Wednesday, 2007-03-21

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daxxarAye. Guilty as charged. ;)00:01
dmpaytonHe admits it! Death by firing squad!00:03
* mithro ponders who Vincent is00:03
daxxarThink if he's not on irc.00:05
daxxarFrom .. the other place. *gasps*00:05
daxxarUgh, that's too horrible to imagine.00:05
dmpaytonTime to go to school... bbl when i'm in class. ;)00:05
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daxxarEnjoy yourself.00:06
trovaohey there00:13
daxxarHi =)00:13
* trovao was reading about the SoC projects, saw this one, remembered my phisics classes (because of the 'parsec' part) and decided to come here :)00:14
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trovaocherez: thanks00:15
mithrobblr - have to head to a lecture00:15
trovaodo you know how much love the pyogre client needs? Is it playable?00:16
cherezmithro would probably know, but he left00:18
nashtrovao: It's currently not playable is my understanding00:19
trovaooh... :(00:20
trovaonash: I guess its easier for me to get pyogre running than to get wxPython.00:21
nashtrovao: ? Really.  What platform are you using? wx is meant to be easily portable00:22
trovaonash: yeah, I know. But I am on slackware linux and I still didn't get how to compile that thing :)00:22
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nashtrovao: No packages?  wx uses gtk+ on linux00:23
mithroin a lecture now00:23
trovaono packs :)00:24
mithromight have to go in about 30-40 minutes when my battery runs out00:24
trovaonash: anyway. I read on the page that you are the general client guy. Currently I am finishing my graduation course and am implementing a (3D) game and thought about applying a proposal to tp (although I have to think more about that)...00:24
cherez./configure;make;make install doesn't work?00:24
trovaocherez: not quite that, I'll read about it more later00:25
cherezbeen a while since I manually compiled wx myself, so I'm not much help00:25
cherezspeaking of which, what wx versions do you guys have?00:26
cherezmy doesn't have wx.__version__, I don't know if that's an intentional change or some weird quirk00:26
trovaowxGTK 2.6.3 for me (without wxPython)00:26
trovaosince I want to learn how to develop a distributed game, applyint to tp would be excellent to get that knowledge, but I would like to know more about this 3D client. It seems interesting :D00:26
cherezwell, this looks to be a wxPython bug if anything00:26
nashI've never used the 3d client - so I can't help00:28
nashI've used only my own, and the python wx one00:28
cherezdo you guys know any good site for a developer blog?00:29
trovaonash: well, ok then. I will post to the ML and check it out.00:30
nashWhen mithro gets back on line - he will probably know00:32
mithrocherez: hrm00:33
chereznash: how did you do that?00:33
nashcherez: How did I do what?00:34
mithrocherez: what operating system?00:34
cherezsummon mithro like that00:34
nashOh the mithro thing?  He's just a bot you know... I just remoely rebotted the server he runs on00:34
cherezwell, I'm running Linux, but this week is really hectic so I don't know if I'll have time to set one up manually00:35
mithrocherez: Linux == the kernel :) What distro of Linux are you using?00:35
cherezwell, my server runs Ubuntu00:35
mithrocherez: the place where you are running tpclient-pywx would be good :)00:35
cherezmy PC has Gentoo (yes, I know it's supposed to be the other way)00:36
mithrocherez: okay - and you compiled wxPython yourself I'm assuming00:36
mithrocan you run the following00:36
mithro>>> import wxversion00:36
cherezthat works00:37
mithronow do a00:37
mithro>>> import wx00:37
cherezoh, wow00:37
cherezit's there now00:38
cherezthat's a patch for the client, then00:38
mithrowx.__version__ ?00:38
cherezit doesn't import wxversion00:38
mithrorestart python and try it without wxversion00:38
cherezthat's why it crashes when version checking00:38
mithrojust do a00:39
cherezAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__version__'00:39
mithro">> import wx; wx.__version__"00:39
mithrocherez: that is very werid00:39
mithrodoes wx.version exist?00:40
cherezonly after wxversion is imported, it seems...00:40
mithrothat is super weird00:42
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* dmpayton fires up VS2005... -_-00:44
cherezmy condolences00:45
dmpaytonI'm in my VB.NET class.00:45
mithrocherez: so if you do a "import wxversion" first it appears, if you don't do a wxversion it doesn't?00:45
mithrodmpayton: ouch, could you write in C# and pretend it's VB.NET? :P00:48
cherezwhy not use wxversion.ensureMinimal?00:48
dmpaytonmithro: No, he checks the source. :P :(00:48
dmpaytonI was actually signed up for a C# class, but it was cancelled due to low-enrollment so I took VB.NET instead. =/00:48
mithrodmpayton: your vb could be 1 file which calles a C# assembily ;)00:48
mithrocherez: didn't know it exists00:49
tpb<> (at
cherezit has to be called before wx is imported, though...00:50
dmpaytontrovao: Wow, neat. Thanks!00:52
trovaodmpayton: don't thank me, thank google. :D00:52
cherezwxversion.checkInstalled("2.6") will do what the current test does00:52
cherezanyone else planning to set up a developer blog?00:57
dmpaytonI am00:57
cherezI just got a wordpress account and it allwos group blogs00:58
dmpaytonI'm going to roll my own blog in to become more familliar with python and that framework before the actual soc begins.00:58
dmpaytonI'll have to see about the group blog thing.00:59
dmpaytonI assume that, since WP allows you to host your own blog, there must be some sort of API to work with it.00:59
cherezyep, it has one01:00
cherezI don't know it yet01:00
cherezI have too much homework to poke around much yet01:00
dmpaytonI'll have to look into it later01:00
dmpaytonYeah, same01:00
dmpaytonBeen up really late the past few nights, trying to get soc, school, and work stuffs done.01:01
mithrocherez: hrm, not everyone as wxversion installed01:02
cherezhmm, this might take some problem solving01:03
mithrocherez: pmsged you01:04
cherezstrange, still gets the error01:10
cherezanyway, I have a lot of homework, so I'll have to try to find a portable fix later01:10
* nash goes to lunch01:31
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cherezdoes the Python server fully and correctly implement minisec right now?01:33
dmpaytoncherez: AFAIK, yes.01:38
dmpaytonCould be wrong01:38
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cherezwelcome back, mithro01:42
mithrocherez: ping?01:42
mithrore:  does the Python server fully and correctly implement minisec right now?01:42
mithrosometime in the past the Python server fully supported MiniSec - I'm unsure of if that is still the case01:42
cherezI've only looked briefly at it, but some parts don't look conforment to me01:43
cherezfor instance, the Move order has the line "obj.velx = math.ceil((self.pos[0] - obj.posx) / 2)" when it starts01:44
cherezthat looks to me like the velocity of a fleet is always half the distance to its destination, which seems very strange01:44
* dmpayton breathes a tremendous sigh of relief01:46
cherezsomething go right?01:47
dmpaytonSomething went vary right. That something decides my eligibility for soc. :)01:49
dmpaytonI"m moving in ~two weeks01:50
dmpaytonThing is, the semester doesn't end for another ~two months01:50
dmpaytonso if my instructors weren't willing to let me complete the course long distance, then I would have had to drop the classes before the April 9th deadline for soc in order to prevent four F's on my transcript.01:51
dmpaytonHowever, one of my instructors, who I have 2 classes with, said it's no problem, which means I'll have a minimum of 6 units and I keep my student status. :)01:52
dmpaytonmithro: In regards to my risks for cross-browser viewing, is it alright if I say "IE and Safari, however, are notorious for sucking."? :P01:57
mithrobtw just checking, everyone will be over 18?01:58
dmpaytonYep. i'll be 20 in July. :)01:58
mithrodmpayton: yes - have you thought about a light interface without the starmap maybe?01:58
mithrocherez: currently tpserver-py appears to not impliment proper velocities :)01:58
cherezguess I'll need to see to it that the server is compliant before my work, then01:59
cherezI noted a vector class in the toplevel02:00
cherezis that in the process of being integrated?02:00
mithrocherez: intergration got as far as commiting the file i believe :)02:02
mithrocherez: btw are you using the darcs version or the one on the webpage?02:02
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mithrobecause the darcs version is quite different to the download one02:03
mithroEpyon: hello, you here for Summer of Code?02:03
EpyonHello, anyone of the SoC Mentors here?02:03
Epyon :)02:03
EpyonDamn, is it so popular?02:03
EpyonIf so, then I can leave immidately :P02:03
mithroI am, nash is a bit in and out02:03
cherezI have the web page one, what is the darcs version?02:03
daxxarEpyon: Try JLP, nash, mithro (AFK). :)02:03
daxxarOr not AFK. :p02:03
mithroJLP is currently asleep I think02:03
EpyonToo bad :)02:03
daxxarOh well, good night, all of you. :-)02:04
EpyonBecause I have more determination and ideologism than required skills, so I was more counting on a smaller response ^_^02:04
cherezbe careful of ideologism, too much will ensure you never finish a project02:05
cherezI think there've been... 7 people so far?02:05
mithroEpyon: I would suggest submitting an application anyway - the more applications we get the large amount of slots we are likely to get02:05
EpyonBut judging on your immidate question, seems as the competition is high, and I've got no chances...02:05
