Friday, 2007-07-27

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mithrollnz: pong!06:24
* llnz starts working on making properties, components, and maybe designs exist in multiple categories in tpserver-cpp06:44
llnzquestion: should tpserver-cpp auto-create a property for each component type that just counts components?06:58
mithrollnz: see the logs?07:04
mithroDystopicFro was having trouble with that07:04
llnzok, i'll have a look07:05
mithrollnz: any use?07:13
llnzi will have a think about it07:14
llnzi didn't see specifically what the problem was07:14
mithrollnz: well, he can't refer to a non-existant property :)07:15
mithrollnz: well, it's not defined in the ruleset environment07:19
llnzdoes tpserver-py do anything help with auto-magic properties?07:20
mithrotpserver-py has no auto-magic properties07:20
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llnzhi niphree07:54
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * rc34663a812e8 /tpserver/designstore.cpp:07:54
CIA-3Removed automatically created property for each component type.07:54
CIA-3This removes a not useful feature, and makes the RDE clearer (no hidden07:54
CIA-3properties) and implementing multi-category properties/designs easier.07:54
mithrohey niphree07:59
mithroniphree: got any code to commit?08:00
mithroniphree: or some time to chat?08:01
niphreemithro: hey, I'm commiting code now08:02
niphreemithro: and I have some time now08:02
mithroniphree: cool08:05
mithroniphree: okay, if you can commit the code then we can chat08:06
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CIA-3niphree /tmp/2ioiwyWS09/PSG6oFx4t9-rewrite * r99f579d90153 / (12 files in 4 dirs):08:11
CIA-3flash charts and rss08:11
CIA-3added new flash charts and started working rss feed08:11
CIA-3via git-CVS emulator08:11
mithroniphree: cool!08:15
mithroniphree: give me 10 minutes to do a quick code review, then we can chat08:16
mithrollnz: I got tpserver-cpp to segfault earlier today08:16
llnzmithro: i saw that in the logs08:17
mithrollnz: only no core-dump and it hasn't segfault again yet08:17
niphreemithro: k - I'll be waiting08:17
mithroniphree: do you have a demo site?08:18      - I'm working on this and it could be also demo site ;)08:19
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * re1908c06494f / (6 files in 3 dirs):08:20
CIA-3Components and Properties can be in multiple categories.08:20
CIA-3As requested. Please do not abuse this ability. I'm not really sure yet08:20
CIA-3just how it should be used, most of my original design arguments still08:20
CIA-3stand (ask me if you want).08:20
mithroWarning: include_once(class/ofc-library/open_flash_chart_object.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/niphree/public_html/parsec/stat.php on line 1208:21
niphreemithro: try now08:23
mithroooohhh, flash charts08:25
llnzflash :(08:25
niphreebut also simple img - but with errors :/ (I'm trying to fix them)08:25
niphreeand those flash charts work faster then pear_graph08:26
mithrobtw the links on the calander don't work08:28
llnzfor the non-flash graph, you could point the img src to a php script and have the script return an image instead of html (and pass the parameters of the graph by get params)08:28
niphreeI have notice this now :/ (calendar error )08:29
mithroniphree: otherwise it's looking pretty good08:29
mithroniphree: I think you should wrap the image in a include "bits/";08:31
niphreemithro: what image - graph image ?08:32
mithrowell, both of them08:32
mithroniphree: see how on this page,
mithrothe stuff on the right is also wrapped in the start_section/end_section08:33
mithroI think it might look better if you do the same in the stats.php?08:34
mithroniphree: it's looking very good!08:35
mithroso how goes the rss feeds?08:35
niphreemithro: I don't know if I should add this - in all end/star section there are only html code - I use also php in them.08:38
niphreefeeds - just started. what library are you using in thousand parsec website ? (for rss feed)08:38
mithroniphree: not sure what you mean?08:39
mithroniphree: no library, just by hand08:40
mithroniphree: see how the front page has the right column and left column, your stats.php only has the left column08:43
niphreemithro: ok, I'll do something about this :]08:44
