Wednesday, 2007-06-27

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mithrothe updated universe is now what you can see by doing the get_xxx from the servers00:00
dmpaytonso the client just does a direct query to the server? ie. no need to worry about how or where the server stores data00:02
mithrothe class in libtpclient-py offers a convient local (disk based) cache of the universe00:04
mithroit provides methods which allow you to only download things which have changed each turn (instead of the whole universe)00:05
mithroit also means that you can get objects by just doing dictionary lookups (IE cache.objects[0])00:13
dmpaytonmithro: what do you see?00:35
dmpaytonrefresh... goes up to 7?00:36
mithroexceptions.UnboundLocalError at /00:38
dmpaytonThat 6 was served up using and FastCGI. I'm toying with it's persistence.00:39
dmpaytonThough using a server to act as the middle man between the client and the daemon may be the best option.00:41
dmpaytonWhat's the purpose of libtpproto?00:44
* dmpayton pokes mithro00:47
mithrolibtpproto-py is a library which lets you talk to the server and get information00:48
mithroit's used by libtpclient-py00:48
mithroor can be used directly (as tpclient-pytext does)00:48
dmpaytonSo if we were to use the "daemon <-> database <-> web client" model, the web client would only need to access the database, and the daemon would be the one using libtpclient-py, yes?00:50
mithrobut you probably could get away the database being the Cache file libtpclient-py produces00:52
mithroor extend so that is saves/reads from a database00:53
dmpaytonwhat format is the cache file in?00:54
mithrocustom format00:55
mithroit's a pickle with some extra stuff so it can cache Order descriptions00:55
dmpaytonWhat would the pro/cons be of accessing the cache file vs extending to access a db?00:58
dmpaytonie. having to parse the (entire?) cache file when I need to grab an object vs a query to grab just what I need00:58
mithrodmpayton: yeah00:59
mithromaybe converting it to a SQLite database or dbm might work01:00
dmpaytonabout the daemon, would any changes made to the db be picked up by the daemon right away, or only at EOT?01:06
mithrowhat do you mean?01:07
mithroat the moment you don't need to worry about orders or designs(which are the only things which can change in a turn)01:08
dmpaytonhow is user authentication handled? User logs in, is validated, then his user id is sent with all orders?01:14
nashpersistent connection normally01:19
mithrothe connection is persistent01:20
mithroso once you login, the server knows that this user is with this connection01:20
dmpaytonRight, but that won't work with the web client, as the web client isn't persistent and orders from multiple users will be coming through from one daemon.01:21
mithrodmpayton: that is a problem you have to figure out01:21
dmpaytonSo what would be stored to let the server know that x order came from y player? does each player have a unique id?01:21
mithronormally you use cookies to make the stateless HTTP stateful01:21
mithrodmpayton: you need to be a bit more careful in your words - there are two servers here01:22
mithrothe web server and the Thousand Parsec server01:22
dmpaytonWhen I said server, I meant the game server.01:26
dmpaytonie. tpserver-cpp01:26
mithrotpserver-cpp/tpserver-py isn't going to change for the web client01:29
mithroso you are going to have to figure out how to login and then send the correct orders01:29
mithromaking a new connection to the tpserver for each web connection is a very bad option01:32
dmpaytonno, it'd make a single connection and send all orders through that.01:33
dmpaytonHow does the tpserver match a connection with a player? (ie. does it match the connection to the username or some other unique id?)01:40
mithrodmpayton: ?01:41
mithrothe way you talk to a server is you go01:41
mithroconnect packet ->01:42
mithro<- okay01:42
mithrologin packet ->01:42
mithro<- okay01:42
mithroget object xyz ->01:42
mithro<- object xyz01:42
mithroadd order to slot x on object xyz ->01:42
mithro<- okay01:42
mithroremove order from slot x on object xyz ->01:43
mithro<- error, no such order01:43
