Tuesday, 2007-08-14

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mithrohowdy people00:20
nashheyo mithro00:21
mithronash: how goes everything?00:25
nashGetting there...00:25
nashWe shopuld have internet toady or tomorrow00:26
nashWhich is good00:26
nashInternet will follow shortly after00:26
nashAnd I'll try and get some hacking done on teh train this afternoon01:02
mithronash: cool!01:06
* mithro ponders01:07
* mithro has so much he should be doing01:07
nashGames are #1... second would be TP0401:08
jothami have my new lasers in01:08
mithrojotham: so, can we see a demo?01:08
jothamonce the particle emitters are done i'll readd the battle parsing stuff to it01:08
jothami'm at work right now, but sure in the next few days01:08
mithrojotham: that would be cool01:08
jothamthat guy is making a whole set of spaceships01:08
jothamthey will be GPLed01:09
jothamthe format is C4D though since that's what he works with01:09
nashmithro: There is something - a documented protocol for media and battle data ;-)01:10
mithronash: the battle-data is documented! (kind of :)01:11
mithrois it just me or is demo1 looking kind of sparse01:11
nashmithro: And a protocol for getting it?01:12
mithronash: that is in tp0401:12
nashSo it's back to TP04 and rules then ;-)01:12
mithrowell, the recent additions to libtpproto2-py make TP04 a bit closer for the python clients01:15
mithrogreywhind: ping!01:17
mithroxdotx: how goes RFTS?01:17
xdotxmithro: hmm, well i just noticed the star map is in 1st quad. i just kinda naturally assumed 4th01:18
mithroxdotx: hrm?01:18
xdotxmithro: like graph quadrants. the y axis is up, x right. i assumed y was positive down (4th)01:19
nashxdotx: Doesn't matter ;-)01:19
* xdotx nods01:19
nashThe universe is consistent either way01:20
mithroxdotx: 0,0 is in the "center of the map"01:20
mithroyou can go x can be +/- and so can y01:20
xdotxbut i started mapping out RFTS's star systems and suddenly noticed they were all upside down ~~01:20
nashxdotx: We'll live... and everyone plays with random maps anyway...01:21
nashBTW Did you do advanced or basic rules?01:21
* nash hopes advanced is the answer01:21
nashit's a much better game...01:21
xdotxi'm going for basic rules and i plan to add more later01:21
nashscouts suck ;-)01:21
xdotxi'm dealing with an interesting problem right now actually01:21
* nash likes interesting problems ;-)01:22
xdotxthe original game has mechanisms to allow you to essentially do orders in the middle of the turn01:22
nashOnly the withdrawel orders...01:22
xdotxthat sort of thing is not well supported01:22
nashJust add a retreat % ;-)01:22
nashIt's not supported at all without additional combat only turns01:23
xdotxmore interesting than that! what about production?01:23
nashWhat about it?01:23
nashYou produce at the begining of a turn01:23
xdotxyes, immediately.01:23
nashSo you can either add a turn for production only - so it turns from prod+move, move to prod,move,move01:24
xdotxand then you can use those new resources to make fleets, again, available immediately, and then move those fleets01:24
xdotxbut i'm processing orders in the middle of the turn, which isn't well supported01:24
nashI thought you had to finish all production before you could move01:24
nashJust turn the 2 turn cycle into a 3 turn cycle01:25
nashOr add a 1 turn lag for production01:25
nashActually that 2nd idea sucks01:25
nashMake it a 3 turn cycle01:25
nashNo move or combat on the production turn, just production... then do move01:25
xdotxthe ideas i'm playing with now are 1) do the longer turn cycle, or 2) have a sort of "do production" order, that when created.. does production. same for fleet creation01:26
mithroxdotx: on a side note, Thousand Parsec has the rule that "nothing can modify the universe except during turn processing"01:27
xdotxah... longer turn cycle it is?01:28
nashxdotx: Indeed in that case01:28
xdotxthat should be pretty straight forward01:28
nashShould be... on the negative it will slow the game done01:29
mithroxdotx: and all the protocol/clients make that assumption01:29
nashOn the positive it should make varients of different prod/non-prod turns easier to design01:29
nashmithro: I know one client that doesn't ;-)01:30
mithronash: so you continually check that objects have changed?01:30
nashNot specficially - but I can... that's what the tick event is for.  I do have an infrastructure for change events when they occur to update pretty much any objhect at any time.  Which is why the client does turn updates async after it discovers the new turn.  It doesn't assume turn events are all atomic essentially... You could in fact fire off updates during turn generation01:32
nashmithro: Do you use adelaid bank by any chance?01:41
mithronash: I believe my parents do01:42
nashHmm... /me wonders what my customer number is01:42
nashAhh.. found my mailing list problem02:19
nashStupid anti-spam filters at work02:19
mithronash: :/02:22
nashmithro: BTW I want to get galaxie ready for a release as a _viewer_ only shortly02:24
nashmithro: Can I add another public key to the tp server so I can pull and push from my laptop?02:27
mithronash: sure!02:27
nashI _may_ have just emailed it to you... can you see if you just got an email at [email protected]02:28
nashI assume that address works02:29
nashmithro: Acrtually just pasted it to you ;-)02:30
* mithro assumes that it works too02:30
nashYou need to fix the formatting02:30
mithrohrm... maybe not02:31
nashNo query window from me?02:31
mithronash: you have two keys uploaded already?02:32
nashmithro: Is there a quick list of depends I need for tpserver-cpp I need02:32
nashmithro: Should be my desktop at home and at work - tranquillity and baboon02:32
nashThis is serenity02:32
mithroshould be added now02:33
mithrohrm, no email however02:34
nashmithro: Probably set up to go via my home machine... so if you get it next week some time... ignore it02:35
mithrookay :P02:36
nashmithro: BTW... now you've been using git for a while... your thoughts?02:37
mithronash: I like it, but the base git still need a bit of work02:37
nashYou are using1.5 I assume?02:38
jothamcan you think of a nicer way to do that? http://rafb.net/p/vxGwue42.html02:40
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)02:40
jothambasically i want a list with an update method that can prune members of itself out if they fail the update02:40
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xdotxhey llnz02:48
llnzhi xdotx02:48
