Monday, 2007-08-20

*** tpb has joined #tp00:00
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* xdotx back00:15
nashxdotx: Did you see my earlier comment?00:16
* xdotx got held up at the store for ~2 hours but ended up with 2 $80 tents for $30 each... and cake & ice cream :)00:16
xdotxnash: yeah, as far as i knew it was up to date00:17
* xdotx nods00:17
nashEveryone okay?00:17
nashAnd the tree isn't up to date when I check with giggle/gitk - there are a host of changes on mainline - in particular the one to fix the bug with logging in00:18
xdotxoh, not held up as in bad guys with guys, just hassled00:18
xdotxah, ah. didn't notice my update failed00:18
nashAh-- okay00:18
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r589dd6a07d7e /tpserver/metaserverpublisher.cpp:00:22
CIA-23Wait minimum contact time before first Metaserver update/registration.00:22
CIA-23Avoids a server shutdown and start up from producing an update too soon00:22
CIA-23after the previous update. Also gives me a chance to set the fake_ip for the00:22
CIA-23first update.00:22
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * rc2c1fd550c84 /tpserver/playertcpconn.cpp:00:22
xdotxthere we go00:22
CIA-23Clear sendqueue on socket error in PlayerTcpConnection.00:22
CIA-23Should close 1774887 and 1762670.00:22
CIA-23Because sendqueue still had data the socket wasn't actually closed, and therefore00:22
CIA-23in both read and write sets for select. Read trigged every loop for EOS, but00:23
CIA-23still didn't close.00:23
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r431f6d8bebd7 /tpserver/playerconnection.cpp:00:23
CIA-23Make Account Creation not also log in.00:23
CIA-23Requested by mithro and nash. Closes 1775990.00:23
CIA-23Could the client at least be smart enough to log the player in after creating00:23
CIA-23the account, instead of having to type the password three times in a row?00:23
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r4994b25b598a / Added to EXTRA_DIST to have it in the tarball.00:23
CIA-23jezuch tpserver-cpp-rfts * rcdc2b948f9fc /debian/ (control rules): Make it pdebuildable (Build-Depends: and rules fix).00:23
CIA-23jezuch tpserver-cpp-rfts * r7995fc2c46da /debian/control: Make the tpserver-cpp metapackage properly depend on packages in several categories (core, scheme, persistence, ruleset)00:23
CIA-23jezuch tpserver-cpp-rfts * ra693a15b766f /debian/tpserver-cpp-scheme-guile.install: Modify debian/tpserver-cpp-scheme-guile.install to install something to tpserver-cpp-scheme-guile package00:23
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r31e2f47d0d26 /quickstart-rfts.conf: 3 min turns, and game length added00:23
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rf52b71d4f744 / (7 files in 3 dirs):00:23
CIA-23Merge with git://
CIA-23updating fun00:23
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r9204fcebd90d /modules/games/minisec/fleet.cpp:00:23
CIA-23Merge with git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpserver-cpp.git#rfts00:23
nashxdotx: Thanks00:24
xdotxnash: np00:24
nashSince rfts is my main branch... I'm going to start working on an AI to play it00:24
xdotxnash: very cool. i've got all the main features in place. though some things are likely to change, and there's a lot of balancing to be done00:26
nashxdotx: Personally I'd start on `advanced' rules.  They are much better00:27
xdotxnash: i was looking at them this morning/last night when i was playing around to see if i'd missing anything major00:27
nashOnly range limitations I think00:28
xdotxnash: it's likely i'll add in the optional rules as well so that they can be configured on/off00:28
nashAnd of course research for the various industry, nav and whatever the other one is00:29
nashBut that should be the same system as ships anyway... so no biggie00:29
nashplanet upgrades too00:29
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mithrohowdy people01:23
mithronash: do you have interwebs at home yet?01:23
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nashmithro: Yes01:23
nashBut I'm in the process of reinstalling my machine01:23
nashWhich should be done tonight01:24
mithronash: okay cool01:24
* mithro 's interview went well01:24
mithrothey are going to make me an offer01:24
* nash wonders if they'll break mithro's kneecaps01:24
mithronash: I hope not!01:25
nashLets hope they like TP hey ;-)01:31
* mithro sends of a few other job applications01:58
nashGood idea02:16
mithroTBBle: ping!02:16
xdotxmithro: any chance of fixing that win32 resources bug in pywx tonight?02:19
mithrowhich one?02:19
xdotxmithro: resources displaying at 3-tuples instead of having names02:20
mithroxdotx: its currently in the stable branch02:20
mithroxdotx: it won't be "fixed" until a new released of that branch02:20
xdotx:( that means my room mates can't really play on windows?02:21
mithroxdotx: well, you could build him a windows package yourself if you have a windows box02:21