EpyonDuh, I've finished projects, so that's not the case ;]02:06
cherezwhat were you wanting to do?02:06
EpyonAaah, just filling in the numbers? :P02:06
EpyonActs against my idealism :P02:06
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EpyonIf anything, I'm a randomness expert.02:06
mithroEpyon: some of the projects are suitable for beginners too02:06
chereztraditional or Sharon randomness?02:07
mithrohey xdotx, are you here for a SoC?02:07
xdotxindeed! :)02:07
EpyonTechnicaly I'm almost a computer graphics major, but in reality I'm a lover of roguelikes.02:07
EpyonDuh, I guess I'm not needed here xE02:07
Epyonmithro, you should hire someone on fulltime to handle the applications :P02:08
mithrocherez: do a "apt-get install darcs" or gentoo equiv02:09
EpyonLol, I guess noone here heard of roguelikes anyway :P02:09
mithromight want to get the precompiled binaries however if your machine is not really fast02:09
xdotxhmm i'm almost a graphics major too.02:10
cherezEpyon: I most certainly have02:10
Epyoncherez yeah? Which ones?02:10
xdotxtechnically, i'm a real-time interactive simulations major ;)02:10
cherezmy favorite is probably IVAN,  though I'm a big lover of the *band games02:10
nashEpyon: If you can do angband or ToME in Thousand Parsec I'll worship you forever02:11
Epyonever heard of DoomRL or other chaosforge coffeebreaks?02:11
Epyonnash, one second.02:11
cherezI've heard of DoomRL, but it's somewhat lacking in Linux for my taste02:11
* nash is back from lunch BTW02:11
EpyonYup, because the developer is more of a windoze guy :/02:12
cherezI'd have played it otherwise02:12
EpyonToo bad.02:12
mithroxdotx: cool, I'm one of the mentors02:12
cherezI've got a somewhat working home made roguelike engine somewhere02:12
Epyonnash, could you expand on that angband in TP thingy?02:12
EpyonBecause, let's say, I know how to do roguelikes...02:13
mithroi'm afraid i'm one of the clueless :)02:13
Epyonsorry :)02:13
EpyonYou're all linux guys right?02:13
xdotxangband is an old dungeon crawler02:13
* mithro goes to wikipedia02:14
xdotxwhich is a ro.. yeah, wiki prolly says it better02:14
mithroyou mean like nethack? and crossfire?02:14
* dmpayton is a windoze guy... =/02:14
cherezlike nethack, haven't played crossfire02:14
EpyonBecause.... if rogueliking TP would be one of the SoC goals, then I think I could apply and have a reasonable chance of helping you guys ;]02:15
xdotxyeah, nethack sounds like it02:15
nashEpyon: I have no idea.. I just saw your comments about being a roguelike player, then comments on no roguelikes02:15
cherezbit with a town you can recall to and non-persistent levels02:15
cherezthat are about 16x as large as nethack's02:15
xdotxangband had randomly generated levels02:15
dmpaytonmithro: Is there anything I should add to the abstract?02:15
cherezI don't know a roguelike without them02:15
EpyonRoguelikes basicaly have two design choices that make them unique -- a lot randomness and permadeath...02:15
EpyonThe other thing that realy pulls me is a graphical client with nice renderings or models of 3D spaceships (talk about loving extremes, roguelikes vs. 3D graphics xD)02:17
mithroI have to admit that Thousand Parsec is not suited to dungeon crawl games :P02:17
* Epyon is a windoze guy too, although he has a knoppix hd-install on another partition that he rarely uses... unfortunately 3DS MAX has no alternatives :(02:18
* nash asks people drop the rogue + tp idea... it was silly02:18
Epyonmithro, you don't get the point. The point is the everlasting joy that comes from randomness, procedural generation of content...02:18
Epyonnash, the idea of procedural content is NOT silly...02:19
cherezI think nash meant the roleplaying aspects more than that02:19
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cherezand he's a mentor, btw:-P02:19
EpyonMost roguelikes have a minimal roleplaying aspect anyway :P02:20
EpyonThey're more about gameplay above graphics.02:20
EpyonAt least the modern ones.02:20
cherezthat's very true..02:20
xdotxdoes anyone know if you've gotten any applications for the RFTS clone?02:21
EpyonThat's why I love them, and why I love developing them :)02:21
nashThe game style is not really what we are after - a tthis time ;-)02:21
Epyontoo bad :/02:21
nashAnd don't take the "drop this" too seriously... ;-)02:21
* mithro is very lagged atm02:21
Epyonnash, ?02:21
nashProcedural ideas could be good for tech and research02:21
nashAlso AI and designs02:21
mithrobe back in 1002:22
EpyonMy ideas revolve around the idea that procedural content is the only way to fight against commercialy supported standard content.02:22
nashEpyon: Were in you Sydney in January by any chance?02:22
EpyonThe ultimate triumph of the l33t against the $$$ xD02:22
dmpaytonnash, mithro: App is updated. :)02:23
EpyonNope, I live in Poland, and don't travel much these days ;]02:23
EpyonStrange that you didn't notice by my bad english xD02:23
nashEpyon: It's IRC... everyone has bad english02:24
dmpaytonEpyon: Your english isn't that bad.02:24
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* Epyon looked though all the Google SoC projects, and TP seemed the only reasonable for him.02:24
EpyonAlthough, I must admit, that the only reason I'm not sure I'll be acceped is the fact that I use a exotic language for my ay-to-day work :/.02:25
Epyoncomputer language that is :PPPPP02:25
dmpaytonEpyon: what language?02:25
EpyonLol, guess :P02:26
EpyonFreePascal :P02:26
dmpaytonI thought it was going to be something like BrainF*ck or Whitespace. :P02:26
* nash was expecting prolog02:27
* trovao got back again02:27
EpyonSo good that people here consider Pascal more of a language than BF*ck or Prolog :P02:28
trovaoif I was going to (apply to) develop/improve the 3D client, who would be the potential mentor?02:28
EpyonBut I DID a Python Shootemup in Python in 2 days...02:28
EpyonDamn, I see that the competition is high.02:29
dmpaytonWow, prolog looks like it could be pretty fun.02:30
EpyonProlog is fun as long as you don't try to do anything realworldish in it.02:30
EpyonSimilary to Smalltalk and OCaml.02:30
EpyonBut my main line is that once you know one mainstream language at a good level, you know them all...02:32
nashprolog is cool - for certain classes of problem it rocks.02:32
* Epyon is currently employed on writing a client foa a AS/400 machine in Java...02:32
nashCatch is you need to not think like you are using a procedural language - or a functional02:32
nashEpyon: Contract work?02:33
EpyonYup, I noticed that on my Logic Programming course :P02:33
Epyonnash: Yup.02:33
EpyonFor IBM poland.02:33
nashEpyon: If you want to look at procedural generated stuff it would be interesting.02:33
cherezlet me restate02:33
cherezthe controlling a single unit aspects02:33
nashThere are a few places it could be cool.  Maps are a trivial obvious thing.  Planets, ships and other textures pop to mind.02:34
EpyonI need to take a closer look at TP.02:34
nashcherez: Actually another aspect people could see would be for large scale games.  ALA supreme commander and similar02:35
EpyonMy all time favourite game is Frontier, one day I want to make a true remake of it...02:35
cherezSupreme Commandersec?02:36
chereznash's comment02:36
EpyonAh xD02:36
cherezI'm not sure how procedural generation could work with TP as-is02:37
nashEpyon: TP really wouldn't work for the elite game family02:37
EpyonYwah I know.02:37
cherezmap generators come to mind, but I don't think you could squeeze a summer out of those...02:38
EpyonMap generators are trivial.02:38
nashcherez: supreme-commander-sec: Be a multi-part - both the protocol, server and probably game engine to use it02:38
EpyonI could create a generator for a galaxy in a months time.02:38
cherezI don't know what else could be procedurally generated02:38
nashFor planet artwork02:38
EpyonDetail, textures and images ;]02:38
cherezya, that could be worked with the 3D clients02:39
EpyonSituations, special conditions, plot and missions ;]02:39
cherezmaybe generating ship models based on components02:39
nashAlso ship designs - based on components (inc) hulls, player colours and possibly race traits02:39
nashcherez: beat me too it ;-)02:39
EpyonI did a prototype for a game of mine on procedural ship generation.02:39
cherezplayer colors are easy to implements, and we don't have races yet02:40
EpyonIt was based on things like curvature of design, and roghness.02:40
EpyonFun bit flavor :P02:40
nashIdeally you'd want it to be able to render it either as a 3D mesh or a 2D image (for 2d clients)02:40
nashcherez: Races are also on the list of suggested projects i belie02:40
nashOr they shoudl be ;-002:40
EpyonParadoxicaly 2d would be harder than 3d xS02:40
EpyonYes they are :)02:41
nashEpyon: blender... ;-)02:41
Epyonblender :(02:41
Epyonblender is the only reason why I am a windows person :/02:41
cherezthey are, but I don't think anyone has volunteered for it yet02:41
Epyonbecause blender is lightyears behind 3ds max :(02:41
cherezthat could be a fun project after MTSec...02:42
mithroxdotx: I don't currently see any RFTS applications02:42
* Epyon is going to browse TP thoroughly tommoroe to see if there's anything where his skills may be of use.02:43
xdotxgood! that one seemed most interesting to me02:43
nashEpyon: Still makes the idea viable02:43
nashNo RFTS rule sets, or race design applications at the moment.02:44
Epyonnash: the idea of random generated ships that is?02:44
trovaoEpyon: I am not an artist. I almost am an computer engineer and blender suits me very well02:44
EpyonWell, I'm a computer scientist, and I have a love (but not talent) for computer graphics. After 9 years of playing around I see that both programs have simmilar capabilities, it's only the difference that in 3ds max I'll do all those things around 10 times faster :/02:46