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mithrojotham: okay02:54
mithrojotham: there are two ways to do what you want02:54
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jothamthere are lots of ways02:55
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mithrojotham: try line 3 being, "for i, o in enumerate(self[:]):"02:55
jothami just want a nicer way, since i can't use list comprehension in the way i'm doing it02:55
jothamthat i know02:55
mithroand you probably want "remove", not pop02:55
jothampop removes at an index02:56
jothamwhich is the point of enumerate02:56
jothammy code works fine02:56
jothami just would like to do it with list comprehension02:56
mithrolist comprehension is about generating a new list?02:57
jothamit's actually faster for this kind of task, which is filtering a list02:57
jothambut unfortunatly the list in question is 'self'02:57
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jothamso you can't self = [...]02:57
jothambut i was curious if there was a hax way to do that02:57
mithrojotham: try "self[:] = [....]"02:58
jothamhum that's a point02:58
jothamwonder if it's slower02:58
mithro>>> a = [1, 2, 3]02:58
mithro>>> a[:] = [4,5,6]02:58
mithro>>> a02:58
mithro[4, 5, 6]02:58
mithroseems to work, but I don't know about speed02:59
mithrowhat are you actually trying to solve?02:59
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jothamyeah that works03:00
jothamnot solving anything...i program for amusement as much as anything03:00
jothamboth work http://rafb.net/p/JI9r0J70.html03:01
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)03:01
jothami should profile it03:01
nash*sigh*  Massive update to system before I can build tpserver-cpp...03:08
jothami had to move a woody box to etch the other day03:08
jothammy main web server03:08
jothamit wasn't fun03:08
jothamapt had 999 fucked up dependancies03:09
jothambut it's all good now03:09
nashIt can be a PITA at the time03:11
nashRecently there seems to have been a lot of massive changes in unstable03:11
nashAfter release crazy time I guess03:11
mithronash: why do you need to massively update?03:17
CIA-23mithro schemepy * rf73cd0e82e70 /tests/ (10 files): Added support for testing against different modules.03:17
mithroyay for working on things which aren't really needed but are fun an interesting03:18
nashBasically lots of things need new dependancies... so you get one package that depends on a particular version of libc or some other fairly core lib... and boom - suddenly you have 100 packages to upgrade03:18
nashmithro: I should note I'm on unstable... these things are expected to happen03:19
mithronash: I was more wondering what you needed to upgrade *for* tpserver-cpp ?03:21
nashAhh... no libtls for tpproto ;-)03:21
nashAnd i only have git 1.4 on my laptop whihc is irritating03:22
mithroxdotx: where the tpclient-pytext additions useful at all to you?03:24
xdotxmithro: for orders?03:24
mithroxdotx: yeah03:24
xdotxmithro: i haven't had to use them yet03:25
mithroxdotx: no new orders being added?03:25
xdotxmithro: i'm making lots of new orders, but they're working with pywx for the most part03:25
mithroxdotx: oh, okay :P03:26
mithronash: btw, did you get my email about the SoC coming to an end?03:28
nashWeek to go basically ... need to get ready in the next day or two :-(03:30
mithronash: currently working with niphree to clean-up and finish her stuff with the metaserver03:31
mithrogoing to be a busy week for her03:31
nashAll the students I think03:31
nashmithro: So what state is the metaserver in?03:32
mithronash: well, we will get the following03:32
mithro1. Stats03:32
mithro2. Auto-IP/Backconnect support03:33
nashCan we browse from clients?03:33
mithro3. Start of a matchmaking service03:33
mithronash: you can currently browse from tpclient-pywx-dev03:33
nashIs the browse protocol documented and implemented?03:34
xdotxwhy don't i get linker errors :'(03:34
mithro4. Fixing up support for tp04 vs tp03 meta-protocol frames03:34
mithronash: there is an "unofficial protocol" which will become part of tp0403:35
nashexcellent - it's something I want to implement in galaxie very soon ;-)03:35
mithrosee the "Server Location (Meta) Protocol" section of http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/dev/documents/protocol4.php03:36
tpb<http://ln-s.net/JqO> (at www.thousandparsec.net)03:36
nashSo it's implemented in metaserver?03:37
mithroNot the TCP request, but the HTTP requests are03:38
mithroand have been for quite a while03:38
mithroTo get the details about which servers exist the client should send a HTTP Get request to the metaserver.03:38
mithroAn example of this is "http://metaserver.thousandparsec.net/?action=get".03:38
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : Metaserver Server Listing (at metaserver.thousandparsec.net)03:39
mithroyou get back a HTTP Header, with TP frames in the body03:39
nashYeah... I was hoping for a TCP version being implemented...\03:39
mithrohrm, the doco isn't really clear about that03:39
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * reb1933fb04ea /modules/games/rfts/ (fleet.cpp fleet.h): Adding fleet properties03:40
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r0a0302c18103 /modules/games/rfts/ (planet.cpp productioninfo.cpp productionorder.cpp): tweaking planet stats03:40
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rb264b42d4188 /modules/games/rfts/move.cpp: debugging move03:40
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r74c199f58753 /modules/games/rfts/fleet.cpp: just laying out fleet combat todo03:40
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rb0e1bdc2ac37 /modules/games/rfts/ (6 files): adding split fleet order03:40
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rcc1f1021eda0 /modules/games/rfts/ (6 files): adding rename fleet order03:40
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rc879503dbfe5 /modules/games/rfts/rfts.cpp: -really- adding rename fleet order03:40
*** xdotx is now known as xdotx_brb03:40
nashNice commit03:40
xdotx_brbjust trying to get other stuff outta the way before i start on combat03:41
mithroxdotx_brb: so what can we do?03:41
mithrothese RFTS commits makes me feel like working on TIMTrader03:42
xdotx_brbmithro: make fleets, move them (won't see them show up in new locations), rename and split fleets, do production orders (increase planet stats / population)03:43
xdotx_brbi'm going to rework the population formula some, i think it's bugged right now anyways03:43
