Monday, 2007-07-23

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mithroafternoon people01:28 waves01:40
mithronash: so fixed the galaxie crash yet? :P01:41
nashI can't actually get it to crash01:42
nashYou are using recent tpserver-cpp?01:43
mithronash: you running two AI at once?01:44
nashMaybe I just got lucky :-(01:44
nashI didn't spend long on it however01:45
nashYou had just 2?  And it crashed reliably?01:45
nashYou are using head of both tpserver and galaxie?01:45
nashHmm... I'll give it another go tonight.. $10 says it crashes first go ;-)01:47
mithroit seemed to occur mainly around when you would expect two people to have had a battle01:47
mithromy guess is that you have some problem handling deleted objects01:47
nashAnd it's probably a race condition ;-)01:52
nashQuestion is why the resources issue comes into01:52
mithromy computer is on the slower side these days01:52
nashSo is mine01:52
mithroonly a 1.1GHz Pentium-M and it's often locked to 600Mhz01:52
mithroand if tpserver-cpp is consuming a lot of resources....01:53
mithrowell since schemepy is basically at a usable stage, maybe I should get back to doing some real work01:55
mithrohey greywhind01:56
mithrogreywhind: so had any more thoughts on what you might want to do?01:57
greywhindwell, i'm still thinking i might want to help you with the client, specifically with the overlay idea01:57
greywhindagain, that would require me to learn python first02:02
mithrolearning python is probably a good thing ;)02:29
mithrodon't think you have to work on the client just because I suggested it02:29
mithrogreywhind: I would much prefer you to work on something you are passionate about02:30
mithroas you are much more likely to get a lot of work done02:31
greywhindyeah - i'm not certain i'd enjoy working on the client, but i probably would. nash seems to have the AI under control, and a more polished client would certainly help draw players02:34
greywhindi'm not sure yet, though.02:34
nashgreywhind: My AIs are hardly genius level ;-)02:40
Epyonmornin all ^_^02:41
greywhindhi Epyon02:41
nashHeyo Epyon02:42
EpyonAny good news on the TP front?02:42
nashgreywhind: Do what you want, ignore me ;-)02:46
greywhindnash: well, i'd probably enjoy working on an AI if you think it would be helpful, but I don't want to do something redundant (nor do I know all of the latest and greatest AI techniques)02:47
nashAbsolutely - it woudl be good02:48
nashThere are whole classes of problems (and rulesets) to look at.02:48
nashIncluding generic AIs and AIs for MTSec of RFTSec02:48
greywhindtrue... though a generic AI would be quite difficult, given the diversity of possible rules02:49
mithrohey Epyon02:51
nashgreywhind: Yep02:51
nashBut there is plenty to do for either.02:52
nashAnd multiple AIs are bloody useful ;-)02:52
mithronash: maybe I should fix tpsai-py's Design support and then battle galaxie :)02:52
mithrogalaxie would probably just crash ;)02:53
greywhindhow close is MTSec to a playable state?02:53
nashmithro: heh02:54
nashmithro: It's going to be a little while before it gets a brain upgrade too ;-)02:54
nashFix crashis fisr issue.02:54
nashRefactor is second issue02:54
mithrogreywhind: not that close02:54
mithroI think rfts will be first02:54
mithrobut llnz is the person to ask02:55
greywhindmithro: do you think RFTS is in a workable enough state to write AI for it, or do you not know?02:57
mithrogreywhind: not at the moment, but should be by the end of summer02:57
greywhindmithro: well, that might be a good project, if it turns out that way... would i still need to learn python for it?02:57
mithrogreywhind: depends, it's probably the easiest language to develop in02:58
mithro(As it has all the supporting libraries)02:58
greywhindwell, i guess that's my task until the end of the summer then.02:59
mithronash: do you do much test driven development?03:26
nashFor some things03:29
nashDepends on what it is03:29
mithrowell, my real question is, how do you have the discipline to write proper tests?03:31
CIA-3mithro schemepy * rc7465a4b5593 /guile/ ( guilehelper.c): Added support for Python Floats.03:31
CIA-3mithro schemepy * r3d525fbdc78b /guile/ Added complex type.03:31
nashAhh... make sure i have a test framework before hand.03:31
nashAnd make sure I remember how much of a PITA it will be to debug later ;-)03:31