mithroas it is one continous connection01:48
mithrowe don't need to worry about sending a user ID each time01:48
mithroas we know that this connection is for this user01:48
dmpaytonSo, given what you said, how would two users share a single connection?01:54
mithrothey can't01:58
mithroyou will need to make a new connection for each user02:02
dmpaytonDidn't you say that would be a very bad option?02:04
mithrono, a new connection for each HTTP web request02:05
dmpaytonAh, okay02:06
mithroso how is it going?02:16
CIA-32fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * r2fbba90b0875 /modules/games/rfts/ (rftsturn.cpp rftsturn.h): Just adding for future usage.02:31
dmpaytonmithro: I'll have something for you to look at in a few minutes.02:34
mithrodmpayton: okay cool02:34
mithrojust ping me when you want02:45
dmpaytonmithro: ping?03:05
mithrodmpayton: pong!03:05
dmpaytonCheck your email03:05
mithrohow is the list of tasks going?03:07
dmpaytonSorting it right now.03:09
dmpaytonHow's the doc? does the diagram make sense?03:10
dmpaytonWhat about the process? sound like it'll work?03:10
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mithrojust writing comments now03:11
dmpaytonI've gotta be going soon. An early morning awaits...03:12
mithrosent first round03:13
mithrois the daemon threaded or work on some async method?03:13
mithrothat is one I forgot03:13
mithrodmpayton: well, there are two ways to design the daemon03:16
mithroone is where you have a thread per connection which blocks when there is no data03:16
mithrothe other is where you have a cooperative multitasking type system03:17
mithroin a single thread03:17
mithroboth have there problems/benifits03:19
mithrocan you can do either with libtpproto/libtpclient-py03:20
dmpaytonI'll have to look into it.03:24
mithrotpserver-py is (almost) a single threaded design03:24
mithrotpclient-pywx is a multi-threaded design03:24
dmpaytonI'm gonna call it a night for tonight.03:27
dmpaytonI'll be on tomorrow around 5pm my time03:28
dmpaytonmithro:  replied to your email, btw03:28
mithroso your not going to have any time to do things tommorrow?03:28
mithrobtw what do you have for the tasks so far?03:29
dmpaytonI missed the appointment with work I had today (tire blew out on the freeway), so I told them I'd be in tomorrow morning, and I wont have a ride home from there till my wife gets out of class at 4pm03:30
dmpaytonI may be on IRC during the day, but unable to do any work.03:30
mithroif you could work on the tasks and the database design tommorrow that would be good03:31
dmpaytonI have some tasks written down, but not really in order.03:31
dmpaytonWill do.03:31
mithro(don't really need a computer for either of them :)03:31
dmpaytonI'll catch ya tomorrow.03:31
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dmpaytonI'll also make a blog post tomorrow explaining everything that's been going on lately.03:32
* dmpayton out03:32
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mithrohey jotham05:01
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* mithro ponders if niphree will turn up for the weekly meeting....06:00
mithro~seen niphree06:08
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 1 week, 6 days, 10 hours, 47 minutes, and 39 seconds ago: <niphree> good night all06:08
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* nash waves07:11
mithrohey nash07:11
mithrohow long you going to be around tonight?07:11
nashmithro: Not sure07:12
nashEither 10 minutes or an hour most likely07:12
mithroI want to show you something07:13
nashAnything cool?07:13
mithrodunno :P07:15
CIA-32mithro tpserver-py * r789f8ec07b83 /tp/server/rules/timtrader/ (6 files in 4 dirs): Initial timtrader commit.07:15
CIA-32mithro tpserver-py * rd9c7b910932a /tp/server/rules/timtrader/ (8 files in 3 dirs):07:15
CIA-32Added the resources CSV.07:15
CIA-32The prodcon file now checks that all goods are defined in Resources.csv07:15
CIA-32mithro tpserver-py * rb3c980bf84ab /tp/server/rules/timtrader/ ( objects/ other/resources.ods):07:15
CIA-32Added start of the planet class.07:15
CIA-32Starting adding grouping to the resource list.07:15