nashmithro: please do03:44
mithronash: actually, I think the first job is to make sure we can play a complete game of Minisec from start to end....03:45
mithronash: you'll need a HTTP support to download media (include battlexml data)03:45
nashOkay - it's fairly easy to do a simple file download03:46
nashAnyway - I need to bail03:47
mithronash: and supporting HTTP tunnelling would be good03:47
mithrospecially if you are going to make it work on embedded devices03:47
nashmithro: And of course there is always actually implementing mtsec someday... ;-)03:47
nashmithro: Yep03:48
nashAnyway - I need to bail03:48
nashTalk to you later...03:48
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mithroxdotx: so why doesn't a fleet show up at the new location?04:14
xdotxmithro: that's a very good question04:14
xdotxi tried everything i could think of to fix that today. no luck so far04:15
mithroxdotx: is the position getting updated in tpclient-pytext?04:16
mithroIE Do you know if it's a client or server issue?04:16
xdotxit -seems- like it's a client issue, because i've stepped through the server code and checked values.04:17
mithroxdotx: want some help debuging?04:18
xdotxmithro: i tried checking with pytext and it updates the position, but the parent (star sys) doesn't show the fleet as a child04:18
mithroxdotx: when you move outside the starsystem, it should get parented to the galaxy04:19
mithrowhich happens in the reparent code04:19
xdotxmithro: ? i don't have galaxies04:20
mithrowell, then it should get parented to the universe04:21
mithroor what ever object contains the star systems04:21
mithroso if you see what happens in minisec04:21
xdotxthe fleet doesn't show up as a child of anything after i reset the parent on it. i've tried removing and not removing it from parent first04:22
mithrowhen a fleet moves out of a starsystem, it is re-parented to the next biggest object04:22
mithroarg! I wish people would use SPF04:23
xdotxmithro: would it be a problem if the fleet doesn't use velocity, or update position while it's in transit?04:24
mithroxdotx: well, it would make sense to be doing tha04:24
mithrosee // recontainerise if necessary in doOrder of Move.py04:25
mithroline 11304:25
* mithro really doesn't line tpserver-cpp's code :P04:27
* mithro pokes llnz 04:29
CIA-23mithro tpserver-py * rdaaa3cc3ab7e /tp/server/discover.py: Updates for the rearrangement of libtpproto-py.04:29
CIA-23mithro tpserver-py * r03e77e476a90 / (tests/Ruleset.py tp/server/__init__.py):04:29
CIA-23Added some tests to make sure a ruleset kindof works.04:29
CIA-23Needs py.test installed, then run04:29
CIA-23 rm tp.db; TEST_RULESET='timtrader' py.test ./tests/Ruleset.py | less04:29
xdotxto be fair move isn't part of tpserver-cpp04:29
mithroxdotx: just cloning your code to look at it04:30
* xdotx nods04:30
mithroxdotx: you don't seem to be changing the parent at all?04:31
mithrooh wait, I'm blind :P04:31
xdotxline 2204:31
xdotx122* :P04:31
xdotxoh man, i wish that was the problem04:32
mithroxdotx: umm, do you have to call "donewithObject" on the Fleet?04:32
xdotxit's called after each object does it's orders04:33
mithroahh okay04:33
xdotxi tried adding in an extra call to it, to make sure it was done though. didn't fix it04:33
mithroxdotx: so in RFTS, fleets are totally "off the map" when moving between systems?04:34
* xdotx nods04:34
xdotxthey're in hyperspace! (or something like that)04:34
xdotxcan't give orders or see them04:35
mithrohave you tried04:35
xdotxhmm. no, worth a try04:35
mithrothat seems to be what minisec is doing04:35
mithrosetParent isn't going to update the parent object it seems04:36
xdotxyeah, yeah04:36
mithrominisec always seems to do a04:36
mithro          ob->removeFromParent();04:36
mithro          ob->addToParent(0);04:36
mithros/0/<some id>/04:36
xdotxwait.. why doesn't setParent do an addToParent??04:36
mithroxdotx: don't ask me :P04:36
* mithro pokes llnz again04:37
xdotxi think he's eating04:37
mithroI think maybe setParent is meant to be called by addToParent04:37
jothamdoes damage always happen in the same round04:38
jothamor could it be a few rounds later04:38
xdotxomg that worked04:38
mithroxdotx: you probably want to do something a little bit more advance in the future so that you personally can see fleets in hyperspace (but can't change orders)04:38
mithrootherwise it would be really hard to keep track of your assets :P04:39
xdotxmithro: i was planning on that (fleets have velocity i can set), but i wanted to get this WORKING first04:39
xdotxi think the move order, in all of it's like 10 lines of glory, has been the most work :P04:39
mithrothe RFTS code looks pretty good :P04:40
xdotxthanks :)04:41
mithroI could probably port it to tpserver-py in a couple of hours ;)04:42
mithroso much backscatter spam :/04:42
mithroi'm getting it on my server04:46
mithroabout 800 in the last hour04:46
mithroxdotx: so what else do you need help solving? :P04:49
xdotxmithro: i've got a couple other things. lemme finish up on planet order updates and i'll ask :)04:51
mithrohey llnz04:57
mithroI think minisec module needs a bit of a cleanup :P04:57
mithrojotham: opps sorry04:59
mithroI'm not sure I understand your question?05:00
jotham    <round number="2">05:00
jotham        <fire>05:00
jotham            <source      ref="frigate-59-3" />05:00
jotham            <destination ref="battleship-54-1" />05:00
jotham        </fire>05:00
jotham        <damage>05:00
jotham            <reference ref="battleship-54-1" />05:00
jotham            <amount>2</amount>05:00
jotham        </damage>05:00
jothamdamage to 54-105:01
jothamwill it always happen in round 2 in this case05:01
jothamor could it be round 3, 4...etc05:01
* llnz reads the backlog05:01
mithrojotham: well, the way I was thinking is that damage could occur any time05:03
mithroIE if you had some type of special "acid" laser05:03
jothamit'd just be dumb if you saw the damage before the weapon fired05:04
mithrobut damage should prettymuch always be applied after fire events05:04
jothamgraphically in the above case they'd happen at the same time05:04
jothamwhich would look dumb05:04
jothamso i was just curious05:04
mithrojotham: well I would prefer to be able to have damage events in the same round as fire events05:05
mithroand the viewer always makes sure the fire events are displayed first05:05
jothamyeah that's what i'll do05:05
mithrobut if that is going to be too hard05:05
jothami was just curious about the nature of damage05:05
