Tuesday, 2007-07-17

mithroo so quiet00:00
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nashmithro: poke00:06
greywhindheh... 5 weeks and 6 days ago.00:25
nashgreywhind: Good thing you aren't in SoC00:25
greywhindi'll actually be here now that i know we've got clearance.00:26
nashSo when will we see the first commit?00:30
greywhindnot until at least the 2nd-3rd week of August, possibly later. for now, I need to get familiar with the code and choose a specific project00:31
nashWhat are you looking at project wise00:34
greywhindat the moment i'm most highly considering AI or a Diplomacy-like ruleset00:35
greywhindbut i would be open to other ideas, certainly00:38
nashEveryone wants to do diplomacy00:38
greywhindwell, i would be fine with leaving that to someone else00:38
* mithro could use a hand with the tpclient-pywx :P00:39
mithronash: [13:40] <nash> mithro: My surname begins with 'N'00:39
greywhindhmm... i'd have to learn python... does it take long to learn if you have experience with Perl and C++/Java?00:40
nashgreywhind: No-one has done it however00:40
nashmithro: The parcel you sent me is in the name of "Brett Mash"00:40
mithronash: well blame the postal attendent00:41
mithroI just gave him a little sticker00:41
nashgreywhind: Any complete ruleset is good.00:41
mithrogreywhind: Python shouldn't take you very long to learn00:41
nashElse work on TP04+ to do things like research.00:42
mithrospecially if you already have 2 or more languages00:42
greywhindmithro: well, what do you need help with on the pywx client?00:42
mithrogreywhind: everything! :P00:42
mithrogreywhind: I would have to admit, it wouldn't be all that interesting, but it can be very rewarding00:42
mithrobahahhaha, "Spanning Tree Protocol is the root bridge of all evil." :P00:43
greywhindmithro: the client involves... networking of some sort i would assume, graphics with wxWidgets... what else?00:43
mithrogreywhind: things like improving the starmap00:44
mithrogreywhind: your on Mac right?00:45
greywhindat the moment, yes, but i can switch to linux if necessary00:45
greywhindso... no servers up at the moment?00:46
mithrowell, the client needs quite a few "tweaks" to make it work better on mac00:46
mithrogreywhind: looks not :/00:46
greywhindi got git working on my mac, by the way, and downloaded a few of the modules00:46
mithrogreywhind: did you use the dmg or source?00:47
greywhindmithro: for git? the source.00:48
mithrogreywhind: no for the client00:48
mithrooh wait00:48
* mithro read that as s/git/it/00:48
greywhindi used the dmg for the client so far00:49
mithrogreywhind: and it worked okay?00:49
mithroit's only had limited testing since I don't have good access to a Mac00:49
greywhindi didn't test it for long - it was a month ago, before i was sure about this.00:50
greywhindbut it seemed to work00:50
mithromaybe a good start to redownload it and try again?00:50
greywhindsure - but i can't test it unless there's a server00:51
mithrogreywhind: I can start one up00:51
mithroI should put up a perminate tpserver-py somewhere....00:52
greywhindthat would probably be good for attracting more new users00:52
mithrogreywhind: normally we have two demo servers running all the time00:53
mithrobut they seem to have crashed00:53
greywhindyeah - i noticed that the two default servers were demo1 and demo200:53
mithrolee often has one at llnz.dyndns.org too00:54
nashmithro: BTW: You galaxie bug should be fixed00:54
mithronash: cool00:54
mithroI can finally do those AI movies00:54
nashStrange bug BTW. Not sure if it was a server or client bug00:54
nashWell there was a client bug... it crashed... but I think there may be a server bug too00:55
greywhindi was getting circular redirects when trying to download the client from Sourceforge, btw.00:55
mithrocircular redirects?00:55
greywhindyeah - just constant redirects to other pages, then back.00:55
tpb<http://ln-s.net/ioa> (at sourceforge.net)00:56
mithroweird, that link works for me00:57
nashgreywhind: Browser?00:57
nashAnd did you click a mirror?00:57
greywhindi clicked "this direct link" because it didn't start automatically00:57
Epyonmithro, you pinged me the other day00:57
mithroo wait, I spoke to soon00:58
nashmithro: As I keep saying.. get away from sourceforge...00:59
greywhindhmm... the current version actually has no mac client listed. should I get 0.2.1?00:59
mithronash: it's my fault01:00
nashAlso this is a provider which only allows letters and numbers in passwords...01:00
