Sunday, 2007-10-21

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mithrowow, it is really empty in here today00:51
mithrowonder where everyone is00:52
* DTRemenak is present and accounted for01:21
mithrovery quiet in here02:22
CIA-17mithro web * ra2a4ae591546 /news/ Fixed a non-escaped &04:19
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JLPahoy all06:36
mithrohey JLP06:37
mithroit has been very empty in here all day :/06:37
mithrowe where down to 6 people earlier06:37
JLPyeah i've noticed, just a couple of days ago there were about 12-1406:39
mithroit seems to drop off over the weekends for some unknown reason06:39
mithroyou would think that it would increase on the weekends06:39
JLPnah, it's much more interesting to be here during work/school, during weekends you just go out if the weather is nice :)06:40
mithrowell, I guess since we have mostly lurkers06:45
mithroJLP: you got any time to do some testing?06:45
* JLP jealously looks at his sister's new 21" widescreen LCD06:46
JLPmithro: yeah i can do some testing, just need to update the sources and probably install a couple of dependencis06:47
mithroI just need some feedback on the changes to the starmap06:48
* JLP emerging git and cogito06:49
JLPmithro: which one is better to get, NumPy or SciPy07:03
mithroscipy should include numpy07:03
mithroif I understand the relationship correctly07:03
mithroit's all a bit hard to follow07:03
JLPok i'll try numpy since it is a lot smaller :)07:04
mithrowhat distro?07:04
mithroahh okay07:09
mithrowxPython should take forever too build07:09
JLPhm looks like the available wxpython 2.8 is not even available, only 2.607:09
JLPlet me see if they have it in some overlay, otherwise i will kdinap my sister's computer with Mandriva 2008 and try there07:17
mithroJLP: it's not hugely important07:27
mithrohere comes a rather large push07:29
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r2e3c7f3de94e /windows/ Use both SDL environment varibles to center the splash screen.07:29
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r83102920c273 /windows/main/ Don't print out the download progress to the console.07:29
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r2394f4daaabb /windows/xrc/ Fixed a missing newline in generated output.07:29
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r2b34b02cb930 /windows/xrc/ Added support for the ComboBox.07:29
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rb920f5a5f706 /windows/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Start of the Starmap panel using XRC.07:29
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rf18ab7ce9469 /extra/wxFloatCanvas/ Fixed the UnBindAll method.07:29
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r984fb31d0e42 /windows/main/overlays/ Added some more sanity checks and also unbinds any event callbacks.07:29
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r3819aea96e9e /windows/xrc/ Added support for wxChoice code generation.07:29
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r69f8d8a218dd /windows/main/overlays/ The colorizers now have a consistent interface (and now publish human names).07:29
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r4f7986acd038 /windows/ (7 files in 3 dirs):07:29
CIA-17Added support for overlays to add custom objects to toolbar.07:29
CIA-17Allows the systems overlay to add a Colorizer chooser drop-down box.07:29
mithroreworks how the starmap toolbar interface works07:29
mithrowill be adding a "waypoint" mode soon - which should make the client like a bazillion times easier too use07:30
mithrothen if I can get greywhind to finish of his changes we should be in the position to start doing RC releases07:32
mithroJLP: any luck?08:02
JLPmithro: yeah found an overlay with wxwindows 2.8.6, will start emerging it right after firefox finishes08:04
mithrowhat is an overlay?08:04
JLPmithro: gentoo has the official portage repository with official recipes for package compilation and installation08:05
JLPoverlays are a kind of additional repositories which you can add08:05
mithroi'm suprised that gentoo doesn't have 2.808:06
mithrothey normally have the bleeding edge of everything08:07
JLPmithro: yeah i was as surprised as you08:07
mithrowonder why08:09
JLPmithro: the bug with bump request is here -
tpbTitle: Gentoo Bug 145884 - x11-libs/wxGTK-2.8 version bump (at
JLPif you feel like reaDING :)08:10
* JLP is still not used to keyboard layout on the new laptop08:10
mithronot really, I don't care too much for gentoo :P08:12
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mithrowb JLP08:40
mithrowb JLP?08:44
mithroany luck?08:44
* mithro ponders08:52
mithroshould he spend another hour or two on tpclient-pywx of go watch some tv08:53
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r53b466276354 /windows/main/ MouseMode selection dialog.08:54
mithroI think I'm going to go and watch some tv08:56
mithrosee ya all tommorrow!08:56
JLPmithro: sorry, was booking the plane ticket to pariz for KDE Education project meeting08:57
mithroahh cool08:57
mithrohave to figure out a ruleset to make tp educational :P08:58
