Monday, 2007-09-24

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greywhindmithro: ping?20:48
mithrogreywhind: pong!20:50
mithrohave a meeting in 30 minutes20:51
greywhindmithro: k - i've got the design window working except that it doesn't show the attributes panel (the one that's dynamically generated when clicking on a ship type) and I'm not sure why.20:51
greywhindmithro: but the rest of it seems to be the same as the non-XRC version now20:52
mithrogreywhind: okay20:55
mithrogreywhind: want me to setup a branch for you to push too?20:57
greywhindumm... i'd like to get this fixed before committing, i think.20:58
greywhindwant a screenshot?20:58
tpb<> (at
mithrookay, that window is still messed up :/21:02
greywhindwhat's wrong with it?21:02
mithrogreywhind: you have email21:07
greywhindwell, i have everything but the panel with the speed, etc. (although the sizes aren't quite correct... and panels don't hide and show, which could be related)21:09
mithrogreywhind: the layout is quite different21:09
mithrowhat does the preview look?21:11
greywhindhmm... i see. where should the components panel go (with the add/add many buttons underneath)?21:12
mithrothe window is divided into 3 columns21:12
mithrodesigns tree, currently selected design, parts tree21:13
greywhindmithro: hmm... hold on21:14
greywhindwas the compssizer object removed?21:15
greywhindnever mind, i see21:21
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