Tuesday, 2007-05-29

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mithrosorry guys, I'm rather lagged00:00
mithrodmpayton: if you type "cg-commit" it'll bring up a text editor00:01
mithrojotham: okay, you can get it to run a conflict resolution tool00:02
mithrowhen you did an update it should have informed you that there is a conflict00:03
jothamyeah it did, but unlike darcs it didn't let me just reject and accept chunks00:05
jothamok so what's teh best answer to my situation?00:06
jothamjust work off your last commit and re-add my code and hope it doesn't happen again?00:06
nashjotham: What's the issue?00:07
jothami don't know how to use git00:07
jothami made a bunch of changes and in the meantime mithro made some changes00:08
jothamthen i tried to commit00:08
nashYou can commit hunks using git-commit --interactive (or git-add interactive)00:08
nashCommit to where?00:08
nashIt's best to commit locally before you commit00:08
jothamand "something happend" (it was 2am and now i regret it ahppend then since now i don't know what i did then)00:08
jothamok so what has happend is there is now a mess00:08
jothamso i think i'll go to mithros last version, readd my code ontop of it manually, then if it happens again seek your guys help before making am ess00:08
mithrojotham: what you should have gotten was this00:13
mithroApplying changes...00:13
mithroMerging 38cbba307de3bc5c7c821639117c9774397e7668 -> a8c6d72ac3f24b80c581e5a413fdbd4d4ad89ce100:13
mithro        to 1d743d8558431afc331e17cfe9a93d90a6f9b626 ...00:13
mithro... Auto-merging temp00:13
mithro    CONFLICTS during merge.00:13
mithro        Conflicts during merge. Do cg-commit after resolving them.00:13
mithro        cg-reset will cancel the merge.00:13
jothamand how do you resolve them?00:14
mithrocg-status will then display00:15
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/git/temp2/2$ cg-status00:15
mithro    >master 1d743d855843~ Testing...00:15
mithro   R origin a8c6d72ac3f2~ A conflicting commit.00:15
mithroMerging: a8c6d72ac3f24b80c581e5a413fdbd4d4ad89ce1 (origin)00:15
mithroMerge base: 38cbba307de3bc5c7c821639117c9774397e766800:15
mithroM temp00:15
mithroif it's a simple merge, just go and edit temp file00:15
mithroand then do a cg-commit00:15
mithroif you want an interactive tool, then do the following00:15
mithro(which will cancel the merge)00:15
mithrothen run00:18
mithrogit merge origin00:18
mithrogit mergetool00:18
jothamok written that all down00:20
CIA-3derek tpclient-pyweb * r11c29b67f782 / (8 files in 3 dirs): First concept/prototype for the starmap00:20
nashjotham: You resolve using your editor.. the <<< branchname  etc00:20
jothamwell emailed it tomyself :p00:20
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jothamnash: it got screwed up because i converted mithros tabs to spaces00:21
jothamnash: making the actual code changes hard to see00:21
mithromost of the time git will merge sucessfully without your help00:22
mithrojotham: make sense?00:23
jothami'll see next time i get a conflict00:23
nashright... don't let your edittor do that sort of thing ;-)00:25
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mithrojotham: what did you get?00:26
jothammithro: get when?00:27
jothammithro: i didn't do anything yet, i am at work, i'm just going to re-add my code manually when i get home00:27
jothamlike i said: jotham | so i think i'll go to mithros last version, readd my code ontop of it manually, then if it happens again seek your guys help before making a mess00:27
mithrojotham: I said a bunch of stuff about what you are suppose to do00:29
jotham04:23         jotham | ok written that all down00:30
jotham04:26         mithro |  jotham: make sense?00:30
mithrojotham: okay cool00:30
jotham04:26         jotham | i'll see next time i get a conflict00:30
jothamconversations take two people :p00:30
nashjotham: Was it you who pasted the link to CVG GalCiv story?00:34
mithronash: JLP probably00:36
nashOkay... I was just going to say... it was very cool then JLP... thanks ;-)00:36
