Wednesday, 2007-07-04

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mithro~seen dmpayton01:31
tpbmithro: dmpayton was last seen in #tp 6 days, 1 hour, 37 minutes, and 56 seconds ago: <dmpayton> gnight01:31
mithro~seen niphree01:31
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 5 days, 12 hours, 55 minutes, and 17 seconds ago: <niphree> I just started :)01:31
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mithrohey xdotx02:16
xdotxhey mithro02:16
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mithroxdotx: hows everything going? the mid-term deadline is coming up soon02:21
xdotxmithro: what?!02:22
xdotxj/k :P02:22
xdotxit's been very much on my mind.02:22
* mithro drops dead with a heart attack02:23
xdotxi'm currently stuck unable to actually connect to my server02:23
xdotxbut i hope to get past that one tonight, then i get to implement features02:23
mithroxdotx: oh?02:23
mithrobtw it may be good to try using tpclient-pytext - it's quite a bit simipler and can help you seen problems quicker02:24
mithrodoesn't have a cache or anything02:24
* llnz notes that xdotx is going to need a tp04 client soon02:24
xdotxah, good idea02:24
mithrollnz: I think he can get away with a tp03 client for most things :P02:24
llnztrue, but object types are going to be a pain02:27
xdotxmithro: anything i should know about running tpclient-pytext?02:30
xdotxTraceback (most recent call last):02:30
xdotx  File "./tpclient-pytext", line 10, in <module>02:30
xdotx    from tp import netlib02:30
xdotxImportError: No module named tp02:30
mithroxdotx: it's pretty crappy :P02:30
mithromkdir tp02:31
mithrocd tp02:31
mithroln -s ../../libtpproto-py/tp/netlib netlib02:31
xdotxah, k02:31
xdotx:/ same02:32
xdotx(link is correct)02:33
mithrotouch ./tp/__init__.py02:36
xdotxtada :)02:37
CIA-32llnz libtpproto-cpp * r5671f1972e7b / (10 files in 3 dirs):04:23
CIA-32Preping for 0.1.1 release.04:23
CIA-32Updated the usual files, and AUTHORS.04:23
CIA-32Updated the debian things so that it builds from tarball, and hopefully04:23
CIA-32updated to current version. Library versioning is a pain.04:23
* llnz wonders how to push tags04:29
llnzahh, it is pushed already04:36
CIA-32llnz web * rd7b5b6523262 / (2 files in 2 dirs): News and tarball of libtpproto-cpp 0.1.1 release04:43
CIA-32llnz web * ra83affc941db / (10 files in 6 dirs): Merge with git+ssh://[email protected]/var/lib/git/web04:43
tpbNew news from Libtpproto-cpp 0.1.1 released.05:01
mithrollnz: don't forget the freshmeat announcment05:17
llnztarball uploaded sourceforge06:01
mithrosf announcement would be good too06:02
llnzfreshmeat announcment made06:07
llnzsf announcement made06:14
llnzmithro: when are the python libraries going to support tp04?06:36
mithrollnz: still a while away06:49
mithrollnz: plus we haven't figured out everything07:06
* llnz wanders off07:20
llnzlater all07:20
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mithrohey jlp07:49
mithrohow goes the conference?07:49
jlpmithro: hi07:49
jlpwell it's packed with action, so i'm a bit tired already07:50
mithrojlp: pimping Thousand Parsec? :P07:50
jlpit's last day today, tomorrow we're flying back home07:50
jlpyeah i'm telling people that ask me what i do about thousand parsec07:51
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