nashEpyon: Yes - 3d mesh -> blender -> png -> client.. ;-)02:46
nashEpyon: You are rendering images < 100x100 pixels,02:47
Epyonnash, I thought 3dmesh -> game -> output actually :P02:47
nashEpyon: Even better02:47
nashEpyon: So start working on your proposal02:47
EpyonBut if it is just images you want, then hiring a computer artist would have a lot better results then my poor computer art skillz. :/02:47
nashEpyon: Maybe an artist can do a nicer image.  However if you can write a module (or program) which can generate a million...02:48
EpyonI see your point :)02:49
nashBesides we can get an artist to do some input textures and similar02:49
EpyonToo bad I have no references on any computer art skills :/.02:49
nashProblem is artists designing a few hundred ship designs isn't practical for TP.  A generator is02:49
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mithroI would like to see an interface like galactic civ 2 in the future02:50
EpyonNever played that game :/02:51
EpyonYet I see from the screenshots page that I could help you get higher in at least two clicks ;]02:51
cherezhow do I get sourcecode with darcs?02:52
cherezI don't see that anywhere in the docs...02:52
mithrodarcs get
tpb<> (at
EpyonYet I never did anything in graphics to the end, just a lot of unfinished projects, so I've got nothin' to show :/02:54
EpyonMy last FINISHED projects are like from 4-5 years ago -- like this nuke plant
tpb<> (at
EpyonOr ship --
EpyonBut those are ooold :/02:55
nashEpyon: So when can I see your application?02:55
EpyonYou think that there's a real chance to get it to pass?02:55
cherezI don't see why not if it's a good application02:56
EpyonTo be honest, I decided to apply only for this project, because of the simmilar interests, but I still don't know what field of the project to apply to for ;]02:57
nashWell it's a unique one: Procedural Generation of Content02:57
nashIt's a hot topic in OSS at the moment.02:57
nashIn any case, you can apply more then once...02:57
EpyonI'm a designer, first and foremost, but no one needs those these days, so I thought maybe applying for procedural content, or 3D client...02:58
nash3D clients need something to display... ;-)02:58
cherezyou can apply for both02:58
EpyonThis isn't a problem for me ;]02:58
EpyonActualy spaceships and planets are the easiest thing to model :P02:59
nashEpyon: Also components02:59
EpyonOf starships?02:59
nashYep... Engines, Weapons, Missiles, Shield generators...02:59
cherezMTSec will have ships customized by components03:00
cherezI for one would love to see those on the ships03:00
EpyonGeneraly technical stuff is ridiculously easy compared to biological stuff.03:00
nashIt's a 4X game staple03:00
mithroall talk and no application makes mithro sad :P03:00
mithroanyway off to lunch03:00
EpyonI'll aplly additionaly for model making if it's in the scope of the project :P03:00
nashWell you'll need core models to manipulate I'd imagine.03:01
EpyonAlthough I'm no proffesional, at least my max skills allow me producing those on a frightening rate.03:01
nashEven better03:01
nashEpyon: Start writing the application.  I like that one ;-)03:02
nashxdotx: What were you looking at?  Race was it?03:02
EpyonOkay, I'll do that tommorow. There's noting as bad as writing an application at late night xD03:03
nashEpyon: You can update ;-)03:03
EpyonBTW, will you count writing roguelikes in FreePascal as former experience? :PPPP03:03
nashcherez: Your application was in wasn't it?03:03
nashEpyon: Any non-trivial code is experience...03:04
nashJust don't give too much ;-)03:04
EpyonWhat do you define as non-trivial?03:04
chereznash: the second draft is in, I want to revise it tonight after I finish this homework03:04
xdotxnash: an RFTS ruleset03:04
nashEpyon: probably 1000 lines03:05
nashxdotx: You have the game?03:05
xdotxnot yet!03:05
nashEpyon: But it depends on what it is...03:05
EpyonDoes or count? :]03:05
tpbTitle: DoomRL - Doom, the Roguelike (at
cherezRFTS  was a 1981 game I believe03:06
Epyonlol thank you tpb Bot :P03:06
cherezdidn't it have research?03:06
nashEpyon: Ahh.. a coffee break rogue...03:06
nashcherez: Yes & Yes03:06
EpyonYup :)03:06
nashResearch was quite simple - basically 4 counters.03:07
cherezthat would need research to be added to the protocol and server03:07
nashNope - just a few extra 'build' orders03:07
nashThe research was in Industrial, Navigation, Propulsion and something else.  (this is from many year old memory).03:08
cherezand it was treated the same as production?03:08
nashBasically when you spent enough points to go to the next level you got a bonus03:08
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nashcherez: For this, yes.  You had to explicitly spend points on it.03:08
nashThere was no tech trees.03:08
EpyonOkay, I'll look at it tommorow.03:09
nashOnly thing was you needed enough ship research to build the better ships (there a 5 or 6 ship types - Scout (not in the 'advanced' game), transport, mark I, II, III & IV.03:09
* Epyon 's timezone is GMT+1 it's 4:20 here...03:09
nashSleep well.03:10
nashAnd yes - rogue doom would be non-trivial03:10
EpyonBTW, if anyone's interested, there was a Aliens roguelike created for the 7 day roguelike competition -- ;]03:15
tpbTitle: AliensRL -- Aliens the Roguelike (at
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nashxdotx: You'll need to get a hold of the manual somehow.  I no longer have mine :-(  Once there most of the rules - except combat are documented.03:18
cherezare the combat rules documented elsewhere?03:19
nashThey may be.  If not coming up with some should not be too challenging03:20
nashAs long as they could be tweaked.03:20
nashOnly 4 types of ships with IV better then III etc03:21
nashAnd 2 ships you can blow up who don't shoot03:21
nashAnd no damage at the end of a battle03:21
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nashcherez: I assume you never played it?03:26
xdotxhmm. i've only heard of it. although i'm fairly certain someone at school has it (or hopefully, at least the manual).03:29
tpbTitle: Home of the Underdogs - Entry: Reach for The Stars (at
xdotxnash: great, thanks!03:31
xdotxi was just beginning to worry (starting my 2nd page on google)03:32
nashYou can download hte game there too - not legally however... up to you.03:33
nashPersonally I'd only be worried about the 'advanced' game first.  That is all I ever played.03:33
nashAnd the AIs were good ;-)03:33
Epyon|AFKThe question of legality on underdogs is not a resolved one/03:34
nashNo - it's pretty much illegal.  Just no one will bother to enforce it03:34
Epyon|AFKAt least I know the immidately react to any objections.03:34
chereznash: never played RFTS, unfortunately, I was -7 when it came out03:34
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nashIt was 86 on PC, so I was 9... I was still playing it at age 1503:35
cherezoh, I was -2 in that case03:35
nitehawkg'day guys :)03:35
cherezdidn't have a PC then, sadly03:36
nashcherez: what do you have?  It's a dos game... you should be able to emulate it03:36
Epyon|AFKI was +3 :P03:36
Epyon|AFKDamn, I feel old :(03:37
cherezI could dosbox it I suppose, I'll give it a try later, I'm trying to remember the risks I came up with for my application03:37
nitehawkwhat game are you talking about?03:37
xdotxreach for the stars03:38
nashthey even have the map.03:39
nitehawkuh, don't know that one. guess I am too young as well ;)03:39
cherezPC version came out in 198603:39
nashI think it was that year03:40
Epyon|AFKA good year for games generaly :)03:40
cherezhe speaks from the AFK!03:42
Epyon|AFKI don't sleep, I juzt rezt my mindz xD03:42
nitehawkI have a question regarding to SOC: In the forum you said that you would like to get applications as soon as possible to be able to provide some feedback. Does this mean that I can refine my application afterwards?03:46
cherezas soon as you get comments you can refine it03:46
nashYes you can03:46
Epyon|AFKThat's a biggie I didn't know about...03:47
nitehawkAlright, that's cool03:47
Epyon|AFKToo bad I already opened the beer :/03:47
nashnitehawk: So any particular interest03:48
Epyon|AFKnash, how many applicants can you take?03:48
nitehawkYeah, I am particulary interested in some web development. Either the web-based client or the meta server.03:49
Epyon|AFKOr does that depend on the number of submissions?03:49
cherezit's dependent on how many people apply03:49
nashEpyon|AFK: Google chooses how many... based on applications.03:49
nash+ fudge factor I'm sure (it's google after all)03:49
Epyon|AFKSo basicaly applying means raising the chances of everybody, and making the project leaders happy anyway :P03:50
Epyon|AFKYou got realy lucky that decided to promote you :)03:50
nashSo multiple applications is good.03:50
Epyon|AFKlol, didn't you hear?03:51
Epyon|AFKYou made it to the rss ;]03:51
nashNo I didn't03:51
Epyon|AFKThousand Parsec participating in Google Summer of Code03:51
Epyon|AFKPosted by: Thousand Parsec Project at March 16, 2007 3:36:41 PM03:51
Epyon|AFKThousand Parsec logoThousand Parsec is a vibrant free and open source project, creating a framework for 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate) space strategy games. We are happy to announce that this year we are also participating in Google Summer of Code as a mentoring organisation.03:51
tpb<$+> (at
Epyon|AFKWe have prepared a special page with information and ideas for students, who would like to work on a task for Thousand Parsec. Join us, it will be fun, you'll gain a new experience, learn something new, play games and if you finish successfully you can even get 4500$.03:52