mithrojotham: well it's pretty "generic"05:06
mithrojotham: btw if you think "oohhh, it would be really cool if it do X" then feel free to suggest it05:06
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r967b11c673ba /modules/games/rfts/ (fleet.cpp move.cpp rftsturn.cpp): move order works :)05:20
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r9f9a71e5a786 /modules/games/rfts/ (planet.cpp planet.h rfts.cpp): Production limited to every 3rd turn, build fleets on even and 3rd05:20
mithrohrm, no niphree :/05:21
mithroxdotx: I hope you have one hell of a welcome message :P05:39
xdotxmithro: lol ?05:41
mithrowell, the "can do x in turn x"05:42
xdotxoh, heh05:43
mithroxdotx: maybe you should post a message each turn which says what you can do in that turn?05:45
xdotxmithro: well it manually limits the orders you can do that turn05:46
mithroxdotx: yes, but people will be going "why can't I add a production order!?"05:46
xdotxmithro: and i'll be like "hahahah! all your production order are belong to me!"05:47
xdotxmithro: i'd like to think people would read at least an overview of the rules first. but honestly most probably won't05:49
mithroxdotx: too true06:01
CIA-23llnz tpserver-cpp * r9cc1789a1e8b /tpserver/playeragent.cpp:06:01
CIA-23Set orderqueueid of Order before doing inputFrame on the order.06:01
CIA-23Suggested by xdotx. Makes sense.06:01
mithrobut even then, when you connect to a game you might end up in the middle of a certain turn06:01
xdotxllnz: good news!06:05
*** xdotx is now known as xdotx_brb06:05
mithrollnz: btw demo1 is looking very sparse06:11
mithroDystopicFro: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=723099&aid=1773673&group_id=13207806:13
tpbBug #1773673: Error inserting a string06:13
jothamis there a kind of hash/dict that isn't expensive to iterate over?06:26
mithrodict isn't that expensive to iterate over06:27
mithromake sure you are using the iter though06:27
mithroIE {}.iteritems()06:28
mithrorather then {}.items()06:28
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mithroinfact iteration on almost all python structures is pretty fast06:30
jothamthere are not enough hours in the day06:32
mithrojotham: I know :/06:35
CIA-23mithro tpserver-py * r2f9646677dbd /tp/server/ (__init__.py bases/Game.py bases/Ruleset.py): Started conversion to using an event queue rather then Unix signals.06:55
mithrohrmm... niphree is now 2 hours late :/06:56
CIA-23mithro tpserver-py * r029bf7109409 /tp/server/bases/ (Game.py Ruleset.py): Make the Event class easier to work with.07:05
mithroxdotx: so what is the good news?07:08
xdotxmithro: oh, just that update from llnz - having orderqueue in the inputframe07:08
mithroso did you have any other problems07:09
xdotxhmm. a question and i problem i think07:10
xdotxmithro, llnz: in RFTS you can see all star systems and planets at all times, but you only know the state of each planet as it was last seen by a fleet. the framework doesn't have a way to emulate this, does it?07:13
llnzxdotx: i'm working on it07:14
llnzslowly (unfortunately)07:14
xdotxi was thinking i could just have all star systems be visible but only show planets if there's a fleet at that system07:15
llnzxdotx: you could do that07:16
mithroxdotx: that would be my sugestion07:16
* xdotx nods07:16
xdotxi'm probably going to implement that soon / next07:17
mithroxdotx: so we can build thing yet?07:17
xdotxmithro: you should be able to build scouts and marks07:18
xdotxbuilding does have a sort of strange problem though.07:22
xdotxllnz: i was wondering if you could take a look at it...07:23
llnzxdotx: sure07:23
xdotxthe build order sets a max value for how many of each ship you can make depending on your current resource points, but the max values are ignored (?) when you first go to add a ship.07:24
xdotxif you add one, then remove it, the next one you add is correctly limited. BUT, then it gets even weirder - all other ships are limited to whatever the limit was for the ship you add next07:24
llnzxdotx: in tpclient-pywx?07:24
* xdotx nods07:25
llnzit's a bug in tpclient-pywx that it doesn't correctly follow the limits of the list order parameter07:25
xdotxboth parts?07:26
llnzmost probably07:26
xdotxwell, that's good news for me then ;)07:26
llnzmithro: does that sound correct?07:27
mithroxdotx: check using text07:27
mithrobut it sounds pretty probable07:29
jothamawesome i got my events working, my particle emitter kinda working, and the spires for lasers rocking07:31
jothamtime for a bath07:31
mithrojotham: cool!07:33
mithroxdotx: how do I test your bug?07:40
xdotxmithro: with rfts you can do a build fleet order and select any stat. the limit for all amounts gets ignored for the first item you add. but after you clear an order, when you go to add another the limit isn't ignored, but the same limit is applied to all stats07:43
xdotxmithro: if it's not just rfts, then anything that uses the same list should exhibit the same bug07:44
llnzincluding minisec, build order07:44
llnzand possibly split fleet07:45
* llnz wanders off07:52
llnzlater all07:52
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mithrohrm, maximum should never be set07:52
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx * r5705a73adb59 /utils.py: Seems these where accidently removed.08:17
CIA-23mithro tpclient-pywx * r195191c43227 /windows/winOrder.py: Fix a problem with the latest wxPythons.08:17
mithroxdotx: give that a try?08:18
xdotxmithro: awesome, works08:22
mithroseems the latest wxPython may have broken that and nobody noticed08:22
mithroxdotx: your on Linux right?08:25
mithrodo you recon you could take a screenshot of the client?08:26
* xdotx nods08:26
* mithro recently fixed the DPI on his Laptop, which means all the fonts in pywx are too tiny now08:26
mithroand was wondering how you find it08:26
mithrostill no niphree :/08:26
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mithrohello guitsaru08:29
xdotxmithro: http://lusoc.mine.nu/tpclient-pywx.png08:30
mithrowhats with all the transparenecy? :P08:31
xdotxberyl ;)08:31
mithromakes it hard to see the edges08:32
xdotxgot it for fun a while ago, but found it really useful08:32
mithrothe font size looks okay08:32
xdotxyeah the font looks fine. but as for edges, i don't have window borders on anything but the design window08:33
mithroxdotx: I mean the "main" window08:33
mithroxdotx: what is your DPI set in Appearence->Fonts->Details ?08:36
mithroyour screen res is 1280x102408:38
xdotxmithro: Appearance...?08:43