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llnzhi all03:36
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llnzhi all03:45
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mithrodmpayton_: oooh, I see commits04:28
mithro~seen dmpayton04:30
tpbmithro: dmpayton was last seen in #tp 4 hours, 31 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: <dmpayton> cg-commit -m notes go here, yes?04:30
mithro~seen dmpayton_04:30
tpbmithro: dmpayton_ was last seen in #tp 4 hours, 8 minutes, and 39 seconds ago: <dmpayton_> bbiab04:30
mithrohey llnz04:31
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r808855aca7bc / (tp/server/rules/__init__.py tpserver-py-tool): Ability to print out the avaliable rulesets.04:32
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r0376e8192ba7 /tp/server/bases/Object.py: Add ability to get objects by their type.04:32
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r0109997d63bc /tp/server/rules/base/objects/Planet.py: Ability to actually store resources on a planet.04:32
CIA-3mithro tpserver-py * r364eb67a0005 /tp/server/rules/ (minisec/__init__.py minisecplus/__init__.py): Make Minisec+ have resources. Remove them from basic Minisec.04:32
mithrodmpayton_: ping?04:34
llnzhi mithro04:36
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JLPhi all05:33
llnzhi JLP05:33
JLPllnz: i've read the ruleset development book yesterday and it is very nice so far05:37
JLPllnz: do you think it would be good to also put it on wiki05:38
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JLPbrb have to take the dog out05:39
CIA-3jotham battleviewer * rb3741d4ef9e3 / (.gitignore run_battleviewer.py xml_validator.py):05:48
jothamfinding and reading a proper cogito tutorial helped :p05:49
CIA-3jotham battleviewer * r6868914ff85d /battleparser.py: Finished cleaning up mess made while learning cogito05:51
jothamhey JLP05:55
jothammithro: when you are around ping me, i'm gonna go have a bath05:55
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llnzJLP: thanks06:38
llnzi will think about putting it on the wiki06:38
mithrojotham: ping06:42
mithrojotham: which tutorial did you find?06:43
JLPmithro: this cogito guide helped me quite a bit - http://wiki.sourcemage.org/Cogito_Guide06:46
tpbTitle: Cogito Guide - SourceMage Wiki (at wiki.sourcemage.org)06:46
mithroJLP: did you see how to do an interactive merge?06:47
mithrocg-reset <- revert the failed merge06:48
mithrogit merge origin06:48
JLPmithro: nope not yet06:48
mithrogit mergetool06:48
mithrothere are a bunch of good merge tools out there06:49
mithroValid merge tools are: kdiff3, tkdiff, meld, xxdiff,  emerge, vimdiff, and opendiff06:49
mithroi'm pretty sure any tool which takes 3 arguments would work fine too06:50
JLPah nice, i already used kdiff3 a couple of times06:50
JLPi've also found qgit which is quite nice to visualise the branches and stuff - http://digilander.libero.it/mcostalba/06:52
tpbTitle: QGit (at digilander.libero.it)06:52
mithroi quite like gitk06:52
mithroanyway have to run06:53
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llnzhi pschulz0107:05
llnzi'm having a little trouble pulling your libtprl patch07:07
jothammithro: hi07:32
pschulz01llnz: Ok.. 'server-update' error.. or something else?07:36
llnzerror: Unable to find 7d50a954a1617df589250e7364ea21af7f93e8bf under http://git.mawsonlakes.org/git/tp/libtprl07:37
llnzCannot obtain needed object 7d50a954a1617df589250e7364ea21af7f93e8bf07:37
tpbTitle: Index of /git/tp/libtprl (at git.mawsonlakes.org)07:37
pschulz01llnz: I did have to 're-clone it'.. hoping that fixed a problem.07:37
llnzshould i try now?07:38
pschulz01um.. hold up..07:38
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pschulz01llnz: Try now07:44
CIA-3paul libtprl * r7d50a954a161 /debian/ (8 files): Removed lintian errors from Debian packaging07:45
* nash waves07:45
llnzpschulz01: yes07:45
llnzhi ba07:45
pschulz01Yeah.. I'm amazed at my ability to surprise myself sometimes.07:45
llnzhi nash07:45
nashtpb: seen DysticFro07:45
tpbnash: I have not seen DysticFro.07:45
