Wednesday, 2007-05-30

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xdotxer.. mithro, have you tried the version you checked out?00:05
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mithroFSCK! FSCK! FSCK! :/00:50
nashI'm guessing: <mithro> i just did a rm -rf tpserver-py rather then tpserver-cpp00:59
mithronash: yes00:59
mithroI have a branch of tpserver-py which was registering on the metaserver and sending out zeroconf information00:59
mithroand I had a branch which emailed people their passwords01:00
mithroboth which I've lost :/01:00
nashNo backups?01:00
mithronot recent enough01:00
xdotxno way to retrieve deleted files?01:01
mithroless work to rewrite it01:05
xdotx:/ indeed01:06
nashmithro: I get the feeling you may be pushing to more branches on
xdotxmithro: well.. good news is i fixed and found my problem (in that order). ruleset loads fine01:07
mithronash: indeedy01:07
nashmay not be a bad thing in teh end - may help encourage people to start working on more the separate pieces, rather then just their own piece of pie01:09
* nash notes he is guilty of this too...01:09
mithroi was getting a nice pretty gitk graph too :/01:27
nashmithro: That shoudl be easy to fix01:28
nashI'll send you some random patches to random versions.01:28
mithroi'm heading home01:35
nashtalk to you later01:35
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llnza bug!01:46
xdotxheh, sorta01:48
llnzrfts loads fine01:53
xdotxyes, good!01:53
nashllnz: Only one?01:53
llnznash: :-p01:54
CIA-3llnz tpserver-cpp * r145ef78a820b /tpserver/ (9 files): Log messages are now const01:55
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llnznash: does Order Remove frames still fail when galaxie connects to tpserver-cpp?01:57
nashllnz: I really couldn't say at the moment01:57
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llnzxdotx: what time is it there?02:15
nashWe need to start putting timezones in our nicks...02:16
* llnz is checking weather his clock is correct for xdotx's time02:17
llnzoh, he appears to be away02:17
llnzso it could well be 11:22pm there02:18
llnzoh, and it's yesterday still02:19
llnzbbs, dinner02:19
xdotxyep, 23:30 right now (and 23:22 then)02:26
xdotxllnz: heh. i forgot you guys were nearly a full day ahead of us.02:34
xdotxand on that note, i'm goin' to bed! early morning tomorrow02:35
llnzthanks xdotx, cya02:52
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llnzhi mithro02:56
mithrohey llnz02:57
mithroyour on a bit early?02:57
mithrollnz: you hear about my little accident?02:59
mithroI was trying to remove tpserver-cpp so I could check out xdotx's rtfs branch03:01
mithroand my fingers completed to tpserver-py03:01
mithroso I did a "rm -rf tpserver-py" :/03:02
mithroyes, and I had two unpublished branches :/03:03
* llnz cloned the rfts branch to tpserver-cpp_rfts so he could have both03:03
mithroone which added metaserver/zeroconf support03:03
mithroone which added emailing password to a user03:04
* llnz wonders if he will finish or commit playerview today03:05
* pschulz01 has faith in llnz 03:11
llnzit is a big piece of hairy code03:14
nashWhat is the playerview?03:16
llnzPlayerView is a class i'm writting for tpserver-cpp that will be responsible for holding the player current and past view of the universe03:17
llnzincluding difference support03:17
nashExtra cool03:17
llnzit's really not nice03:18
nashFeature wise it is ;-)03:18
llnzi need to do it before fixing persistence, because otherwise players will not be able to see for a turn and might not work correctly03:21
* nash doesn't care too much about persistence... ;-)03:22
nashHe just wants more games03:22
nashAnyway - tlak to you all later, I'm off home.03:23
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llnzoh, playerview will also allow the checking of the victory conditions for minisec03:35
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py-metaserver * r3dd1fad41a2a /tp/server/ (bases/ db/ Added support for returning the number of players.03:46
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py-metaserver * r9e325ba8243c /tp/server/bases/ ( Add support for returning the number of objects.03:46
