies are:00:26
mithro      29 Planets00:26
mithro     103 Frigates00:26
mithro     732 Battleships00:26
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* nash guesses either mithro is not doing work, or his job is a hell of lot better than nash suspected00:27
mithronash: I have the ai's running on my laptop for the last 4 hours00:28
mithrothat is where it is at after 250 turns00:33
mithro5 tpsai-py's on tpserver-cpp running minisec00:34
mithroonly two of the AI's are left00:34
mithroI have starmapper mapping the universe, so I will make a movie of the game00:34
mithrothat is a lot of battleships however :)00:35
mithroover 1000 in the game :P00:35
nashSounds messy ;-)00:35
mithrotpsai-py is sitting around 11mb00:37
mithrowhich isn't too bad :)00:37
nashmithro: Still.. many stars! games have a problem with the 16bit limitations on fleets and similar00:37
mithrothat isn't the number of fleets - there are probably only about 100-200 fleets00:39
nashI guessed00:40
mithroI need to make a bigger universe on tpserver-cpp but it ran out of planet names00:41
nashWhen I was testing galaxie I patched it to reuse names - just a % somewhere00:43
mithronash: yeah, I'll probably do the same00:45
mithroai2 Step 7. Status report...00:45
mithroMy total empire is:00:45
mithro      34 Planets00:45
mithro      82 Frigates00:45
mithro     726 Battleships00:45
mithroI have queued:00:45
mithro      33 Battleships00:46
mithro      12 Frigates00:46
mithroThe total enemies are:00:46
mithro      20 Planets00:46
mithro      14 Frigates00:46
mithro     515 Battleships00:46
mithroI think ai2 is wining00:46
mithronash: I will be interested in seeing how it goes against any ai you end up intergrating :)00:47
mithrocurrently running on 30 second turns00:47
nashmithro: My next AI will be for RFTS00:47
nashI just need to train it to play like I did00:47
nashmithro: Hypothetically I can tweak the paper synopsis if/when I'm accepted right?01:02
nashAnd biography01:02
mithroyeah sure01:04
mithrothat doesn't need to be set till the 12th of December01:04
mithrowhich is when the program goes "live"01:04
nashexcellent - check you mail...01:13
nashthen I need to do my embedded submission01:13
mithrowhat is ROI?01:14
nashReturn on Investment01:17
nashI can tweak it01:17
nashAnd I may give you a minor update tomorrow if I can get either a) permission from toshiba or b) wording in our contract to avoid permission from toshiba...01:20
nashb) is more likely01:20
mithrogreen is slowly crushing yellow01:21
nashdid red die faster?01:22
nashANyway 0- home now01:28
nashtalk to you tomorrow01:28
mithrookay see ya01:30
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mithrohey llnz01:49
llnzhi mithro01:49
mithroMy total empire is:01:50
mithro      18 Planets01:50
mithro      13 Frigates01:50
mithro     642 Battleships01:50
mithroI have queued:01:50
mithro      18 Battleships01:50
mithro      12 Frigates01:50
mithroThe total enemies are:01:50
mithro      35 Planets01:50
mithro     116 Frigates01:50
mithro    1297 Battleships01:50
mithroTurn number: 34301:50
mithrolots of battleships :P01:51
mithrollnz: you really need to add an intercept order02:07
llnzwhat do you want more? intercept order or a tpserver-cpp release?02:09
mithroI may add one after this battle02:10
mithroyou also don't seem to be able to colonise the same round as you bomb a planet to smithereens?02:12
llnzyes, that's true02:15
mithroI will have something cool for you to watch tommorrow :)02:19
llnztomorrow is a public holiday in Christchurch, but I could well be out all day02:21
mithrobah, it should be a work on thousand parsec day :P02:22
mithroI with green would hurry up and kill yellow instead of playing planetary ping-pong02:24
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mithro828M    ai2.log02:27
mithro995M    ai3.log02:27
mithro~seen peres03:16
tpbmithro: peres was last seen in #tp 9 weeks, 2 days, 21 hours, 55 minutes, and 26 seconds ago: <peres> anyway, knowing you think i'm going down the right way is important :)03:16
tpb<> (at
mithrollnz: take a look at that03:31
mithroI think it will look better when he adds support for fleet info03:35
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mithrohey peres03:41
peresmithro :)03:41
peresyou've got mail ;)03:53
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mithrollnz: ping?06:51