nashtpb: seen DystopicFro07:46
tpbnash: DystopicFro was last seen in #tp 4 weeks, 0 days, 6 hours, 7 minutes, and 9 seconds ago: <DystopicFro> nash: I'll email you the location that you can clone from when I get it up07:46
nashSo anything interesting happening?07:46
nashmithro: You there?07:46
jotham55         mithro | anyway have to run07:46
jotham56         mithro | bblr07:46
jothamhum there is something screwed up with my paste buffer07:47
pschulz01llnz: The REVU upload requires a revision of '-0ubuntu1'.. is that a problem for the packaging at this stage? Debian wouldn't require this.07:47
llnzpschulz01: i don't mind07:47
nashjotham: thanks07:47
jothamhey llnz you know how to write .dtd files right?07:48
jothami have a problem with battle.dtd and the sollution hasn't been immediately obvious07:48
jothamand i want to be sure of myself before i tell mithro to fix something ;)07:48
llnzjotham: yes07:48
jothamthis line here:<!ELEMENT round (log*, move*, (fire | damage | death)* ) >07:48
jothamthe validator is complaining because the xml looks like this: http://rafb.net/p/0tqw6T40.html07:49
tpbTitle: Nopaste - No description (at rafb.net)07:49
jothamspecifically that line 14 'log' is comming after (fire | damage | death)*07:49
jothamis there a way to say 'any order is fine'?07:50
pschulz01jotham: why  dtd, rather tha (the other format)07:50
nashjotham: yes07:50
jothampschulz01: i didn't choose the format07:50
llnzjotham: if all the parameters can be in any format, the you can use:07:50
jothampschulz01: also, as i understand dtd is perfect for simple structures07:50
nash<!ELEMENT round (log | move | fire | damage | death) *07:50
llnzwhat nash said :-)07:50
jothamhum, but, the way it's written at the moment is a bit different logically isn't it07:51
nashYes... adter a number of fire, damage, deaths you can non longer have logs07:52
nashAlso logs must occur before all movements07:52
jothamoh true, because the * is on the outside of the subgroup07:53
jothamwell then, all is well in the hundred acre wood07:54
jothamnow all i need to do is get mithro's part to spit out valid xml07:54
* nash giggles07:55
nashjotham: Does the battleviewer download the battles or just use the ones on hte local system?07:55
jothami wasn't allowed another dependancy, and really wanted xml validation, since randomly formatted xml screwed me over, so the compromise between my wishes and mithros wishes is a python module that validates a document if pyxml is installed, otherwise silently passes07:56
jothamnash: not at the moment, but i'm more than happy to learn the how and what of doing that07:56
mithrojotham: hello!07:57
jothammithro: so i changed the .dtd a bit and now the battle?.xml files in test/ validate and parse - but - whatever generates tehm needs to be modified a little bit07:58
mithropschulz01: if you want http clone working you need to run a command after each commit/pack07:59
nashJLP: cool07:59
pschulz01mithro: Yes.. I know.08:00
pschulz01mithro: I had a merge problem.. and forgot to do that.08:00
mithrojotham: what do I need to change?08:03
jothammithro: first 2 lines of the files need to be:08:03
jotham<?xml version="1.0"?>08:03
jotham<!DOCTYPE battle SYSTEM "battle.dtd">08:03
jothamshould be sweet as after that08:03
mithrohrm, any idea how to get elementtree to output that?08:04
pschulz01mithro: it should be accessable via git daemon.08:05
jothami thought elementtree was a generic tree parser08:05
jothamrather than xml specific08:05
mithrojotham: possibly08:06
jothamanyone know, if i get ? symbols whenever my friend types, where i can change my encoding or whatever for irc08:07
jothamcan irc even handle it08:07
jotham12:06         etorix | ???? ?? ? ????08:07
mithrojotham: have no idea :/08:09
nashirc is pretty encoding agnostic08:09
jothami assume it's an encoding issue somewhere along the line08:09
jothambut i don't know what needs reconfiguring08:09
nashJust make sure you are both on utf-8 and things shoudl generally work08:10
jothamyeah i don't know where to define my usage of utf-808:10
