Wednesday, 2007-08-15

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nashmithro: Because I couldn't get anything else to compile00:04
nashAnd I wanted to help break the really bad TP habit of people only working one project00:04
* nash notes #include makes C macros turing complete... 00:05
nashand templates in C++ are turing complete... they are equiv - you can absolutely mangle anything you wish00:05
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* nash notes the channel has got quiet...00:13
mithronash: working on my talk for Saturday00:13
mithroand other Gaming Miniconf stuff00:14
* xdotx wasn't going to get in to a turing complete talk on C / C++ or the possible dangers of templates00:14
nashmithro: Anyway - you got my point about why I did a bit on tpproto?00:15
mithrobasic templates are really useful, being able to say I want a vector which I store 'int' or some other specific type and have the compile check it00:15
mithronash: yes00:15
mithronash: now if I could only get some more developers on tpclient-pywx00:16
nashI agree...00:16
mithronash: I'm supprised that Java didn't have it from early on00:16
nashJava was originally designed to be small for embedded devices... I'm not surprised00:17
nashThe fact that when java was released it was an enormous monstronsity it another matter00:17
mithroanyway, lets not get into the evils of java :P00:17
mithroI convinced the "starmapper" guy to add support for Thousand Parsec servers00:18
tpbTitle: Starmapper Site: Status (at
mithroa tool for Stars!00:18
tpb<> (at
tpb<> (at
mithrohe said he might also be interested in adding similar stuff to the clients00:19
nashright - I've played with that ;-)00:19
nashWhen I was a stars! junkie00:20
nashDamn that game is good ;-)00:20
mithronash: we will have to clone stars! eventually00:22
mithrogreywhind: ping?00:22
nashThen we need to take on supernova genesis ;-)00:23
greywhindmithro: pong00:23
mithrogreywhind: so you where saying something about starting soon :P00:24
mithronash: hopefully I can get the kline to work on tpclient-pywx00:25
greywhindmithro: i've started (5 official hours so far), but I'm still learning python (which I have as one of my goals for the first quarter, and is obviously essential if i'll be helping you)00:25
mithrogreywhind: the best way to learn python is to jump right in :)00:26
nashThere you mithro - someone to help you ;-)00:26
greywhindmithro: well, i suppose... perhaps my task for tomorrow will be to begin examining the code for tpclient-pywx?00:27
mithronash: and hopefully I'll get this young whipper snapper to help me out too :P00:27
jothamthat starmapper is nice00:27
nashmithro: Just need to get it to work generally ;-)00:28
mithrogreywhind: well, I think there are probably a bunch of easy small tasks you could do00:28
nashWas there code available for it?00:28
mithronash: yeah, it's open source00:28
greywhindmithro: maybe you could e-mail me a list of a few?00:28
nashthat's easy to add to galaxie... ;-)00:28
mithronash: it's written in Java :P00:28
nashmithro: I know that... but the algorithm...00:31
mithronash: well, feel free00:31
mithrobut I think you wan't something which is a bit more friendly first00:31
nashwhat do you mean?00:31
mithronash: well, something which lets you see where fleets are going would be a good start :P00:35
mithroand isn't so ugly :P00:35
mithromaybe actually displaying the names in the orders pop-up00:36
mithrogreywhind: if I send you a list can you put it up somewhere for others to look at too?00:38
jothammy job is making me go grey prematurely i think00:38
jothamour senior webdev resigned yesterday00:39
jothamhe's the only one with a clue here apart from me00:39
mithrojotham: that sucks00:39
greywhindmithro: sure... where would you suggest?00:40
mithrogreywhind: maybe we should add a SF tracker or something?00:40
greywhindmithro: perhaps... or maybe the wiki will do for now?00:41
mithrogreywhind: sent00:44
greywhindmithro: thanks. which would you prefer? or the wiki?00:44
greywhindor Launchpad?00:44
mithroI think SF00:44
greywhindmithro: k00:44
mithrothere is a todo tracker I think00:45
greywhindmithro: could you add me to the project?00:49
mithrogreywhind: sure, whats your sf name?00:49
* xdotx just added colonising and started planets with huge RPs00:54
* xdotx and took over the tiny 3-planet universe00:55
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rd9c06a69aefe /modules/games/rfts/ ( fleet.cpp mergefleet.cpp mergefleet.h rfts.cpp): merge fleet order added00:58
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rf4239777ec8d /modules/games/rfts/move.cpp: bug fix for leaving a star system00:58
