Wednesday, 2007-11-14

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CIA-10nash galaxie * r964befd065b9 /ewl/gewl_object.c: Resources are now listed.01:06
CIA-10nash galaxie * rb203c929382c /ewl/gewl_object.c: Show resources!01:06
CIA-10nash galaxie * r4eb8e1d044a4 /ewl/gewl_object.c: Some updates to resource display.01:06
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mithrowell, off home04:10
mithrosee ya!04:10
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llnzhi mithro05:32
mithrohey llnz05:32
llnznot much, about to go to bed05:33
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* llnz sighs05:41
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* llnz wanders off05:43
llnzlater all05:43
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mithrohey people17:50
mithrohey guitsaru17:51
* mithro has put on 6kg since I started working at this job :(17:54
nashIn what - 6 months?18:00
mithroabout 3 and a half18:08
nash2kg a month is pretty dangerous18:09
mithroI think it's because I'm now eating breakfast and lunch - where at uni I barely ate lunch18:10
mithroand of course at uni, atleast you had to walk around campas and up-and-down stairs and such18:11
nashYou need to switch from a teen -> adult metabolism I think as well18:11
nashWhich changes you appetite18:11
mithroI think I need to switch from doing no exercise and less crap :)18:12
nashquick question :  How many papers are scheduled for gaming miniconf18:12
mithroI was walking home from work there for a while - but then it got hot :(18:13
mithroyou mean, how many have I already scheduled? or?18:13
nashSubmitted et al18:13
mithrowell, I havn't got a huge number of submissions so I have been actively going out and finding people for specific talks I would like18:14
nashOkay... You should have mine today18:15
mithronash: thanks18:15
mithrois it tp related or other?18:16
nashOther but has a tp touch18:16
nashAnd gives me an excuse to do a couple of projects I've wanted to do for ages18:16
mithrookay - no guarantees obviously18:19
nashWhen will you finalise ;-)18:24
nashSo when do I start on my two other projects?18:25
mithroI will finalise the timetable late next week probably18:26
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* mithro ponders why this C++ code is starting to look like lisp19:41
nashToo many parenthesis?19:51
greywhind_mithro: so i figured out why nothing but the 0, 0, 0 coordinate had more than a dot. the calculation of the size was integer math, so only the max would have a size of 1 and everything else would have a size of 019:52
greywhind_what i haven't figured out yet is why the center point (0, 0, 0) has an object with 18 resources where the max anything else has is 119:52
mithrogreywhind_: okay19:54
greywhind_aha - figured it out19:54
greywhind_it's considering the universe and the galaxy as objects whose resources should be shown19:54
greywhind_fixed that20:02
nashWhich reminds me20:02
nashStrange issue: RFTS has some visibility rules...20:03
nashis there a way of detecting the difference between and explored world and a world with no planets?20:03
mithronot really20:03
greywhind_mithro: so the dots are now showing up correctly and at the right size... now i have to convert them into pie charts, correct?20:05
mithrogreywhind_: that is how I would do it20:05
greywhind_mithro: it would be nice to test this on a server where there's more variation in resources... is there such a thing?20:05
mithrotpserver-py has a "Minisec+" ruleset20:06
mithrowhich adds a whole bunch of useless resources20:06
mithrobut I haven't tested in a long time20:06
mithroso it might have suffered bitrot20:06
greywhind_well, the current server is basically giving me either 1 resource on a system or 0. not much to look at.20:07
nashRFTS on tpserver-cpp has a lot of resources20:07
mithrogreywhind_: yeah, you can add more resourced by setting a large fleet to build20:07
mithronash: it does?20:07
nashYeah, but initially you can only see your home system...20:08
nashSo until you send a scout or two out... one systems worht of resources20:08
greywhind_nash: can you log in as a guest and see everything?20:08
greywhind_mithro: never mind, demo2 is running mtsec. i'll use that one20:09
greywhind_it gives me some variety in circle size20:09
nashgreywhind_: I hope not... else it kinda breaks the point20:10
nashserver-cpp creates users on teh fly however20:10
nashSo you just login as != guest and you have a homeworld20:10
greywhind_nash: yeah, doesn't help for testing resources though. fortunately, MTSec seems to work20:11
nashgreywhind_: Why not?20:11
greywhind_nash: i don't want to play the game and find all of the other systems just to test my resources code :P20:11
nashYou will likely have 3 planets in your home system to jump between20:13
CIA-10mithro tpclient-pywx-incoming * rd529a8dfeae7 / Always set system on failure.20:20
CIA-10mithro tpclient-pywx-incoming * r9a9ace021064 /windows/main/overlays/ Make the fleet object's hittable area larger. Make the fleet appear in the Foreground.20:20
CIA-10mithro tpclient-pywx-incoming * rd18fbf53e61b /tpclient-pywx:20:20
CIA-10All events now inherit from the Event object.20:20
CIA-10"Out of date" events no longer get posted. This is a pretty gross hack.20:20
CIA-10mithro tpclient-pywx-incoming * r691175b94e3a /windows/main/ (overlays/ Order selection now highlights the correct path segment.20:20
CIA-10mithro tpclient-pywx-incoming * r08559ccb96cf /windows/main/ Add the text "No Arguments" for orders which don't have any arguments.20:20
CIA-10mithro tpclient-pywx-incoming * r44073c7b9340 /extra/ Freeze the control while changing the selection.20:20
