Sunday, 2007-07-15

*** tpb has joined #tp00:00
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tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-07-15T00:10:06 not replied to.00:12
tpbtpb has joined on worldforge00:23
tpbmode change by on worldforge: +nt00:23
tpbmode change by on worldforge: -o tpb00:26
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge00:26
tpbmode change by on worldforge: +o aloril00:27
*** mithro has joined #tp03:05
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* llnz ponders06:33
mithrollnz: what are you pondering?06:36
llnznothing much06:49
JLPmorning all07:49
llnzhi JLP08:02
* llnz is sick08:24
* llnz wanders off08:25
llnzlater all08:25
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mithroEpyon: ping?09:08
*** zipola has quit IRC09:28
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Epyonpong -_-12:27
*** zipola has joined #tp13:42
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tpbaloril has quit worldforge (Remote host closed the connection)23:21
tpbaloril has joined on worldforge23:31
mithrowoot! Got my "Eligible to Graduate" letter :P23:40
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*** xdotx has joined #tp23:55

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