mithro~seen xdotx03:47
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 1 hour, 12 minutes, and 15 seconds ago: <xdotx> and on that note, i'm goin' to bed! early morning tomorrow03:47
JLPahoy all04:15
llnzhi JLP04:16
llnzPlayerView is a big hairy monster and it's eating my brain04:29
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llnzPlayerView is a big hairy monster and it's eating my brain04:29
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llnzhi pschulz0104:35
pschulz01llnz: I have a question.. .cc or .cpp for c++ files.04:36
llnz.cpp normally04:36
pschulz01llnz: There is some discussion about porting c software to c++ at work..04:36
llnzboth are acceptable04:37
pschulz01llnz: That what I'm familiar with.04:37
llnzas is .cxx or sometimes even .c++04:37
pschulz01llnz: I haven't seem .cc in an FOSS application for a very long time.04:37
pschulz01Does autoconf/automake rely on any?04:38
llnzi think 'make' is though04:39
llnzit does accept .cpp .cc and .cxx at the least04:39
pschulz01Yeah.. what about other GNU tools? bison etc.04:40
llnzhummm.... i don't remember04:43
llnzit's not often they are used in c++ mode04:43
llnzscary, PlayerView compiles04:46
pschulz01llnz: Does it need packaging?04:52
mithropschulz01: not going to move on to packaging python stuff?04:53
mithro~seen JLP04:54
tpbmithro: JLP was last seen in #tp 38 minutes and 41 seconds ago: <JLP> ahoy all04:54
mithroJLP: ping?04:54
JLPmithro: pong04:54
pschulz01mithro: I can do that. . but not that familar with python stuff.. :-)04:54
llnzpschulz01: it's part of tpserver-cpp, so it will be packages at the next release04:59
llnzi hate playerview05:42
* llnz ponders deleting it and starting again05:58
* llnz ponders deleting tpserver-cpp and starting again06:01
daxxarI use .cc!06:04
jothamnow i need to make some more spaceship grpahics that don't suck06:12
nashllnz: Please don't rewrite now... not until there is at least one working server and a non-trivial game around06:21
llnznash: is tpserver-cpp not currently a working server?06:30
* llnz ponders writing a "Hello world" or game of life ruleset for tpserver-cpp to show just now non-trivial even minisec is06:34
mithrojotham: so we can watch the test battles now?06:42
mithrollnz: Minisec is about 1000 lines in tpserver-py, of which 600 are the combat xml code06:43
nashllnz: Yes it works...06:44
nashThat's my point06:44
nashHowever there needs to be a non-trivial game around before rewrites shoudl be on the cards06:45
pschulz01jotham: Do you support svg graphics?06:46
mithronash: hopefully we can get tpserver-py into a state where llnz can just become a python code ;)06:47
* nash wonders how people would feel if llnz was replaced by a python script06:48
nashmithro: Two servers are good.  More is a waste, but two is good06:48
llnzmy fiancee would be most upset06:48
nashllnz: At least you hope she would...06:49
mithrollnz: does she see enough of you to notice the difference? :P06:49
mithro~seen niphree06:49
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 3 days, 22 hours, 7 minutes, and 33 seconds ago: <niphree> ok06:49
llnzi don't normally like commiting WIP, but I think i am going to have to06:54
nashbbs: chaser is on06:54
nashllnz: Use a branch06:54
llnzat least it compiles06:54
llnzmithro: in the difference lists06:59
llnzcan there be duplicate ids (with different mod times)?07:00
mithrollnz: possible?07:01
mithrollnz: possibly?07:01
brxhrm, how many developers does tp have?07:01
mithrobrx: 19 according to this channel ;)07:02
brxmithro: you are counting 2 irc bots :)07:02
pschulz01brx: I think they count as well.07:02
pschulz01brx: .. if you count me, you can certainly count them.07:03
llnzbrx: at least 10, probably closer to 1407:05
* brx nods07:05
brxand how old is this project?07:05
mithrobrx: you could look at the ohlo stats07:05
tpbTitle: Thousand Parsec Analysis Report (at
llnzbrx: started in Jan 200207:05
* mithro is heading to bed07:17
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jothampschulz01: hum?07:49