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rcec3dd36d365 /modules/games/rfts/ (8 files): colonise order added00:58
nashxdotx: I have a 1 line gitignore patch for you01:03
nashMind if I push it?01:03
nashIt's for depcomp01:03
CIA-23nash tpserver-cpp-rfts * rbdbe58f3c479 /.gitignore: Add ignore for depcomp01:03
CIA-23nash tpserver-cpp-rfts * r31f8a2d12945 /modules/games/rfts/ (11 files): Merge with git+ssh://
nashApparently 2 line...01:04
nashxdotx: Have you been merging main -> rfts?01:04
xdotxnash: mhm01:04
greywhindmithro: it's still not showing me in the list of people to assign tasks to01:14
mithrogreywhind: sorry, got distracted!01:15
greywhindmithro: no problem01:15
nashmithro: xdotx: So my goal for the train ride tonight and tomorrow is to get galaxie talking to an RFTS game...01:19
nashxdotx: is there anything special I need to do get an rfts game going?01:20
* nash notes to xdotx a quickstart-rfts.conf would be nice01:20
mithroif I understand correctly, tpclient-pywx didn't need any modifications01:20
mithrogreywhind: should be added now01:21
nashmithro: Should be easy then... I can start on other things :-)01:21
nashAny other suggestions then?01:22
greywhindmithro: thx.01:22
mithronash: well, I would like to see the pop-up dialog actually display the name of the thing you are poping up01:22
nashI'll look at that then01:22
mithroand some type of direction indicator would be nice01:23
nashAdded to the list01:25
greywhindmithro: i'm in the list of developers, but it's not showing me in the tracker as someone to assign tasks to01:26
nashmithro: Anything else01:27
mithrogreywhind: try again now01:27
mithrogive me a few seconds to fire up galaxy again01:27
nashmithro: C&F01:27
greywhindmithro: k - works now01:28
mithrogreywhind: coolioes!01:28
mithrogreywhind: feel free to add things you think could be improved01:31
mithrogreywhind: btw have you got the -dev client working?01:31
greywhindmithro: yeah, although i haven't pulled the most recent changes lately01:31
mithrogreywhind: haven't really been any recent changes01:31
greywhindmithro: i will need to set it up on Linux soon, though... just so I can test things on both systems for cross-platform compatibility01:32
mithrogreywhind: your are on mac?01:32
greywhindmithro: yeah.01:32
mithroahh okay01:32
mithroyou didn't run accross the same problem as gui???? guy?01:32
greywhindmithro: i've been using it for many years, so i usually stick with it for everyday use over Linux, which i'm still getting used to somewhat01:33
mithros/as/as the/01:33
mithrogreywhind: yeah01:33
* mithro is hopeless with names01:34
greywhindno, i don't think i'm having the same problems.01:34
mithroguitsaru was using mac and the -dev client just segfaulted on him01:34
mithrohe submitted some patches to fix it01:34
greywhindnice of him01:34
xdotxnash: sorry, makin' dinner. yeah i can use my rfts.conf for a quickstart. otherwise i don't think you need to know any special01:34
nashxdotx: Is that in git?01:35
xdotxnash: no. i'll add a quickstart version01:35
mithroxdotx: dont forget to push :P01:40
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r9cc1789a1e8b /tpserver/playeragent.cpp:01:47
CIA-23Set orderqueueid of Order before doing inputFrame on the order.01:47
CIA-23Suggested by xdotx. Makes sense.01:47
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r3ff75b0f3b58 /tpserver/playeragent.cpp:01:47
CIA-23Merge with git://
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * radfada0e9abc /.gitignore:01:47
CIA-23Merge with git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpserver-cpp.git#rfts01:48
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * ree29ef0d5c63 /quickstart-rfts.conf: adding rfts quickstart conf01:48
nashxdotx: Shoudl be installed?02:07
xdotxnash: make install should install it02:09
* nash regens tree and tries again02:12
nashHmm... ./autogen... et al again fixed it02:16
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nashAnyway - I'm bailing02:49
nashtalk to you alter02:49
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llnzhi guitsaru03:27
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CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp * ref6912ca3cb8 / (3 files in 3 dirs):03:51
CIA-23Don't make all objects visible to player in PlayerManager::createNewPlayer03:51
CIA-23Closes 1773853. Minisec and MTSec updated do to it themselves (correctly).03:51
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mithrohrm, no niphree :/04:25
jothamso you've been saying for 24 hours :p04:25
mithrowe are suppose to have a meeting every day this week at 10:30am her time04:26