mithronash: I never uploaded the client when I did a release...01:00
mithronash: I should really write down a "release checklist"01:01
mithrothere is always something I forget when doing a release :/01:01
nashdo it now then01:01
Epyonmithro, that is ALWAYS a good idea -_-01:01
nashOr script it01:01
mithronash: yeah, but you can't really script "Write a cool announcement" :P01:02
greywhindyou can script "read from cool announcement's text file"01:02
nashNo, but you can script pretty much everything else... even the tag of the repo01:02
Epyonmithro, but you can script opening a editor/browser and typing "Write COOL announcement HERE" xP01:03
mithroI'll start with a check list, then move to a script01:04
nashmithro: Sense an echo here?01:05
mithrooh wait01:05
mithroecho off01:05
mithrothat help?01:05
nashProbably a little too well01:18
mithrookay, those links should be fixed01:20
greywhindstill no mac package, though?01:20
mithrogreywhind: no01:23
greywhindi'll have to try it on Linux then, but it's getting a bit late to start on that now01:24
greywhindi'll do it tomorrow01:24
mithrogreywhind: okay01:24
mithronash and I are both around quite a bit these days01:25
greywhindyeah. i should be as well.01:25
mithrogreywhind: getting setup under Mac isn't that hard01:25
greywhindshould i use the package or git?01:28
mithroif you want to develop, then git01:33
mithroif you just want to play with it, then the package01:33
greywhindto compile the pywx client, what modules do i need/other dependencies?01:34
mithrogreywhind: just writing that up now01:35
mithrowhats your email?01:35
greywhind[email protected]01:36
mithrogreywhind: sent01:42
mithrogreywhind: it's a little involved because mac doesn't have a package manager :/01:43
mithroand the apple shipped python is broken in a multitude of ways01:44
greywhindk, so even though i have python 2.4.3, i should get 2.5?01:44
mithrounless you install python 2.4.3 from the MacPython site01:45
greywhindeverything else on that page as well?01:45
mithrogreywhind: just the ones listed in the email01:46
greywhindi see now, sorry01:46
mithrogreywhind: a Mac developer would help make me sure I haven't broken the client on Mac01:47
mithroplus they can build the packages for mac people :P01:47
greywhindwell, i'd be happy to check it for you, but i don't think that would be enough for my entire internship :P01:48
nashgreywhind: Nope ;-)01:49
greywhindif Apple was really smart, they'd create a package manager01:50
nashgreywhind: Only if apple really wanted third party developers.01:51
mithrogreywhind: if they where really smart they would steal apt/dpkg01:51
nashs/third party/small third party/01:51
greywhindmithro: good point01:51
nashmithro: Nah.. they can't but it01:51
mithronash: yeah, Apple has a "Not owned here" complex01:53
greywhinddoes mac have setuptools installed by default?01:56
greywhindnever mind, i think i've figured it out02:00
tpb<http://ln-s.net/ipE> (at svn.pythonmac.org)02:01
greywhindyeah - i realized it gave the command for installing setuptools02:02
greywhindat first i thought it told me i needed setuptools, but didn't say how to get it02:02
greywhindsetup.sh gave me no output when i ran it as the last step - is that normal?02:07
mithrogreywhind: yeah, it should only give output when there is an error02:10
* mithro beats Lee with a stick02:11
greywhindwhen i try to run tpclient-pywx i get:02:11
greywhindhttp://rafb.net/p/sjFrYe64.html (6 lines)02:11
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)02:11
mithrogreywhind: ahh, sorry I should have said numarray not Numeric02:14
mithroThe following requirements where not met:02:14
mithro        python-numarray02:14
greywhindi'll install numarray then02:15
greywhindshould i install those recommended libraries as well? or do they not have mac packages?02:16
greywhindit runs now, by the way.02:16
nashDOn't worry too much.  Network performance is the main issue for tpclient-pywx02:18
greywhindthere's still no response from either demo server, by the way.02:18
nashgreywhind: tranquillity.nash.id.au has a server02:20
nashWatch out for the AI02:20
nashgreywhind: Did you connect?02:25
greywhindit's sitting at "Looking for Thousand Parsec Server..."02:25
nashmithro: That's your issue?02:26
mithrohold on a sec02:27
mithrobe back in 1002:27
nashgreywhind: Server url is tp://tranquillity.nash.id.au/ ?02:28
greywhindlet me try one more time02:28
greywhindhere's the console output i get when it sits waiting:02:29
greywhindhttp://rafb.net/p/pvwyoc24.html (38 lines)02:30