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * rf1d2c21915b2 /tpserver/ (component.cpp component.h):08:47
CIA-3Added InUse and ParentDesignId to Component for future use.08:47
CIA-3That future use is for when a Design in one category creates a component08:47
CIA-3in another category, and to allow for various interactions. This08:47
CIA-3includes adding to the parent's design construction count when a08:47
CIA-3component is used.08:47
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CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r91f436c3a764 /tpserver/component.cpp:08:51
CIA-3Made setInUse symmetric about updating design counts whether using or not.08:51
CIA-3Should make is possible to create a design, then delete it and the parent08:51
CIA-3design counts should not have changed.08:51
mithroniphree: so what are your current plans?08:52
niphreemithro: 1 -  fix calendar error08:52
niphreemithro: 2 - fix image_graph08:52
niphreemithro: 2 - error with displaying graph08:53
niphreemithro: 3 - end rss feed and backconnect08:54
mithroniphree: so how can we get you to commit more?08:56
mithroI'm very happy about your recent progress, but it would be better if you could commit more08:58
niphreemithro: k - I'll try to do one commit every day - I think it could work now.08:58
mithroniphree: it would be good after you do each of the above fixes08:59
mithrodo a commit08:59
niphreemithro: ok08:59
mithroalso lets us see your progress easier :)09:00
Epyoncommit early, commit often -_-09:00
* Epyon knows that saying that makes him a hypocrite... xP09:01
niphreeEpyon: :P09:02
EpyonYeah. I know :P09:03
EpyonTime to do some SoC stuff.09:03
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EpyonTo bad I'm stuck -_-09:03
mithroEpyon: if your stuck, we can discuss licensing?09:04
CIA-3niphree /tmp/H1t5lbGI0U/YLC86AflEy-rewrite * r24a1af3cb7e8 / (class/Calendar.php stat.php):09:05
CIA-3fixed calendar error09:05
CIA-3via git-CVS emulator09:05
EpyonOf what I submitted?09:05
EpyonAll that was submitted is GPL, or as you wish.09:06
mithroniphree_afk: yay! :)09:06
mithroEpyon: okay cool, you had concerns about licensing stuff however?09:07
mithro[20:26] <Epyon> llnz, i have a question about art for TP, and actually about licencing09:07
mithro[20:26] <Epyon> If I release some art for TP do I still retain full rights for it for my own usage?09:07
EpyonYeah, but this was about future work09:07
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r959b42d91b88 /tpserver/designstore.cpp: Set InUse on components when a design uses them (or stops using them).09:08
mithroEpyon: sure, I wanted to discuss the concerns you had about GPLing the artwork09:09
EpyonI'm going to do a *lot* sci-fi models/work in the next year, and I wondered about sharing. But the problem is that this work will have a much more "personal" to it from my point of view, and I wouldn't like to see it abused in more GPLed projects except the ones that I would give permission to.09:09
EpyonAnd that violates the GPL of course.09:09
mithrowell, your are trying to build a portfolio right?09:09
mithroand what do you mean by "abused"?09:10
EpyonNah, I'm trying to build a game :P. A artwork portfolio is useless to me, for I have no chance in the modelling industry anyway.09:11
mithroEpyon: why are you concerned with others using your artwork?09:11
EpyonBecause if I spend on something more than a day, I treat it very... personally.09:12
EpyonIt's not just "data" anymore. It's a part of my "dream".09:12
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mithroGPL means others can use your work, but if they make changes/improvements they have to contribute back09:12
mithrohey niphree09:12
Epyonniphree, kill them. They try to GPL my soul -_-09:13
* niphree is killing them ... eee who are "them" ? :>09:14
mithroEpyon: well, I can understand the personal investment in developing09:14
Epyonmithro, not all of it. But in the case of work done on "Stardreamer" it will be much more personal :/09:15
mithroEpyon: I'm interested, why does another person using your artwork take away from that?09:15
Epyonmithro, would you like your photo used to advertise porn? That's a big exaggaration, but the sense is basically the same :P09:16
mithroEpyon: okay09:17