nashjotham: What is your system encoding?08:10
jothamthe system running hte irc client or the system running the terminal client?08:10
nashEek.. both really.  The irc client should have a locale set to something with utf8, and the terminal needs to handle that08:12
jothamsystem running the client is configured to use en_NZ.UTF-8 UTF-808:13
jothamsame with the box running the terminal client08:13
jothamis there a command to set/test the active encoding format?08:13
jothami don't know a lot about this at all08:14
nashI shoudl be in utf08:15
nashSo do you a bullet: •08:15
jothamyes i see a bullet08:15
nashA bit of chinese?08:16
jothamyep i see the characters08:16
nashThen it's not your end that has the problem ;-)08:16
jothamok on this client i don't (connected to screen twice)08:16
jothamthis is a winxp client running putty.exe08:17
nashProbably using a ms specific encoding, not utf808:17
jothami see japanese and chinese characters fine on web pages, wonder if i can fix it here08:17
nashjotham: Issue is detecting and handling of encoding, not if you can see other websites08:18
jothami mean, i know the OS is capable of it because i installed the right fonts08:18
nashBasically you have data coming in on the irc channel which either your client of putty aren't handling correctly.  They think it is a different character set08:18
jothamjust gotta get putty to give up the love08:19
jothamwoo, brb08:19
nashjotham: Not quite... MS uses UCS2 for unicode encodings, not utf8...08:19
jothami see the chars in putty08:19
llnzJLP: awesome blog post you pointed out on the wiki, loved the video08:20
jothamnash: it was set to ISO-8859-1:1998 (Latin-1, West Europe)08:20
nashmithro: Looks like Dystopic will be back online tomorrow BTW ;-)08:20
jothamputty's encoding08:20
nashThat would break it08:20
nashCan you set it utf8?08:21
jothamyeah i did just before08:21
jotham12:22         jotham | i see the chars in putty08:21
jothammithro: i can't see how to add that stuff with elementtree08:22
nashThat work?08:22
jothamyes sir08:22
nashAll good08:22
mithroi just append a string08:22
mithronash: cool!08:22
nashmithro: ?08:22
nashDystopic you mean?08:22
mithro[21:54] <nash> mithro: Looks like Dystopic will be back online tomorrow BTW ;-)08:22
mithrojotham: which git tutorial did you find in the end08:24
jothamheh...well i should be smacked =) it wasn't, it was the bundled README file08:25
jothamwell it was the cogito readme08:25
tpb<http://ln-s.net/ZA6> (at www.kernel.org)08:25
CIA-3mithro battleviewer * rc32f320876e3 /tests/ (6 files): Fixed doctype and xml header.08:26
mithrojotham: does it validate now?08:41
jothamuh, i don't have a copy of your program08:42
jothamoh i see heh i ignored CIA-3 :\08:43
jothami should sleep08:43
jothamlet me check that08:43
* llnz wanders off08:47
llnzlater all08:47
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jothammithro: awesome =)08:49
mithrojotham: yay!08:49
jothammithro: i'll get those working with the viewer now, they validate fine08:49
jothamnash said something about having the viewer browse/download them from the wild?08:49
mithrookay, it'll be cool to watch them08:49
mithrojotham: currently there is no way to download them08:49
nashjotham: I was curious if it could.. not saying there was anything that could ;-)08:50
jothamnash: sounds like a good idea to me :p08:50
mithrothe client (ie tpclient-pywx) will probably download them and then parse them to your program08:50
jothamso when do they get generated08:50
nashYeah - once they get generated is one key here ;-)08:51
jothamso i'm waiting on pygame 1.808:51
jothamit has a ton of improvements08:51
jothami see them talking about it every day (the developers)08:51
mithro1.8 has been a long time coming08:51
jothamthey are really doing a lot now08:51
jotham_raz_ has been a great help08:52
mithroit would be good to see a release08:54
nashAnywya - I'm off to bed08:55
nashnight all08:55
jothamme too08:55
CIA-3nash galaxie * r1f7515901bf2 /tpe_obj.c: Fix a sparse warning; NULL and 0 dangerous08:55