nashbah... spoilt my weekends hacking07:16
mithronash: well it's not in a working state yet07:16
mithroHopefully you'll hack on tpserver-py now instead of the evil tpserver-cpp :)07:17
mithrohave a read of07:17
tpb<> (at
mithroIt's not quite your version of Trader, but I think it'll be a cool test07:18
* nash loks07:19
mithromy coding has already highlighted a few small deficencies in tpserver-py07:19
nashmithro: I'm not a fan of python :-(07:19
nashIf it was lua... well that's a different matter ;-)07:19
mithropython > C++07:19
mithroyour a C fan, you have to hate C++ :)07:19
nashI do07:20
nashBut it's much easier to write C in C++ then python ;-)07:20
nashAt least pointers work07:20
nashAnyway, I'm going to hack at getting some order stuff to work now in galaxie ;-)07:21
nashSo what works at the moment?07:23
nashmithro: ?07:25
mithronot a lot07:25
mithroI hope to have the economy working before the weekend07:25
nashSo basically game flow is for player is:07:25
nashWork out what resources to get rid off07:26
nashWork out what to pick up07:26
mithrothere is a file which reads in the CSV file and setups the producer/consumer factories07:26
nashSet destination07:26
nashhmm... been a while since I updated apparently...07:26
nashIndexing 274 objects.07:26
nashDoes tpserver-py just work yet?07:27
nashie When can I just do a './tpserver-py' and things just work?07:27
mithrocp; ./tpserver-py07:27
* mithro ponders07:27
mithromaybe I should put that in tpserver-py if it can't find a config.py07:27
nashtranquillity:[~/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-py]% ./tpserver-py07:28
nashTraceback (most recent call last):07:28
nash  File "./tpserver-py", line 8, in ?07:28
nash    from tp.server import FullServer07:28
nash  File "/home/nash/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-py/tp/server/", line 21, in ?07:28
nash    from config import dbconfig, dbecho, servername, serverip, metaserver07:28
nashImportError: cannot import name servername07:28
nashNope.. second time it game be:07:28
nashTraceback (most recent call last):07:29
nash  File "./tpserver-py", line 29, in ?07:29
nash    main()07:29
nash  File "./tpserver-py", line 15, in main07:29
nash    s = FullServer("", port, port+1)07:29
nash  File "/home/nash/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-py/tp/server/", line 580, in __init__07:29
nash    from discover import DiscoverServer07:29
nash  File "/home/nash/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-py/tp/server/", line 6, in ?07:29
nash    from import RemoteServer as RemoteServerB07:29
nashImportError: cannot import name RemoteServer07:29
mithroyou need to update libtpproto-py07:30
* nash will be so glad when there are packaages for this stuff07:30
mithrois it really that hard to update libtpproto-py before tpserver-py?07:31
mithrohrm... looks like needs a few small changes07:32
nashSo in that list of errors up there... which bit is supposed to tell me that I need a newer version of libtpproto-py?07:32
nash(99, 'Cannot assign requested address') This port in use... 781007:33
nashPorts [7811] [7812]07:33
nash(98, 'Address already in use') This port in use... 781107:33
nashPorts [7812] [7813]07:33
nashFound pyopenssl07:33
nashSetup UNIX signalling07:33
nash SIGUSR1 should be used after turn generation to notify clients07:33
nash SIGUSR2 should be used after adding a new game07:33
nash(99, 'Cannot assign requested address') This port in use... 781207:33
nashPorts [7813] [7814]07:33
nash(98, 'Address already in use') This port in use... 781307:33
nashPorts [7814] [7815]07:33
nashFound pyopenssl07:33
nashSetup UNIX signalling07:33
nash SIGUSR1 should be used after turn generation to notify clients07:33
nash SIGUSR2 should be used after adding a new game07:33
nash(99, 'Cannot assign requested address') This port in use... 781407:33
nashPorts [7815] [7816]07:33
nash(98, 'Address already in use') This port in use... 781507:33
nashPorts [7816] [7817]07:33
nashFound pyopenssl07:33
nashSetup UNIX signalling07:33
nash SIGUSR1 should be used after turn generation to notify clients07:33
nash SIGUSR2 should be used after adding a new game07:33