mithrootherwise you could set him up with python and stuff02:22
tpbTitle: Win Setup - Thousand Parsec Wiki (at
xdotxhmm, k. i'll look in to that02:22
mithroxdotx: it's a bit involved :/02:23
mithroxdotx: btw are you using -dev or -stable branch?02:24
mithroxdotx: found another RFTS segfault02:40
mithroxdotx: if I was you, I would bug Lee about persistence02:40
mithroso each time tpserver-cpp crashes you don't have to restart from the beginning02:41
tpb<> (at
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rf844dc0cf9ee /windows/ Allow the name to be either on top or on the side. Makes RFTS produce orders slightly nicer.02:49
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rc8a3bc1583d5 /windows/ Quick hack to disable the splash movie.02:49
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r88126b94dd1b /windows/ Sperious debuging which should have been committed.02:49
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * rdf07f7b89ad3 /windows/ Maximize the main window until perspective loading is done.02:50
mithrogreywhind: ping?03:12
xdotxmithro: using stable branch03:22
xdotxmithro: almost got it working under windows03:22
mithroxdotx: I would recommend playing with the dev branch, even if the starmap is a bit crippled03:22
xdotxmithro: do i need the dev branch for libtpclient-py?03:26
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CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp * r516816295c2e /tpserver/playermanager.cpp:03:37
CIA-23Don't insert NULL player pointer into players map.03:37
CIA-23Prevents segfaults and incorrect lists of player ids. Closes 1777352.03:37
mithrohey llnz03:39
llnzhi mithro03:39
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx-development * r1079a6090c55 /extra/ Not quite sure how wxAUI and PyAUI (which are basically the same) got added.03:39
mithrollnz: giving tpclient-pywx some love03:39
* mithro beats his head against a wall04:26
mithroI hate gui programming04:26
jothamit's something else04:57
mithrojotham: how goes the battle viewer?04:59
jothamok, working on it atm04:59
mithrojotham: cool04:59
mithrogot anything cool to show?05:02
jothamjust putting in the battle file crap again05:03
jothamfiguring out the best way to do it so that you can go through a battle in either direction05:03
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llnzhi _JLP_06:31
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JLPllnz: ahoy06:33
llnzJLP: congrats on greenphone dev mission :-)06:33
JLPllnz: thanks06:33
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* llnz is getting "Distinction" for his M.Sc. thesis07:02
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r516816295c2e /tpserver/playermanager.cpp:07:26
CIA-23Don't insert NULL player pointer into players map.07:26
CIA-23Prevents segfaults and incorrect lists of player ids. Closes 1777352.07:26
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rf7bcab34c7ed /modules/games/rfts/bombard.cpp: fixed incorrect PDB name07:26
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r8f99f44aee5b /modules/games/rfts/rftsturn.cpp: cleaning / correcting end-game logic07:26
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rcefef2d4f6e4 /tpserver/playermanager.cpp:07:26
CIA-23Merge with git://
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* llnz wanders off09:06
llnzlater all09:06
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mithro~seen niphree09:46
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 1 day, 15 hours, 32 minutes, and 17 seconds ago: <niphree> good night all09:46
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mithrohey DystopicFro09:55
mithroDystopicFro: where is the ruledev at?09:56
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mithrohi Lepohi10:01
Lepohio/ hey10:01
Lepohii think im in the wrong place10:01
mithroyou after Turbo Pascal?10:02
Lepohino lol a guild channel for a game10:02
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DystopicFromithro: unfortunately shelved at the moment10:06
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mithrohey guitsaru10:06
DystopicFrocouldn't do much work this last week, too much stuff came up, and I'm getting ready for my first classes of the semester right now10:06
mithroDystopicFro: :/10:06
DystopicFroso it looks like I'll be pulling the RDE together after the program has officially ended10:07
mithroyou know that TP is way more important that silly real life ;)10:09
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mithroDystopicFro: we would really love for you to stick around, even if you don't help out as much10:13
mithrobtw, what year is that?10:13
DystopicFromithro: I plan on it, not really sure how much time I'll have, but I'll be lurking around most of the time I think10:13
DystopicFromithro: in school? this'll be my fifth year, though I just transfered uni's (yea, my collegiate career is all messed up) so I've got another two or three to go including this one10:14