pschulz01jotham: ho07:50
jothampschulz01: what about svg07:52
pschulz01jotham: Spaceship graphics..07:53
jothampschulz01: i was going to make some07:54
jothampschulz01: why, what do you have on offer?07:54
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CIA-3nash galaxie * r5f0c04cee497 /tpe_util.c: tpe_util: Parse header 'H' is now an option to tpe_parse_packet.08:01
pschulz01jotham: nothing yet :-) but if it was in svg then I've offer to help. I've given up on raster graphics.08:05
jothami hear that08:06
jothambut i work with both types daily08:06
jothameach has its place08:06
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CIA-3nash galaxie * r86f062174082 /tpe_util.c: Fix header processing - va_lists need to passed by ref too...09:04
CIA-3nash galaxie * rc7ca10debb1d /ai_jones.c: Jones now uses safe message handling.09:04
CIA-3nash galaxie * r9ed40986f6d1 /tpe_obj.c: Use safe message handling in tpe_obj.09:04
CIA-3nash galaxie * r7e431cb1f31c /tpe_util.c: tpe_util: Don't leak a string if it is unused.09:10
* llnz wanders off09:43
llnzlater all09:43
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mithro~seen DystopicFro18:58
tpbmithro: DystopicFro was last seen in #tp 4 weeks, 1 day, 17 hours, 19 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: <DystopicFro> nash: I'll email you the location that you can clone from when I get it up18:58
mithroDystopicFro: ping?18:58
mithrooff to uni19:04
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mithro~seen DystopicFro19:43
tpbmithro: DystopicFro was last seen in #tp 4 weeks, 1 day, 18 hours, 4 minutes, and 20 seconds ago: <DystopicFro> nash: I'll email you the location that you can clone from when I get it up19:43
mithro~seen nash19:43
tpbmithro: nash was last seen in #tp 12 hours, 11 minutes, and 32 seconds ago: <nash> night19:43
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mithrohey nash19:48
mithrohow is everything this morning?19:49
nashAnyway... tell me about tpserver-py19:49
nashWhat should it be able to do?19:49
mithronash: lots of things19:55
mithroin theory,19:55
mithro 1. Allow virtual hosting of TP games19:56
nashmithro: At this time ;-)19:57
nashDoes building work?19:57
mithro 2. Support "Reading" - Objects, Orders, Designs, Properties, Resources, Categories, Boards, Messages19:57
mithro 3. Support "Writing" Orders19:57
mithronash: in theory Building should work19:58
mithrobut I'm yet to test/go over that code19:58
nashOkay... galaxie should be okay for that.19:59
nashJust testing last night didn't seem to work for me19:59
mithronash: okay - is galaxie submitting an order now and not crashing?19:59
nashAt least not crashing for me20:00
nashI can see the order when I view the objects20:00
mithrois there a way to see what the order actually is?20:01
nashif you view the object the summary in the window (left pane) should be the object20:02
mithroi mean the parameters20:03
nashYes, the parameters are shown20:05
mithrowhere? I think I must be going blind20:07
nashShould be indented underneath20:10
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py-metaserver * rc1a7d8868cd8 /tp/server/ ( bases/ Now generate the correct zeroconf object.20:10
nashI can print them to stdout if you like...20:13
mithronash: that would be good20:14
mithronash: I thought you use to?20:15
nashonly for debugging20:15
mithronash: debugging is good :)20:16
nashNot needing to debug is even better20:17
brx <- dead link to:
tpb<> (at
mithroi'm sure Lee uploaded the ruleset book to his public_html20:19
tpbTitle: Index of /~lee (at
brxah, mentioning for your benefit :)20:21
mithrobrx: feel free to submit a patch ;)20:21
nashmithro: Are you up to date with galaxie?20:21
mithroor poke llnz20:21
brxI was actually looking for something else. (still looking)20:21
mithronash: possibly20:21
mithrobrx: what are you looking for?20:21
nashIn tpe_orders.c: Lines 341: Add:20:22
nash   printf("Received order on Object: %d\n%s\n",order->oid,20:22
nash                       tpe_orders_str_get(tpe,object));20:22
nashAnd it should give you heaps of info (on a new turn anyway)20:22