nash(99, 'Cannot assign requested address') This port in use... 781607:33
nashPorts [7817] [7818]07:33
nash(98, 'Address already in use') This port in use... 781707:33
nashPorts [7818] [7819]07:34
nashFound pyopenssl07:34
nashSetup UNIX signalling07:34
nash SIGUSR1 should be used after turn generation to notify clients07:34
nash SIGUSR2 should be used after adding a new game07:34
nash(99, 'Cannot assign requested address') This port in use... 781807:34
nashPorts [7819] [7820]07:34
nash(98, 'Address already in use') This port in use... 781907:34
mithroI got the message after the first one07:34
nashPorts [7820] [7821]07:34
nashFound pyopenssl07:34
nashSetup UNIX signalling07:34
nash SIGUSR1 should be used after turn generation to notify clients07:34
nash SIGUSR2 should be used after adding a new game07:34
nash(99, 'Cannot assign requested address') This port in use... 782007:34
nashPorts [7821] [7822]07:34
nash(98, 'Address already in use') This port in use... 782107:34
nashPorts [7822] [7823]07:34
nashFound pyopenssl07:34
nashSetup UNIX signalling07:34
nash SIGUSR1 should be used after turn generation to notify clients07:34
nash SIGUSR2 should be used after adding a new game07:34
nash(99, 'Cannot assign requested address') This port in use... 782207:34
nashPorts [7823] [7824]07:34
nash(98, 'Address already in use') This port in use... 782307:34
nashPorts [7824] [7825]07:34
nashFound pyopenssl07:34
nashSetup UNIX signalling07:34
nashI'm guessing that isn't suppoed to happen07:34
nashPasted a bit more then I wanted.07:35
nashI assume is started in the high 6000s..07:35
nashTo reproduce -- keep a version of tpserver-cpp running ;-)07:35
mithroactually that doesn't make any sense07:36
mithrobecause the bind should succeed when you reach ports above tpserver-cpp07:38
mithroThis is what I get07:38
mithroPorts [6923] [6924]07:38
mithro(98, 'Address already in use') This port in use... 692307:38
mithroPorts [6924] [6925]07:38
mithro(98, 'Address already in use') This port in use... 692407:38
mithroPorts [6925] [6926]07:38
mithroUnable to import pyopenssl07:38
mithrocan you try again with a | less and then tell me what the top bit looks like07:40
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nashNo module named avahi07:42
nashNo module named bonjour07:42
nashUsing pyZeroConf ZeroConf implimentation...07:42
nashNo module named avahi07:42
nashNo module named bonjour_server07:42
nashUsing pyZeroConf ZeroConf implimentation...07:42
nashPorts [6923] [6924]07:42
nashFound pyopenssl07:42
nashSetup UNIX signalling07:42
nash SIGUSR1 should be used after turn generation to notify clients07:42
nash SIGUSR2 should be used after adding a new game07:42
nash(99, 'Cannot assign requested address') This port in use... 692307:42
nashPorts [6924] [6925]07:42
nash(98, 'Address already in use') This port in use... 692407:43
nashPorts [6925] [6926]07:43
nashFound pyopenssl07:43
nashSetup UNIX signalling07:43
nash SIGUSR1 should be used after turn generation to notify clients07:43
nash SIGUSR2 should be used after adding a new game07:43
nash(99, 'Cannot assign requested address') This port in use... 692507:43
nashPorts [6926] [6927]07:43
nash(98, 'Address already in use') This port in use... 692607:43
nashPorts [6927] [6928]07:43
nashThat's the top07:43
mithrookay that is enough07:43
mithroI think it must be the pyzeroconf stuff...07:44
mithrobecause it doesn't make muc sense07:45
mithrothe "Cannot assign requested address"07:45
mithrookay able to reproduce it now07:50
nashcan you fix it however?07:51
CIA-32mithro libtpproto-py * r3941d59250d3 /tp/netlib/discover/ Dunno how I managed to get this IP address (instead of in here.07:54
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nashSeems to be better07:56
nashSo how do I get it start a traders game?07:56
mithrohrm... I have no fscken idea what just happend07:57
mithroI some how did a merge commit07:58
mithroonly it merged from a non-existant branch07:59
mithroand now I can't do an uncommit07:59
mithrocg-admin-uncommit won't uncommit a branch07:59
nashVery weird07:59
nashSo is the tree okay?07:59
nashmithro: How do I kill tpserver-py now?08:01
nash^\ is a bit of overkill08:02
