Sunday, 2007-09-23

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mithroafternoon people05:33
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tpb<> (at
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* llnz wanders off08:29
llnzlater all08:29
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mithrojotham: any luck with battleviewer code?20:29
jothamnope slept all weekend again20:29
jothammy life is on hold unfortunatly20:30
jothamheh and a guy just called me20:30
jothamand asked me to do some work for him20:30
jothamso i quoted him $2000 dollars to do a few hours work20:30
jothambecause i don't have time to do it20:31
jothamand he said he's going to go ask for the budget!20:31
jotham(i quoted a lot to drive him off)20:32
mithrojotham: he he20:41
mithrojotham: should have asked for '1 million dollars!'. :P20:42
mithrojotham: would be a good bonus for your holiday fund?20:43
jothami wont get a holiday this year i don't think20:45
jothamquit my job in jan~ and then straight into a new job20:45
mithrojotham: I thought you where planning a trek somewhere?20:49
jothami wish20:49
mithromaybe I have confused you with someone else20:50
mithroBaby: ping?20:50
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mithro~seen greywhind22:38
tpbmithro: greywhind was last seen in #tp 2 days, 21 hours, 19 minutes, and 49 seconds ago: <greywhind> yeah, i know what you mean22:38
mithronash: how is life?22:38
nashmithro: Average22:38
nashmithro: I'll be back in a few minutes22:39
nashWhen are you off to the US?22:44
* nash notes to mithro he is back22:45
mithronash: 4th of October22:45
nashAges away22:45
mithronot that far away :P22:46
mithroI spend a day in the Airport in Sydney on the way back22:46
nashHow long?22:46
mithroabout 10 hours I believe22:46
nashCome over for a lunch ;-)22:47
mithro0930 till 170522:47
nashWell thats about 822:47
mithroit's a Saturday :P22:47
nashGo shopping ;-)22:48
mithronot a huge amount of interesting things to buy in Sydney22:48
mithronash: you probably wouldn't be coming to LCA next year?22:49
nashNot a huge urgency22:50
nashMay be in china at hte time22:50
mithroboth Lee and I will be attending :)22:55
nashmithro: I'll see as time gets closer.. Generally I'd like to ;-)23:03
nashAnyway - lunch time23:07
nashTalk to you in a while23:07

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