jothamwhat does she do for tp04:27
mithroworking on improving the metaserver04:27
mithroas part of the summer of code04:30
jothamwhat happend to that guy04:32
mithrowhich guy?04:34
mithro~seen niphree04:34
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 1 day, 22 hours, 57 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: <niphree> ok04:34
jothami thought there were a 3 SoC guys04:34
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mithroahh, yeah dmpayton was doing a web client04:35
mithrobut he didn't make the mid-term goal04:35
mithroended up having to get a "real job" because of financial difficulties04:36
mithroxdotx and DystopicFro are going pretty well however :P04:36
mithroso xdotx, where is RFTS at? :P04:37
xdotxheheh. i'm planning on getting some fleet combat in tonight04:37
mithrollnz: ping?04:37
mithrollnz: demo1 is looking very sparse04:39
jothambut dmpayton got the money?04:42
llnzmithro: pong04:42
llnzmithro: i know, random luck04:42
mithrollnz: wanna reset it and try and beat tpsai-py?04:44
mithroguitsaru is the only other player apart from tpsai-py04:46
mithroand tpsai-py owns all the universe at the moment :P04:49
xdotxuh oh, not having all objects visible at player login breaks somethin'04:52
mithrowhat does it break?04:53
xdotxit looks like pywx is trying to get an order for an object that's not visible04:54
llnzmithro: demo1 reset, game on04:56
mithroxdotx: will have a look after i do the dishes05:00
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp * r49cdea2b42ca /tpserver/playeragent.cpp:05:00
CIA-23Fixed possible segfault when Object no longer exists in GetObjectIds Frame.05:00
CIA-23Fixes side effect of 1774401.05:00
xdotxllnz: but why would i ever remove an object and keep it on the visibility set?05:03
llnzxdotx: the player not know the object has "gone"05:04
xdotxit seems silly to re-evaluate what's visible each turn, when it's sensible to simply mark things as they change visibility05:04
llnzyou can do that, but most games will have visibility modifiers, such as cloaks, sensors, etc05:06
llnzie, you can only see what you own, the major static objects (not planets), and what your sensors can see05:06
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp * r525acdd41507 /tpserver/ (playerview.cpp playerview.h):05:07
CIA-23Added removeVisibleObject in PlayerView.05:07
CIA-23As requested by xdotx, closes 1774402.05:07
mithroxdotx: okay, so whats happening?05:22
mithro(not what you think is happening)05:22
mithrollnz: I bet you that tpserver-cpp will crash before anyone can take over the universe05:23
llnzmithro: why? tpserver-cpp + minisec (0.3) seem fairly reliable05:24
mithrollnz: because I have never seen tpserver-cpp get to the end of a Minisec game05:24
mithro(except in trivial cases)05:25
llnzthe most likely thing is that it runs out of memory05:25
mithrollnz: it seems more like it hits corner cases and segfaults05:25
llnzok, true05:26
mithrollnz: interesting choice of first planet to colonise05:26
llnzwho? me or it05:26
mithroI would have choosen the other direction as there is more planets in that direction05:26
mithro(even though it is slightly futher)05:26
mithrollnz: yeah, you05:27
mithrollnz: I think it would be good if you moved the "reparent" code into the tpserver-cpp core?05:27
llnztwo turns isn't going to make a lot of difference (because I will be sleeping for about 48 turns, then going to uni for 48 more)05:27
llnzmithro: it isn't general enough, unfortunately05:28
xdotxoh, i'm an ass05:28
mithroxdotx: ?05:28
xdotxmithro: nevermind, i forgot to set the universe to visible :P05:28
mithroxdotx: oh, that is bad05:28
mithroall servers must have object 0 visible :P05:29
xdotxyeah, gameplay could otherwise be.. hampered05:29
mithrogreywhind: ping?05:32
mithrogreywhind: going to work on an idle object finder?05:34
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp * r589dd6a07d7e /tpserver/metaserverpublisher.cpp:05:35
CIA-23Wait minimum contact time before first Metaserver update/registration.05:35
CIA-23Avoids a server shutdown and start up from producing an update too soon05:35
CIA-23after the previous update. Also gives me a chance to set the fake_ip for the05:35
CIA-23first update.05:35
xdotxi'm takin' a nap before i get too in to fleet combat stuff05:43
mithroxdotx: okay05:44
mithrollnz: looking pretty even at the moment06:28
mithroJLP: ping?06:28
llnzmithro: who, tpsai-py or me?06:28
llnzoh, ah06:29
mithrollnz: as in that tpsai-py and you are pretty even06:29
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mithrowb llnz06:45
llnzthings are about to get interesting on demo106:46