nash^C doesn't seem to work08:02
mithro^C should work08:02
nashDo you want to try08:03
mithroit works here08:03
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mithronash: could you try install "python-avahi" ?08:05
mithroI should test the pyzeroconf stuff more, i have avahi installed locally, so libtpproto-py uses that instead08:07
mithrothe pyzeroconf is like 100 times slower then avahi too :/08:10
CIA-32mithro tpserver-py * r66163aa488b4 /
CIA-32Updated to the config template.08:10
CIA-32My local config settings had leaked into the file.08:10
CIA-32mithro tpserver-py * r816ec397df7b /tpserver-py: Copy the config template to the config file if started without a config.08:10
CIA-32mithro tpserver-py * r0123cb786289 /tp/server/ Only start the metaserver thread if the metaserver setting is valid.08:10
CIA-32mithro tpserver-py * re14ef4c603d8 /tp/server/ Only start the discover threads when we also start serving.08:10
mithroat the moment you can't start a timtrader game08:11
mithroyou can go and look at the producers/consumers stuff08:11
mithroby going into ./tp/server/rules/timtrader/08:12
nashmithro: Okay... we I'll keep hacking at galaxie for tonight then08:12
mithropython ProducersConsumers.py08:12
nashGetting somewhere with order display, and want to submit very soon...08:12
mithronash: that will be cool08:13
mithroI have yet to figure out how to do the cost structure08:14
nashEconomies are hard?08:14
mithroIE How much a person gets for moving stuff about08:15
nashStart with 1 credit per unit and go from there08:16
mithrowhich of these is the correct spelling?08:30
mithro       def initialise(self):08:30
mithro       def initalise(self):08:30
nashthe first08:31
mithrodiff doesn't do a very good job of CSV files :/08:35
CIA-32mithro tpserver-py * r6fe46ac32c1e /tp/server/bases/ Can get resource by name now.08:35
CIA-32mithro tpserver-py * r901689f9f1bb / (3 files in 3 dirs): Fix spelling mistake. (initalise -> initialise)08:35
CIA-32mithro tpserver-py * r8b3a90bacdd0 /tp/server/rules/timtrader/ (7 files in 3 dirs): Can now initialise the game and all the resources are correctly created.08:35
CIA-32mithro tpserver-py * rf48a3afc735b /tp/server/rules/timtrader/other/ (resources.csv resources.ods): Add the credit resource.08:38
mithrono niphree tonight :/08:39
mithrodmpayton is making progress however08:40
* mithro ponders08:40
mithroresearching this ruleset has made me find some deficencies08:41
mithrowe need a way for the orders to describe a valid set of arguments08:42
mithroIE We currently can't describe that you can have a mixture of any resource up to 100kt's08:42
nashSo basically you need to send an orders constraints function08:44
nashmore code sendt over the wire basically08:44
mithroyeah, that is what I was thinking08:44
mithroalso need to differentiate from "suggestions" and "hard errors"08:44
llnzadd a new orderparameter type08:45
mithroIE The system might suggest that you can only load 10kt from this planet (for that resource) - but a player knows better, by the time the load order occurs another ship will have dumped it's load08:45
mithromaybe we need to move orders towards a system similar to designs?08:47
mithroIE based around tpcl code being executed08:48
mithrowhich checks the sanity of the orders locally08:48
mithrollnz: why?08:48
nashor maybe we just leave it for a while until something like tp04 is sorted..08:48
mithronash: the transport problem would be nice to solve in tp04 :)08:49
mithrollnz: Can you think of another way to describe complicated things like load/unload orders?08:50
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mithrohey MihaiBalan08:50
llnzmithro: make them take the maximum amount to load/unload, not the exact amount08:52
nashie make it a unload request ;-08:52
mithrollnz: but what happens if there are incompatible cargo? IE Radioactive material and people08:53
nashmithro: walk before you can fly08:53
mithronash: our current system is walking :P08:53
llnzthe user would know the problem, and could learn it if they don't08:53
llnzlearning happens after accidents08:54
nashDocument it... else let the people become 'radiated meat'08:54