mithrowe should try like 30 ai in a 1000 planet universe06:51
mithrodo you think tpserver-cpp could handle it?06:52
mithroI think I probably need a computer with more ram however06:57
llnzthere are not enough names yet to have more than 45 systems07:03
llnztpserver-cpp should be able to handle it, but it will need long-ish turns07:03
llnzthe ai could be run from a few separate computers07:04
llnzspreading the load07:04
mithroperes sent me a file full of names07:05
mithroso I was thinking of making tpserver-cpp read a file07:05
mithroi'm getting pretty comfortable with C++ these days07:05
mithrollnz: you should checkout the resource overlay in tpclient-pywx-incoming on demo207:09
CIA-10mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r3da6a539c261 /tpclient-pywx: Don't calling events in the binder if there is an exception.07:12
llnzresource overlay appears blank on demo207:15
mithroyou on the incoming branch?07:15
llnznope, on development07:16
mithrothese are greywhind patches which have yet to been merged07:16
llnzok, cool07:16
mithrohe is going to turn the dots into piecharts07:18
CIA-10mithro tpclient-pywx-incoming * r3da6a539c261 /tpclient-pywx: Don't calling events in the binder if there is an exception.07:19
CIA-10mithro tpclient-pywx-incoming * rbba530e16d60 /tpclient-pywx: Merge with git://
mithroanyway I need to head to bed07:21
llnzso should I07:27
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mithrowb peres07:33
peresgot your list?07:33
mithroywah tanks07:36
mithroI need to go to bed07:38
mithroyes, thanks07:38
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* llnz wanders off08:31
llnzlater all08:31
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mithrohey people18:16
mithrohow is everyone this Friday morning?18:16
mithronash: you watched that avi?18:19
nashmithro: Which avi18:22
nashAhh - the one in teh subject18:23
* nash never reads subjects18:23
nashmithro: Cool18:24
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CIA-10nash galaxie * r9bea2e7a2714 /gui_window.c: Clean up ewl widgets when closing windows.18:30
CIA-10nash galaxie * rf92b1bc3e7bd /gui_window.c:18:30
CIA-10Return focus to main when a window is deleted.18:30
CIA-10This strategy will need to adjusted later.18:30
CIA-10nash galaxie * rec9ea2c2b14d /gui_window.c: Window even larger so I can see useful stuff...18:30
CIA-10nash galaxie * re27b258bb9fd /ewl/gewl_object.c: Clear resource list.18:30
CIA-10nash galaxie * r133f5328663c /tpe_gui.c: Use != 0 for unowned planets. Works better with RFTS18:30
CIA-10nash galaxie * r8dfe592e164a /tpe_gui.c: Sparse suppressions.18:30
CIA-10nash galaxie * r870961314df2 /ewl/gewl_object.c: Remove box from gewl structure18:30
CIA-10nash galaxie * rb44e1a7093e2 /ewl/gewl_object.c: Use a grid for planets.18:30
CIA-10nash galaxie * r877099b5e61c /ewl/gewl_object.c: First generation of orders - windows, but no data.18:30
CIA-10nash galaxie * r8f7a4c7d3d0e /ewl/gewl_object.c: Some comments.18:30
mithronash: so how goes galaxie?18:41
nashWell I'm redoing the widgets for input, and in 1 week I'm further then one month last time18:47
nashSo I hope to get order entry next week18:47
nashWhich will be good ;-)18:47
nashAnd it looks like I'm talking at LCA embedded miniconf ;-)18:49
mithroahh cool18:50
nashSomething rather cool, which I can't even talk to people about until January18:50
nashSo I'll definitely be at LCA now ;-)18:50
nashI just registered18:51
nashSo how am I going as far as gaming is concerned?18:51
mithroyet to think about it much18:51
nashLot of submissions?18:51
mithroif you do talk, it will probably be near the end of the day close to the lightening talks18:51
mithronash: still chasing people for the various sessions I have planned18:52
nashWell if there is a topic you want, without a speaker... let me know.. I'll see if I can get up to speed18:53
mithrowell I'm currently after people for a commercial game developers using FOSS panel, I have 2 people so far18:55
nashAhh... rules me out then ;-)18:55
mithroknow anyone?18:56
nashI do18:56
mithrocould you put me in contact with them?18:56
nashWell I know game developers... not sure about their FOSS level however18:56
nashI'd need to check with them first18:56
nashLet me get back to you18:56
mithrookay thanks18:56
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mithrohey Demitar21:45
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