Monday, 2007-11-05

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CIA-10llnz tpserver-cpp * rc6dc9564d40f /tpserver/playerconnection.cpp:05:36
CIA-10Check for enough bytes for login frame.05:36
CIA-10Closes bug 1825830. Thanks for the bug nash.05:36
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llnzlater all07:37
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mithronash: looks like llnz closed your bug last night16:20
nashheyo mithro16:23
nashmithro: Of course I've found some other issues16:27
mithrowith tpserver-cpp?16:27
nashBasically I'm connecting with tp0416:29
nashPartially through implementing at my end...16:30
nashbut I hit a snag16:30
nashSome sequences are in tp04 sequence style, some are int tp0316:30
mithrothat sounds highly likely16:30
mithroanyway have to head to work!16:31
mithrosee ya later16:31
nashOkay - I'll show you code later then ;-)16:31
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CIA-10nash galaxie * r43b089e82f71 / (tpe_obj.c tpe_obj.h tpe_sequence.c tpe_ship.c): More work for msg and tp04 rewrite.17:11
CIA-10nash galaxie * r710109d40b97 /tpe_orders.c: Update orders for new msg callback.17:11
CIA-10nash galaxie * rd4ea2f237eae /tpe_board.c: Fix board for new msg callback17:11
CIA-10nash galaxie * r8b36e69048c5 /tpe_resources.c: Update resources for new msg callbacks.17:11
CIA-10nash galaxie * r3a032f406c42 /tpe_board.c: Update boards for new msg callback.17:11
CIA-10nash galaxie * r8258551799a1 /tpe_util.c: Fix "limit" on string lengths for rfts.17:11
CIA-10nash galaxie * r8dba335b8271 /tpe_obj.c: Partial support for to04 and tp04 in tpe_obj for receiving objects.17:11
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mithrogreywhind: ping?17:32
nashmithro: Compare: PlayerAgent::processGetObjectIds vs PlayerView::processGetDesignIds17:37
mithronash: I think I might like to preserve my sanity ;)17:38
nashNote GetDesignIds uses teh tp04 protocol for tp04, but GetObjectIds uses tp03 for both17:38
nashIt's not that insane17:38
mithronash: I'm sure Lee would appreciate a patch17:42
nashmithro: Yeah, but he wouldn't appreciate my C++17:42
nashmithro: Besides why the hell is the same code processing sequences in multiple locations?17:43
nashLike seriously...17:43
mithronash: that is what I was thinking17:43
nashThe big "feature" of C++ is OO, and code resuse and crap17:43
nashgalaxie has one place where sequences are handled: tpe_sequence.c17:44
nashWhich is why I can't easily work around it in galaxie - as I don't handle different sequences differently17:44
mithroI have one place IDSequence.py17:52
nashOh well... time for more bugs17:52
mithronash: yay! :P17:58
mithronash: there is a lot of things in tpserver-cpp which could be made much more OO and nicer18:01
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mithroyay, we have two Epyon's so we can get twice as much cool artwork!18:10
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nashproductivity just halved again18:25
nashmithro: See my time post18:27
mithronash: hrm...18:28
mithroyou mean the bug report?18:28
mithronash: have meeting now18:29
mithrowill talk to you it later18:29
mithrojust one word, time is "local" to a server18:29
nashIt should really be defined as such18:30
nashAnd it needs to be tied to turns18:30
nashPersonally I thing 90% of the timestamps should be either turn numbers or related to turn numbers (eg 32bit turn, 32bit sub-turn)18:30
Erroneousonly 32 bits!? but what happens on turn 4,294,967,296? :P18:46
nashEasy... whoever has the most "type 1 scouts" is declared the winner18:50
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nashmithro: Next thing I need to do for galaxie is support the new object format for TP0419:11
mithronash: the reason it is a timestamp rather then a turn indicator is for multiple reasons19:18
mithro 1 - The timestamp might not change each turn19:18
mithro 2 - The timestamp can change multiple times during a turn19:18
mithroIE Each time an order changes the timestamp on the associated object changes19:19
nashHence why I said split it19:19
nashSecond granularity is useless19:19
mithrotechnically it could just be an increasing number19:19
nashEven better, since it has NOTHING to do with real time then - make it a monotomically increasing number19:19
nashExactly - the unix time stamp craft just makes it seem like you cna do real time events with it19:19
mithronash: it is easier to use unix time stamps for debugging19:20
mithro(IE you can see when the change happened)19:20
nashLovely, for debugging a sever can send what the hell it likes19:20
nashBut it has NOTHING to do with the protocol definition19:20
nashThat's like saying "the server must use this format printf"19:20
nashIt doesn't - don't confuse the issues19:20
mithrowhy is "32bit turn, 32bit sub-turn" any better then "64bit timestamp" ?19:22
mithroI like being able to present to the user that the object changed at XYZ19:23
Epyon_Ah, mithro19:25
nashDon't - make it an abstract type19:26
nashGet rid of the whole "it is a unix timestamp" cruft19:26
nashIt's just got bad context19:26
nashAnd then you need to define how they are related19:26
nashIt is universal, or per object or what19:26
mithroI'm not sure what you mean by bad context19:29
mithrowhy make it an abstract type? It should be the same on everything19:29
nashBy saying "it's a unix timestamp" you commit the server to having some relationship to real time19:30
nashIt also means you are wasting 50 odd bits of data for games19:30