nashAlso use the test writing as productive procastination03:31
mithroi have all these tests at the bottom of my python file03:33
mithrobut I should probably convert them to proper tests03:33
mithrothey just print out their outputs and I look at them to see if they look sane03:33
greywhindmithro: the trick is to start by writing a test before you write your first code, then continuing to write them because you don't want to have half-tested code03:34
greywhindbecause then it will look like you just gave up03:34
mithrowell, there are plenty of tests, they just aren't automated03:35
mithroIE I have to manually look at the output to see if it's working03:35
greywhindmithro: isn't it just as easy to write them automated in the first place?03:35
mithrogreywhind: not really03:35
mithrowhat is easier then03:35
mithroa = m1.eval("1")03:36
mithroprint a03:36
mithroprint a.type()03:36
mithroprint a.topython()03:36
greywhindmithro: well, i don't know about Python's implementation of automated testing... but Java makes it extremely simple.03:36
mithronothing is easy in Java :P03:36
greywhindsure it is03:37
nashJust save the output03:37
nashgreywhind: I can assure it's not ;-)03:37
greywhindassertTrue(), assertFalse(), assertEquals()...03:38
mithrogreywhind: if you want to learn python, you could write these tests for me! :P03:39
mithroanyone know a program which will render PDF pages to images?03:39
greywhindheh - let me learn a little more first, then i'll look into it. i'm still learning about basic list syntax03:39
mithroa = []03:40
mithroprint a[0]03:40
mithroyay! everything you need to know ;)03:40
greywhindyeah - have you seen this tutorial?03:40
tpbTitle: Dive Into Python (at
greywhindit's for programmers who know other languages and who want to learn python03:41
mithrogreywhind: yeah, I think I have seen it before03:42
mithrogreywhind: I would recommend installing "ipython"03:42
mithroit's a wrapper around python which makes interactive mode a lot nicer03:42
greywhindby the way - it describes how to remove an element with a specific value, but not at a specific index. what's the best way to do that?03:43
mithroa = [10, 5, 6, 1, 4]03:44
mithrodel a[4]03:44
mithroas you would think03:44
mithropython is a nice language in that most things work how you would expect03:45
greywhindwell, it didn't mention the "del" keyword yet :P03:45
mithrogreywhind: ahh okay03:45
mithroa = {'a': 'peanut', 'b': 'more peanuts'}03:46
mithrodel a['a']03:46
greywhinddo you know which package of ipython installs easiest on Mac?03:46
mithrosorry, no :/03:47
mithroDepending on which Python you are using on Mac OS X, you may need to install the top level ipython script using the command:03:48
mithropython install_scripts --install-dir=/usr/local/bin03:48
mithroIf you want GUI support in IPython on Mac OS X, you need to make sure that the python called at the top of the ipython script is pythonw.03:48
* nash is off home03:48
greywhindyeah - found that03:48
nashtalk to you all later03:48
mithrosee ya nash03:48
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mithrohrm, no Fro03:49
greywhindk, got ipython installed03:56
greywhindbut now i think i should sleep03:58
mithrogreywhind: sleep is for the weak!03:59
greywhindwell, you certainly proved that this morning :P03:59
greywhindi guess i'm weak03:59
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llnzschemepy added to sloc page (visible in 10 minutes)04:53
mithrollnz: okay04:59
mithroit should really ignore the pyscheme directory04:59
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llnzlater all08:00
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CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r65371b7288af /src/rde/ (log message trimmed)13:28
CIA-3Silently remove invalid entries from project history13:28
CIA-3So, since I have the annoying tendency to commit partial updates and13:28
CIA-3forget important things like new folders I'm sure that everyone keeps13:28
CIA-3running into an issue of having the RDE break when they try to run13:28
CIA-3it, often because it's pointing to a project that doesn't exist. The13:28
CIA-3ConfigManager now validates each project in the project history before13:28
mithroDystopicFro: ping?13:35
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