mithrollnz: by the look of it tpsai-py is going a little better06:47
llnzi'm about to get a third planet, and bet tpsai-py to my fourth06:48
mithrollnz: guess we will see06:50
mithrollnz: you going to try and colonise tpsai-py's side of the galaxy :P06:51
mithroI think it will beat you too it06:51
mithroyou side of the galaxy has more planets06:52
jothamthat article about the voting machines is rough
tpbTitle: Matt Blaze's Exhaustive Search (at
mithrojotham: it's kind of deserved06:59
jothamoh totally07:00
jothamit disturbs me07:00
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llnzhi niphree07:26
CIA-23niphree /tmp/QQXahJXx7G/Mf2jPEBZaf-rewrite * rb932e4a5ab43 / (class/BackConnect.php class/GameConnect.php connect.php):07:40
CIA-23added backconnect class07:40
CIA-23changes in GameConnect (added class constructor)07:40
CIA-23via git-CVS emulator07:40
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llnzmithro: and now i'm going to lose the very small lead i have on tpsai-py by going to sleep07:52
* llnz wanders off07:52
llnzlater all07:52
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mithrollnz: you should queue up a huge amount of stuff07:52
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jothamoh well, didn't get done what i wanted to get done08:36
jothambut made some random advances on stuff08:36
tpb<> (at
jothamspace bar changes the position of the beacon, left mouse fires weapon type 1, right mouse fires weapon type 208:41
jothamdidn't have much time tonight, was figuring out a new way of dealing with looping animations, will make the munitions have lifespans and 'target' the beacon (and kill it) tomorrow hopefully08:42
jothamthen i'll only be a couple of days from fleet formation code and reintroducing the battleviewer xml parser / battle script08:42
jothamwriting everything again has made it much more enjoyable now i know what i'm doing with pygame08:43
mithroohhh that is a nice beacon08:44
mithrocool other lasers08:44
jothamheh, thanks, was a 5 minute 3D job, will make it 'flash' faster and less often once i finalise looping graphics08:44
jothamer looping code08:44
jothamhave been reading about sound in pygame08:44
mithrojotham: generators might be helpful08:44
jothamfor sound?08:44
* mithro has been using them lately, and they are very useful for things which have a limited life spam08:45
jothamthe lasers look nice eh08:45
mithrojotham: I love the lasers :P08:45
mithrowhat does changing the position of the beacon do?08:45
jothamtomorrow or the next day, the munitions will 'seek' the target (or have crude tracking computer in the ship)08:46
mithrojotham: cool!08:46
jothamso when it coems to battleviewer we will be able to simulate a few attack styles08:46
mithrojotham: could you create a 128x128 render of that beacon?08:47
mithroIt would be useful for "space anchors"08:47
jothamit's not very fancy, i didn't spend long making it08:47
jothamyou just want one frame? or the 40 frame loop? (only 20 are needed really)08:47
* jotham outputs the loop08:48
mithro20 frame loop would be goo08:49
mithroas PNG's08:49
jothamyou can convert them yourself08:49
mithrowell, I would prefer them to have a transparent background08:50
tpb<> (at
jothamall my graphics do08:50
jothami just use targa's08:50
mithrojotham: cool08:50
jothambut imagemagick can probably convert them08:51
jothamyeah, don't ask, basically the best way to get images from my 3D app to PIL08:51
jothamwith alpha channels intact08:51
jothamrandom ass format i know08:51
jothamfor that demo you saw, they get converted into PNG sprite sheets, as i am a PNG fan08:51
mithrojotham: I really like the new stuff08:52
tpbTitle: Truevision TGA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
jothamthe new stuff?08:52
mithroany chance you are using revision control on it?08:52
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mithrojotham: the spaceship-dist08:53
mithrowb Demitar08:53
mithros/Demitar/ DystopicFro /08:53
jothamhaha, yeah well i need to add it to git at some stage08:53
DystopicFroautocomplete always gets ya, doesn't it, mithro? :P08:53
jothambut i think git killed my will to live08:53
mithroDystopicFro: yeah08:54
mithrojotham: :/08:54
mithroyou storing it in CVS help you?08:54
jothamsince i started spaceships-dist only 4-5 days ago i hadn't got round to adding it08:54
jothami'll use git08:54
mithrowe have a cvs->git gateway (which niphree uses)08:54
jothami use svn here at home, but i don't mind using git08:54
mithrojotham: there is work on a svn->git gateway08:55
jothami should just learn git though08:55
jothami was using cogito fine, but i see they discontinued it or something08:56