EpyonBasically things taken out of context loose a part of their soul.09:18
mithroEpyon: does it destory part of the originals soul?09:18
EpyonIt devalues the original :P09:19
Epyon"Hey I've seen this ship in that shitty sidescroller"09:19
EpyonThe ship looses it's original value then.09:20
EpyonTIE fighters wouldn't be so cool if they'd be in every GPL'ed game y'know :P09:20
mithroEpyon: but TIE fighters are in every GPL game :)09:21
EpyonNot their design :)09:21
mithrosure, I know hundreds of games which have "Starwars" modes09:21
EpyonA TIE fighter in any non-Star Wars game feels really wrong, doesn't it?09:21
mithrowith TIE fighters and X-Wings09:21
EpyonBecause the design of star wars is so... "complete".09:22
mithroand Stardestroyers09:22
llnzEpyon: if a "embago" service for your media was available, would you use it, and how long would the embago be?09:22
EpyonI want my designs to form a similar "complete" set.09:22
* Epyon is confused.09:22
llnzas in not available for a given amount of time09:22
llnzheld in trust09:22
daxxarIn international commerce and politics, an embargo is the prohibition of commerce and trade with a certain country, in order to isolate it and to put its government into a difficult internal situation, given that the effects of the embargo are often able to make its economy suffer from the initiative.09:22
daxxarIn academic publishing, an embargo is a period during which access is not allowed to certain types of users. The purpose of this is to protect the revenue of the publisher.09:23
mithrobut as George Lucas is considered the originator, his work is considered the definite source09:23
llnzdaxxar: that second meaning is the closest09:23
daxxarIn journalism and public relations, a news embargo or press embargo is a request by a source that the information or news provided by that source not be published until a certain date or certain conditions have been met.09:23
Epyonmithro, that's right. But if it would spread *before* star wars became canon, it wouldn't be so.09:23
llnzdaxxar: or the third09:23
daxxarWikipedia <309:23
Epyonllnz, it depends on the success of the game.09:24
EpyonStardreamer won't see a public alpha version for at least a year at least.09:24
EpyonAnyway, if I'd decide to drop the project, I would probably "free" everything that was created for it.09:25
llnzout of curiosity, what kind of game is stardreamer?09:25
EpyonAnd that includes models.09:25
EpyonHmm. Elite/Frontier-like but with top-down "Star Wars : Empire at War" RTS style combat.09:26
mithroEpyon: can you think of any time you have seen this actually happen?09:26
Epyonmithro, what?09:26
mithrowork being taken and used in the manner you said above09:27
EpyonNope. But no wonder -- because you don't hear about those :P09:27
EpyonActually, on a very small scale that what happened in the roguelike scene with David Geriavis and Adam Bolt roguelike/cRPG tilesets. You see them *everywhere*. Sure they're good, but because they appear in *almost every* game, their value decreased so much that I can't stand playing another game which uses them.09:29
EpyonSure it's noble to create such a tileset and see so many people use it, but... I wouldn't want that to happen to my work :/09:29
mithrohrm, google is not turning up anything09:30
mithrothese -> ?09:31
tpb<> (at
mithroEpyon: hrmm....09:38
mithroEpyon: I'm assuming you plan to do StarDreamer totally yourself?09:43
EpyonCrazy, isn't it? ;)09:43
mithroEpyon: well, what would you think of llnz's idea?09:45
EpyonThat is?09:45
llnzwe embago the release of your media under the GPL until you say it is ok to release it (in affect)09:46
llnz - your game isn't affected (media not release)09:47
EpyonWell there would probably be a time limit for that, right?09:47
llnz - we get (GPL) media (eventually)09:47
llnz - if you get hit by the offline bus, we still get it09:48
llnz - you leave a legacy09:48
Epyonllnz, that's scary. I don't like dodging assasination attempts -_-09:48
mithroEpyon: :P09:49
llnzi guess i should have put "(eventually)" at the end of that line09:49
mithroEpyon: your artwork isn't that good ;)09:49
Epyonmithro, I know :P09:49
Epyonmithro, but I hope it'll be better in the future :P09:49
llnzwhen TP takes off, i expect to offer embago servies for whole games (ie: ruleset and optionally media)09:50
