Tuesday, 2007-07-03

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nashllnz: It's your fault!02:19
llnzwhat is?02:19
xdotxhey nash, llnz, everybody else02:21
llnzhi xdotx02:21
llnzi'm answering your email now02:21
nashhey xdotx.02:21
nashllnz: The fact DystopicFro can't push to a new branch for tpserver-cpp ...02:21
nashllnz: Actually it's probably mithro's fault... but blaming you is a good way to get way to get your attention ;-)02:22
nashllnz: It's most likely a permissions thing02:22
nashSome directory he doesn't have write access too02:22
llnzahh, yeah02:23
llnzit appears that he is not in the correct group02:23
llnztry now02:24
nashllnz: I'll let him know... ;-)02:32
nashllnz: Thanks02:32
xdotxllnz: "Component Lists are a map between the ID of the component to the number of that component in the design." - So, component ID i can see, but what's the number of the component in the design?02:37
llnzhow many of that component there is in the design02:39
llnzie: engine (id 2), quanity 5 (five engines)02:39
xdotxohh... yeah now i feel silly02:39
xdotxllnz: so, in minisec and mtsec, it seems we pull the component ids out... magically...?02:47
xdotxi was thinking i'd.. make another enum instead?02:47
llnzall the ids are set by the DesignStore03:07
llnzdo you need a getComponentByName method?03:08
xdotxi would think so, how else could i know?03:08
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mithro~seen dmpayton03:09
tpbmithro: dmpayton was last seen in #tp 5 days, 3 hours, 16 minutes, and 19 seconds ago: <dmpayton> gnight03:09
mithro~seen niphree03:09
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 4 days, 14 hours, 33 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: <niphree> I just started :)03:09
mithro~seen DystopicFro03:11
tpbmithro: DystopicFro was last seen in #tp 5 hours, 1 minute, and 0 seconds ago: <DystopicFro> >.< I think I'll get my TPCL expression editor up and running first, and then use that to push mtsec forward :P03:11
mithronash: ping?03:14
mithroDystopicFro: ping?03:14
mithrohrm... this is quite weird03:15
CIA-32llnz tpserver-cpp * rec70b4855fb5 /tpserver/ (designstore.cpp designstore.h):03:15
CIA-32Added getComponentByName() method to DesignStore.03:15
CIA-32Needed to get the id of a Component without guessing. Might change the03:15
CIA-32addFoo methods to return the ids too yet.03:15
mithrosomehow tpserver-cpp directory is owned by www-data03:15
mithrollnz: ping?03:15
llnzmithro: pong03:15
llnzno it03:16
llnz's not03:16
mithroit is03:17
llnzi figured out DystopicFro's problem trying to push to tpserver-cpp03:17
mithro-rw-rw-r-- 4 lee   www-data       509 2007-05-02 10:28 tpserver-cpp.git/objects/fc/6224a54d50412646ba5995d779723ec29d5de603:17
mithro-rw-rw-r-- 4 lee   www-data      3840 2007-05-02 09:57 tpserver-cpp.git/objects/fc/d3c51f42f0ed67ec49a4c4aa1d525339a7c48d03:17
mithro-rw-rw-r-- 4 lee   www-data      2730 2007-05-02 10:43 tpserver-cpp.git/objects/fd/1c72a36005f7ffec6900a4fa57a5d8f46a46e603:17
llnzhe wasn't in the codemonkey group03:17
llnzbbl, out for a meeting03:17
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mithrollnz_away: fixed the permissions03:19
mithrollnz_away: ahh, I see what you missed - Fro's "default" group is the codemonkey group03:26
mithronash: haven't seen my galaxie progress?03:27
nashmithro: haven't pushed anything... been busy with other things03:27
tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-07-03T03:26:37 not replied to.03:29
tpbtpb has joined on worldforge03:32
mithronash: don't forget to push things otherwise unfortunate accidents can happen :P03:34
nashmithro: It is pushed to my work machine ;-)03:34
nashThought you may say that ;-)03:36
nashAnyway - about to head home03:36
nashtalk to you later03:36
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CIA-32fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r91d402f1e000 /modules/games/rfts/rfts.cpp: Fixed readding properties to design store03:42
CIA-32llnz tpserver-cpp-rfts * rec70b4855fb5 /tpserver/ (designstore.cpp designstore.h):03:42
CIA-32Added getComponentByName() method to DesignStore.03:42
CIA-32Needed to get the id of a Component without guessing. Might change the03:42
CIA-32addFoo methods to return the ids too yet.03:42
CIA-32fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r4a568c632104 /tpserver/ (designstore.cpp designstore.h):03:42
CIA-32Merge with git://git.thousandparsec.net/git/tpserver-cpp.git03:42
CIA-32fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r39ebac477c54 /modules/games/rfts/ (Makefile.am rfts.cpp rfts.h): Added component and design for each tech level03:42
mithrowoot more commits!03:55
CIA-32fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rf0d9e04a6559 /modules/games/rfts/ (rfts.cpp rfts.h): Using designstore's getComponentByName instead of load propertylist03:56
xdotxjust lil' things03:56
xdotxbut i don't feel like going to bed any time soon03:57
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mithroxdotx: every little bit counts :P05:21
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* llnz is back05:48
xdotxllnz: wb, get my email?05:49
llnzreading now05:49
xdotxllnz: i'm thinking i'm just going to drop the different categories and move PDBs to an objectparam.06:01
xdotxnot really a need for the different categories, just thought it'd be nice to use. doesn't really get me any benefit here06:02
llnzxdotx: could you delete the cache.* files in you ~/.tp/ directory and try to connect to your server again?06:04
xdotxooo. i've got some current changes from then (crazy changes). but i've got a new (real) error: "unpack requires a string argument of length 4"06:08
llnzodd, avahi says there are no objects in the server06:11
