Saturday, 2007-09-08

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mithroo so quiet00:00
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mithrojotham: ping?02:16
mithrohey xdotx02:16
xdotxhey mithro02:18
mithroxdotx: how goes everything?02:23
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CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r638831bfe106 /tp/netlib/discover/ dbus isn't thread safe, so make sure we are making calls in the same thread.05:53
mithroo so quiet06:01
mithrogreywhind: ping?06:01
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mithrohey Epyon07:04
mithroEpyon: how did you SoC end up going?07:04
Epyonmithro :)07:06
EpyonSuccess :)07:06
mithroEpyon: yay!07:06
EpyonNow I'm describing my work in my Master Thesis :)07:06
mithroEpyon: so now you should have plenty of time to work on Thousand Parsec stuff! :P07:06
EpyonFirst I need to finish my degree :P07:07
mithronot quite sure what that was :P07:07
tpbaloril_ has joined on worldforge08:10
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CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * r07a6b07f9d9c /src-protohelpers/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/ (3 files): In protohelpers Iterators give up on error, instead of continuously trying (and failing) again and again19:10
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * rff904297c6d1 /src-protohelpers/net/thousandparsec/netlib/tp03/ ( Also catch RuntimeException, presumably thrown by an underlying fetchNext().19:10
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * r94d527de467c / (70 files in 2 dirs): Generate toString() methods for Frames.19:10
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * r0801fcdf7a63 /src/net/thousandparsec/netlib/ ( Use toString() method instead of getClass().getName() in "Unexpected X" messages.19:10
CIA-3jezuch libtpproto-java * r980fd46dee97 / (5 files in 3 dirs): Add a logging "facility" (poor man's one) to Connection.19:10
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mithrohey greywhind21:22
mithrohey guitsaru21:22
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mithrohey llnz21:41
mithroguitsaru: ping?21:41
mithrollnz: you see libtpproto-java? :P21:41
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mithrollnz: connection problems again today?22:03
mithro[11:12] <mithro> llnz: you see libtpproto-java? :P22:07
guitsarumithro: pong22:09
mithroguitsaru: you haven't been around much lately, how goes everything?22:09
guitsaruGood, been busy22:09
guitsaruCan't get tpsai-py to run for some reason22:09
guitsarucomplains about netlib22:09
mithrollnz / xdotx : don't forget to upload the code for the SoC22:09
guitsarueven though I've updated several time22:09
mithrolet me check22:10
xdotxmithro: i was just thinking about that.22:10
xdotxjust got home, gonna grab some food and upload that code22:11
mithroguitsaru: it seems to be running fine here with a fresh checkout of tpsai-py22:15
guitsaruYeah, I don't understand.22:15
guitsaruit was working fine one day and wouldn't run the next22:15
CIA-3mithro scratchpad * r68c5bdabfa7e / Added ability to setup tpsai-py for inplace operation.22:16
mithroguitsaru: can you paste the error?22:16
mithroguitsaru: it might be worth running the "python-cleanup" script in scratchpad too22:16
guitsaruTraceback (most recent call last):22:17
guitsaru  File "./tpsai-py", line 3, in ?22:17
guitsaru    from tp.netlib import Connection22:17
guitsaruImportError: No module named tp.netlib22:17
mithroguitsaru: try updating your scratchpad and reruning the script22:21
mithrollnz: you need to redirect stderr to the same place as stdout22:21
mithrollnz: tracked down your problem however22:24
CIA-3mithro tpsai-py * rd51d6f87dc0f /tpsai-py: Fixed a crash when taking over a task in stage 3.22:26
mithrollnz: that should fix your problem...22:26
mithrollnz: so how close are you to meeting my challenge then? :P22:26
llnznot any closer, yet22:27
mithrobe back in 2022:28
guitsarumithro: that works, I could have sworn I did that22:30
Epyonmithro, hows deving after GSoC?22:31
EpyonDid everyone suddenly dissapear? :D22:31
llnzhi Epyon22:32
Epyonhi llnz :)22:34
mithroguitsaru: I updated to also link tpsai-py22:51
mithroguitsaru: you know what would be a really useful task?22:52
mithroguitsaru: if you could extend tpsai-py so that idle planets get given build orders22:54
mithroand possible make idle fleets collect at their nearest planet22:55
mithroanyway I'm heading off23:04
mithrobe back tonight23:04

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