Epyon|AFKThe deadline for submissions of student applications is 24th of March.03:52
cherezposted by Thousand Parsec Project?03:52
Epyon|AFKseems so :)03:52
cherezI guess one of the mentors did it03:52
Epyon|AFKI never made it up to gamedev net news so I'm envious :P03:52
* dmpayton rarely goes to gamedev...03:53
chereznash: I'm about ready to submit my new draft03:53
dmpayton seems to be a bit more professional.03:53
mithronash: JLP is our promotion manager03:53
mithrohe submitted to a bunch of sites03:53
mithro(ie about 10)03:53
Epyon|AFKdmpayton, gamedev net is more popular.03:53
nashmithro: Ahh..03:54
dmpaytonEpyon|AFK: hence why devmaster is higher quality. :P03:54
Epyon|AFKI can believe that :)03:55
cherezmithro: why did you comment that it sounded like I was going to spend too much time on the config parser?03:55
Epyon|AFKThanks for the link btw :)03:55
dmpaytonI've seen much more "I WANNA CREATE A GAME I WAS THINKING LIKE A COOL FPS LIKE CS CAN YOU TELL ME HOW?" type stuff on gamedev.03:55
Epyon|AFKBTW, I would like to shamelessly advertise the TIGSource forums here then :)03:55
Epyon|AFK AFAIK03:56
tpbTitle: TIGSource Forums - Index (at
Epyon|AFKDerek Yu, the creator of Aquaria (last IGF winner) is admin there.03:57
mithrocherez: just rechecking now03:57
Epyon|AFKcherez: btw, you said that DoomRL is lacking in linux support, what did you mean by that?03:58
dmpaytonHuh... Thanks for the ling to TIGS :) *adds it to favs*03:58
Epyon|AFKYeah, TIGS is in my favs too :)03:59
mithrocherez: privmsg03:59
dmpaytonmithro: Can I get a comment on my updated app, when you get a chance? :)04:00
nitehawkIs the source code for the current PHP meta server available somewhere?04:00
dmpaytonnash too, I wanna see what else you're gonna rip apart. :P04:00
nashdmpayton: I'll do my best04:01
mithrodmpayton: sure04:03
dmpaytonWell, class is almost over so I'm gonna start shutting down.04:04
dmpaytonI'll be back in an hour or so.04:04
tpbTitle: .theprodukkt (at
Epyon|AFKnash: do you think I could be talking about procedural content without knowing about the kkrieger? ;]04:06
Epyon|AFKYet it's still very impressive.04:06
Epyon|AFKAlthough for me is more impressive.04:07
tpbTitle: Infinity: The Quest for Earth (at
nashEpyon|AFK: Sorry... just saw it linked from the ogre site as well.  They are talking avout it04:07
Epyon|AFKnash, yeah, I know. I thought about applying to OGRE too, but they seem too... too much concerned with making engines not games.04:08
Epyon|AFKAnd that is just not my style :/04:08
nashTP is about both ;-)04:08
Epyon|AFKI know ;]04:09
Epyon|AFKBut at least on your application page there is talk about GAMEPLAY, not just engines.04:09
Epyon|AFKThat gives a hope about future.04:09
Epyon|AFKThe roguelike world tought me about how evil it is to think too much about an engine without a game in sight ;]04:10
nashSo yeah - hopefully we'll have a few games by the end of the summer ;-)04:11
cherezI hope at least 1 ruleset project gets accepted04:12
Epyon|AFKnash, remember that although you are the heroic knight-in-shiny-armour types, to realy get your project noticed you need some of that worthless "shinyness" that normal people (who are they anyway?) expect...04:12
nashEpyon|AFK: Yep.04:12
nashcherez: So do I.  Unfortunately clients are the most popular projects at the moment04:13
Epyon|AFKTo be honest, your project is not much easier than promoting a roguelike in todays world :P04:13
nashTo a degree yes...04:13
cherezdid anyone read the post on the forums about a Starcraft ruleset?04:13
Epyon|AFKBut hell, that's what I like about it :D04:13
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clayasaurusI might have had the idea, cherez04:14
clayasauruswhat about it?04:14
cherezit got me thinking a lot04:15
cherezwhat exactly did you invision for it?04:15
clayasaurusI was invisioning a starcraft theme, and not using StarCraft (tm) character names. Probably just using similar style ships from SC04:17
clayasaurusbut I don't think mithro likes Starcraft very much :-P04:17
Epyon|AFKHow do you think blizzard will react to this? :]04:17
clayasaurusif you don't use the same names, then they can't react04:18
nashAnd new art04:18
cherezStarcraft is still by far my favorite RTS game04:18
Epyon|AFKAye aye.04:18
Epyon|AFKSo is mine.04:18
cherezI love the variety of units and their powers, which got me thinking04:18
cherezright now the ships are pretty straightforward04:18
cherezI would love to see some of the variety added04:19
Epyon|AFKAnd I realy think that division between human, hightech and biological race works the best.04:19
cherezlike "spellcaster" ships04:19
nashcherez: MT is the first step towards that.04:19
Epyon|AFKcherez, don't overdo it tough.04:19
nashThe core system has the potential at the moment.04:19
cherezI'm not making Starcraft yet04:19
cherezif I finish MT with enough time, I might add some functionality like that, however04:20
clayasaurusYatamo (sp?) cannons! :-P04:20
Epyon|AFKThat one was the thing that was the worst in SC ;p04:21
Epyon|AFKI might be making a SCRL someday :P04:21
cherezI was picturing lockdown missiles and dark swarms04:21
chereznash: I'm submitting my current draft now04:21
nitehawkI gotta go. Nice meeting you and following your conversation, guys. See you.04:22
cherezwhen I first read MTsec's specifications, I pictured missiles and torpedos as separate units (blame defcon)04:22
clayasaurusbye nitehawk04:22
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cherezpossibly with blast radii effective all fleets in a given range04:23
Epyon|AFKcherez, you know what differed StarCraft from ALL other RTS'es?04:23
nashEpyon|AFK: It worked under wine?04:24
Epyon|AFKlol @ nash :P04:24
cherezI have my own ideas, but I'd like to hear yours04:24
Epyon|AFKnope, balance of power. Despite haveing absurdly different units on each side, SC managed to keep BALANCE. And believe me, this is one of the toughest subjects a game designer must tackle...04:25
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nashYes... balance is hard04:26
Epyon|AFKBut I must confess I was always a Protoss anyway :P04:26
cherezya, that is one thing that blew me away about it04:26
cherezeven now, on the biggest disparity in winning percentages is zerg over protoss, which is around 53%-47%04:27
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Epyon|AFKI was thinking if there is a way of auto balancing, but it enters heavy AI and Statistics here... but I almost managed to implement that ... once :/04:27
cherezI would guess a self modifying game04:28
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Epyon|AFKNah, not the point. Oblivion did that and it sucked big time.04:29
cherezthat bases information on win percentages and what units are used04:29
cherezI don't mean level averaging04:29
Epyon|AFKI meant running algos that test the balance before hand, by simulating thousands, if not milions battles beforehand.04:29
cherezI mean the game collects information on what users do to find what can be changed to rebalance04:30
xdotxthat seems like it could be abused once the players find out about it04:30
Epyon|AFKI almost had that done for my latest game, but ran out of time :(04:30
cherezbut a lot of Starcraft's balance came from creativity04:30
cherezlike every race can have 9 peons mining when the first supply building is being built04:31
cherezxdotx: that's a good point, maybe restricting this to ladder games between higher rated players?04:31
Epyon|AFKThose are details.04:32
Epyon|AFKThe power is in the underlying desigm.04:32
xdotxthat sounds like a good idea then04:32
cherezthe races were very different and so well balanced04:32
Epyon|AFKAnd that's the true reason of SC's success.04:33
cherezthat makes me a bit fearful for SC204:34
cherezSC's biggest point was 3 races that were balanced and very different to play04:35
cherezBlizzard seems to like adding more races, I don't  know if such strong balance, variety, and depth would be possible if they try to add more04:35
Epyon|AFKI'm not so sure of it.04:38
Epyon|AFKNote that those three that were present are a digest of the science fiction genre.04:38
Epyon|AFKA human race.04:38
Epyon|AFKA biological race.04:38
Epyon|AFKAnd a technicaly superior race.04:38
Epyon|AFKThey appear in most science fiction works like that.04:39
Epyon|AFKAll the rest are artificial.04:39
cherezthat's true, but that's purely aesthetic04:39
cherezI think SC put very nice spins on the Zerg and Protoss to make them feel unique, but themes are not what made the game so good04:40
mithroi have to admit I didn't like SC :P04:45
Epyon|AFKDoesn't change the fact that it was a commercialy successful game ;]04:46
nashEven without mithro buying it04:57
cherezthanksfor the comment, Nash04:57
cherezI meant revising the configuration files, btw, rather than doing the whole project in a week04:58
mithronow TA, that was a good RTS :P04:58
cherezI have to admit I didn't like TA:-P04:59
nashcherez: That makes more sense then05:02
mithrocherez: if you could be a little bit more specific in your timeline - it's okay to change it at a later date05:02
cherezis there anything needing work besides the timeline?05:03
Epyon|AFKOkay, now I'm realy going to sleep. It's 6:11 here :/05:04
cherezso long Epyon, hope to see you tomorrow (with an application)05:07
nashcherez: Just the timeline.05:13
cherezalright, I'll fix that up once I can  edit it again05:16
cherezI'll probably also put together some ideas for configuration file formats and try to get comments on the blog05:17
nashdid you link your blog?05:18
cherezit's the further information link05:20