EpyonAnyway, I can supply you with GPL images it's the models I'm fighting for09:50
* llnz would love to work full time on tp09:50
Epyonllnz, someone would have to pay you for that xP09:50
llnzEpyon: yeah, and what's wrong with that?09:51
* Epyon would love to work fulltime as a game designer/developer if someone paid him for that.09:51
* llnz wanders off09:52
llnzlater all09:52
Epyonlater, llnz09:52
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mithroEpyon: if you had developed the complete set, would you be more interested in release it?09:53
Epyonmithro, what do you mean by that? Complete set of what?09:54
mithrowell, if you had completed Stardreamer09:55
EpyonDepends on how popular it would be.09:55
EpyonI plan on GPL'ing every game I make eventually.09:56
mithroEpyon: so why not say, I release the models under something like "" but it will automatically release under GPL after 2 years?09:59
tpbTitle: Creative Commons (at
EpyonY3eah, with the attribution bearing "Created for ThousandParsec". That would be ok.10:00
EpyonAnd my name probably.10:01
mithroall the CC license cover attribution10:01
mithrocc by-sa would be fine too10:02
EpyonND states that you can't build a game upon that content?10:02
mithro"No Derivative Works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work."10:03
EpyonYeah I know, but I'm no lawyer, so I don't know what that exactly means :P10:03
mithroEpyon: btw, you understand that most license are "non-exclusive"10:03
mithroEpyon: which you always have the rights to do you what you want with your own work10:04
EpyonNon-exclusive, by that you mean relicencing?10:04
EpyonYeah, I know.10:04
EpyonAnyway, I see that there are no problems here :)10:05
EpyonAnyway, I'll try to GPL all content for TP anyway.10:05
mithroEpyon: don't know if dual-licensing might work too?10:06
EpyonThe problem would start with bigger things like spacestations or bigger detailed ships.10:06
EpyonAnd it's only about the models.10:06
mithrowell, maybe we should wait till you get to the bigger items?10:10
EpyonYeah ;)10:10
EpyonAnyway, if all goes well I'll be tackling missiles today.10:10
mithromissiles would be good10:11
mithroanyway I have to go to bed10:20
CIA-3niphree /tmp/0CLdSN7yl6/y039tMyFui-rewrite * r129d3741fe66 / (class/Charts.php stat.php):10:25
CIA-3fixed error in displaying image charts10:25
CIA-3via git-CVS emulator10:25
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mithroniphree_afk: keep up the good work.10:30
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CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r5b259cc1f88c /src/gui/ (
CIA-3Messing with right-click handling11:33
CIA-3Since it would be nice to have context menus for the treectrl, eh? Stupid11:33
CIA-3event order.11:33
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r78f47e2b3e8a / (74 files in 18 dirs): (log message trimmed)11:33
CIA-3Added RDE support for multiple categories11:33
CIA-3Which raises the interesting point of how to handle category11:33
CIA-3associations. Can components only affect properties in their own11:33
CIA-3category? Should we have an implicit and hidden 'general' category in11:33
CIA-3which all objects are placed if this is the case so that basic, general11:33
CIA-3properties don't need to have their own category which would just be11:33
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r31227a1962a9 /Frosec/ (18 files in 5 dirs):11:33
CIA-3Added the Frosec project11:33
CIA-3This is the project created entirely within the RDE11:33
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CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rc616c11f99e4 /src/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Provided code-generation support for multiple categories11:41
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llnzhi xdotx23:44
xdotxllnz: hey23:45
xdotxllnz: all done with finals23:45
xdotxall that's left is praying to pass math23:45
xdotxmy estimates put me about 2-3 points away from a C-, so i'm depending on a curve... or good partial credit for the final. like quite a few others it seems :/23:46
llnzwhen you get a moment, please update to the current master repo23:48

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