Sunday, 2007-06-17

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mithroDystopicFro_AFK: ping?00:19
mithronash: ping?00:31
nashmithro: pong00:32
nashI'm about to leave too... your timing is impeccable00:32
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mithrollnz: ping/01:37
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* llnz is back05:23
mithrowhat have you been up to llnz?05:28
llnznot a whole lot05:28
llnzmaking deposits for the wedding05:28
llnzseeing Megan's friend off at the airport05:29
mithrono tp work? :)05:31
llnzhave been a little lacking in the motivation department05:31
* mithro has two exams on Tuesday05:39
llnzyou will do well05:39
mithrothey are the two hard ones too :/05:39
mithroI've got 3 exams left then I'm finished (assume I pass everything)05:39
mithrollnz: you see ?05:40
tpb<> (at
llnznope, reading now (and previous entries too)05:42
tpbTitle: New Zealand Open Source Awards 2007 | NZOSA (at
mithrollnz: maybe we should put in that?06:17
mithrollnz: you want to organise that?06:19
llnzyeah, i can06:22
* llnz writes the nomination for TP06:26
* llnz submits the nomination06:59
llnzother people can submit nominations for tp07:00
llnz(or me, or jotham)07:00
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llnzoh, ffs07:44
llnzdvd burner went strange, then i think i got dual oops (locking the computer)07:45
llnzand i was about one sentence away from finishing my nomination of myself, and lost it all07:46
jothamfirefox remembers that shit when you restore session07:46
* llnz grumbles about his low quality and strange dvd burner07:46
llnzjotham: oh, i wonder if konqueror will07:47
* llnz doesn't hold his breath07:47
jothamkonq is a bit rough around the edges07:47
jothami use it on my p3 86607:47
jothamcause firefox is a resource fiend07:47
mithrohey jotham07:55
mithrohow goes the battleviewer07:55
mithrohaven't seen any commits recently07:55
jothamyeah i've been trying to get graphics togeather07:56
jothambut they are almost done07:56
jothamwell the models07:56
mithroyou want to commit them to the media repository07:56
jotham2 guys also made some ships for me07:57
jothamso i'll sort it all out07:57
jothamnot yet, cause i'm not sure what i want to use yet07:57
mithrowell - we could probably use artwork no matter the quality :P08:01
jothamwonder what format is most useful08:03
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mithrojotham: dunno08:05
*** solo-mom-fever is now known as jotham08:05
mithroblender format?08:06
jothami guess, i'll look into it08:11
* llnz gives up and wanders off08:21
llnzlater all08:21
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CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r10288493df82 /src/ (5 files in 2 dirs):09:24
CIA-3Auto-Object Highlighting Impl...09:24
CIA-3Now Properties that are associated with a given Component will highlight09:24
CIA-3when that Component is selected. Need to work on error handling I suppose,09:24
CIA-3but this is good.09:24
CIA-3frodough tpruledev * r3188849fc395 / (5 files in 3 dirs):09:24
CIA-3Making palatable to public09:24
CIA-3A README file was included with requirements and instructions for running09:24
CIA-3the app. Shebang lines were added to the executable files. A few more09:24
CIA-3comments in the code.09:24
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