chereznothing notable on it yet05:20
* nash missed that05:21
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nashwelcome WilliamCarringtn05:36
chereza newcomer?05:36
WilliamCarringtnGSOC hopeful05:36
cherezwelcome to the channel then05:38
cherezwhat were you wanting to do?05:39
WilliamCarringtnRuleset development in Python05:39
WilliamCarringtnAnd failing that python server coding05:39
cherezthey'll be glad to hear that05:40
cherezI'm the only one so far who has volunteered for ruleset development05:40
cherezand at present, that's not possible without server coding05:40
WilliamCarringtnah, I see05:41
WilliamCarringtnthen that's the first one I'll propose05:41
nashcherez: xdotx was looking at rfts I believe05:41
nashSo we may have multiple05:41
nashWilliamCarringtn: You can also propose your own ruleset - just need to explain what you are focusing on,05:42
WilliamCarringtnI'll think about that in class tomorrow and see what I come up with05:42
cherezDiplomacy in Space is still unclaimed:-P05:43
WilliamCarringtnThat's a distinct possibility05:44
nashIt needs more rule design however05:44
nashI may need to think up some more05:45
mithrocherez: should we just add a comment so you can edit it again?05:46
cherezI don't have much to edit besides rewording the timeline05:46
cherezso I might wait for JLP to look to see if he has any ideas05:46
WilliamCarringtnmithro: is there anything big that needs to be done on the Python server?05:47
cherezit doesn't properly implement minisec right now05:48
mithroWilliamCarringtn: hrm, porting the server to twisted and adding a web server with admin interface would be nice05:49
cherezooh, that's a good one05:49
WilliamCarringtnhm, I haven't really done any web development before, so I'll probably have to pass on that one05:50
mithroWilliamCarringtn: good time to learn :)05:51
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WilliamCarringtnThat it is. That sounds like a good proposal to research05:51
cherezTwisted is a very nice framework once you get the hang of it05:52
nashmithro: I'll see if I can think up more core ideas for rulesets tonight then05:52
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mithroand to make life easier libtpproto-py has support for using a twisted server05:53
WilliamCarringtnThat would help.05:53
mithronash: feel free05:54
mithronash: btw the deadline has been moved back by 2 days05:54
*** mithro changes topic to "Google SoC (due March 26th - Pacific) - | AI Programming Competition (due March 31) - | Logs - | metaserver - | 2007-02-26, TP ranked 126th on SF"05:54
nashI saw05:54
nashInteresting that05:54
WilliamCarringtnThat's really nice. I have 2 projects due this week05:54
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nashWilliamCarringtn: Still useful to get the application in early, so we can give you feedback05:55
WilliamCarringtnAbsolutely, but now I can get it in Thursday, and still have 3 full days of feedback05:56
WilliamCarringtnwhich is looking likely at this point05:56
cherezwell, I need to get some sleep since I have class from 8-4 tomorrow, and it's 1 right now05:57
cherezg'night folks05:57
dmpaytongnight cherez05:57
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mithroWilliamCarringtn: well it's Wed Mar 21 here :)06:01
WilliamCarringtnIt's been the 21st for an hour here :)06:01
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nashmithro: What did you say... 2 in about 30 seconds...06:12
mithronash: hrm?06:16
nashThe 2 quits06:16
mithroo I understand now :)06:16
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nashAnyway - I'm off home06:42
nashTalk to you all tomorrow06:42
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LukstrHello room07:47
jothamhey Lukstr07:51
Lukstrmorning jotham. I found this place through Google's SoC. Quite interested at first glance, looking into it more.07:51
jothamcool, mithro is the man you want to speak to07:52
LukstrAlright, thanks. I imagine the majority of the occupants here are asleep?07:52
jothamnash, llnz, and mithro are core members and are from australia/new zealand - so they tend to be active around this time07:53
jotham(it's almost 8pm here in new zealand)07:53
LukstrWell that's fortunate. I'm in Canada (4am here) and don't enjoy sleeping.07:54
jothama dirty habbit we are all unfortunatly chained to07:54
LukstrThousand Parsec seems like a lovely idea, I'm curious as to the scope of games it can handle07:55
LukstrAre you a developer?07:56
jothamjust building a little graphical tool for mithro, not part of the core of the project08:00
LukstrI see. Any idea how old this project is?08:02
jothamno sir08:02
LukstrCare to indulge me on what you're building?08:03
jothama think that 'animates' the output of battle xml data when fleets engage and fight08:04
jothamlike a visual viewer for the result of a battle08:04
LukstrInteresting. So my rough understanding is this is a framework which, with some plugins or extensions, can be used to form a full game (potentially?)08:05
jothamyou should have a chat to mithro when he turns up08:06
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xdotxirony strikes again!08:07
LukstrSo this is analogous to a turn based card game (magic or somesuch)08:07
Lukstrlike a d20 system for space games08:08
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dmpayton'llo mithro08:35
mithrohey people08:35
mithro~seen Lukstr08:35
tpbmithro: Lukstr was last seen in #tp 27 minutes and 33 seconds ago: <Lukstr> like a d20 system for space games08:35
* mithro goes to read logs08:35
Lukstrhello mithro :)08:36
mithroLukstr: i assume your a SoC person?08:36
LukstrIndeed I am08:36
LukstrNever really considered participating much 'til I came across this08:36
* mithro is one of the mentors :)08:37
mithro(and project founder)08:37
Lukstrso I've heard/discovered. Nice to meet you, so to speak.08:37
Lukstr(aside: if I take some time to respond it is due to cramming for a calc midterm)08:40
mithroLukstr: thats fine08:41
mithroif I take a long time to repsond its because i'm doing something else :P08:41
Lukstrhehe, Aye08:41
mithroLukstr: Re: "like a d20 system for space games"08:44
mithroyes but much more flexible and less sucky08:44
LukstrThat's good to hear08:44
mithrojotham: so how goes your ulustrious battleviewer? delayed again by the blight of the flesh?08:46
jothamnaah i've been working on it08:46
jothami'm still sick but going fine, didn't go to work today08:46
mithroso where are we at then? :P08:49
jothamsame crap, event crap putting the lasers back in08:49
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dmpaytonMornin' llnz09:02
llnzevening dmpayton09:02
mithrohey Lee09:04
llnzhi mithro09:04
mithroxdotx: ping?09:08
mithro~seen xdotx09:08
tpbmithro: xdotx was last seen in #tp 1 hour, 1 minute, and 22 seconds ago: <xdotx> irony strikes again!09:08
dmpaytonI think i'm going to spend tomorrow figuring out wtf is going on with my server...find out once and for all if the issues with python are caused by the scripts (as support says) or caused by a server error (as I suspect)09:12
Lukstrmithro: I'm curious, does Google allocate a certain number of slots to each mentor organisation?10:15
mithroLukstr: yes10:15
Lukstrhow many did you receive?10:15
Lukstrif you're at liberty to say, even10:16
mithroLukstr: we don't receive slots till all the student apps are in10:18
Lukstrah ok. That makes sense10:18
mithroit's normally proportional to the number of apps, mentors and fudgyness10:19
mithroLukstr: so what are you intrested in doing?10:30
LukstrI'm not really sure yet, I've only poked around a bit, I plan to poke around more this evening (post midterm). I'm a well rounded programmer, been using C and C++ for countless years, PHP for almost 5 years, and have played with many languages in between (Java, Perl, a bit of Python (though can learn more quickly)). I've only got about a years experience with *nix systems, but I've come a long way. I run Ubuntu Desktop and Server (x2), and had a10:34
Lukstr FreeBSD box until this winter. I'm skilled at Photoshop and webdesign (all aspects), and have handled MySQL interaction before (would need to refresh myself with it). I'm definitely open to any suggestions you have to where I might be needed most, otherwise I'll have to get back to you on that :P10:34
LukstrLast year I began an opengl game engine with a friend, but has been since put on hold10:35
LukstrIt looks to me like you guys don't need much in the client area at least10:35
LukstrI guess I'll have to hop into ubuntu and install most of this to really explore it10:44
jothamman this bug is wasting my time10:45
jothamdownside to using someone elses event manager10:45
LukstrHave anything in mind, mithro?10:50
mithroLukstr: not sure10:50
mithrothe idea list is a good place to start10:57
mithroany of them catch your intresting10:58
mithrojotham: which bug is that?10:58
jothamit's ok, i'm good now, just a misunderstanding of sequence11:00
mithroahh okay11:02
JLPhello all11:03
JLPand a special welcome to all people who are new here11:04
* JLP goes to check out all new applications11:05
llnzhi JLP11:05
jothamambiguous documentation is the spice of life11:08
mithrobe back in 1011:11
jothamhow do i see what files darcs may be missing?11:39
mithrodarcs whatsnew -ls11:39
CIA-17[email protected] * battleviewer/ (52 files): Finished Event integration. Added new Message entity.11:43
CIA-17[email protected] * battleviewer/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Added doc directory11:43
mithro  File "/home/tim/oss/tp/battleviewer/", line 135, in __init__11:46
mithro    text = Message.font.render(message, False, (200,200,200)).convert()11:46