llnz> void Rfts::createUniverse() const {06:13
llnz>    //todo - something06:13
llnz> }06:13
xdotxyeah, i was going to say... there probably aren't any objects06:13
xdotxi've got that started right now actually06:13
llnzit could be the tpclient-pywx trys object 0 anyway06:14
xdotxi was thinking so06:15
xdotxi've got objects now, but also a seg fault06:15
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* xdotx should probably be getting sleep instead of another cup of coffee06:34
CIA-32fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r322bba88d698 /modules/games/rfts/ (rfts.cpp rfts.h): Settings up framework for universe creation06:35
CIA-32fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * re0b197e03066 /modules/games/rfts/rfts.cpp: Fixing universe creation06:35
CIA-32fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r76fb57962398 /modules/games/rfts/ (Makefile.am designcategories.h rfts.cpp rfts.h): Switching to single category06:35
xdotxllnz: so it seems like RFTS doesn't really have resources in the sense that they're used here06:41
xdotxthere's no parts or objects, there's only stats06:42
xdotxand general use "resource points"06:43
llnzresource points could be a resource06:43
llnzis there anything else that could be shifted from one place to another06:44
llnzthe stats might be resources too06:44
xdotxhmm. nothing can really be moved. it's either local to the planet, or to the player06:44
xdotxa planet's left over resource points go global after a turn of non-use, and ship tech is global06:45
mithroI'm using resources in TIM Trader to indicated things like factories06:54
mithroxdotx: can you log a reproducable bug for above?06:57
mithroI really need to handle error cases much better06:57
xdotxmithro: hmm, for which? and I'm not sure i could do a good job reproducing either ;P07:01
mithro[19:46] <xdotx> i've got objects now, but also a seg fault07:01
mithro[19:39] <xdotx> ooo. i've got some current changes from then (crazy changes). but i've got a new (real) error: "unpack requires a string argument of length 4"07:01
xdotxthe seg fault is 100% my bad :p07:02
xdotxi can try to reproduce the unpack one though07:03
mithrotpserver-cpp segfaulting or tpclient-pywx segfaulting?07:03
mithroxdotx: that would be good07:03
mithroahh okay, thought you had one in tpclient-pywx :P07:04
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* llnz wanders off07:48
llnzlater all07:48
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tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-07-03T07:46:49 not replied to.07:48
tpbtpb` has joined on worldforge07:48
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tpbnick change by tpb` to tpb on worldforge07:49
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CIA-32fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r0dcbcd002e6c /modules/games/rfts/ (planet.cpp planet.h rfts.cpp): Seg fauly fix08:08
CIA-32fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rfd800c80dda9 /modules/games/rfts/ (Makefile.am nop.cpp nop.h planet.cpp planet.h rfts.cpp): Stole nop from mini/mtsec08:08
tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-07-03T09:07:03 not replied to.09:09
tpbtpb has joined on worldforge09:09
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tpbdisconnected from worldforge: Ping sent at 2007-07-03T10:06:05 not replied to.10:08
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CIA-32frodough tpruledev * r59751f9220cd /src/game_objects/ (Category.py Component.py Property.py): Fixed some mixups in code generation12:49
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * rfff6aa9d2b45 /src/ (9 files in 2 dirs): refactored ObjectPanel.py files to gui dir12:49
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * rf44c8120ed51 /src/ (game_objects/ObjectUtilities.py gui/PropertyPanel.py):12:49
CIA-32Component/Property Panels now don't load/destroy panels12:49
CIA-32Have to work a better flow out for this, though, will do that after12:49
CIA-32further refactoring, I think.12:49
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * r4c3aff93f829 /src/ (gui/EditorFrame.py rde/ObjectManagement.py): Moved GameObjectTree into its own file in src/gui/12:49
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * r21810f32019f /src/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Removing unnecessary functions and imports12:49
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * r58ab2d2de9d5 /src/ (10 files in 4 dirs):12:50
CIA-32Refactored code generation12:50
CIA-32Code generation now resides in its own package to better decouple it12:50
CIA-32from the game object12:50
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * r606f2153dc62 /src/gui/EditorFrame.py:14:38
CIA-32Only Allow GameObjects to be selected in tree14:38
CIA-32This way we don't have to make panels for the object types, vastly14:38
CIA-32simplifying things.14:38
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * r3883c20ce192 /src/gui/ (EditPanel.py EditorFrame.py): Added EditPanel to handle panel swapping14:38
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * r08eb00a5173b /src/ (11 files in 3 dirs):14:38
CIA-32Put EditPanel into service14:38
CIA-32So now performance should be a bit better14:38
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * r034b6181ff19 /src/game_objects/ (Category.py Component.py ObjectUtilities.py Property.py):14:38
CIA-32Removed unnecessary wx imports14:38
CIA-32And also got rid of the generateEditPanel functions14:38
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * rfb45c3b74301 /src/gui/ (EditorFrame.py GameObjectTree.py): Expand object tree by default14:38
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