nashala frontier slaves + no life support -> animal products08:54
mithrollnz: but it's annoying, the system should warn you "Loading People and Radioactive material will cause the people to die!"08:54
llnzthe player will only do it once08:55
nashmithro: Sure... in the documethnation08:55
mithrobut imagine if there where 30 of those type of combinations - remebering them all would suck08:56
nashmithro: you are over genericising... focus on the core issues, and wait to see what happens once people are using it08:57
mithronash: but at the moment, we have no way to describe "maximums"08:58
nashUmm.. I could have sworn there was a 'max' parameter to the range type?08:58
llnzmax in quality list too08:58
mithrobut that is not an "overall maximum"08:59
mithrojust a maximum for each item?08:59
nashAdding a max to a list would make sense08:59
llnzadd a new order parameter that has an overall maximum08:59
jothambe very long-lived," he said.09:03
tpb<> (at
jothami wonder how visible those are09:04
jothamxwindows 99 clipboards thwart me again09:04
mithrothat sounds rather dangerous09:05
mithrowell I think I'm going to head to bed09:06
nashI shall shortly too09:07
* nash hasn't achieved what he wanted to do and is upset by this :-(09:07
jothammy gf and i have been rowing :\09:07
* llnz watches the start of the america's cup race09:07
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* llnz wanders off09:28
llnzlater all09:28
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CIA-32niphree /tmp/ya1o9OY9pz/JTj3q4Ny54-rewrite * r3c184f27d09e / (class/Backend.php index.php):18:05
CIA-32workin version18:05
CIA-32workin version of metaserver - added some new function to Backed class.18:05
CIA-32via git-CVS emulator18:05
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CIA-32niphree /tmp/9GAp5aG0LR/LHw6IB7p8A-rewrite * r0ebebd8915e1 / (class/Backend.php index.php):18:36
CIA-32Fixed error time error in backend class18:36
CIA-32added function for substracting time in Backend class18:36
CIA-32fixed error in "get" action18:36
CIA-32via git-CVS emulator18:36
* nash waves to DystopicFro19:20
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DystopicFronash: ahoy20:51
nashDystopicFro: How is it going?20:52
DystopicFroI managed to break the repo on the tpserv >.<20:52
nashYou too?20:52
DystopicFroI updated with your changes after I made had to go through a merge20:52
nashmithro screwed up20:52
nashYep?  And what was the problem?20:52
DystopicFroand when I tried to push to the tpserver it gives me a write access error, lemme get the exact error message20:52
nashAhh... permissions error on the server I bet20:53
nashNot your problem... server config issue20:53
nashNo mithro... no llnz.. hmm...20:53
DystopicFroaye, "unable to write sha1 filename ./objects/~~~~~~"20:53
DystopicFroPermission denied (silly cygwin window that I can't copy out of)20:53
nashJust commit locally,. as soon as mithro gets on I'll get him to fix the permissions on the server20:53
nashBasically a +t is missing20:54
DystopicFroah, kk, yeh, has the latest20:54
nashDystopicFro: No biggy... You can still commi t locally safely20:54
nashDystopicFro: What is that full path?20:54
nashOne nice thing about git is I can pull from there safely20:55
DystopicFroaye, git has been quite pleasurable to use so far20:56
DystopicFrokk, back to teh family stuffs, just checking in20:56
nashOne little thing - generally you want to commit before you pull20:56
DystopicFronash: will do in the future, thanks for the tip >.<20:56
nashIf necessary vreate a temp brach commit there, jump back and pull20:56
nashDo you want me to try and push for you?20:57
* nash tries20:58
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * rbed97305680c / (14 files in 6 dirs):20:58
CIA-32Imported Minisec Objects as Project20:58
CIA-32I'll start the code generation with Minisec...once that's working we20:58
CIA-32can move on to bigger and better things. Also made Minisec the default20:58
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * r8260643e4915 /src/game_objects/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Converted PropertyPanel to use XRC20:58