mithrojotham: I still use cogito mainly08:57
mithrocogito will be around for atleast another year or two08:57
mithroraw git is still a bit prickely08:58
jothamyeah i tried to learn it08:58
jothamand pretty much gave up08:58
jotham(raw git)08:59
jothamok bed time08:59
mithrojotham: I use git-commit --interactive a bit09:00
mithroDystopicFro: so where are you at? want to try and get setup?09:14
DystopicFromithro: running errands right now >.< maybe tomorrow for that09:47
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CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * ref6912ca3cb8 / (3 files in 3 dirs):10:05
CIA-23Don't make all objects visible to player in PlayerManager::createNewPlayer10:05
CIA-23Closes 1773853. Minisec and MTSec updated do to it themselves (correctly).10:05
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r558139877e93 / (3 files in 3 dirs):10:05
CIA-23Merge with git://
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r49cdea2b42ca /tpserver/playeragent.cpp:10:05
CIA-23Fixed possible segfault when Object no longer exists in GetObjectIds Frame.10:05
CIA-23Fixes side effect of 1774401.10:05
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * r525acdd41507 /tpserver/ (playerview.cpp playerview.h):10:05
CIA-23Added removeVisibleObject in PlayerView.10:05
CIA-23As requested by xdotx, closes 1774402.10:05
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r612a58d9dd29 /tpserver/ (playeragent.cpp playerview.cpp playerview.h):10:05
CIA-23Merge with git://
CIA-23whee updating10:06
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r58f9f030b8e9 /modules/games/rfts/ (mergefleet.cpp rfts.cpp): couple silly bug fixes / notes10:06
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rbfbab51ce6cd /modules/games/rfts/ (fleet.cpp fleet.h): fleet combat started / logic almost fully laid out10:06
xdotxbed time10:06
JLPahoy people10:17
JLPmithro: pong10:17
mithroJLP: you should post about your Greenphone stuff10:17
mithroto the mailing lists10:17
mithrogreywhind: ping?10:17
JLPyeah i planed to, but was alread to tired yesterday and after writing about it on blog just went directly to bed10:18
JLPi just woke up and it's already 16:18 here :)10:18
JLPyou can't believe how surprised i was that they selected such an unordinary application10:19
JLPhehe and it looks like somebody else also thinks it is a bit unusual
tpb<> (at
JLPthey also linked to TP :)10:23
mithroJLP: maybe a news item?10:30
JLPmithro: yeah, that would also be good, i'll write a post to devel mailing list and also add the news item10:32
mithroJLP: cool10:32
mithrowow, that was cool10:41
mithroWhen I clicked send, evolution detected that I had said "I have attached xyz" and that I hadn't attached anything, It then popped up a message suggesting I might want to attach something10:42
greywhindmithro: pong10:43
mithrogreywhind: you only added on task :P10:43
greywhindmithro: sorry - i had a lot of work to do yesterday, then I had to sleep10:44
greywhindmithro: i'll add the rest today10:44
mithrogreywhind: okay cool10:44
greywhindmithro: i've got to go, but i'll be back in 5-6 hours, i think.10:45
mithrogreywhind: okay10:45
mithrogreywhind: I think you should start with a "report" type window10:46
greywhindmithro: good suggestion10:46
mithrogreywhind: the actually calculation you are going to find pretty trivial10:46
greywhindmithro: right, once i know how the data is organized and such, at least.10:47
mithro~seen niphree11:31
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 4 hours, 8 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: <niphree> hello11:31
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mithro~seen niphree12:32
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 5 hours, 10 minutes, and 25 seconds ago: <niphree> hello12:32
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JLPmithro: ^12:51
mithroniphree: ping?13:11
niphreemithro: pong13:12
mithroniphree: so where are you at?13:12
mithrobtw, if you are going to be unable to make a meeting could you please send me any email13:13
niphreeI'm trying to send "getgames" frame, but I recieve protocol error13:13
niphreemithro: ok, but I wasn't online yesterday - next time I'll tell epylion to send you mail13:15
mithroniphree: are you sure the frame ID is correct?13:15
niphree64 ?13:16
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * r05ab753083d8 /src/ ( gui/ Made TPCL Editor Dialog accept a blockstore in initialization13:16
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * r04daba9d67d7 /src/tpcl/ ( data/ Refactored TpclBlockstore out of Representation.py13:16