mithroSystem -> Preferences -> Appearance08:43
xdotxdon't have that one, but i did find my font DPI08:43
xdotxmithro: you on KDE?08:45
xdotxhmm. i don't have an "appearance" in my preferences. but there's "Fonts", fyi08:46
mithrowhat version of ubuntu? edgy?08:46
mithroahh, I upgraded to gusty - maybe it's new08:47
xdotxis it using gnome 2.14?08:49
xdotxer, 2.18.108:49
mithro2.19.6 is appears08:50
* xdotx nods08:50
xdotxthat seems like the difference then08:50
xdotxack, sun's comin' up again. better go to bed08:57
mithroxdotx: when do you go back to school?08:57
xdotxmm early sept08:57
mithroxdotx: sleep is for the weak!  :P08:57
mithroso you going to continue working on RFTS till then?08:58
xdotx...maybe i will stay up ;P08:58
xdotxi plan on continuing so i can implement tp04 for RFTS and i'd like to help with tpserver-cpp as well08:58
* mithro will be around again tommorrow08:58
xdotxbut i know i'll be very busy during school working on my own project(s)08:59
mithroxdotx: you just need to figure out how to make TP part of your school work :P08:59
xdotxheheh. i might be able to do some projects like that, but i doubt it09:00
xdotxoh, but in the time before school starts back up i'll very likely put in some more work. I plan on having RFTS done next week, but it won't be polished, that's for certain.09:04
xdotxi'm going to be taking a trip back home for a week in about 10 days, but i plan on having my laptop (things are pretty boring at home ;P)09:06
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jothamdamn that was a sweet path09:16
xdotxmint favoured bubbles?09:17
jothamhah, no flavors/scents freak me out09:17
tpb<http://ln-s.net/pBy> (at the.fieldsofnoise.org)09:21
CIA-23mithro libtpproto-py * r424ce9df0621 /tp/netlib/xstruct.py: Sometimes we don't need an argument.09:21
CIA-23mithro libtpproto-py * rdc24b21158fd /tp/netlib/server.py: Poll can be given a timeout.09:21
mithrojotham: what is that?09:21
jothamjust the same as the other day, but with some lasers, timers, events, and a basic emitter09:21
jothamwill get it to load in the proper battle xmls soon enough09:22
mithroshould it stop emitting?09:22
jothamit has a series of timers triggering the emitter09:23
CIA-23mithro tpserver-py * r78731d00c12c /tp/server/ (__init__.py bases/Game.py bases/Ruleset.py): Reworked events to able to reference a game, but not game specific.09:24
mithrojotham: and they stop after a while?09:24
jothamwhat do?09:24
jothamwell it wouldn't be like that in the real thing, the bullets would fly toward a target for starters09:24
jothamand it wouldn't be random emission09:24
jothamthat was just me testing out the stuff to make sure it's working09:24
mithroafter running for about 1 minute the emitters stop emitting09:25
jothamthat's becasue it's a list of timers...09:25
jothamtheres only like 12 of them09:25
mithroahh okay09:25
mithrowe need some sound effects :P09:25
jothambah i've been reading about that09:26
jothamit's gonna be shitty09:26
xdotxlol. i found a hack in tpserver-cpp09:26
jotham(this is just me implimenting all the bits and pieces of the graphics engine btw...)09:26
mithrowatching this in silence is a bit errie09:26
mithroxdotx: oh?09:26
xdotxclearly marked "//HACK"09:26
jotham    now = pygame.time.get_ticks()09:26
jotham    for t in [1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 3700, 6000, 6700, 9000, 4300]:09:26
jotham        timers.append(Timer(t+now, ship0.fire))09:26
jothamthat's what you are watching in effect09:26
mithrojotham: so I assume this would work well for missiles too?09:27
jothamsure, right now the bullets are just going on a constant vx,vy09:27
jothambut you'd want them guided09:27
xdotxhe forces all objects visible after adding the player. which is precisely why i can't seem to hide things in my onPlayerAdd09:27
jothamwith smoke/particles and crap09:27
jothamwhich is fine09:28
jothamlike i said, i've been rewriting all the graphics side of battleviewer again from scratch09:28
jothamwhile i've programmed plenty, this is my first real attempt at a pygame application09:28
jotham..and it's very manual09:28
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DystopicFromithro: ping?09:33
mithroDystopicFro: hi!09:33
* DystopicFro needs to be more consistent in naming methods09:33
mithroDystopicFro: you get the bug report :P09:33
DystopicFrofixed the text insertion bug09:33
mithronot pushed?09:34
DystopicFrojust changed the code, pushing now09:34
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * r425b27bd1f3b /src/tpcl/Representation.py: Fixed Text insertion09:35
DystopicFromithro: anyway, I take it you've looked at the expression editor lately...what do you think of the quick insert menu?09:35
mithroI like the quick insert menu09:35
mithroI think you shouldn't have to hold control however09:35
mithroI think left-click == pop-up, right-click == copy menu?09:36
mithroohhh, Undo and Redo!09:37
DystopicFro*nods* I was messing with the control-click, to see how that felt09:37
DystopicFromithro: yea, that's definitely on the to-do list09:37
mithroUndo/Redo doesn't seem to work09:37
mithroin that now I can't insert09:38
DystopicFromithro: hrm...the right click menu is a part of the styledtextctrl09:39
mithroDystopicFro: is there any point with a pop-up on the *..*, why not just add another item?09:39
DystopicFroTake the cond expression09:39
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rc2103508b6b9 /modules/games/rfts/ (fleet.cpp rfts.cpp): set all planets invisible except if a fleet is present09:39
DystopicFroYou can either add a new case to test for09:39
DystopicFroor you can add the else clause09:39
DystopicFroor you can just close it off09:39
* mithro tests out cond09:40
* DystopicFro prays that works09:40
xdotxok. bed time. 'night all / 'morning / 'evening09:40
mithroxdotx: gnight09:40
mithroDystopicFro: found another bug09:40
mithroTraceback (most recent call last):09:40
mithro  File "/home/tim/oss/tp/tpruledev/src/gui/TpclEditorDialog.py", line 219, in f09:40
mithro    tpcl_editor.root_expression.Expand(offset, option)09:40
mithro  File "/home/tim/oss/tp/tpruledev/src/tpcl/Representation.py", line 520, in Expand09:40
mithro    return self.template.GetElementValue(index).Expand(offset, option)09:40
mithro  File "/home/tim/oss/tp/tpruledev/src/tpcl/Representation.py", line 520, in Expand09:40
mithro    return self.template.GetElementValue(index).Expand(offset, option)09:40
mithro  File "/home/tim/oss/tp/tpruledev/src/tpcl/Representation.py", line 534, in Expand09:40