brxmithro: some form of grander, more general specification of the framework20:22
* brx can't sleep and has just finished the second chapter of his soc surprise20:23
mithrobrx: the closest statement is on the gettingstarted page20:23
brx"Thousand Parsec is a framework for turn based space empire building games." ? :)20:24
mithronash: the ./galaxie tp://nash:password@localhost/tp format doesn't seem to work20:25
brxwell, maybe something a little more specific and technical than that. a rough description of the framework's components, how they mesh together and the reasons for those design decisions.20:26
brx(maybe I am blind)20:26
nashmithro:  okay - I know --game works20:26
mithrobrx: not really20:26
mithronash: yes --game works20:26
mithro./galaxie --username nash --password password --host localhost --game tp20:27
brxmithro: not really blind?20:27
nashmithro: I know --game foo tp:/...../ works as well20:27
nashI'll look into the not working thing for games20:27
mithrobrx: yeah, we really should write something like that20:27
nashmithro: BTW: I prefer not to commit during work hours... :-)20:28
mithroI'll probably do it as the same time we reorg the website20:28
mithronash: fair enough20:28
brxah. it would be cool, might make it easier to get a grasp of the project20:28
mithrostill getting segfaults20:28
brx((that is to say, I am interested in 1k, but I don't have the time to warrant picking your brains about it))20:29
mithrobrx: quick overview, server <- protocol -> client, any client should be able to connect to any server (no matter the ruleset)20:30
mithronash: ahh, wasn't up to date20:30
nashmithro: Best to do a make clean20:32
mithroReceived order on Object: 220:32
nashA lot of invasive changes20:32
nashSo doesn't see any arguments...20:33
mithroyeah, already done that20:33
mithrowell, they are definately being sent by the server20:33
* nash will look20:34
nashFirst he'll fix the not find game thing20:34
mithronash: I can even see the names in the outgoing packet20:34
mithroSending: <netlib.objects.OrderExtra.DynamicOrder - BuildFleet @ 0x85f636c>20:36
mithroSending: 'TP03\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00^\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05Scout\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x07Frigate\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\nBattleship\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00'20:36
mithroI decided to move to a more compact output format :)20:36
mithroA little more readable20:37
nashmithro: This is the weirdest thing.20:41
nashThe whole string matches, but the game isn't being pulled out20:41
nashHow good are you with regexes?20:43
nashElse look at the top of galaxie.c for a more human friendly version20:44
nash(look for urlpattern)20:44
mithronash: not quite sure20:47
nashWhat makes it really wacky is - the game pattern has to match - else the whole regex fails20:47
mithronash: is it matching empty?20:48
nashThen the $ at the end won't match and the regex fails20:48
mithro([[:alnum:].]+) being greedy?20:49
nashShould be20:49
nashRegexs are defined to be greedy20:49
nashnon-greedy is a perl extension20:49
mithrocould it be getting the game too?20:49
nash:alnum: won't match '/'20:50
* nash fixes the infinite loop on failed matches20:51
nashmithro: bbs20:56
mithronash: okay20:56
nashthis is really weird...21:02
nashWhat is interesting is it is match 10...21:02
nashSomething not suported in traditional regex engines21:02
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nashheyo pschulz0121:04
pschulz01I have a git question.21:04
pschulz01nash: Howdy21:04
pschulz01I have a conflict with a git-merge..21:04
pschulz01I have fixed the file..21:04
pschulz01Now what?21:05
nashSo a grep '>>>' shows nothing21:05
nashcommit it21:05
pschulz01nash: Yes.21:05
nashAnd the commit message should be partially done with 'merge with git+ssh... '21:05
nashif you do a cg-status it should show you are in teh middle of a merge21:06
nashJust commit21:06
pschulz01Ahha.. git-update-index21:06
nashAnd you are all done21:06
pschulz01It even tels me :-)21:06