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)02:30
nashSo seems to be a networking error... NFI at all02:31
nashDefinitly a mithro issu02:31
Epyonnsh, mithro, hows the webclient going?02:31
nashEpyon: You could say badly...02:32
EpyonWhy? :(02:32
nashNo sight or sound of dmpayton02:32
EpyonDid you drop him during midterm?02:32
EpyonDid he at least leave some working code?02:33
nashUnless he came back and gave mithro an amazing story at the last moment02:33
nashEpyon: Not an iota02:33
nashWell as far as I know02:33
Epyon Oh shit :/02:33
EpyonI'm so sorry for you :(02:34
nashBloody annoying02:34
nashSo many other applicants too02:34
EpyonHow did the other students do the mid-term?02:34
nashgreywhind: As soon as mithro comes back - poke him with that URL02:34
nashEpyon: Mostly good02:34
nashThe RDE is looking cool, RFTS is on schedule, although I haven't seen any commits recently02:35
EpyonToo bad, the webclient was something badly needed :/02:35
nashmeta is apparently going okay02:36
nashEpyon: Indeed02:36
nashStill RFTS has a some pulling power, and RDE is useful in the long term02:36
EpyonHmm, I think you could force niphree to do the webclient instead, she's got the skills...02:36
EpyonBUT DON'T say I said that -_-02:36
EpyonSo basicaly no movement in the client department? :(02:37
nashI fixed a crash... and greywhind here has got another issue for tpcleint-py to fix...02:37
nashgreywhind: That's your cue02:38
nashmithro: See why Epyon just said02:38
EpyonToo bad, that was what I felt was the biggest drawback of tp02:38
greywhindmithro: http://rafb.net/p/pvwyoc24.html (38 lines)02:38
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)02:38
mithrogreywhind: oh, I know what that issue is...02:38
greywhindit doesn't happen with the old mac client02:38
mithrogreywhind: I know whats causing it02:39
mithrowill push a fix in about 10-15 minutes02:39
greywhindk - i'm going to want to sleep in about 2002:39
mithrogreywhind: does it occur in the development client?02:39
Epyonwhat's greywhind doing? :D02:39
greywhindmithro: it only happens in the one i compiled from git02:39
greywhindepyon: not quite sure yet02:39
mithrogreywhind: can you do a02:40
mithro"python requirements.py"02:40
greywhindhttp://rafb.net/p/mHjH0R43.html (13 lines)02:41
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)02:41
mithrohrm... that is a little weird02:41
nashEpyon: tpclient on mac02:41
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r7f9bec679467 /tp/netlib/client.py: Fixed a problem with the new git version magic.02:45
mithrogreywhind: give that a go02:45
greywhindgive what a go?02:45
mithrogreywhind: that patch I just pushed02:46
mithroif you do an update on libtpproto-py and try and connect again it might work02:47
greywhindk checking02:48
greywhindyep - fixed02:48
greywhindnow, when i log in to the server, the "order type to create" pulldown has no options in it. is that normal?02:49
greywhindi'm logging in as the default guest account02:49
mithrogreywhind: as the guest account you don't have the ability to issue orders02:50
mithro(for obvious reasons)02:50
mithroinfact that window use to hide itself when no orders and no permission to add orders...02:52
nashgreywhind: You'll need to build frigates to colonise02:55
nashDo you want me to restart the game?02:55
greywhindnah - i'm just playing around with it02:56
greywhindi won't be here for more than another few minutes anyway02:56
CIA-3mithro libtpclient-py-development * r322e828b26d6 /tp/client/threads.py: Fixed a problem with the new git version magic.02:58
greywhindnow, none of the items in the "Statistics" menu seem to work03:00
mithrogreywhind: thats a good project :P03:03
greywhindso those haven't been implemented yet?03:03
mithroI would also like to implement the ability to show different things on the starmap, IE objects which don't have any orders, resource densities, etc03:04
greywhindright - more visual views that can help in decisionmaking03:05
mithroI had an idea of a kind of "generic" way to define "overlays"03:06
mithrobut never had the time to impliment yet03:07
greywhindsounds like something i might be able to do if i learn python and wxWidgets in time :)03:08
greywhindanyway, i have to sleep - i have class tomorrow at 10 AM03:08
greywhindand it's just past midnight03:08
mithrogreywhind: he he okay03:08
mithrogreywhind: it's not your only option03:08
mithrobut it would be a very helpful one03:09
greywhindmithro: yeah, but i'm open to different possibilities, and it could be a pretty interesting project03:09