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * r10fb950487d6 /src/tpcl/ Added event listener interface on Blockstore13:16
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * r38f0cbda92c2 /src/ (gui/ tpcl/ Added custom tree view for blockstore implementing listener interface13:16
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * r7ca527c05db3 /src/ (5 files in 3 dirs):13:16
CIA-23Got TpclBlockTree functioning13:16
CIA-23Now adding new blocks should be a snap13:16
mithroniphree: hold on, maybe that server is too old13:18
CIA-23niphree /tmp/B3DWYJ1YHX/CFI54zDDtf-rewrite * r52575683b072 /class/BackConnect.php:13:19
CIA-23added get_games function13:19
CIA-23via git-CVS emulator13:19
mithroGetGame is a TP04 frame13:20
mithronot a TP03 frame13:20
mithroniphree: can you commit any changes you made to libtpproto-php ?13:29
CIA-23jlp web * r50281af92ab0 /news/ News - Qtopia client for mobile phones and devices13:32
niphreeI have problems with cvs - I can't checkout this module :/13:33
mithrowhats the error say?13:33
CIA-23niphree /tmp/BUcumKneff/Ip4qUT4Uas * rcdff2df8a0fe /Frame.php:13:51
CIA-23added GETGAMES frame13:51
CIA-23via git-CVS emulator13:51
niphreemithro: what are you going to change in Frame ?13:58
tpbNew news from Qtopia client for mobile phones and devices14:04
mithroniphree: pushing change now14:07
CIA-23mithro libtpproto-php * r23157402904d /Frame.php: Make the library support tp04 frames.14:07
mithrobtw you should be including Frame.php as "libtpproto-php/Frame.php"14:08
* mithro needs to go to bed soon14:09
niphreeI know - I have added it in comment (remember to chenge this ;) )- but it was easier to me to have it in one directory first14:11
mithroniphree: so you have better luck now?14:12
mithroniphree: so do you think you could have that connect.php connecting to a server and displaying the games avaliable in a nice format before tommorrow?14:17
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * rffc9b1b77f75 /src/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Converted TPCL Expression Editor from dialog to frame14:17
niphreeI'll try - but I think I can do this14:18
mithroniphree: I won't be at the meeting tommorrow14:19
mithrobut I will be on a bit after that14:19
mithromaybe at 1-2 pm your time14:20
mithroniphree: some things to think about14:20
mithroI'll email you with some guidelines for cleaning up the metaserver code14:21
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * r12f6adb6e31a /src/gui/xrc/EditorDialog.xrc: Forgot to delete this earlier14:21
mithroI probably won't be around Friday, Saturday or Sunday14:21
mithroso tommorrow we need to make sure you have enough work to do over that period14:22
mithroand make sure we are on schedule14:22
mithrodo you think we could meet mid-afternoon?14:22
niphreeok - I'll try also to think what I need to do, and what I need to ask you before weekend14:22
niphreeok - I'll be from 1 pm14:23
mithrookay - i'll probably be on from about 2pm onwards14:24
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mithronow I must really go to bed14:24
niphreegood night :]14:25
mithrobtw the other guys here would be more then happy to help you out14:25
mithrofeel free to poke em14:26
niphreeok :)14:26
jothammithro was up late16:35
jothamoh wait that was probably only 4:25 am16:35
jothammind you it's the middle of the week16:35
jothamhe's a student, it's not that late :p16:36
* jotham retracts his whoa16:36
jothamactually i don't know if he is a student anymore16:36
jothamwhat about you greywhind16:37
greywhindwhat about me?16:37
jothamwhat is your vocation in life16:37
greywhindi'm doing this as an internship16:38
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niphreecould someone start new server ?17:26
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CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r7abfd6ba8b18 /modules/games/rfts/ (9 files):18:40
CIA-23switching to more mundane, but more stable exploration / object visibility18:40
nashxdotx: hey18:52
nashWhen I use that quick start I cna only see 3 planets - is that right?18:52
xdotxnash: mhmm19:19
nashIs that a 'yes' or 'wtf - that isn;t write, omg it's all b0rked!'19:19
xdotxnash: i plan on adding the whole universe today if combat stuff goes well19:20
xdotxheh, that's a 'yes'19:20
nashOkay - cool19:20
xdotxif you update you'll only see 1 ;)19:20
nashI'll pass on that update I think19:26
jothamdear god, the borkage!19:37
xdotxlol @ jotham19:41
nashjotham: Quick question about the green phone stuff - when did you apply for that?19:41
jothamare you sure you have the right person?19:42
nashjotham: Not enough coffee19:42