JLPi think there is much education hidden in any ruleset08:58
mithroyeah that is true08:59
mithroI wish there where more people working on tpclient-pywx09:00
mithroit's just such a big program that it is hard to keep it moving forward :/09:00
mithroJLP: how goes your qtopia stuff?09:01
mithroyou done anything more?09:01
JLPmithro: i've setup the development environment for it and checked that it's working09:05
JLPi also entered some tasks into project management app so that i will try to see how it is going along09:06
JLPi start the real work tomorrow and than about 4 hours every day until Nov 3009:06
mithrookay cool09:15
* JLP goes voting the president of Slovenia09:16
mithrougg, giant flying ants09:52
* JLP is back, now let's get wxpython 2.8 emerging10:04
mithrogood luck10:04
JLPok wxpython installed, now let's see10:21
JLPmithro: is it normal that when I select an object inside my system and then mouse over some object in the map that selection jumps from that object to the star system10:30
mithroJLP: after a couple of seconds10:31
mithroit should show a grey arrow instead of the normal red arrow10:32
JLPmithro: it appears to jump from the selected object (planet, ship) to the parent star system right after i move the mouse away10:32
JLPif I keep the mouse a couple of seconds then the selection jumps to the system where i hold my mouse over10:32
mithroit should work the following10:33
mithroyou click on an system and the red arrow goes to it10:33
mithroif you keep clicking it cycles through all the objects at that location10:34
mithroif you mouse over another system and hover their for a second it should pop-up a grey arrow which previews the object10:34
mithroif you then leave the system, the displayed object goes back to the one which has the red arrow10:34
JLPthis is how i get the problem:10:35
JLPi select a planet inside my star system, the planet gets red arrow10:35
JLPi mouse over another system10:36
JLPit gets a gray arow, which is ok10:36
JLPbut when i mouse away from that system, instaed of my click-selected planet the parent system gets selected10:36
mithrohrm... I am not getting that here10:37
JLPmithro: ok now after some playing around it is different10:44
JLPi sent my fleet outside the system, i selected the planet and now the selection always resets back to the fleet10:44
mithroany errors on the console?10:44
mithroanyway you can get a screencast of this?10:45
JLPmithro: this is on the console:
tpbTitle: Nopaste - Console messages (at
mithrothat all looks fine10:49
mithroyou on the -dev branch I am assuming?10:49
mithroyou should be getting the following10:50
mithroSystemEnter <1 [<StarSystem @ 61>, <Fleet @ 63>, <Planet @ 62>]> <1 [<StarSystem @ 61>, <Fleet @ 63>, <Planet @ 62>]>10:50
mithroSystemLeave None <1 [<StarSystem @ 61>, <Fleet @ 63>, <Planet @ 62>]>10:50
mithro<StarSystem @ 61> None10:50
mithro<Fleet @ 63> None10:50
mithro<Planet @ 62> None10:50
mithroSystemLeave <1 [<StarSystem @ 61>, <Fleet @ 63>, <Planet @ 62>]> <1 [<StarSystem @ 61>, <Fleet @ 63>, <Planet @ 62>]>10:50
mithroDrawing Arrow!10:50
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CIA-17mithro libtpclient-py-development * r94a6fa4e23af /tp/client/ ( Gived each thread a name.10:53
mithrohey Demitar10:53
DemitarHello there mithro.10:54
mithroDemitar: you should try the latest -dev client10:55
mithroit is looking quite good10:55
DemitarWill do. :)10:56
mithrojust need to add easy waypointing and we can start playing RFTS games10:57
DemitarRepositories switched to git?10:57
mithroDemitar: yes, a long time ago10:57
mithrobefore the SoC started10:58
mithroJLP: I can't seem to reproduce any of your bugs10:58
mithroJLP: can you paste the complete log message? I need the bits10:59
JLPmithro: i have now restarted the client and after that i get again jumping back to my home system, no matter what i select before that11:00
JLPmithro: will do, will restart again an post everything11:00
mithrohrm.... this is annoying11:02
tpbTitle: Nopaste - (at
mithroafter you do a cache reload no object is selected11:02
mithroso the red arrow will jump to the first object you mouse over11:03
JLPmithro: Log:
tpbTitle: Nopaste - Log (at
JLPmithro: oh wait, i think i know something more precise11:06
JLPmithro: if i use the starmap to select the objects all is ok, it only happens if i use the system tree that i get the problem11:06
* mithro tests11:06
mithroJLP: ahh you are right11:07
mithrothat should be fairly easy to fix11:07
Demitarmithro: Woo! Now *that* is a shiny intro animation. :) Just some sound and it'll raise expectations beyond what you can possibly deliver. ;)11:09
mithrono sound in space11:09
DemitarShiny, color coded planet information. :)11:10
DemitarI get the feeling most can't rival my fleets on the demo server. My two planets have a defense fleet of 50 scouts, 30 frigates and 25 battleships each. :)11:12
DemitarA tad difficult to target movement I think.11:16
CIA-17mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r1a3db32b9675 /windows/main/overlays/ Fixed a bug where the red arrow would jump about after selecting from the tree.11:21