CIA-3nash galaxie * r45516becdd24 / (12 files): Add extra arg to tpe_util_parse_packet to handle 'end'08:55
mithrosee ya08:57
pschulz01mithro: Found my problem.. :-) git pull doesn't work on a 'bare' .git directory, for what are now obvious reasons.08:59
pschulz01it helps if I read the man page.09:00
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mithropschulz01: okay09:02
pschulz01mithro: That's what git-fetch is for.09:02
jothammithro: everything on google says just prepend those tags to the start of the write :\09:16
jothamlike you did09:16
jothamthat's lame sauce09:16
jothami guess it keeps elementtree pure09:16
tpb<http://ln-s.net/ZAl> (at mail.python.org)09:17
jothamyeah look at line 652 of ElementTree.py09:18
jotham        elif encoding != "utf-8" and encoding != "us-ascii":09:18
jotham            file.write("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='%s'?>\n" % encoding)09:18
jotham        elif tag is ProcessingInstruction:09:19
jotham            file.write("<?%s?>" % _escape_cdata(node.text, encoding))09:19
jothamso you could i assume insert processing instructions09:19
jothaminto your output tree09:19
jothamit wouldn't work for <!DOCTYPE though, so i guess it'd just make more of a mess09:19
jothamok i'm going to bed, night09:20
brxmithro: you there? :)09:25
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CIA-3paul libtprl * r1897d1a16053 /debian/changelog: Changed back from Ubuntu package numbering.18:37
mithrobrx: i'm here now18:52
mithrohave to run18:55
mithro~seen dmpayton18:56
tpbmithro: dmpayton was last seen in #tp 18 hours, 57 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: <dmpayton> cg-commit -m notes go here, yes?18:56
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mithromorning pschulz0120:16
pschulz01morning.. I might be practicing my newly honed packaging skills on some internal software here a work :-)20:21
mithropschulz01: good luck :P20:23
pschulz01mithro: It was good to have a 'friendly' project to practice on.20:24
mithropschulz01: glad we could help20:25
mithro~seen niphree21:59
tpbmithro: niphree was last seen in #tp 3 days, 13 hours, 17 minutes, and 4 seconds ago: <niphree> ok21:59
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mithroafternoon people22:54
mithrowhat is with all the duplicates?22:54
xdotxpopular names of course ;)22:58
xdotxand 'afternoon to you, mithro23:02
mithroxdotx: so, I haven't seen any more commits from you yet :P23:02
xdotxmithro: er.. uh... there's one over there- look!23:04
* xdotx runs23:05
mithroxdotx: RFTS stealing all your time, eh? :)23:05
xdotxactually I've not got a really good idea of the next steps i need to take to get my "game" loading, atm23:06
mithroxdotx: can I help at all?23:06
xdotxmithro: more like school and a short, sudden burst of social life23:06
mithroI'm not an expert on tpserver-cpp, but I have played with it23:06
xdotxmithro: not sure. llnz said that was the next area he was adding to ruleset dev manual23:07
xdotxbut i'm not entirely sure when that was gonna be done.. although i did get the impression, quite soon23:08
mithroxdotx: i'm checking out your branch to have a look at it :)23:11
xdotxmithro: sec, i'll commit what i'm playing with23:12
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jothamjust to help out23:13
mithrohey jotham23:13
xdotxmithro: committed23:17
mithroxdotx: did you push it?23:18
CIA-3fr33.em4il tpserver-cpp-rfts * rd70d52e89a8e /modules/games/rfts/ (rfts.cpp rfts.h): Playing around trying to get an empty ruleset to load.23:18
xdotx~ maybe not :P23:18
mithroxdotx: what timezone are you in?23:19
mithrocurrently about 8:30pm?23:19
xdotxalthough i'm probably going to need a nap soon23:20
mithroxdotx: so it's not currently loading?23:20
xdotxmithro: not so far as i can tell23:21
mithrocompiling now23:21
xdotxbtw, did you want to give it a different name (other than RFTS or RFTS clone)?23:22
mithroxdotx: your project, feel free to decide :)23:23
xdotxwhat's up?23:28
mithroi just did a rm -rf tpserver-py rather then tpserver-cpp23:29

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