greywhindwe'll discuss it more tomorrow03:09
mithrogreywhind: have a good night03:09
greywhindsee you around03:09
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mithrollnz: it appears demo1/demo2 are down04:46
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llnzmithro: ok, will have a look04:55
mithroit looks like the server was reset 3 days ago :/04:56
mithrollnz: tpserver-cpp is quite hard to setup04:56
llnzdemo1 and demo2 running again04:57
llnzreally? it's not harder than apache04:57
mithrollnz: it is harder then apache05:06
llnzwhat makes it hard?05:06
mithroweird defaults05:07
llnzwhat's weird about them?05:07
mithro game_load - automatically load the game.05:07
mithroand network_start05:08
llnzthere is a good reason for the defaults05:08
mithrowhat is it?05:08
mithrothen I do a "tpserver-cpp -C sample.conf" I don't get a game05:08
llnzthose defaults are that way because it doesn't game sense until you specify a ruleset05:09
llnzmaybe i should rename sample.conf to settings.txt or something05:09
llnzthen provide minisec and mtsec sample conf files05:10
llnzthere are still some parameters that the admin *has* to specify05:10
mithrollnz: which ones?05:13
mithroif they aren't registering on the metaserver, name and stuff isn't that important05:14
llnzi thought you would ask05:14
llnzname is stuff is still used in avahi05:14
mithrollnz: but not many people will end up with more then 1 server on a network anyway05:15
mithroso a good default should be useful for most people05:16
llnzmost people will want to choose the ruleset, which all the *_load and *_start depend on05:17
mithrotook me about 5 tries before I could get a sensible game to start05:17
mithrollnz: then provide a "default" config for each ruleset05:17
llnzi will add quickstart-minisec.conf ans quickstat-mtsec.conf in a minute, if you think that would help05:18
mithroand rename sample.conf to something else05:18
mithroand a message on startup which tells you why a game hasn't started05:20
mithroi think it would be fairly rare for people to config from console05:21
llnzthe status command gives an overview of what is running/etc05:21
mithrollnz: maybe automatically run status on startup05:23
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CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r685e5780f9d4 / (quickstart-minisec.conf quickstart-mtsec.conf): Added quickstart-*.conf files for minisec and mtsec to help people.05:30
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r08f0d4198c89 /Makefile.am:05:33
CIA-3Added quickstart-*.conf to make dist created tarball.05:33
CIA-3So the next release will have these two files in.05:33
llnzLCA proposals for presentations ends on friday05:38
* mithro isn't putting anything in this year05:49
mithroyou could put in something about TP if you wanted05:50
llnzi thought we were going to do a joint presentation about competitions vs SoC05:54
mithrollnz: I was thinking about something like that05:56
* mithro is probably running either Gaming Miniconf or Open Hardware Miniconf05:57
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * rf065c2f57940 /tpserver/ (order.cpp order.h):06:31
CIA-3Added addParameter protected method to Order.06:31
CIA-3Start of clearer ownership of OrderParameters in subclasses of Order, and06:31
CIA-3to delete all the objects more clearly.06:31
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* nash waves06:40
llnzhi nash06:40
nashHow is xdotx going?06:40
llnzfairly good06:40
nashHaven't seen any commits recently?06:41
CIA-3nash galaxie * r93a5dc375acf /tpe_resources.c: Fix for resources for mithros bug.06:41
llnzyeah, next week, and big projects too06:41
llnzafter next week, he will be nearly completely free to work on rfts06:42
nashGoogle needs to arrange SoC so it is summer for everyone all round the world ;-)06:42
llnzdamn cold here currently06:43
nashNot hot here either ;-)06:43
nashBut I meant more in terms of holidays and students being available round the world06:44
nashHmm... time to break galaxie in massive ways...06:55
mithronash: that fixed the segfault?06:59
mithronash: been pestering llnz about how hard it is to get tpserver-cpp working07:01
mithrollnz: o btw the mysql module is borked07:01
llnzi know07:01
llnzi know about the mysql module not working07:01
mithroResource is Ship part (Ship parts)07:03
mithroDid not get all parameters for resource description07:03
mithroGot 9, expected 807:03
mithrohrm.... no niphree07:09