mithropygame.error: SDL_ttf render failed11:46
jothamhum, i wonder why11:46
* jotham hits the google11:46
jothamahh, error is a freetype error, some linux distros can't handle non-antialising, it'll render fine if i make it antialiased11:47
jothamwell so sayeth the maker of pygame11:48
mithrochange the False to a true?11:48
jothamthat's wierd because you can use the damage animation test just fine11:48
jothamcould you try changing L123 of to 18 instead of 12 at the end?11:48
jothamrather than enabling antialiasing11:49
jotham(it'll look ugly, but if that's the problem at least i can file a bug report)11:49
mithronope still fails11:49
mithroif i make it true I get empty boxes11:50
jothamyeah that's because of how i do the alpha channeling11:50
jothamhumm, ok let me look into it11:50
mithrois it a borked FreeType or SDL_ttf or pygame?11:51
tpb<> (at
jothamhold on11:53
CIA-17[email protected] * battleviewer/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Fixed damage animation test11:54
jothamif you go into tests/ can you try python ./damage_test.py11:54
jothamsomething i thought worked fine for you before11:55
mithrothe damage seems to work fine - it's the log messages11:55
jothamyeah but they use exactly the same code11:55
jothami wish i had that bug on my system here so i could experiment with it11:56
mithrodamage_test works fine11:56
mithromaybe it's the font?11:57
jothamok well try this11:57
jothamthey use the same font11:57
jothamchange L123 to 12 from 18 (i said to set it to 18 before)11:57
jothamchange L135 from False to True and from convert() to convert_alpha()11:57
jothamsame with L13611:58
jothamthen see how it runs11:58
mithroworks now11:59
jothamwell that's uncool11:59
mithroseems okay if I change it back to 1211:59
jothamis there a way to use C code in this project without it breaking or creating unrealistic dependancies?12:00
* Lukstr will be back shortly, and shall reply to mitro then.12:01
jothamok i'll look into that12:01
mithroFalse fails, True works12:01
jothamyeah it's like pete said, antialiasing12:01
jothamthat's most uncool12:01
mithrojotham: just testing12:02
mithroworks with just numbers12:02
mithroI think I know the problem12:03
mithrohrm - I thought it could be because the str in unicode12:04
mithroahh I know the problem :)12:04
mithrowithout anti-alias you can't render "spaces"12:05
mithro        text = Message.font.render(message.replace(' ', '.'), False, (200,200,200)).convert_alpha()12:05
mithro        shadow = Message.font.render(message.replace(' ', '.'), False, (50,50,50)).convert_alpha()12:05
jothamhum interesting12:05
jothami just found a post by piman saying in 1.8 it'll be fixed12:06
jotham(pygame developer)12:06
jothamnevermind, i'll just use antialiasing12:06
mithroweird :P12:07
jothamok i'll add a moving starfield and a summary screen now i got this god awful event bullshit sorted out =)12:08
CIA-17[email protected] * battleviewer/ ( Enabled anti-aliasing as pygame work around12:09
jothamwe're gonna have to make the ships a lot smaller12:09
jothamand do a few other things, i am gonna make them appear in a circle pattern kinda12:10
jothamjust so we can fit more like 20+ ships12:10
jothamhave them warp in/animate in when the battle starts, but have all the planets stationary12:10
jothamand i need to work on that deathstar animation12:10
mithrohave you tried any of the other battles yet?12:11
jothamnaah they didn't work out of the box, i'm gonna have to change the viewer a bit12:12
jothami'll do that soon though, i want to see some variation12:12
mithrome too :P12:13
llnzI just reset demo112:33
mithrohow many people had tried it?12:36
llnzno idea, it had crashed12:36
mithroget any useful information out of it?12:37
llnzsuspect double login bug12:38
mithrono help from gdb?12:39
llnzwasn't running under gdb12:39
mithro:/ can you get information from a coredump?12:39
llnzwhat coredump?12:40
mithroshouldn't things coredump when they segfault?12:43
llnzdepends on settings12:44
mithromaybe it should produce a coredump? would it be helpful12:47
llnzmight start running under gdb again12:50
llnzmaybe after SoC and AI Comp closes12:50
mithrowhy not always run under gdb - the performance hit shouldn't be huge?12:50
mithro ?12:53
tpb<> (at
llnzdon't know, slows down getting it running again while i diagnose it12:53
llnzahh, i know why i don't get a core file12:55
mithrollnz: well - the coredump should fix that problem - no?12:56
mithroThat is pretty clear. But, as you might encounter yourself on a Linux host, you don't see the Core dumped message, only Segmentation fault (often referred to as segfault). This is because core dumps are disabled by default on some linux distributions. To enable core dumps for your current shell, use ulimit to set a maximal core dump size in megabytes. For this example, we'll "limit" core dumps to 1 gigabyte:12:56
mithrofrank@tightrope:~/tmp/gdbtest$ ulimit -c 102412:56
llnzhave done that now in the tpserver-cpp shell (under screen, also had to restart tpserver-cpp)12:57
mithroyay for core dumps13:00
mithrobtw whats the double login bug?13:00
llnzyou and JLP (iirc) discovered it when someone logs in twice, then the latter connection disconnects gives a segfault (after other errors and misdirected frames before the disconenction)13:02
llnzI tried to fix it, but the fix didn't work very well13:03
llnzI have an idea about how i'll fix it, also cleans up player as well13:03
llnznot sure whether to allow multiple logins into the same account though13:04
mithrollnz: maybe disconnect the previous user when you login?13:04
mithroahh it was me and Matthewd13:05
mithroanyway I need to be in bed13:05
llnzah, that's right13:05
llnzhehe, same here13:05
* llnz wanders of13:05
llnz"off" that is13:06
llnzlater all13:06
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* mithro hopes when he wakes up this channel with have more then 20 people and we'll have more then 15 applications :P13:07
*** Lukstr is now known as Lukstr|AFK13:10
daxxarThanks for your comments, mithro & JLP. I'll look at improving the application when I get home today. :)13:28
JLPdaxxar: no problem, i'm looking forward to updates13:28
JLPdaxxar: btw where are you from13:29
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JLPclayasaurus: ahoy13:39
daxxarJLP: I'm from Norway, and yourself?13:39
daxxarAnd why do you ask? :-)13:39
clayasaurushi JLP13:40
JLPdaxxar: just to keep track of where applications are comming from13:40
JLPdaxxar: i'm from Slovenia (small country in Central Europe)13:41
daxxarYeah, I've heard of Slovenia, never been there though. :-)13:41
JLPdaxxar: you should come, it's beautiful here, and i should also come to norway one day :)13:43
JLPclayasaurus: what about you, where are you from13:45
daxxarHehe, yeah. I can recommend southern Norway, especially in the summer. Right now I live in the middle of Norway (I moved when I started uni), the weather is kinda .. unstable here. :p13:45
* mithro studied in Sweden for 6 months13:46
* mithro can't sleep :/13:47
JLPmithro: who needs sleep :)13:48
daxxarHey mithro :-)13:48
mithrohey daxxar13:48
mithroyour 3d Client (C++) right?13:50
daxxarmithro: Yep.13:53
mithrookay cool13:53
daxxarThanks for your comment, will review it when I get home. :)13:54
mithroyeah saw that comment13:56
mithrojust making sure I have people straight :P13:56
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Epyon|AFKOh, BTW, why don't you at least give a background image for the starmap in the non-3D client? It would drasticaly increase the "visual" quality of the client...17:14
Epyon|AFKAnd you can always make it "optional"...17:14
clayasaurusis there anything the mentors can do, JLP/mithro/nash, so I can make another update to my application? I have a comment but the 'detailed description' is not editable now17:15
JLPclayasaurus: i can ad some comment if only new comments enable editing17:17
JLPEpyon|AFK: add a bug report/wish for tpclient-py17:17
clayasaurustry that, i guess :-/ but I did get a new comment, so it is weird17:18
Epyon|AFKJLP, my question is wether the lack of it is laziness, lack of a suitable image, or a different opinion on that on part of the developers :P17:19
JLPEpyon|AFK: not sure what is it, maybe mithro could just use the same image as for the background of the page17:22
Epyon|AFKJLP, yeah, that would already increase eye-candy, but I was also thinking about nebula, and a grid, with the two scrolling seperately.17:23
Epyon|AFKJLP, true that eye-candy is non-important, but screenshots are the thing people judge when deciding wether to give the game a shot or not...17:24
JLPEpyon|AFK: yeah i know this, and i'm sure mithro also knows it, but i'm not sure why background hasn't been added yet17:25
Epyon|AFKIt's not only the background, but general eye-candy in general. The webpage could also use some polish (no pun intended):]17:25
JLPclayasaurus: comment added, is it editable now17:25
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JLPEpyon|AFK: you are right about eye-candy in general, probably there was not much time to work on it yet, and it is probably not easy to find some artists to contribute something beautiful,17:36
JLPEpyon|AFK: my sister studies graphic design and i just can't convince her to do something for TP17:37
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daxxarJLP: If you put up e.g. a specific list of desired graphic on the wiki, I could try my local artists. :-)18:35
daxxarSee if anyone I know is willing. But it'd need a list that's slightly specific.18:35
daxxarBtw, might not be time to update my application tonight, I've got a lab report to finish. I'll see what I can do. :)18:35