pschulz01No.. that didn't help.21:07
nashAre you using raw git, or cogito?21:07
pschulz01cg-status.. (this is work related advice.. but I need to know)21:07
pschulz01    >master     b029ef74c92f797edea4332f95a5e154fba94e0021:08
pschulz01     tested     bdce307693e2d289d5e0b2322dda2c82655a907e21:08
pschulz01M pre-commit-rocksoft.pl21:08
* nash cares not21:08
pschulz01Usually raw git commands.. that's what I learnt first.21:08
nashNot sure for raw git, I just use a cg-commit ow21:08
pschulz01Ok.. done.21:08
pschulz01What's the command to give a 'gitk' like ascii output?21:09
nashpschulz01: When you find it... let me know...21:13
mithroi think I saw one the other day21:14
pschulz01nash: it didn;t make any sence to me until I saw the gitk, and then I forgot it.. it's in the git tutorials..21:14
nashThat's the only git command I would like but don't know21:14
nashoh.. /me looks in tuts21:14
pschulz01'me thinks it's a bit ironic working on svn pre-commit scripts in git.21:15
nashpschulz01: Well modify them so they instead commit to git...21:18
pschulz01nash: Oh that is so tempting..21:24
nashpschulz01: git-show-branch21:31
nashmithro: This has really stumped me.  I'll need to look tonight when I can experiment more.21:33
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mithronash: okay22:10
nashThe game issue that is22:11
nashI may take a look at the order issue after lunch22:11
mithrooh okay22:11
nashDo you know the types of that order?22:12
mithrodo you need any more information?22:14
nashCan I connect to the server you are running?22:21
nashmithro: ?22:21
mithronash: not at the moment - no public IP address22:21
nashmithro: You got an empty arg string?22:22
mithronash: my laptop doesn't have a public IP address22:22
nashCan I get your latest tpserver-py?22:23
mithronash: sure!22:24
mithrotpserver-py is up to date22:24
nashDo I need lib..proto tpp?22:24
mithrojust pushing my (minor) changes to libtpproto-py22:24
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r3390f7c1562b /tp/netlib/discover/ Make the locations line up with the longer +22:25
CIA-3mithro libtpproto-py * r073f4375bb1b /tp/netlib/ Make a "short" version of the output string. Kind of like repr...22:25
nashAhh --no-gui is great for thsi sort of testing ;-)22:29
nashNo chance of anyone seeing what I am doing22:29
nashIt's just terminal output ;-)22:30
nashRight... printing the list arg is not working...22:31
nashNow to work out why22:31
nashRight... according to this, the number of selections == 022:32
nashSo it doesn't print any...22:32
nashAnd yes... the server is sending 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 for the number of options selected22:34
nashSending: TP03\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00g\x00\x00\x00 \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05Scout\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x07Frigate\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x0aBattleship\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\x09New Fleet22:34
nashSo jumping to Battleship the next item is the max (-1 = 4 * 0xff)22:34
nashAfter that we should have the number which are selected.. which is 022:35
nashSo my option parsing is right...22:36
nashNow to work out why the order being sent is wrong...22:36
nashSo it's an empty list of things to be selected, then name (max len of 255, followed by a string of 'New Fleet'.22:37
nashmithro: Get all that?22:38
nashIs it possible to dump what the server really thinks that list should look like?22:39
mithronash: yes I got all that22:39
mithrowhat do you mean?22:39
nashWell the server is saying there is a buildfleet order of 'New Fleet' of 0 ships.22:39
nashI certainly never sent orders to build a fleet called 'New Fleet'.  However I'm curious if the fleet really has ships22:40
nashI'm also curious as to why that fleet never gets built...22:40
mithronash: what happens if you regenerate the database?22:41
nashCan you give me the commands to regen the game22:41
nashI was just asking that ;-)22:41
mithroi send you a script called test.sh22:42
mithro$ Smith: Order for nash Planet22:44