mithro    self.template.ExpandExpansionPoint(index, expr, cont_exp)09:40
mithro  File "/home/tim/oss/tp/tpruledev/src/tpcl/Representation.py", line 216, in ExpandExpansionPoint09:41
mithro    del self.template[index]09:41
mithroAttributeError: 'TpclTemplate' object has no attribute 'template'09:41
mithroDystopicFro: there isn't really any point of having the rest of the menu on an expansion point?09:41
mithroDystopicFro: damn users, huh? :P09:42
DystopicFromithro: probably not, just haven't quite gotten around to finalizing the UI yet09:43
DystopicFroneed all the features first >.<09:43
DystopicFromithro: I love the feedback, helps with motivation and all that o.O09:43
mithroDystopicFro: well, on something like the (+ *..*) there is only really one option, add a new point09:44
mithroand you probably always want the *..* there so that if you change your mind later you can keep adding points09:44
DystopicFrobah one line typos09:44
mithroDystopicFro: btw, when do you go back to Uni?09:45
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * r4c4905e8e2f5 /src/tpcl/Representation.py: Fixed closure on variable length expressions09:45
DystopicFromithro: first class on monda09:45
DystopicFrothis coming, Aug 2009:46
* DystopicFro has the distinct feeling that mithro favors quick and simple09:46
* mithro favours KISS :P09:47
DystopicFromithro: my current conception of using the expression editor with the RDE is to get the string for the TPCL code in the same way that the editor does09:47
DystopicFroand if I do that then leaving in the *...* will b0rk the evaluation of the code09:48
mithroDystopicFro: well, just use a property which does a "return self.string.replace(' *..*', '')"09:49
mithrocall it something like "eval" string?09:50
mithrohrm... but then you can't re-add them when starting up the editor?09:50
mithrowhen starting up the editor your parse scheme into your internal representation?09:51
DystopicFroI plan on storing all expressions generated by the expression editor in a format that can be reconstructed from the block store09:51
DystopicFroa feature that I would like to add eventually is to parse existing code into the internal representation09:52
DystopicFrobut that's not provided for at the moment09:52
mithroscheme is REALLY easy to parse as long as it doesn't have macros in it :P09:52
DystopicFroaye, not so worried about that, just haven't gotten around to it yet o.O09:53
mithroBtw you don't seem to have a "List Literal"?09:53
DystopicFroyou can use a quoted expression for that?09:53
mithrobut lists are fairly common09:53
mithroso are "alists"09:54
mithroa list would be "`(*EXP* *..*)"09:54
DystopicFroAye, well, the list of functions is far from complete >.< I think I got up to the middle of string procedures before I called it quits09:54
DystopicFroAh, I have no support for that yet >.<09:54
mithroan alist would be "`((*EXP* . *EXP*) *..*)" (where *..* adds (*EXP* . *EXP*) )09:55
mithroalists == dictionaries09:55
mithroan alist would be "`((*KEY* . *VALUE*) *..*)" (where *..* adds (*KEY* . *VALUE*) )09:56
mithro(s/dictionaries/very inefficient but portable dictionaries/)09:56
mithrosadly there is no portable "hash" specification09:57
* mithro pretends to be old and grumpy09:57
DystopicFromithro: anyway, what I have in mind for the quick insert menu is to allow the user to specify any and all categories of expressions that he wants09:58
DystopicFroand also to have a history of the last 10 or so expressions09:59
mithroDystopicFro: that sounds useful09:59
DystopicFrowould that sate your need for having what you want to insert at your fingertips?09:59
mithroDystopicFro: yeah, I guess so09:59
mithroDystopicFro: but don't be surprised at a patch if I get using it a lot ;)10:00
DystopicFromithro: well, like I said before, once all of the backing structures are in place (like the blockstore and such) it won't be too much trouble to change the interface up10:01
DystopicFroalright, off to a bit of coding for me10:02
mithroDystopicFro: okay10:13
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * rba37adc38724 /src/gui/xrc/.gitignore: Ignoring wxg and pyc files in ./gui/xrc10:44
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * r51442cb2eb67 /src/ (6 files in 4 dirs): Added Info dialog for TPCL blocks10:44
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CIA-23mithro tpserver-py * r28c582dd45d3 /tp/server/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Removed excess prints.11:02
CIA-23mithro tpserver-py * r3f085a385719 / (tests/Ruleset.py tp/server/bases/Ruleset.py):11:02
CIA-23Added an "update" method to rulesets.11:02
CIA-23Used to update a currently running game with data from on disk.11:02
CIA-23mithro tpserver-py * re108c41cc914 /tpserver-py-tool:11:02
CIA-23Wrap the game creation in a transaction.11:02
CIA-23If the initialise fails the game won't be created.11:02
CIA-23mithro tpserver-py * r3f6229d17196 /tp/server/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Add support for GameAdded event.11:02
CIA-23mithro tpserver-py * r8811dee6bf8f /tp/server/bases/SQL.py: Also pull the game ID back out on an insert.11:02
CIA-23mithro tpserver-py * r0175384f7e91 /tp/server/bases/Game.py:11:03
CIA-23Only print out that we are removing the lock when local.11:03
CIA-23Also include the game id in the lock printout.11:03
CIA-23mithro tpserver-py * r063e345df7f1 /tp/server/bases/Game.py: Make sure that the event object restores the database to the correct game.11:03
mithroarg, how did it become 2:00am12:24
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mithrowb DystopicFro12:34
mithrothere was something I wanted to tell you just after you disconnected12:34
mithrobut I have totally forgotten it now12:35
DystopicFrooh :(12:35
* mithro tries to think what he was doing12:35
mithrohere are some other questions I thought up12:36
mithro - Have you figured out where to put the "help" stuff?12:36
mithro - It would be nice if the Preview window also did highlighting12:36
mithro - For some reason you can't maximise the editor frame12:37
mithroDo you think you will continue developing on the project when you start classes again?12:37
DystopicFromithro: 1) The "Detailed Info" button works now, I'm still thinking about implementing a help browser12:38
DystopicFro2) Haven't done that because I don't want to incur the overhead of another STC, but I guess it wouldn't be too bad12:38
DystopicFro3) Pretty sure that's because it's a dialog12:39
