Saturday, 2007-06-16

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mithro~seen dmpayton00:52
tpbmithro: dmpayton was last seen in #tp 1 week, 3 days, 23 hours, 53 minutes, and 18 seconds ago: <dmpayton> In the mean time...00:52
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* nash waves04:15
xdotxhey nash04:17
nashheyo xdotx04:20
nashHow is rfts going?04:20
nashDid you sort out the naming issue?04:20
xdotxheh sort of. i'm just going with TP RFTS for now04:20
xdotxi'm not very creative with names ;P04:20
nashwelcome to geekdom ;-)04:22
xdotxheh, why thank you :)04:22
xdotxi can consistently beat the intermediate AI :)04:25
* xdotx flexes04:25
nashThe AI in that game is fairly good.04:26
nashOf course once you beat it at one level you find you can keep beating it04:26
xdotx(and by consistently i mean the last two times ;P)04:26
nashHint... you don;t need no stinking defenses...04:26
xdotxreallly? i thought i was just figuring out that i did04:26
xdotxthey're pretty cheap.. and have saved me a couple times04:27
nashYou want the 12 credits on the firs tfew turns04:27
nashBut them in later, but then you generally want to move from 0->100 pretty quickly so the starting few make little difference04:28
xdotxi see04:30
nashAlso you know about the breakpoints for the changes in cost for pop dev?04:30
nashHigher social env = higher pop maintaince code04:31
xdotxit's 1:104:32
nashOkay.. you are playing advanced rules?04:32
xdotxnot yet04:32
nashAhh... play advanced rules04:32
nashit's a better game, and it changes a lot fo things04:33
nashMost of what I'm talking about is for advanced04:33
xdotxi'll check it out. i wanted to get the regular game solid first though04:33
nashTrust me - advanced is the regular game04:33
JLPahoy people04:57
* nash waves04:58
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mithrohey nas06:10
mithroI put Fro's stuff on the Thousand Parsec server06:11
mithroand gave him instructions on how to push to it06:12
JLPmithro: I tried adding git:// to Ohloh, but I got this error: The server did not respond to the 'git-ls-remote' command. Is the URL correct?06:17
JLPand if I try myself I get this: fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly06:17
nashmithro: tranquillity:[~/work/thousandparsec/tpruledev/src]% python RDE.py06:22
nash  File "/home/nash/work/thousandparsec/tpruledev/src/core/", line 69, in loadObjectNodes06:22
nash    self.objects[name] = [game_objects.ObjectUtilities.ObjectNode(self, filename.partition('.')[0], module) for filename in os.listdir(object_dir)]06:22
nashAttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'partition'06:22
nashSo it's par for the python course06:22
nashAt least E tells you what is missing06:22
mithroI have no idea what that problem is07:10
mithroit ran with no changes for me07:10
mithroJLP: try now07:11
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/tpruledev/src$ python RDE.py07:12
mithroLoading object names for object type: Property07:12
mithroLoading object names for object type: Component07:12
JLPmithro: works fine now07:12
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llnzcool wiki edits to TP RFTS08:05
* llnz wanders off08:19
llnzlater all08:19
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mithroDystopicFro_AFK: ping?12:33
mithroDystopicFro_AFK: you have email13:15
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DystopicFromithro: pong?19:08
* nash waves to DystopicFro 19:25
DystopicFroahoyhoy nash19:28
nashhow is it going?19:30
* nash is about to have breakfast - so can't stay long19:30
DystopicFroah, that's right, totally whacky timezones19:30
DystopicFrogoing alright aside from the lady painting in the kitchen19:30
nashweekdays I'm at work by now however - so I can chat19:30
nashWell purchased a house lst weekend - so lots of things to organise19:31
DystopicFroah, very nice, away from all those breakins, eh?19:31
nashAnyway - I will be back shortly - and then I'll give this thing a play ;-)19:31
nashthe Readme is very useful - thanks19:31
DystopicFroheh, should have had that in there to start with >.< thanks for pointing that out19:32
nashIt's something easy to forget19:32
nashBack soon19:32
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nashDystopicFro_AFK: You there?21:33
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