JLPdaxxar: thank you very much for the offer, i'll tell mithro and lee about it and we will see what we can come up with18:40
JLPi'm sure there are some icons like the ones for toolbar18:41
daxxarI bet it'll help others who know someone who could help out. :-)18:42
daxxarA bit easier to ask if you have a specific project. :)18:43
JLPyup true, easier if you ask for specific items18:45
daxxarI'm not making any promises, but I'll try - see what happens,18:49
Epyon|AFKWell, I can contribute myself, but I'm not an artist tho.18:49
Epyon|AFKBut doing graphics for space games is easy xD18:49
daxxarI like the webpage, though. Not too flashy, nice and space-ish, nice readable colors. :-)18:50
Epyon|AFKYet it COULD use a facelift to look more pro.18:51
daxxarPerhaps, perhaps. I'm no webdesigner. :)18:52
Epyon|AFKNeither am I, but I did a few jobs ;/18:52
JLPyeah it could be a bit more like what people call web 2.0, but other code currently has higher priority18:56
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IwanowitchHi all!19:25
IwanowitchCan the great developers be interrupted by a humble SoC student?19:25
daxxarIwanowitch: Try the mentors; JLP, nash and mithro.19:26
daxxarThere's one more, llnz or something, but I haven't talked to him yet. :)19:26
IwanowitchSo... Assuming some sort of poke on nickname... JLP, nash, mithro, llnz, is someone of you here? :)19:27
daxxarJLP was here a bit ago, I think mithro is asleep.19:27
daxxar~seen nash19:27
tpbdaxxar: nash was last seen in #tp 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 50 seconds ago: <nash> Talk to you all tomorrow19:27
IwanowitchOr if there is someone else here who knows more anpit the metaserver, all fine to me.19:28
Iwanowitchdaxxar: you a fellow student?19:28
daxxarThat's correct. :-)19:28
daxxarAh, you're going to apply for working on the metaserver+19:28
IwanowitchAlready have plans?19:28
daxxarI've submitted an proposal for a C++-based 3D client. :-19:28
IwanowitchI already submitted an application for the SQLite integration in the server, but I might as well try something more.19:28
daxxarI considered the SQLite / PGSQL integration, but I felt the tasks were a bit small for a full SoC-project. :)19:29
IwanowitchYou'd be surprised... Protocol 4 support is asked.19:29
IwanowitchCombined with a refactoring of current code, a bit of testing, I think I'll quickly be busy for 2 months. :)19:30
daxxarWhat? Where do they ask for protocol 4? :o I thought protocol 3 was the one that was 'current'.19:32
IwanowitchWell, it's not really a requirement I guess, but one of the reactions on my application was whether I had read protocol 4, because it was going to change a lot (and it seems like it does).19:33
daxxarAh, okay. :-)19:33
IwanowitchWell... if there's no developers around, I'll go for exploration... tpb is the local bot, I guess?19:35
IwanowitchDoes it do anything useful?19:36
daxxarOnly thing I've seen it do is display titles for pasted webpages, and provide some kind of short-link.19:38
daxxar # Like this19:38
tpbTitle: Google Code - Summer of Code - Google Summer of Code (at
daxxar # Longer URL19:38
tpbTitle: Google Code - Summer of Code - Become a Student (at
daxxarHmm, doesn't do the shorturl thing, Oh well. ;-)19:39
daxxarWell, back to this report for me. Good luck on the exploration. :)19:39
daxxarI bet some of the mentors will be around soon :)19:39
IwanowitchOkay, good luck with the report. :)19:40
Iwanowitch~rpn 5 4 6 + *19:43
tpbIwanowitch: 5019:43
IwanowitchHell yeah.19:43
tpbYou are nothing but a vapid enema-bucketful of foul gizzards.19:44
IwanowitchKind of pathetic without someone to react. And I bet it's keeping statistics about how many lines I say without someone interrupting me, so I'd better stop.19:45
daxxar~lart Iwanowitch19:47
daxxar20:50:33 <tpb> Error: There are no larts in my database for #.19:47
daxxarBut thanks for the good luck. :-)19:47
IwanowitchLuser Attitude Readjustment Tool? Do I even want to know?19:48
daxxar21:19:16 < daxxar> ~lart Iwanowitch20:16
daxxar21:19:17  * ibot smacks Iwanowitch up side the head with a clue-by-420:16
IwanowitchOuch, I guess.20:16
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cherez'lo, everyone21:14
cherezoh goody, someone else I've not met21:25
IwanowitchSame goes for me, though. :P21:26
IwanowitchI'm a SoC student trying to catch a developer at the moment, but they're all sleeping or playing dead...21:27
cherezya, the mentors seem to do that around this time21:27
cherezwhat were you wanting to do?21:27
IwanowitchI'd like to discuss a bit about the metaserver.21:28
IwanowitchI already made an application for the SQLite integration in tpserver-cpp.21:28
IwanowitchBut since they encourage us to try multiple things, I figured I'd think a bit more.21:29
mithrocan't stop long21:31
daxxarIwanowitch: mithro is a mentor21:32
daxxarI think he responds well to hilighting him :p21:32
IwanowitchWhoah, poke, poke.21:32
daxxar(atleast he did earlier)21:32
IwanowitchSay, mithro, could I ask you some questions about how the perfect metaserver would look like?21:33
mithroIwanowitch: any thing specific?21:33
IwanowitchThere are a couple of things I'm not sure about what the mean in the list.21:33
Iwanowitch'"Back Connect" support for verification of details', for example, what exactly is meant by this?21:34
IwanowitchOf course, if you don't have the time now, no problem, I'll be back later.21:35
mithroIwanowitch: IE the metaserver connects back to the server which had just registered and checks the details21:36
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IwanowitchChecks the details? As in, requests more information with some new part of the protocol?21:36
mithrocould check it can login with the guest account or something21:37
IwanowitchAh, ok...21:38
mithropjdeets: Hi! I have to run now but will be back in about 2-3 hours21:38
mithroIwanowitch: maybe get the features the server supports21:38
mithroanyway have to run now21:40
IwanowitchYeah, okay, I'll catch you later. Thanks!21:41
IwanowitchNeed to think a bit anyway. :)21:41
mithroplease make pjdeets welcome!21:41
mithro~seen pjdeets21:41
tpbmithro: I have not seen pjdeets.21:41
mithroIwanowitch: btw, definately submit more then one application :)21:42
IwanowitchYeah, I'm working on it :)21:42
mithrospecially if you have some freeform ideas :P21:42
pjdeetsHi guys, I'm thinking about applying for the Google summer of code and working on this project.21:49
* nash is back21:51
IwanowitchHeya. Join the fun :).21:51
nashmorning all21:51
nashSweet... I have internet again...21:54
IwanowitchSay, nash, I've been thinking about creating a Java mobile phone interface... But that would require both writing the protocol lib and the client, right?21:54
nashIwanowitch: Yes.  However in the time frame writing both shouldn't be a problem21:55
* nash has written a client + protocol + AI in the past 2 months21:55
nash90% finished.. and I work full time and I moved house21:55
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IwanowitchWell... Either you work really hard or it's not as hard as I had thought :P21:56
IwanowitchBut that gives me hope... Working with Java would be more fun for me, so if this project is doable, that would be awesome.21:58
nashIwanowitch: Well to be fair I am also paid to work on the library I used, so I know it well.  However full time it could be a lot quicker21:58
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IwanowitchI'm going to do some mobile phone research now. If I like it, you'll probably see an application coming your way. :)21:59
nashIwanowitch: Excellent22:00
nashmithro: You around at all?22:00
Iwanowitchnash: he was here about 15 minutes ago, saying he had to leave...22:01
IwanowitchAnd would return in a couple of hours.22:01
nashIwanowitch: Cool... I'll speak to him when he gets to uni then ;-)22:01
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nashI seem a few new submissions22:08
cherezglad to hera it22:08
cherezand to hear it22:08
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mithrohowdy people22:33
Epyon|AFKello ;]22:35
Epyon|AFKHow many applicants have signed on already? Or is that a secret?22:35
mithrohrm missed the pjdeets person22:36
mithronash: yay about the internet!22:36
nashmithro: Indee22:37
nashCame live betwen 8 and 9 this morning22:37
mithrowho you with?22:37
nashmithro: Well this was telstra getting the line codes on the line for ADSL22:41
nashonce that was done... it was all good22:41
cherezhow is it planned for adding components to ships to work?22:51
cherez(gameplay wise)22:51
cherezwill you specify them all when the build is ordered, or where they be built separately and attached to the ships?22:52
nashNo, you make a design with components... then you can build that design22:52
Epyon|AFKMan, that sounds fun :>22:52
nashEpyon|AFK: a) You aren't AFK ...22:52
nashb) Play Stars!22:52
nashYou can get the demo22:52
Epyon|AFKa) I always am ;>22:53
Epyon|AFKb) I did ;]22:53
nashIt doesn't allow you to design your components, but the ship design is important22:53
nashMTSec allows you to design missiles to load onto the ship22:53
Epyon|AFKCurrently I'm browsing the tp site looking for a niche that I might fit in.22:53
cherezI know that components are pre defined22:53
Epyon|AFKI remember making a ruleset for componential starship design... based on GURPS Space and Star Wars Vechicle construction system. That was fun ^_^22:54
nashIn stars yes... in MTSec... the missiles can be designed which creates a new component to put on ships22:55
cherezoh, that sounds fun22:55
* cherez busts out GURPS Space22:55
* nash believes this is case ;-)22:55
* Epyon|AFK 's a fan of GURPD ;]22:55
