Monday, 2007-09-10

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EpyonAnyone know a reasonably priced VPS BTW?01:10
mithrovirtual private server i'm assuming01:16
Epyonmithro, any suggestions?01:18
mithroEpyon: not really01:18
mithrowhat do you want one for?01:18
jothamwhat's a virtual private server01:18
Epyonsite, irc-bots, possibly a low-transfer game01:18
jothamoh i see, like a colocate but not your box?01:19
jothama p3 500 compaq sff ens plugged into my 10mbit fibre is my vps ;p01:19
mithrojotham: it's a vmware style host01:22
Epyonmithro, so? Any suggestions?01:25
mithroEpyon: not really01:25
mithroEpyon: it's a bit hit and miss :/01:45
mithroa lot of them won't let you run IRC bots01:45
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mithrohey llnz05:28
mithroyou restarted demo1/demo2?05:28
mithrollnz: okay cool05:34
mithroso how goes the challenge? :P05:34
llnzi'm not well enough to fix it currently05:36
mithrollnz: got a cold?05:38
llnzhad flu, still not feeling 100% or being able to focus on hard things05:39
llnzlike o(n^2) location matching05:39
llnzin fact i'm about to go to bed05:44
* llnz wanders off05:49
llnzlater all05:49
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mithroguitsaru: ping?05:56
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mithrojust me06:17
peresok, that's enough ;)06:18
pereshere are some new interesting words:06:18
perespavalx, hojit, patik, stranat, gharush, tones, duyib, thigung, chabej, soyemp, sikath, kiskloik, viyov, rashod, smothug, chujop, mudem, jures, nafich, lehig06:18
mithrostarting to look better06:19
mithromudem :P06:19
peresyes, that was my though06:19
peresthere is only a little bit of syllable-level rules i'm enforcing right now, and no word-level rules06:19
peresanyway, knowing you think i'm going down the right way is important :)06:20
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Babymithro: I want to introduce you to kandinski, a guud friend of mine :)08:16
Babygood :P08:16
mithrohey kandinski08:17
* mithro is thinking of heading to bed08:17
kandinskihi mithro08:17
Babyhe happens to be in melbourne, so I talked him about :)08:17
tpb<> (at
mithrooh, cool08:17
mithrokandinski: what do you do?08:18
kandinskiI amI am currently studying at Monash08:18
guitsarumithro: pong?08:18
kandinskiI also teach Open Source and Free Software at UOC (Catalonia Open University)08:18
mithroguitsaru: it's a bit late for you?08:18
guitsaru7 AM08:19
mithrokandinski: cool, how many Uni's are there in Melbourne?08:19
kandinskimithro: were you the one that gave the talk at the indie games festival in Melbourne?08:19
mithroI have been in contact with Labtrobe, RMIT and Victoria08:19
mithrokandinski: yes that would be me08:19
kandinskiat least Monash and UniMelb that I can think of08:20
kandinskibut I am very new here: this is my 11th week08:20
* mithro lives in Adelaide actually08:21
kandinskiuna foto de apardo=08:21
Babywrong channel kandinski ;)08:21
kandinskidamn, sorry, that was for Baby08:21
mithrohe he08:22
kandinskiworse still: that was for a privmsg08:22
kandinskianyhow, mithro, nice talking to you08:22
kandinskiI have offered Baby that if she writes her part I can go and deliver it08:22
mithrokandinski: I would definitely be interested in talking more about people (possible you) to be involved with the Gaming Miniconf08:23
kandinskimithro: happy to help with whatever08:23
kandinskiis it only about Free Software, or also indie gaming?08:24
mithrothe Gaming Miniconf is specifically about open source (and free software) gaming and game development08:24
BabyI'd really love  to be able to go08:25
mithroit also includes people using open source in commercial or indie game development08:25
kandinskimithro: nod08:26
mithroBaby: if you can find a way to go, I would highly recommend it08:26
kandinskiI have a friend that teaches game programming with Ogre08:26
kandinskithough it is c# and .net all the way08:26
kandinskiso it is the marriage of heaven and hell08:26
kandinskihe teaches at Victoria University08:26
mithrokandinski: I didn't know Ogre had C# bindings08:27
mithrokandinski: if you could put him in contact with me that would be good08:27
kandinskihe presented at Dorkbot08:27
mithroguitsaru: I was going to ask if you had had any progress?08:27
guitsaruNo, i'm going to try to get some done today between class08:29
Babymithro: when will it be?08:29
mithroguitsaru: that would be cool08:30
mithroBaby: end of Jan next year08:30
guitsaruwhich, speaking of class, I have to go08:30
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kandinskimithro: he's Cameron Bonde here:
tpb<> (at
mithrokandinski: can you put him in contact with me?08:33
kandinskimithro: no problem08:33
mithromy email is [email protected]08:33
kandinskithough he will hate me, because I already roped him into talking at Dorkbot08:33
kandinskicool url shortener08:33
mithrohe he08:34
mithroit does a few other things08:34