DystopicFro4) As I'm able to12:39
mithroDystopicFro: the Detailed Info button doesn't seem to do anything for me12:39
mithroahh! I remeber now12:40
tpb<http://ln-s.net/pEl> (at dystopicfro.blogspot.com)12:40
mithroI commented there12:40
DystopicFromithro: make sure you've selected a block in the tree control12:40
DystopicFroah...hm...yes, I haven't gotten around to posting it to the mailing list yet >.<12:42
DystopicFroI'll write up my status report for this past week and then I'll send that to the mailing list12:42
mithroDystopicFro: yeah, I've selected a few different blocks12:45
DystopicFrovery weird...it's working over here12:47
mithroI have tried Proc Def, Literals and Proc Calls12:48
mithro    def OnInfo(self, event):12:49
mithro        """\12:49
mithro        Opens a dialog without a parent for the moment12:49
mithro        """12:49
mithro        event.Skip()12:49
mithroDystopicFro: you forget to push something?12:49
DystopicFrojust pushed again to make sure12:49
DystopicFrodef OnInfo(self, event):12:49
DystopicFro        """\12:49
DystopicFro        Opens a dialog without a parent for the moment12:49
DystopicFro        """12:49
DystopicFro        sel_id = self.block_tree.GetSelection()12:49
DystopicFro        if sel_id.IsOk():12:49
DystopicFro            block = self.block_tree.GetPyData(sel_id)12:49
DystopicFro            if block:12:49
DystopicFro                info_dialog = BlockInfoDialog(self, block.name, block.display, block.description)12:49
DystopicFro                info_dialog.ShowModal()12:49
DystopicFro        event.Skip()12:49
* mithro tries pulling again12:50
mithroumm, your doco is wrong on TPCL requirements function12:51
mithroIf the component is allowed to be added to a design then the function should return a pair with True and a string to be displayed (empty strings are acceptable), otherwise it should return a pair with false and a string which describes the reason for not being able to add the component. The function is given a design object which has appears as if the component was already added. Returns - Bool12:51
mithroThe "Returns - Bool" conflicts the with defintion that it returns a pair12:52
* DystopicFro nods12:53
DystopicFrothanks for catching that - most everything to do with tpcl expressions right now is a mish-mash of placeholders and more permanent stuff12:53
mithroDystopicFro: yeah, I see that :P12:53
DystopicFroone thing that I need to do is complete the default store of TPCL Blocks and then verify all the data12:54
mithroDystopicFro: I'm happy to help with that sometime12:54
DystopicFromithro: any help there would be appreciated - the info on the blocks is stored in ./tpcl/data/tpcl_base.xml12:56
mithroprobably won't get a look till the weekend12:56
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * r2a1f84603a94 /src/tpcl/data/tpcl_base.xml: Brought doc text up to date12:59
DystopicFrowell, when you do get a look at it things will be up to date in terms of doc on the XML structure then >.<12:59
mithroDystopicFro: we probably should sit down sometime and talk about how to "install" the program13:04
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DystopicFromithro: agreed - or you can point me in the direction of some docs in that regard I can do most of the legwork13:04
DystopicFroI can ping you with any questions that I have13:04
DystopicFrowhich reminds me13:05
mithroDystopicFro: the best example so far is the setup.py in tpclient-pywx-dev13:05
mithropython just doesn't have a good method for install applications rather then just modules13:05
DystopicFromithro: is ElementTree distrubuted with Python 2.4? I have almost lost sanity trying to find it in the default install13:05
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mithroDystopicFro: no, elementtree doesn't come with 2.413:05
mithro# Need to find an ElementTree implimentation!13:06
mithroET = None13:06
mithroerrors = []13:06
mithro        import elementtree.ElementTree as ET13:06
mithroexcept ImportError, e:13:06
mithro        errors.append(e)13:06
mithro        import cElementTree as ET13:06
mithroexcept ImportError:13:06
mithro        errors.append(e)13:06
mithro        import lxml.etree as ET13:06
mithroexcept ImportError:13:06
mithro        errors.append(e)13:06
mithro        import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET13:06
mithroexcept ImportError:13:06
mithro        errors.append(e)13:06
mithroif ET is None:13:06
mithro        raise ImportError(str(errors))13:06
mithrothat is what I use to import ElementTree13:06
DystopicFrokk, just checking...I thought you had said that it had been included since 1.513:07
mithroDystopicFro: no, since 2.513:07
DystopicFronow I feel a little bit less insane.13:07
mithrowith Python 2.5 they made a pretty big effort to pull in all the really useful, stable modules13:08
mithroso Python 2.5 has ctypes, elementtree and a few other modules too13:08
DystopicFroalright, I'll have to check all of those different implementations, though, to see which ones I can use my writeout method with13:09
mithroDystopicFro: okay13:09
mithroDystopicFro: I believe they are all linked from the elementtree website13:10
* DystopicFro nods13:11
mithrocElementTree is in ubuntu13:11
mithroand so is lxml I believe13:12
mithroDystopicFro: so any questions before I go to bed?13:22
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DystopicFromithro: sorry about that, just trying to get cElementTree working - no joy13:31
DystopicFrodon't have any questions at the moment >.<13:31
DystopicFrogood sleeps13:31
mithroDystopicFro: okay, see you around13:31
* mithro heads to bed13:33
mithrognight everyone13:34
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * rd5cdd9a52fbd /src/ (5 files in 2 dirs):14:08
CIA-23Switched to mithro's method of importing ElementTree14:08
CIA-23This also required that I changed the writeout method. It works for14:08
CIA-23ElementTree. It should work for lxml.etree as well. cElementTree not14:08
CIA-23so much.14:08
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * ra0e2bee3940b /src/elementtree/ (12 files): Deleted ElementTree package from ./src/elementtree14:08
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*** xdotx_ is now known as xdotx17:34
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* nash waves17:57
xdotxhey nash18:00
nashHeyo xdotx18:02
* nash wonders if llnz is around18:05
nashI have a pile of tpproto patches to submit... and I'd like them reviewed before I send them18:05