mithroDemitar: yes, the waypoint stuff is next thing I need to add11:21
mithrowhich should solve that problem11:21
mithroDemitar: I dunno, the Cannon Fodder planet might give you a run for your money11:21
Demitarmithro: Something my scanners aren't picking up? :)11:24
mithrowe don't have scanners in Minisec11:24
tpb<> (at
Demitarmithro: *nods* But I only see a single scout on that planet.11:28
DemitarAnyway, I'll be off for now. :)11:28
mithroDemitar: they have about 20 frigates, 20 battleships scattered over the system11:28
mithroDemitar: and could easily produce a lot more very quickly11:29
JLPmithro: wow this looks cool, something else cooking for the client?11:29
mithroJLP: it's the starmapper program with the tp plugin11:30
mithrosee the 'Thousand Parsec encounters Starmapper' thread11:30
* JLP goes reading the thread11:31
mithrohe is the one who has been developing libtpproto-java11:31
mithrogoing to have to get Lee to investigate what is up with designs on demo111:32
mithroI'm getting some type of corruption11:32
mithroanyway have to get some sleep11:42
mithroJLP: anything else before I go11:42
JLPmithro: i don't think so, from tomorrow i'll probably again come up with some newbie questions about programming, so get some rest and prepare for tomorrow :)11:46
mithrohe he sure!11:46
mithroI've been programming C++ for pay now :)11:47
JLPso you already got the job, cool11:47
mithroJLP: you have been out of the loop for a while it seems :P11:50
tpbTitle: Mithro rants about stuff : (at
mithroanyway really going now11:51
mithrosee ya!11:51
JLPmithro: yeah completely, lost touch with KDE and TP and some other things, still doing the catching up :)11:51
JLPmithro: bye11:51
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mithro~seen niphree18:34
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 6 weeks, 4 days, 11 hours, 1 minute, and 24 seconds ago: <niphree> ok18:34
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mithromorning nash18:40
mithronash: did you get a chance to look at the student applications at all?18:40
nashmithro: There in a mintute18:47
* mithro needs to head to work in a minute18:48
nashTalk to you when you arrive then ;-)18:49
mithroi'll probably be about 45-1 hour then18:51
mithrohuge traffic jam on my route and I have to catch a bus today :/18:51
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mithromorning people19:53
mithronash: so, were where we?19:55
nashWell I had a brief look... and was unimpressed I have to say :-(19:56
nashI didn't look at them all19:56
mithronash: yeah - most of them where not very good19:56
* nash notes however he finds it hard to find good looking java code19:57
mithrothere where one or two who had decent grades all the way through - most had started with HDs and where now getting P1's19:57
nashWhat is a P1?19:57
mithrobut then grades are not a good indicator of anything19:57
nashMaybe, maybe not19:58
nashWhat year are they?19:58
mithroP1 - lowest pass mark (IE You just passed), P2 == we passed you (but we should have failed you)19:58
nashAhh... PC Pass Conceded19:59
nashMy favourite is PF (Pass Failed - you don't need to do this course again, but you can't use it as a prereq... so if it's core, you are screwed)19:59
mithroPF == P219:59
* nash looks again20:01
nashHow many20:01
nashAre you selectiong?20:03
mithroprobably between 2 and 420:03
nashC = credir I assume?20:03
mithroHD = High Distinction, D = Distinction, C = Credit, P1, P2, F20:05
nashProblem is I don't know the courses that well... when I see a UNSW transcript I can work out good and bad real quick... great OS = good student... great Networking... means nothing20:06
nash"Electronic Publishing on the Internet"?  Bloody hell - is that a tafe course?20:08
mithroarg, I want to be working on Thousand Parsec - not evil C++ code20:43
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mithrohey llnz23:11
llnzhi mithro23:13
mithroso, we going to see any tpserver-cpp work in the near future?23:20
llnzmaybe, have been busy23:20
mithroI'm hoping to do an RC for tpclient-pywx-dev in about 1-2 months23:20
llnz(with other things)23:20
mithroso it would be nice to have a stable server to connect too23:20
mithroI finished a major part of the starmap changes last night23:21
llnzmy tpserver-cpp is running again, btw23:22
mithroany idea what is up with the design stuff?23:30
llnznope, seemed to work for me, could you check my server right now?23:31
mithrollnz: weird, looks fine23:34
mithroyet my local tpserver-cpp has problems23:34
mithromaybe it is a guile/mzscheme problem?23:34
llnzshouldn't be, but could23:34
llnzi use guile, as does demo123:35
mithrollnz: I use guile locally too23:36
mithrowhat version of guile?23:36
mithroI'm using 1.823:37
llnz1.6, 1.6.8-623:37
mithroahh it is a 1.6 vs 1.8 thing then23:38
mithroverbal has guile 1.823:39
mithrocan you install 1.8 and give it a try?23:39
llnzwill do at some point23:40
llnzwhy do you want me to claim the commits by tailor? they are not me, they are a few different people23:41
mithrollnz: they are?23:58
mithrollnz: I just assumed they where done by you23:58

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