mithroDystopicFro: what are you studying?10:16
DystopicFrocurrently just pursuing a degree in Computer Science and Computer Engineering, now particular focus at the moment >.<10:22
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greywhindmithro: pong15:23
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rd4d36853b036 /modules/games/rfts/buildfleet.cpp: ignore empty build fleet order16:03
EpyonEND OF SOC16:11
xdotx:/ their day ends early16:17
* nash waves18:45
* Epyon waves back19:13
nashmithro: This could be cool for TP:
tpbTitle: gitstat (at
*** greywhind has joined #tp20:48
nashheyo greywhind21:03
greywhindhey nash - how's it going?21:03
nashPretty cool21:06
nashGot internet working at home again, got my computer working at home too21:06
greywhindthat's good21:06
nashSo what project are starting on again?21:12
greywhindi'm going to help mithro w/ the client21:12
nashCool - any progress yet?21:13
greywhindi'm reading the tpclient-pywx-dev code right now21:14
greywhindumm - do you know what the Application class is, and how it gets an instance of the GUI class as a member variable?21:16
greywhindi feel like i'm missing an important piece21:17
greywhindnm - found it21:18
nashGood - cause I can't help ;-)21:20
greywhindit's somewhat hidden in threads.py21:20
nashcomment it21:35
nashAlso docuent it for yourself and others21:35
greywhindwell, it's fairly obvious... i just didn't look that hard at first21:37
nashJust remember - if you've found the problem - someone else probably will as well21:45
greywhindwell... i could comment it in the libtpclient-py-dev file, i suppose, if you think i should21:47
nashgreywhind: One rule of programming I've found is that if it is hard for person A, it's hard for person B.  mithro is too familiar with the code to notice such things21:59
nashComments are also a good way for you to get familiar, when you see your own comments it's your own piece.22:00
greywhindnash: alright... but i haven't submitted anything yet - would you be able to tell me the procedure?22:00
nashAre you using git?22:01
greywhindnash: i have both git and cogito now'22:01
nashgreywhind: In which case it's even better as it gives you experience in doing it ;-)22:01
nashmake the change22:01
nashthat's the first step22:02
nashI assume you can commit and the like?22:03
greywhindk - i've made the change22:05
greywhindand run the program to ensure it still works22:05
greywhind(not that adding a comment would stop it from working, but just in case)22:05
nashIt's a good practice to check - even just for comments ;-)22:13
nashSo did you commit then?22:13
greywhindis that the next step?22:13
greywhindas i said, i haven't submitted any changes yet.22:13
greywhindso... just cg-commit? is it like CVS, where you write a comment when using commit?22:14
nashYep - commit it to you calo branch22:14
nashcg-commit is just like CVS22:14
greywhindyou calo branch?22:14
nashExcept you can even do things like change which files are commited while editing the message22:15
nashcalo = local - somehow22:15
greywhindso... just cg-commit -m "Message here." ?22:15
greywhind(while cd'ed to the tpclient-pywx-dev folder)?22:16
nashJust cg-commit22:16
nashIt will open your editor22:17
nash-m is bad practice as it encourages you to do really short messages.22:17
nashAlthough in this case - it's probably not a major issue ;-)22:18
greywhindsorry - got distracted22:28
greywhindk - committed22:31
nashexcellent - so you can either commit directly upstream by using 'cg-push origin' if you have access22:32
nashAlternatively generate a patch and email it22:32
nashTo generate the patch do:22:32
nashgit-format-patch -r origin..master22:32
* mithro is alive now22:32
nashit will dump any thing in your local tree as a patch locally, then you can just mail them up22:33
nashheyo mithro22:33
greywhindhi mithro22:33
nashmithro: Fixed the child/parent issues you were having properly this morning22:33
mithronash: cool!22:33
nashI'll push them in a while22:33
greywhindnash: i think i'll do cg-push origin if i can22:33
nashmithro: Does greywhind have write access to tpclient-pywx22:34
greywhindnash: WARNING: I guessed the host:path syntax was used and fell back to the git+ssh protocol.22:34
greywhindWARNING: The host:path syntax is evil because it is implicit. Please just use a URI.22:34
greywhindfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly22:34
nashChange the way things are registered22:34
nashgive me a second22:34
mithrogreywhind: you are not going to be able to push - you don't have write access yet22:34
greywhindmithro: k22:35
mithrogreywhind: once we have a few patches, I'll give you access22:35
nashSo... you'll need to mail it ;-)  Fairly standard for most projects22:35
greywhindmithro: i've just added a comment to the tpclient-pywx-dev file about where to find the rest of the definition for the "Application" class.22:35