nashIf it is just a counter of some sort, it means clients implementers know it's general, and servers can choose useful types and useful numbers to put into it19:31
nasheg each time and object updates, update the time19:31
nashClients then have fine grained control of what they get19:31
Epyon_mithro, talking about media, what is currently needed?19:32
mithroEpyon_: A good start is to look at the following lists,19:33
mithro -
mithro -
tpb<> (at
tpb<> (at
Epyon_Missiles torps too?19:33
mithroEpyon_: yeah19:34
mithrooh, RFTS could use some graphics too ->
tpbTitle: TP RFTS - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
mithroEpyon_: they are looking cool19:34
Epyon_Torpedoes will either have minimal, or no fins at all19:35
mithroEpyon_: I was thinking that Torpedoes should be "fat"19:35
Epyon_Yeah they will19:35
mithrothey hold so much more explosives19:36
Epyon_Take the last one from the link above and imagine it getting fatter,19:36
tpb<> (at
mithronash: if we define it as an arbitrary type, how do clients have finer grained control?19:37
mithroI could see some tiny benefit of letting a server choose what it uses at the "modify counter" - but it seems there is benefits of it being consistent across servers19:41
mithroI could see some tiny benefit (*to the server*) of letting a server choose what it uses at the "modify counter" - but it seems there is benefits of it being consistent across servers19:41
mithronash: there must be something I am missing?19:42
nashObviously ;-)19:54
nashfirst: It is currently a unix time stamp19:54
nashWhich means second granulatiry for events.19:54
nashBased on the way turns generate... hopefully servers can do the turn in about 1 seconds19:55
nashSo essentially it is currently equal to turns anyway19:55
nashEven if only a few seconds the granularity is very low19:55
nashSo there is immediatly something to gain by moving to something more precise... gettimeofday jumps to mind19:56
mithronash: did you miss the "it changes every time a client changes an order (such as  added/inserted/modified)"19:56
nashThen how is it a "unix timestamp"19:56
nashSo in that case the bug needs to be updated to "protocol document doesn't make any sense"19:56
nashunix timestamp == seconds since epoc19:56
nashTo implement it correctly then the server can accept no more then one client order per second19:57
nashI know my AI can fire off 100+ orders in 1 second19:57
mithronash: yes, I just thought about that problem19:58
mithronash: you are right - that is borked19:58
nashHence it shoudl be a #updates on server or similar19:58
nashIt's still a security risk... but still19:59
nashbetter then unusable ;-)19:59
mithrosecurity risk?20:00
nashI can work out information about other players by watching the timestamp20:00
mithronash: why - the timestamp is per-player20:01
nashSo timestamp changes == # orders added this turn20:01
nashIs it20:01
mithronash: well, it should be - most servers don't impliment that yet :P20:01
nashThen the unix timestamp is even more borked ;-)20:01
mithronash: the reason it changes each time the order is updated is if you use two clients to access a single account20:03
mithrohence for caching to work properly the each client needs to know when the other client makes a change20:03
mithroanyway - I have another meeting20:05
nashThat makes sense20:07
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tpb<> (at
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mithrohey matthewd21:47
mithroEpyon_: I like them21:47
* mithro is back btw :P21:47
mithroEpyon_: btw I gave you commit access to SVN right?21:48
mithroEpyon_: feel free to commit WIP stuff21:50
mithrogreywhind: ping?21:51
greywhindmithro: pong21:59
mithrogreywhind: hows the final stuff go?21:59
mithroI've got a "intro to the overlay stuff" email half done22:00
greywhindmithro: i haven't been able to find the cause of the gap on the side22:00
mithrobut I have lots of work to do today - so I might not be able to send it until later tonight22:00
greywhindthe hide commands are working correctly, so i don't know why it's not taking the empty space22:00
mithrogreywhind: it's a flexible grid sizer?22:01
mithrocan you force the column width to zero?22:01
greywhindmithro: hmm... i can try22:01
mithrocan you see if the column has any children left?22:01
greywhindmithro: will it not show them as children if they're hidden?22:01
mithrogreywhind: true22:01
mithrolayout is called after hiding?22:01
greywhindunfortunately i have an unexpected 2 page essay to do tonight and a calculus quiz tomorrow, so i'm not sure i can work on this today22:02
mithrogreywhind: okay22:04
nashI like the torps22:21
nashEpyon_: that was to you ;-)22:21
Epyon_Well, I like fins, so I really didn't want torps not to have them. But luckily I think I made them distinctive enough from the missiles :P22:25
Epyon_mithro, yeah, I've got SVN access :)22:26
mithroEpyon_: commit early and commit often applies to artwork too :P22:27
mithronash: A guy over the other side of the office was talking about RFTS, I went and gave him a Thousand Parsec card22:28
mithrosmall world :P22:35
nashmithro: It was an australian game don't forget22:36
mithronash: I had no idea22:36
nashSo it's your patriotic duty to play and anjoy ;-)22:36
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nashmithro: IS there any documentation on getting object properties in tp0423:48

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