mithronash: is there a way to turn of planet names?07:22
mithrohrm I keep segfaulting tpserver-cpp07:38
tpbBug #1755429: Segfault in turn generation... (something about a RB-tree)07:53
mithroany ideas?08:18
llnzyes, but i haven't figured out the ultimate cause yet08:23
mithrothat wrapping on the ticket is pretty bad :/08:25
mithrowell I seem to be reliably able to get the segfault08:46
llnzoh dear08:46
* llnz wonders what is causing it08:46
mithroit seems to be in combat somewhere?08:48
mithrojust uploaded another backtrace08:48
mithroopps found a different segfault08:57
llnzahh, i know what it is09:03
llnzfleet vs planet09:03
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r276395880928 /modules/games/minisec/fleet.cpp:09:08
CIA-3If there is no OrderQueueId assigned (ie, 0), then don't try to modify it.09:08
CIA-3Should fix one of mithro's EOT segfaults.09:08
mithroopps, I'm on the rfts branch09:09
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r063a9638aac1 /modules/games/minisec/minisecturn.cpp:09:15
CIA-3Protect against removed objects in the otherorders list.09:15
CIA-3Should fix mithro's other segfault. MinisecTurn will probably get rewritten09:15
CIA-3at some point to remove the chance of this happening anyway.09:15
mithrollnz: maybe I can get past 10 turns now09:16
* llnz wanders off09:21
llnzlater all09:21
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mithrothis time galaxie crashed :/09:22
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tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-07-17T11:20:05 not replied to.11:22
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tpbtpb has joined on worldforge11:49
mithrowb DystopicFro11:49
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mithrohey greywhind11:51
greywhindwhat time is it there?11:51
mithrojust about to head to bed11:52
mithroyou just getting up?11:52
tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-07-17T11:50:52 not replied to.11:53
mithrobtw what timezone are you?11:53
CIA-3ubuntu tpruledev * r370e32738c5a /src/rde/ObjectManagement.py: Fixed error when persistence dir not exist11:53
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rfdc215ee2abb /src/ (12 files in 4 dirs):11:53
CIA-3Shift to nodes for object handling11:53
CIA-3Nodes are now the primary way of manipulating game objects. The objects11:53
CIA-3themselves are only invoked to handle things that deal specifically with11:53
CIA-3the object data. Hopefully this will make things a little bit smoother.11:53
greywhindMountain time11:53
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r762e66b4e241 /src/gui/ (ComponentPanel.py ObjectPanel.py):11:53
CIA-3Watch for changes in the edit panels on key down11:53
CIA-3Previously we watched for key up...sillyness. We'd catch events from11:53
CIA-3people creating new objects and hitting enter, or other such stuff11:53
CIA-3as that.11:53
DystopicFrooh...ahoy mithro, just finishing up some commits >.<11:53
DystopicFroand ahoy greywhind o.O11:53
mithrogreywhind: how is mountain time related to pacific?11:53
greywhindmithro: usually 1 hour ahead, but doesn't use Daylight Savings, so right now it's the same11:54
mithroI'll just assume you are Pacific then ;)11:54
mithroDystopicFro: just about to ask how tpruledev was going11:54
DystopicFromithro: slow day yesterday, but I've just put the foundation in place to start validating objects and highlighting the errors11:56
mithroDystopicFro: cool11:56
DystopicFroI think I'm just going to make a few small modifications to pyscheme to provide a bit more granularity in its error11:56
mithroany luck with the scheme stuff?11:56
DystopicFrosince right now parsing errors and eval errors are completely useless11:56
mithrofrom what I understand pyscheme is not under development anymore11:57
DystopicFronar, it looks like the last modifications were made in 2005?11:57
mithroLast release was September 18, 200411:57
DystopicFroah, 2004 then11:57
DystopicFrobut I think that I've got what I need in place to be able to detect errors in the TPCL code11:58
DystopicFrojust have to add a few variables and functions to the environment, which is easy enough once you pointed me to the right section of tpserver-p11:58
mithroDystopicFro: okay cool11:58
mithrowe should probably maintain a version of pyscheme11:59
mithrobecause it's used in tpclient-pywx, tpserver-py and tpruledev now11:59
* DystopicFro nods11:59
greywhindit's cool how you've got the bot set up - linked with the repository12:00