mithro$ OID: 2  notypes 2 norders 022:44
mithro$       0: NOp22:44
mithro$       2: BuildFleet22:44
mithroSegmentation fault22:44
mithroReceived: TP03\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\x22\x00\x00\x00\x2422:45
mithroReceived: \x00\x00\x00\x02\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0022:45
mithroThe packet was described by  <dynamic-class 'BuildFleet' at 0x869c0d4>22:45
mithroReceiving: <netlib.objects.OrderExtra.DynamicOrder - BuildFleet @ 0x85a02cc>22:45
mithrowas it sending a order_probe?22:45
nashThe ai will send a probe22:45
nashYou can turn off the ai using --no-ai or --ai=none22:45
mithroprobes don't work :P22:45
nashWell that will make it hard to set an order...22:46
mithrothe probe order actually calls the Order_Insert :/22:47
nashIt doesn;t stick then22:47
nashWhat is the ID for build?22:48
nashheh... I need a slower send speed...22:50
nashAnyway... when I send the Probe order it seems to sick22:50
nashBut the real send doesn't22:50
nashmithro: Can you implement probe?22:51
nashThen the normal AI path will work22:51
mithronash: just testing now22:52
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * rabe9ab828b07 /tp/server/ Only insert on an Order_Insert operation.22:55
nashLets see how this goes then22:55
nashIf I addgame of the same name, will it delete the old one?22:55
nashw00t - now I get the segv ;-)22:56
mithronash: no it will complain22:56
nashtranquillity:[~/work/thousandparsec/tpserver-py]% ./tpserver-py-tool --delgame tp22:57
nashTraceback (most recent call last):22:57
nash  File "./tpserver-py-tool", line 177, in ?22:57
nash    main()22:57
nash  File "./tpserver-py-tool", line 174, in main22:57
nash    getattr(Commands, cmd)(*sys.argv[2:])22:57
nashTypeError: unbound method delgame() must be called with Commands instance as first argument (got str instance instead)22:57
mithrodelgame doesn't work yet :P23:00
nashSo if I want ot remove a game?23:00
mithro        def delgame(game):23:00
mithro                """\23:00
mithro                --delgame <game>23:00
mithro                        Remove a game from the server.23:00
mithro                # Check the game exists23:00
mithro                g = Game(longname=game)23:00
mithro                # Now go around and clean up everything.... but how?23:00
mithro                pass23:00
nashSo how do I remove it?23:02
nashAhh... your rm's the db first ;-)23:03
nashAnywya - lunch time here...23:08
nashShall continue when I get back23:08
mithroReceived: TP03\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\x22\x00\x00\x00\x2423:09
mithroReceived: \x00\x00\x00\x02\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0023:09
mithroThe packet was described by  <dynamic-class 'BuildFleet' at 0x87ba7fc>23:09
mithroReceiving: <netlib.objects.OrderExtra.DynamicOrder - BuildFleet @ 0x862044c>23:09
nashIs it valid?23:09
mithro<dynamic-class 'BuildFleet' at 0x86cc6ac>23:09
mithroSending: <netlib.objects.OrderExtra.DynamicOrder - BuildFleet @ 0x862b2ac>23:09
mithroSending: TP03\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x00\x00\x00\x0b\x00\x00\x00g\x00\x00\x00\x02\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05Scout\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x07Frigate\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x0aBattleship\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\x09New Fleet23:09
mithrothen the AI segfaults23:10
nashYeah - I see23:10
* nash will look soon23:10
mithronash: just about to commit first cut at order_probe support23:15
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * rbaf2e3068f23 /tp/server/ ( bases/ bases/ First pass at handling Order_Probe.23:17
mithronash: still segfaulting23:35
mithro64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=5133 ttl=239 time=83933 ms23:39
mithro64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=5134 ttl=239 time=83932 ms23:39
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mithro64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=668 ttl=239 time=129330 ms23:52
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