* jotham sobs19:42
jothamnash only talks to me when he's feeling mean19:42
jotham...or by mistake19:43
nashA synapse fired when I saw 'j'19:43
nashApparently my brain has figured there is only one person on the planet with a 'j' in their name...19:43
jothamtake that jesus christ!19:43
jothamdid you guys see that china has regulated reincarnation19:44
JLPnash: I applied here -
xdotxin favour of more males?19:44
tpb<> (at
nashjotham: Wait - YOU are Jesus Christ?19:45
nashJLP: I was curious when?19:45
jothami assume xdotx they will just not grant the dali lama the right to reincarnate19:45
nashJLP: I'm not after one myself.. I just heard some other information which makjes it a bit strnage19:45
JLPnash: oh damn, i read to quickly; it was about hm 2 months ago i guess, i almost forgot about this19:45
jothamthus ending the faith legally19:45
nashJLP: BTW: Did you get a copy of the kernel code?19:46
JLPnash: didn't get any package for this yet, and i didn't yet go searching for the kernel code on their website19:47
nashjotham: But is it where he reincarnates _from_ or reincarnates _to_ which is controlled?  Maybe he just needs to be reborn in taiwan or something19:47
jothami don't know that19:48
nashJLP: One thing I heard was that it can be tricky to get... not so GPLish as it were...19:48
jothamrecently the government department my gf works for got pressured into de-inviting tiawan from a function as china was 'already invited' (words of chinese embassy)19:49
jothamthey don't know what to do about it19:49
nashTell them grow up ;-)19:49
nashAnd invite them anyway ;-)19:50
* nash isn't renowned for his diplomatic spirit19:50
mithrohowdy peopl20:13
greywhindhey mithro20:13
mithrohad a chance to look at the tpclient-pywx-dev source?20:14
mithrowell I have to run20:22
greywhindk - oops - missed your question... i'll be doing that in about 1/2 hour20:22
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*** fydo- is now known as jotham20:31
nashheyo mithro20:33
nashmithro: Galaxie works under RFTS BTW... The only issue was the AI wasn't so happy and crashed (right at the FIXME that said: I really need to check this)20:33
greywhindheh - well, that's a good place to crash, i guess20:34
jothami have TODO: and BUG: all through my code20:35
jothamwhen i get time (never) i grep on those words and fix them20:35
jotham(this is work i'm talking)20:35
greywhindjotham: could be worse - you could have no idea what's wrong or what to improve...20:35
jothamfor instance when you know there may be a race condition but you don't have time to worry about it20:35
jothamit's actually pretty productive this way20:36
jothambecause i get working code a lot faster20:36
nashjotham: Quite a lot of things I maintain have a 'FIXME' count too...20:36
nashThe todo list for galaxie has "Fix a few FIXMEs (51 at last count)20:36
* nash was surprised when he saw libtpproto-cpp had essentially 'FIXME's, XXX, TODO or any of the other magic markers20:37
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greywhindi don't have any "FIXME"s marked in my own personal project at the moment (not TP-related)... but there are some bugs in it that should have them20:41
greywhindlike the one that lets you go through walls where they join together if you hit them from the right direction...20:42
nashHmm... sounds like the old war game on teh atari 2600... top left of the map warps to the bottom right by driving through the wall20:44
nashgreywhind: Personally I probably add way too many... but I'd rather have them then now20:44
greywhindnash: certainly better to have them20:45
nashThat's the theory20:45
jothamgood thing about noting them as you write the code, is in a month when you find that bug has hit you, you have some text that tells you what is going on20:45
jothamwritten byt he mind who was intimate with the code at that time20:45
greywhindor there's the problem where i haven't implemented bullet collisions with players yet... or netcode for rotations of players (only position)...20:45
nashOf course the other problem is 6 months later you read the FIXME and say... there is nothing wrong with that.20:46
greywhindheh - well, then you feel good that you've fixed a bug without doing anything :P20:46
greywhinddo you read Worse Than Failure?20:46
nashAnd I preferred the old name20:47
greywhindyeah, me too20:47
greywhindbut the new one's not terrible20:47
greywhinddid you see the one about the flight sim?20:47
jothamwtf is where average programmers laugh at less than average programmers20:47
greywhindthat was a fun read20:47
jothamsome of the scoffing comments make me cringe20:47
jothamso i don't read it20:47