CIA-10mithro tpclient-pywx-incoming * r6053b7b4e2ff / (10 files in 3 dirs):20:20
CIA-10Totally change the way the event system works.20:20
CIA-10Now based around explicitly binding for events rather then implicit methods.20:20
CIA-10mithro tpclient-pywx-incoming * rc9c03fffb080 /windows/main/ Some cleanup of commentted out code.20:20
CIA-10noegnud tpclient-pywx-incoming * r01226c0d42ff /windows/main/overlays/ (
CIA-10Implemented Resources overlay to the point of drawing white circles whose20:20
CIA-10sizes correspond to the total amount of resources in a system. These will20:20
CIA-10be converted to pie charts later.20:20
CIA-10noegnud tpclient-pywx-incoming * rd1c3d8ce8fb6 / (12 files in 4 dirs): Merge with development branch.20:20
greywhind_mithro: check the patch i just submitted on the demo2 server.20:20
greywhind_it's more interesting than on the demo1 server20:21
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mithroI wonder what ever happend to peres22:34
mithro~seen peres22:34
tpbmithro: peres was last seen in #tp 9 weeks, 2 days, 17 hours, 14 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: <peres> anyway, knowing you think i'm going down the right way is important :)22:34
mithrohe never gave us an email22:35
mithronash: do you ever feel down that your this really cool code is never going to be seen by anyone else?23:07
nashOnly if it's never going to be used by anyone else as well ;-)23:07
mithrowell, it's only going to be use by one company23:08
* mithro is writing a simcard simulator and it could be really useful for other people23:09
mithrobut it's only going to be delivered to our clients23:09
mithroand there is some cool stuff in there (well for C++)23:10
nashWelcome to non-OSS coding23:10
nashactually now you mention the language.. sounds like a bonus23:10
mithroI have to admit I have never written anything for non-OSS that I have liked enough to want it to be release :)23:10
mithronash: I think I have asked you this before - but I'm going to ask you again23:18
mithroWhy do C/C++ coders write the following "uint32_t *abc" instead of "uint32_t* abc" when the * is really part of the type definition?23:19
nashBecause * is not part of the type definition23:19
nashIt probably should be, but it's not:23:19
Epyon it is!23:19
mithroit is, you are saying "I want a 'uint32_t pointer'"23:19
nashint* foo,bar; is an int * foo and and int23:19
nashRead it slightly different23:19
Epyontype abc = ^UInt32 :P23:20
nashabc is a pointer to a <type>23:20
nashNot a member of the type <pointer to <type>>23:20
mithrobut why should pointers be special?23:20
nashEpyon: Strictly speaking... yes23:20
nashmithro: NFI, but they are23:20
nashIf you write:23:21
nashuint32_t* x,y;23:21
nashx != y23:21
nashtypeof(x) != typeof(y)23:21
nashso it's best to keep them close23:21
mithronash: well - that sucks23:21
EpyonThat's one example of C's drawbacks/errors/stupidnessess :P23:21
nashHence if you write uint32_t *x,y; it's clear that x and y are different23:22
nashIt's weird23:22
nashThere are reasons, and it is more consistent once you start to hit function pointers23:22
mithrothinking of the * as part of the type is the only way i can keep all the pointer and const and stuff straight23:22
mithroie (char const*) < pointer to a char const23:23
nashIt is part of the type, but it's not part of the declaration23:23
mithroI currently have a (char const*) const&23:23
mithroA const reference to a pointer which references a const char23:24
mithroactually that it wrong23:25
nashYou know how to read C declerations - in to out right?23:26
mithro"char* const&"  ->  "char pointer const reference" ?23:27
nashNo,  int *(*x)(int) =>  x is a pointer[*] to a function[(*x)] taking int [(int)] returning a pointer (*) to an int23:30
mithrohow did you get that?23:31
nashWhich bit?23:32
mithroall of it :)23:32
EpyonTypes... damn, why can't all languages have as understandable types as SML...23:32
mithroI have never been able to read a function pointer23:32
nashFind the name and start reading out23:32
mithrowhich way?23:32
nash(*name)( ) is always a function pointer23:32
nashmithro: back and forst23:32
nashmithro: back and forth23:32
nashstart by going left23:33
nashx is a pointer * -> then right ) -> then left ( A function -> right taking (args) -> return a pointer -> (nothing at the end - no const magic) -> to an int23:34
nashmithro: apt-get install cdecl23:34
mithrothis looks kind of useful23:39
nashmithro: Actually it's fun to play with23:39
nashAfter a while you don't need it23:39
mithroI'm getting better at using gdb23:46
mithroI now set breakpoints :P23:46
nashmithro: See ddd23:47
mithronash: I'm trying to get my gdb foo down first :)23:49
mithrothen I can get lazy and use ddd23:49
nashddd is a front end to gdb23:49
nashI found it worked the other way for me23:49
nashI got ddd down, then started to use gdb23:49
mithrowoot! no memory leaks23:51
mithronash: can ddd do syntax highlighting?23:52
nashNo it doesn't - at least not that I know oif23:53
nashbut it displays data structures which is gold23:53
mithrolooking at unhighlighted code makes my brain hurt23:53
nashmithro: You know memprof and valgrind I assume23:53
nashAlso alleyoop which is a front end to valgrind23:54
mithroyeah, just ran valgrind and got no memory leaks23:54
nashmemprof is often prettier - and it shows memory usage as a graph in real time23:54
nashYou can click and check for leaks at anytime23:54
nashSo you can try particular things to see if the leak occurs after you do particular things23:55
mithroI wonder if I can get the c++ console working23:57

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