cherezwow, this is the first I've met another GURPS player without converting them or meeting them in a GURPS forum/chat22:56
Epyon|AFKWell I GM almost exclusively GURPS and Amber diceless.22:56
Epyon|AFKnash, how can one learn about the game if there are no servers running? Should I play a game with myself by running two clients and a server? :>22:58
cherezI GM GURPS because no one else is comfortable doing so, and the only other RPG you can get people to play is D&D *shudder*22:59
Epyon|AFKD&D *shudder*22:59
* nash GMs/Plays rolemaster, harp, storyteller (mage, werewolf & vampire), and a few other little systems23:00
Epyon|AFKStoryteller... ah, but only Wraith ;]23:00
nashEpyon|AFK: Yeah, just practice like that for a while.23:00
nashElse see if there is someone here who is happy to play a game with you... I can set up a server for you if you wish23:00
Iwanowitchnash: is there any form of NAT punch-through in the server? If not, would it be possible to create this, you think?23:01
IwanowitchI don't see a problem if you can use the metaserver as man-in-the-middle, but I'm no expert...23:02
nashNot directly.  Of course as long as the server has a publicallt address it all works fine23:02
mithroIwanowitch: the protocol has HTTP and HTTPS tunneling support23:02
IwanowitchAh, interesting...23:03
nashSo cherez, want to play a game with Iwanowitch?23:03
nashAnyone else?23:04
IwanowitchI won't be online for very long anymore, though.23:04
IwanowitchYeah, sorry :)23:04
mithronash: minisec doesn't show design support really :P23:04
nashmithro: or at all realyy23:04
cherezI'd be interested, but I have somewhere to be soon as well23:05
nashMaybe later then23:05
cherezI'm working on a blog entry for the configuration files23:05
cherezcare to read it when I'm done?23:05
nashcherez: yep23:05
nashYour blog is mtsec.. etc?23:06
cherezon wordpress23:06
cherezwhen it's up I can send a link23:06
Epyon|AFKUmm, the turns end before I can do anything... is that intentional?23:09
Epyon|AFKRunning two clients and a server23:09
nashNo... turns are a hard coded length23:10
nashSo you may need ot make the turn longer23:10
Epyon|AFK30 seconds is the default?23:11
nashEpyon|AFK: AI comp conf file has 60.  Otherwise it should be 300 I thought23:11
Epyon|AFKI've got 50 seconds.23:12
Epyon|AFKEverything out of the box, windoze version.23:12
mithroEpyon|AFK: the windows version ships with the AI comp config file23:13
mithroas it was mainly for AI coders :)23:13
Epyon|AFKI c23:14
tpb<> (at
IwanowitchAh, that makes me wonder. Is there a lot of interest in the AI competition?23:15
cherezanyone who wants to comment on that please do23:15
cherezand does Lee ever get on IRC?23:16
cherezhe commented on my application about the configuration files, I think that link answers some of his questions but I'm not sure23:16
cherezand if I could improve the application I would really like the opportunity to23:17
IwanowitchWell, I usually use XML for any configuration file I design in my projects.23:17
cherezXML isn't as nice to write, and the parsers are more complex23:18
Epyon|AFKI guess you guys should ask the mentors to decide upon the configuration format :P23:18
cherezbut it also is a lot more expressive...23:18
Epyon|AFKThere's nothing as bad as a game without a common convention on data files :P23:19
cherezwell, they weren't planning on one from the impression I got23:19
cherezI wanted to do MTSec and as long as I'm ripping out the innards I wanted to make something neat from it23:19
cherezI would really like the mentors to give their ok before I do this, though23:20
cherezif Lee appears some weeks later and unveils that he has created the One True Configuration Format, I'll feel pretty silly with these inis I've been making23:20
mithrocherez: he is in New Zealand - +1423:21
Epyon|AFKActually the ruleset data format is what realy interests me.23:21
IwanowitchHeh :). You could always change your application or add a comment to it linking to your blog entry, he's bound to see that.23:22
cherezthe application links to my blog23:22
cherezI could post it to the forum, too23:22
nashmithro: You are probably best to comment on cherez's entry at the moment ;-)23:23
mithrocherez: looking at it23:23
cherezI have a a robotics meeting pretty soon, so I'll have to bug out in about 15 minutes23:24
mithrocherez: intresting idea, i'm not quite sure it'll be flexible enough23:24
cherezanything in particular you're concerned about?23:24
mithrocherez: well the reason we didn't just distribute config files like that is its not flexible enough :P23:25
cherezI'm a bit concerned that 2 attributes might be tied together, I'm not sure how to express that23:25
Epyon|AFKomg, it's cygwin!23:25
cherezwe currently have also, 1 option could be to default to using a .py when loading a ruleset, or fall back on the ini format is a isn't found23:26
cherezor maybe the ini specifying a would be a better idea23:27
mithrocherez: i think it's better the other way around, a specifying the ini file :P23:27
mithrocherez: I think you also need to make clear the difference between an admin who just wants to setup a server23:28
mithroand a guy who wants to develop his own ruleset23:28
cherezwell, my thoughts are then we can reuse the .py with many files, instead of copying the .py many times and changing only the .ini if the difference is in constants23:28
mithroMaxPlanetLevel=1, DestroyedRules=LostAllPlanets are things a sys admin would want to change23:29
mithroare things a ruleset designer would want to change23:29
mithroa sys admin would not want to change those23:29
cherezdoh, I forgot to mention inherit!23:30
Epyon|AFKmithro, what's the status of the abandoned C++ client?23:31
mithrocherez: btw you might want to check out tpserver-cpp's config file23:32
mithrocherez: i think your should keep the two ideas seperate (even if they both end up using ini files)23:33
cherezwhich two ideas?23:34
tpb<> (at
Epyon|AFKdamn, that orge one is also py, havn't noticed, sorry23:34
cherezahh, a server configuration ini?23:34
Epyon|AFKcherez, not ini, conf file :P23:35
cherezoh, right23:35
mithrocherez: server config and ruleset design23:35
cherezright, those 2 belong separate23:36
cherezalright, I mentioned Inherit briefly23:37
mithrocherez: so i think your first bet is to figure out what is a "server config" option and what is a "ruleset design" option23:38
Epyon|AFKmithro, on the page I read there's a "C++ KDE" client developed... anyehere I can get info on that?23:38
mithroEpyon|AFK: ask JLP :)23:38
Epyon|AFKJLP: on the page I read there's a "C++ KDE" client developed... anyehere I can get info on that?23:39
mithrocherez: did you check out the tpserver-cpp config?23:40
cherezya, not in depth yet, though23:40
tpb<> (at
mithrocherez: they are all good examples of server config problems23:40
cherezoh, how do I use darcs to get a development snapshot?23:43
Epyon|AFKmithro, is the connection code for the client completed?23:43
Epyon|AFKcherez, install darcs :P23:43
mithrocherez: you got darcs installed?23:43
cherezdid that23:43
mithrodarcs get<repository name>23:44
mithroie tpserver-py23:44
Epyon|AFKBTW, why darcs and not svn? Curiosity, not a flamewar bait :P23:44
mithroEpyon|AFK: because darcs is a distributed SCM23:44
cherezthere's a text based client?23:45
Epyon|AFKah, and you really need that?23:45
Epyon|AFKthe text client is lackin' tough :/23:45
nashEpyon|AFK: If you've used a distributed SCM... you don't want to go back to non-distrib one23:45
cherezdarcs failed:  Failed to download URL
Epyon|AFKnash, sorry, never used one :/23:46
nashEpyon|AFK: Remember the jump from no SCM to CVS?23:46
Epyon|AFKNope, never did that one :P23:46
Epyon|AFKI started with svn :>23:47
nashReally?  Wowo23:47
nashWell in that case...23:47
nashEpyon|AFK: Remember the jump from no SCM to SVN?23:47
Epyon|AFKlol, I guessed you'd write that ^_^23:47
Epyon|AFKI do.23:47
IwanowitchI've read the Wikipedia article on darcs... and I can't make anything from it :P23:47
nashWell it's almost as big a jump from non-distrib to distrib23:48
nashOnce you start using one, you will never want to use SVN again23:48
chereznash: care to read my config file post?23:48
Epyon|AFKAnd I guess ... yup. I knew you're gonna write that one too ^^23:48
cherezwell, I've got to head off now23:49
cherezback later23:49
Epyon|AFKis the connection code for C++ KDE client completed?23:49
nashEpyon|AFK: I've used git, arch, svn, darcs for many things.  Git (actually cogito) is my fav... but the distrib ones are so useful.. cheap local branches... no need to worry about admins setting up accounts.  No need to give random people write access to my SVM system... it's great stuff23:50
nashcherez: OPen ion browser... will read soon23:50
cherezalright, thanks23:50
chereztime to run23:50
Epyon|AFKOr more precisely --- if one would volunteer to do a C++ based client would he also need to do all the networking stuff?23:50
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mithroopps, will have to wait till cherez gets back23:53
Epyon|AFKI guess there's no one to answer my question :/23:55
IwanowitchI'm out... See you later.23:55
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mithroEpyon|AFK: you could use libtpproto-c++23:56
daxxarI was just about to suggest that. I'm too slow. S:23:58
Epyon|AFKWhat level of output does it provide? And is it cross-platform?23:58
mithroLee actually did that as a uni project23:58
daxxarmithro: cool :)23:59
mithrodaxxar: you checked out the doco? it's pretty good and there are even UML diagrams somewhere23:59
daxxarmithro: which docu? the proto-lib?23:59

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