greywhindi don't read the comments20:48
jothamfor instance all these people mocking this java code a few weeks back who didn't know java, so didn't get that it was actually faster to do it the way the guy was doing it20:48
jothamthe guys real crime was lack of documentation20:48
jothambut they were all LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL LAMEHAX20:48
greywhindheh... i see.20:48
jothami think it's the same reason i don't read slashdot really20:48
jothami am too susceptable to the comments20:49
jothamlike the whole -ck thing20:49
jothamwhich was about scheduling and its impact on usability20:49
jothamone guy in the comments was like LOL WELL I GOT WMAKER BUTTONS SET UP FOR MY GRAN AND IT'S VERY USABLE20:50
jothamwhich is completely fucking missing the point20:50
jothamok, apparently i'm in a ranting mood :\20:50
* nash hands jotham a chill pill20:50
nashAnd a small nuclear device20:50
* jotham goes back to fighting with adobe's event dispatcher20:51
CIA-23nash galaxie * r5df36f1556f5 /tpe_util.c: Add a warning when end is missing for tpe_util_parse_packet.21:10
CIA-23nash galaxie * r0d3c76026227 /todo.txt: Add some TODO items.21:10
CIA-23nash galaxie * rea7f2d53e863 /ai_smith.c: Don't crash if we get a message fail.21:10
CIA-23nash galaxie * re600a514330c /tpe_gui.c: New (bad) hard coded font path21:10
CIA-23nash galaxie * r87420b1fed0d /edje/ (basic-info.edc basic-menu.edc basic-message.edc basic.edc): Fix font file name.21:10
CIA-23nash galaxie * ref0821bc1319 /todo.txt: Update todo: RFTS works fine.21:10
CIA-23nash galaxie * r162fe982a3b3 /tpe_gui.c: TPE_GUI: Some documentation updates.21:10
CIA-23nash galaxie * r608d1ca4630f / (edje/basic-stars.edc tpe_gui.c tpe_gui_private.h): gui: Add 'F10' to toggle star names. This ones for you mithro!21:10
CIA-23nash galaxie * rb76fe26decfe /todo.txt: todo: Add items to make sure that star name toggle will work.21:10
nashWhere is mithro when you want him...21:14
greywhindhmm... that's interesting21:43
nashWhat crashed?21:43
greywhindon OS X, TP will store its prefs in /Users/<username>/.tp21:44
greywhindwhich is not the usual location for OS X programs21:44
jothamyeah but it's the user prefs eh21:45
jothamor do you think there should be a global prefs too21:45
greywhind*shrug* - you can have both (/Library/Application Support/Thousand Parsec for global, /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Thousand Parsec for user)21:46
jothamsounds good21:47
xdotxhaha. fleet combat is humorously borked ;p21:53
xdotxsome scouts just beat up a mark121:53
nashUmm... scouts don't have guns if I recall?21:54
* xdotx nods21:54
nashToo close to a planet maybe? "Looks like a fish; moves like a fish; turns like a cow." -Ford Prefect21:54
xdotxthere's plenty wrong i'm sure. this was my first test run after a "*mash keyboard* what if this works!?!"21:55
nashmaybe they are targetting the wrong side?21:56
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jothamdo we have any area of effect weapons22:34
jothami just had an idea for a flock weapon22:35
jothamusing biods code22:35
jothamso basically the ship spews out 40 lasers or photons or missiles in random directions22:35
jothamthey spool togeather into a flock and go at the enemies22:35
nashAnd it flys away when ever anyone moveS?22:35
jothamthen break off each with their own target22:35
jothamas subflocks22:35
jothamhaha nash22:35
jothamanyway i think it'd look cool22:35
jothaminspired by the air force starlifters flare 'angel' if you've seen that22:36
jothamnot that i can spell22:36
tpbTitle: YouTube - Air Force C-130 Angel Flares (at
jothamif they flocked togeather it'd be cool22:36
jothamsorry a herc not a starlifter22:38
greywhindthat's a cool video22:39
jothami am a machinary-porno addict :\22:39
greywhindyou like robot combat?22:40
jothami don't know the name 'robot combat' but i don't mind the robotwars tv shows22:40
jothami prefer to just look at pictures of things we've built and use, like these
greywhindrobot combat being the generic name for any robot battles22:41
jothamanyway, meeting, bbl22:41
tpbTitle: D9 & D10 (at
greywhindk - cya22:41
greywhindanyone know what the "pickle" in tpclient-pywx's file refers to?22:43
nashjotham: Any time someone fires more then one missile you can always use it22:46
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jothamgreywhind: pythons built in serialisation module?23:29
jotham(called 'pickle')23:29
greywhindjotham: ah - thanks23:29
jothami use it for my spritesheet stuff23:29
jothamthough as someone pointed out, csv is probably better23:30
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