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * r4f4b394ed323 /README:20:58
CIA-32Merge with git+ssh://[email protected]/git/tpruledev.git20:58
CIA-32I'm guessing that this is because I didn't update with the README modifications that nash biggie *crosses fingers*20:58
CIA-32frodough tpruledev * rb3e07d74dc92 / (Minisec/tprde.cfg notes.txt): Fixed Minisec project file20:58
nashDystopicFro: ;-)20:58
DystopicFronash: awesome, many thanks20:58
nashApparently I own the files and you can't write them ;-)20:58
nashDystopicFro: Did you get a sourceforge account then?20:59
DystopicFroyes, and mithro got me all set up20:59
nashDid you see mithro's new ruleset BTW?20:59
DystopicFrothe timtrader one?20:59
DystopicFroaye, saw you two talking about that on irc21:00
nashAny thoughts?  Any potential you want ot add to it?21:00
DystopicFronot as of yet, nar, kk, off with teh kid to help her make a call, mebbeh back later tonight21:03
nashokay - talk to you tomorrow then - have fun21:04
*** mithro has joined #tp21:24
mithrohowdy people21:25
mithro~seen dmpayton21:25
tpbmithro: dmpayton was last seen in #tp 17 hours, 52 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: * dmpayton out21:25
*** dmpayton has joined #tp21:50
mithrospeak of the devil21:52
mithro~seen niphree21:52
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 3 hours, 56 minutes, and 32 seconds ago: <niphree> hello21:52
mithroarg, just missed her21:52
mithrodmpayton: how did everything go today?21:53
dmpaytonmithro: f'n great! I love this place.21:53
mithrodmpayton: your new job?21:53
dmpaytonEverything was super busy so I didn't get a chance to work on the list at all21:54
nashmithro: BTW: Can you take a look at the permissions in tpruledev.  Since I commited DystopicFro can;'t push21:54
dmpaytonI just got home a few minutes ago. I'm gonna grab some dinner and get started.21:54
mithronash: fixed the permissions, something screwy is going on there21:59
nashWrong umasks or a missing 't'?22:00
mithroi never understood unix special permissions (IE the t/s stuff)22:04
mithroWhen setgid is applied to a directory, new files and directories created under that directory will inherit the group from that directory.22:07
mithroIE All directories should have +s right?22:07
nashYes, that's correct22:08
nashhowever the catch is - it depends on both filesystem and unix flavour...22:09
nashAnd the question of if it is recursive or not comes up...22:09
mithrounix permissions suck22:10
nashYou would prefer to try and manage ACLs?22:11
mithroyes, just 1 ACL on the top level directory which casecades "This group has full control over any file created in this directory"22:13
nashExcept that isn't an ACL... and what if you submount?22:14
mithroI personally think it should follow the submount22:15
mithropermissions being locked to the filesystem has always seem strange to me22:16
nashpermissions are locked to the files, not the system22:17
nashie... Unix has a simplified ACL syste,22:17
mithronot really, Samba, Unix permissions, XFS ACL's, AFS ACL's22:17
mithrothey are all different22:17
mithroit should be fixed now22:18
mithronash: so where is galaxie at these days?22:57
dmpaytonmithro: ping?23:44
mithrodmpayton: pong!23:44
mithromy gf just arrived so may disappear at any time23:44
dmpaytonNo worries.23:44
dmpaytonSorry that took so long. Wife was giving me a neck/shoulder rub. Lately I've been having a real bad pain in my right arm.23:45
dmpaytonI'm gonna go pop a vicodin, lay down, and work on the list untill I pass out23:45
dmpaytonpain killer23:45
dmpaytonlemme find the generic name...23:46
dmpaytonWell... here23:46
tpbTitle: Vicodin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
dmpaytonOoh, it mentions House MD in that article.23:48
mithrookay, so I'll expect some more stuff tommorrow?23:48
dmpaytonYeah, I should have something for you to look at tomorrow.23:50
mithrookay should be on most of tommorrow23:51
dmpaytonI'll see if I can get on IRC at the shop23:51
dmpaytondepending on how busy things get23:51
dmpaytonI introduced everyone to Ubuntu today23:52
*** dmpayton has quit IRC23:53

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