Babymithro: It's quite far but it would be so great to be able to go :) I'll think about it :)08:34
mithro~seen guitsaru08:34
tpbmithro: guitsaru was last seen in #tp 4 minutes and 3 seconds ago: <guitsaru> which, speaking of class, I have to go08:34
kandinskiBaby: if you can make it, you know you have a bed and wifi08:35
mithroBaby: Australia is a great place to visit08:36
mithroalthough Melbourne is one of the less interesting cities08:36
kandinskimithros: if you find budget to bring her to Melb, I will put her up and feed her!08:36
kandinskimithro: bzzzzt wrong!08:36
mithrokandinski: sadly I have a budget of $008:36
kandinskimithro: Baby's worth it!08:37
Babykandinski: I'll try togo anyway, it could be great :)08:37
kandinskiwhen is it?08:37
Babyjanuary08:37 opens on Wednesday January 30th and concludes with an Open Day on February 2nd 2008.08:38
Babywowwww so many hours! :)08:39
Babythe plane i mean08:39
kandinskiBaby: we will just be arriving here on the 28th08:39
kandinskiand our wedding party is on the 2nd08:39
kandinskiso if you are here on that date...08:40
Baby2nd february?08:40
kandinskipuede que al final seas una de las pocas personas que venga a las dos bodas08:42
kandinskidigo dos fiestas08:42
kandinskisorry guys, got carried away08:43
kandinskimithro: also, I have built an art game for a museum, and it's GPL08:44
BabyXD )08:44
kandinskionly the graphics are non-free (but Creative Commons)08:44
BabyI'd love to kandinski... I'll only know for sure once I start in my new job anyway :)08:45
kandinskiBaby: as I say, you write me a presentation, I will give it for you08:45
kandinski(mithro: but not on the 2nd, sadly)08:45
* mithro is off to bed08:51
Babygoodnight! :)08:53
Babymithro: I'll try to have a look at the packages this afternoon, will tell you tomorrow :)08:54
mithroBaby: thanks!08:54
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CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * r3b0f97b87081 / (6 files in 4 dirs): Add support for asynchronous frames. This is a sort of pipelining, which will be added shortly.14:07
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * r360bcbd6473a /src-test/net/thousandparsec/netlib/test/ Bah, remove test code that accidentally got out...14:07
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * r98b99622b5e4 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ ( Expose sequence number in Frames. Outgoing frames have sequence number 0 until they are actually sent.14:07
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * r5f5f6a91108b / (3 files in 2 dirs): Add guards for expected response sequence number.14:07
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * r9214d0ebfa97 / (7 files in 4 dirs): Separate sequential communication methods from Connection to SequentialConnection, because this is a separate interface (and there will be a PipelinedConnection too).14:07
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * rf482998ba415 /src-generator/net/thousandparsec/netlib/generator/ Fix ommision in JavaOutputGenerator.14:10
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CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * re54a9d4f71ac /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ ( Some clarifications to javadocs regarding thread safety and asynchronous frames.18:12
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * rfa5e7b272283 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ Improve the "unexpected type of frame" exception message.18:12
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * rd9d6ae60e19b / (7 files in 4 dirs): Convert SequentialConnection into an interface (and move the implementation to SimpleSequentialConnection) because it is a very useful abstraction (and there is another class incoming that will use it ;))18:12
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * rdbc6b4bd18cf / (5 files in 2 dirs): Remove the "expectedSequence" parameter from receiveFrame(Frame, Class) method in interface SequentialConnection, as it is mostly useless and can be automated.18:12
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * rb3781c5e22c1 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ ( Rename SequentialConnection.unwrap() to SequentialConnection.getConnection().18:12
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * re1245373efe7 / (2 files in 2 dirs): Add PipelinedConnection and a parallelism test program.18:12
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guitsarumithro: I wrote some code today, I"m letting it run to see if it works18:55
guitsaruI'm heading down to eat18:55
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nashheyo mithro19:53
mithrohey nash19:53
mithronash: get any chance to see the screenshot?19:54
nashLooks pretty cool19:54
mithronash: also means we have a working java protocol library :P19:58
nashThat's cool20:01
mithrohow goes work?20:03
nashGetting back to something resembling sane20:06
nashBut still  a distance to go20:07

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