DystopicFrobetter to keep it all standard over everything that uses it12:00
mithroas I said, I hope eventually to write a library which is API compatible and wraps the C libraries (for speed)12:00
mithrogreywhind: ahh, you mean CIA?12:01
DystopicFrohah, yes, I saw that...and feel a bit sheepish since I was thinking I might need to go that road just to get adequate functionality12:01
greywhindmithro: yeah12:01
mithroDystopicFro: i'm happy for someone to do work for me :P12:02
mithrobut it would be good to be able to support multiple C backends12:03
DystopicFrohahah...yea...in that case it might be a while in coming if I'm the one doing it :P12:03
mithroI need to concentrate on tpclient-pywx for a bit12:05
mithrogreywhind: get any great inspuration over the night?12:08
greywhindmithro: heh - not really. I still need more info/experience with TP to decide - but I have a few weeks.12:08
mithrogreywhind: he he, okay12:09
tpbtpb has joined on worldforge12:09
tpbmode change by purple.worldforge.org on worldforge: +nt12:09
mithroan AI would be probably be ruleset specific12:09
mithrobtw, you on the mailing lists?12:10
tpbmode change by purple.worldforge.org on worldforge: -o tpb12:10
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge12:10
greywhindmithro: umm... let me check12:11
mithrocould use your thoughts on "Another idea about web site structure." threads12:11
greywhindmithro: i did subscribe to the RSS feed for news, but i don't think i subscribed to the mailing list12:11
mithrogreywhind: I would recommend joining them12:12
greywhindmithro: yeah - I guess I missed them, otherwise i would have already. let me do it now.12:12
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec : Metaserver Server Listing (at metaserver.thousandparsec.net)12:12
mithro4 servers running now :P12:12
mithroyou can read the thread on GMane12:13
tpb<http://ln-s.net/ixY> (at thread.gmane.org)12:14
greywhindmithro: without reading the restructuring idea, i'd say your site is actually very good compared to many for similar projects. not that it couldn't be improved.12:17
mithrogreywhind: always room for improvement :P12:18
* mithro heads to bed12:22
mithrohave a good day people :P12:22
mithrogreywhind: feel free to paster DystopicFro, nash and the others :P12:23
greywhindheh - alright12:23
DystopicFrosee ya later mithro12:23
tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-07-17T12:45:25 not replied to.12:47
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CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r60b157fce1b6 /src/game_objects/ObjectUtilities.py: Added error attribute to nodes16:33
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r6f35a8c40575 /src/ (7 files in 4 dirs):16:33
CIA-3Rudimentary project validation16:33
CIA-3Something screwy going on with validating the TPCL code, however. The16:33
CIA-3pyscheme parser gives an error on code programmatically fed to it but16:33
CIA-3not the same code hand fed to it. I'm thinking it may be an encoding16:33
CIA-3error or something similar. Meh.16:33
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * rfd42898a635a /src/codegen/CodegenUtils.py: Fixed stupid error in copied code.16:48
nashmithro: You there?17:04
greywhindnash: he's not in the channel17:05
nashgreywhind: Probably not then ;-)17:07
nashgreywhind: thanks17:07
nashI'll speak to him later.17:07
nashBut anyway.. I'll look at those galaxie bugs shortly17:07
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nashAnyway =- off to work17:22
nashtalk to you all later17:23
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nashheyo Epyon20:56
Epyonnash, need me for something? :)20:57
nashNope, just being socialable20:58
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mithrohey nash23:19
nashheyo mithro23:19
nashSee you keep breaking galaxie ;-)23:19
mithroyou see the bug reports I logged23:19
mithroand tpserver-cpp :)23:19
nashDidn't see the tpserver-cpp ones23:20
nashWhat were they over?23:21
mithronash: two segfaults in turn generation23:21
nashWow - I take it the two bad buys segfaulted...23:22
nashActually I take it they all segfaulted..23:22
nashElse WTF didn't 'nash' colonise everything23:23
mithrono, nash didn't segfault23:23
nashhmm... other bugs then23:23
mithroit was weird, it started saying nothing left to colonise way to early23:24
nashYeah... It is like orders to colonise weren't carried out23:24
mithrobe back in 1023:25
nashWell I'm off to lunch23:36
mithrookay have fun23:38

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