nashHeck I've contributed to evas for 4+ years, including new engines - I still email patches ;-)22:35
mithrogreywhind: the tpclient-pywx-dev's Application class inherits from libtpclients-py-dev's Application class22:36
greywhindmithro: indeed - it was a bit confusing at first... so nash recommended that i comment it22:37
mithroas nash said, I've been working on this stuff for 6 years - so I don't see stuff like that :P22:38
greywhindso... what's the format for the mail, and the address?22:38
mithronash: put in your SoC evaluation?22:39
CIA-23nash galaxie * ra293bb8aa0a4 /tpe_obj.c: tpe_obj.c: Handle object child/parent updates correctly.22:39
CIA-23nash galaxie * r04bd1f449e2e / (tpe_gui.c tpe_obj.c tpe_obj.h):22:39
CIA-23Make the unusual galaxy check just a warning.22:39
CIA-23Also start using TPE_OBJ_NIL more often.22:39
CIA-23nash galaxie * ra5221bcba0d8 /tpe_obj.c: tpe_obj: Another fix to child/parent processing in tpe_obj.22:39
nashgreywhind: Just attach it, and email it to tp-devel list22:39
nashmithro: Not yet22:39
greywhindnash: no special formatting of subject or body?22:40
nash[PATCH] is nice... otherwise no22:40
nashNot for us at this time anyway22:40
mithrogreywhind: you should be attaching the patch22:40
nashmithro: Enjoy ;-)22:40
mithro(rather then trying to include the patch inline)22:40
greywhindmithro: right...22:41
nashmithro: And with the updated tpserver, you should be able to connect and create the account in one go22:41
mithronash: cool22:41
mithrogalaxie doesn't center on universe22:42
mithronash: still not getting text in the order window22:43
mithro***** Developer Warning ***** :22:43
mithro        This program is calling:22:43
mithro        ecore_list_count();22:43
mithro        With the parameter:22:43
mithro        list22:43
mithro        being NULL. Please fix your program.22:43
nashmithro: Not centering is a known bug...22:44
* nash checks it's in the todo22:44
nashmithro: Text being screwed up in places is not a surprise22:44
greywhindg2g eat22:44
nashThe order window is fscked at the moment22:44
mithro~seen niphree22:45
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 2 days, 4 hours, 31 minutes, and 4 seconds ago: <niphree> good night all22:45
nashlong night22:45
mithronash: :/22:46
mithrohey Epyon22:47
mithro~seen xdotx22:47
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 6 hours, 30 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: <xdotx> :/ their day ends early22:47
* nash thinks Epyon should be penalised as compensation..22:47
EpyonHow can I be penalised?22:48
nashNo soup for you!22:49
nashAnyway - I think it's time for lunch here22:58
mithrobb in 10 minutes23:03
Epyonlunch lol :P23:04
* Epyon looks at the clock - 5 in the morning xP23:04
nashEpyon: Go to bed23:04
nashthen have lunch23:04
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mithrohey xdotx23:20
mithronash: smith doesn't like RFTS much :P23:21
xdotxhey mithro23:21
mithroxdotx: how goes your testing?23:22
* mithro needs some minons23:22
xdotxmithro: not bad. can't find/reproduce that segfault you found23:23
mithroxdotx: I was the only person in the universe, so I'm unsure how it even got into combat code23:24
mithroxdotx: btw, I still need your photo in the tp tshirt23:25
xdotxooo that's even more interesting23:25
xdotxmithro: ? i think that's the first i've heard of that. but can-do23:26
mithroxdotx: oh, I thought I had asked everyone23:26
xdotxmithro: on that note, you don't have any spares in large do ya? mine's kinda big for me23:27
mithroxdotx: what size did you end up with?23:28
xdotxxl i think23:28
mithrobiggest problem is that shipping to the USA from Australia is very expensive :/23:28
* xdotx nods23:29
xdotxi figured23:29
xdotxi could possibly help pay for shipping. it's cool either way, i'll still wear the one i got23:30
mithroxdotx: you can get a slightly different tshirt from here ->
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec Shop! : (at
mithrooh and mugs and stuff :P23:32
xdotxheh. i always wondered who bought the cafepress mugs23:33
mithrothe cafepress mugs are really nice23:33
mithrothey are really manly mugs23:33
mithronone of this woosie delicate crap :P23:34
xdotxheh, cool. like the text too23:34
mithrothe buttons/magnets are pretty cool23:35
mithroand I believe they offer free shipping to the US23:35
mithrobut the tshirts are only 1 sided23:36
tpb<> (at
mithroand slightly different fron design23:38
mithro(a 4 colour design as appose to the 2 colour one)23:38
* mithro got the current tshirts screen printed locally23:39
nashmithro: Smith just doesn't do much I assume23:57
mithronash: apart from complain :P23:58
nashmithro: heh ;-)23:58
nashI believe there is a FIXME in there along the lines of 'something didn't work - should give up instead of whinging' ;-)23:59
xdotxmithro: btw, my pywx-dev client segfaults while loading23:59
nashAnd I can vouch for the mugs being cool23:59

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