xdotxi call him first! :P i want this playview visibility hack fixed18:09
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nashxdotx: Don't worry - mine are mostly formating, add some FIXMEs to things that look dodgy, and a sanity check or two18:13
nashAlso a bail out on malformed messages in a few blaces18:13
xdotxnash: i'm actually not sure what all is going to have to be changed/fixed for the visibility thing. it's not as easy as moving a couple lines around, like i'd hoped18:15
nashAhh... I recall some of this... it's ugly18:15
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * re23ff9c0d8ea /modules/games/rfts/ (7 files): just a bit of reorganizing18:22
CIA-23fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rfaf26c5fc599 /modules/games/rfts/ (6 files):18:22
CIA-23Star system exploration / planet visibility reworked. Pending a fix (or18:22
CIA-23another hack) for the playview visibility hack.18:22
nashYou have the weirdest email address18:29
xdotxnash: it's free email :P. stems from an old joke on yahoo's email setup page18:47
nashxdotx: I know what it is... Although I don't know the joke?19:00
xdotxnash: just me and some friends messing around in cs class in highschool19:01
CIA-23frodough tpruledev * rf5ed91ecab8e /TPCLEE_README:19:03
CIA-23Added readme for TPCL Expression Editor19:03
CIA-23Just some quick notes on usage.19:03
xdotxhttp://yro.slashdot.org/yro/07/08/14/2027231.shtml -- too funny19:24
tpb<http://ln-s.net/pJr> (at yro.slashdot.org)19:24
nashxdotx: It's an interesting game...  I wonder if they'll ask for more money from them19:43
nashmithro: You there?20:50
nashSo xdotx: When do you merge rfts to mainline?21:33
* xdotx shrugs21:34
xdotxnash: llnz said he would occasionally21:34
nashYou should poke him... that way we can get more testing for both21:34
*** DystopicFro has joined #tp21:37
nashHeyo Fro21:38
nashxdotx: Okay... trying to build RFTS I get:21:41
nash(in configure) syntax error near: _LT_SHELL_INIT(lt_ltdl_dir='')21:42
nash(the lt_ltdl_dir is the error)21:42
nashAny ideas?21:42
* nash hates autofoo21:42
* nash wonders if he needs a new version of auto something-or-other21:50
xdotxnash: what version of automake?21:50
xdotxthat's correct21:51
nashautoconf is 2.60a21:51
xdotxi recently reset up everything on my laptop and ran in to some problems. had to use older versions of some stuff21:51
xdotxi'm running autoconf 2.6121:51
nashUpgrading now21:53
nashautoconf is 2.6121:55
nashlibtool version?21:55
xdotxthat was my next guess: 1.5.22 here21:55
nash1.5.24 - so pretty close21:56
nashAny other ideas?22:01
xdotxmm, sec22:01
xdotxhmm. yeah, no ideas.22:05
xdotxautoconf, automake and libtool are the only preconfigure tools used22:06
nashwhat does the LT_SHELL_INIT line look like in your configure.sh?22:06
nashIt's during the ./configure pass22:06
xdotxhmm, i don't see an LT_SHELL_INIT in my configure22:09
nashWith an _ at the front22:10
nashStill... that is interesting...22:10
xdotxnash: you have the libltdl dir in tpserver-cpp right?22:12
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xdotxnash: the only thing i see in configure --help for libtool seems quite unrelated22:18
nashTypical autoconf stuff :-(22:21
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mithronash: ping?22:26
nashmithro: pong22:26
nashDude - you got any ideas about my autofoo errors for tpserver-cpp?22:26
mithronash: no22:27
mithroit sounds like there is something wrong with libltdl22:28
mithrobut I have no problem building22:28
nashI have a version 3 and a version 7 available22:29
nashMoving to the v3 - I had v722:30
nashmithro: Did you see my patches on the tp-devel list?22:30
mithrowhat does "./autogen.sh" do?22:30
xdotxruns aclocal, autoconf, automake22:30
nashThat fixed it...22:31
mithroxdotx: I know what it does, just wanted to know what it did for nash22:31
nashShould I use mzscheme or guilde?22:31
nashmithro: Ran without issue22:31
mithroso it's the configure that is dieing with the error?22:31
nashWell was22:32
nashDOwngrading libtldl fixed it22:32
nashSo what is recommended scheme or guile?22:32
nashmithro: ?22:34
mithronash: it shouldn't even be using your distro installed libltdl22:35
nashIt is22:35
mithronash: guile is recommened but both should work fine in theory22:35
nashconfigure barfed when there wasn't one22:35
mithronash: the patches are for libtpproto-cpp right?22:35
mithronash: poke Lee about it22:35
nashAny version of guile?22:36
mithrotpserver-cpp includes a local libltdl because the debian one is borked22:36
mithronash: 1.6 or 1.8 should work22:36
nashAnd yeah... I just wanted to know they got to the list... I haven't seen them back yet22:36
mithrookay cool22:43
mithronash: so why where you hacking on libtpproto-cpp?23:12
mithroI though  C programmers hated C++23:12
xdotxhmm. you know.. i just noticed, C++ == C23:24
mithroxdotx: ?23:26
xdotxmithro: since it's a post-inc on C...23:27
mithromaybe they should have called it ++C :P23:28
xdotxit's like they're trying to say "C++ looks greater than C, but really it's the same"23:28
* xdotx <3s C++ though23:28
xdotxC is too hacky23:29
* mithro wishes C++ was strongly typed23:29
xdotxit is! just.. not always :P23:34
xdotxthe only hacks are the whole zero thing and enums23:34
mithroxdotx: void* destories C++'s type system23:40
xdotxmithro: i forgot about that.23:43
xdotxhmm. why was that left in from C?23:43
mithroxdotx: dunno23:43
xdotxnobody uses it23:43
mithroxdotx: I'm not so sure :P23:43
* xdotx twitches23:43
jothami know quite a few people who code in C++ like they were in C for the most part, just using C++ as a kind of 'super C'23:44
jothamafterall, templates are just very elaborate macros23:44
jotham</2 cents>23:45
xdotxionno. i love templates. they're much stronger than macros, but definitely comparable23:47
xdotxthey're getting an upgrade soon :)23:47
xdotxyou'll be able to formalize template requirements with "concepts"23:48
xdotxjotham: and i would say those people are clearly not C++ programmers23:50
jothamthey are C programmers23:50
jothami thought that was clear =)23:50
xdotxah ;)23:51
jothami found C++ to be too unproductive23:52
jothambut i know a lot of C++ guys who love it23:52
jothami used to use C++ whenever i needed to speed python code up, but i think i need to learn to do it with C instead of C++23:52
* xdotx nods23:53
xdotxi could see using C for that over C++23:53
xdotxoptimizing small things is better done in C, for certain23:53

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