Sunday, 2007-03-11

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mithronash: ping?07:52
nashmithro: Heyo - I'm here now - not for long however08:52
mithrohow goes the moving?08:52
nashPainful :-/08:53
nashbut getting there08:53
nashAlso nailed some bugs for you... And I worked out part of your popup bug - will solve either tonight or tomorrow - after I take a whole bucket load of crap out08:54
nashAlso AI got some int boosts today08:54
nashDoesn't try to colonise an already colonised world, and recoveres from destroyed ships08:54
mithrodo you have a public holiday tommorrow?09:12
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jothamwish we did in nz09:39
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jothambah it's still not working11:18
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jothamwonder if i should push this11:52
jothameven though it's not animating yet11:52
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jothamhey mithro21:37
mithroJLP: ping?21:53
JLPmithro: pong21:54
mithroi kind of forgot to submit an application to Google SOC, it needs to be in today21:55
JLPmithro: is TP going to be a sponsor?21:57
mithroJLP: well, it can't hurt to apply to be a mentoring org21:57
JLPmithro: that would be wasome21:57
mithroJLP: would you be willing to be a mentor?21:58
JLPmithro: i'm not sure i've got enough insight into protocol21:58
mithrocould you also be the "backup organization administrator", Lee doesn't have a google account21:58
mithroJLP: a mentor is more about guiding the person about the project and introducing them to OSS foo21:59
JLPmithro: oh, then I guess i can do it21:59
mithrowhats your google account again?22:00
mithrothen we need to write some stuff for the following questions22:00
mithroWhat is your plan for dealing with disappearing students?22:00
mithroWhat is your plan for dealing with disappearing mentors?22:00
mithroWhat steps will you take to encourage students to interact with your project's community before, during and after the program?22:00
mithroWhat will you do to ensure that your accepted students stick with the project after GSoC concludes?22:00
JLPmithro: jrepin is my account i guess22:02
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JLPmithro: yes22:03
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mithronash: guess what you forgot to remind me about22:06
nashmithro: Summer of code?22:07
mithrodeadline is today22:07
JLPmithro: first two questions are quite wierd22:07
nashI remembered last night - but my computer was switched off on the floor22:08
nashMy deak was in pieces waiting for the council to dump ;-)22:08
jothamthe joys of moving22:08
nashSo sorry - however I can try and pimp you a bit to Chris DiBona22:08
mithrothe second question I guess we could say "There are a couple of alternatives if a mentor disappears, one option is for another mentor to take over. ..."22:09
mithroI've been pimping to Leslie22:09
nashIf you need a spare, put mt down.  Else if you want to apply as a student yoursel,f put mt down ;-)22:09
mithroWhy is your organization applying to participate in GSoC 2007? What do you hope to gain by participating?22:09
nashWell you are eligible for cash ;-)22:11
nashAlso you hope to gain publicity - which is nice22:11
* mithro has been up all night playing vid games22:12
jothamwhat game22:12
mithroTitan Quest22:13
mithroa friend got me hooked22:13
* jotham hits the goog22:13
jothamoh the game where you kill all the big monsters22:14
jothamand ride a horse around22:14
jothamyeah my friend likes it22:14
mithronot really22:14
mithrothat is a different one22:14
nashPeople keep trying to get me to play that - Titan Quest that is22:14
mithrothis is like a pretty diablo22:14
nashReal popular on IRC channels22:14
nashmithro: So when is the SoC deadline?22:15
jothamok found some screenshots, looks like dungeonsiege/nwn styles22:15
jothamcool, does it have a good story?22:15
mithronash: ASAP22:15
mithronash: is it a public holiday in NSW? or only in SA?22:16
jothamthat looks addictive22:16
nashNot a public holiday here :-(22:16
* nash is at work22:16
mithronash: :/22:17
jothamthat looks cool
tpb<> (at
mithronash: so you wanted to be a mentor then?22:18
nashmithro: If you like - if you need someone22:19
nashAs long as it is not too much paper work ;-)22:19
mithronash: do you have a google account?22:21
nashYes: [email protected]22:21
* nash has meeting in a minute.. so will disappear suddenly22:22
nashback soon - have fun22:24
JLPmithro: is soc still only about code (and not about art, documentation, webdesign ...)22:25
JLPmithro: and still only one coder per application22:26
JLPmithro: so we need to find some good reason for the why question first22:28
mithroThis one --> Why is your organization applying to participate in GSoC 2007? What do you hope to gain by participating?22:28
JLPwould working on a protocol count for this22:28
JLPyup that one22:28
mithroJLP: yes22:28
mithroI think we need to try and get across how much more a students efforts mean in a small project22:29
JLPso one of the ideas would be to get someone to work on creation of TP04 protocol22:29
JLPif the project creates the protocol she would work on enhancing our protocol libraries/servers... to implement this new version22:30
JLPso what this would bring us is to get the more interesting playable games faster and I think this is needed to attract more players/developers in th future22:32
jothamcan we use hubble pictures etc?22:40
jothamlike is that license a-okay22:40
tpbTitle: HubbleSite - Copyright (at
jothamjust would like something behind the starfield22:46
mithrojust need to fill out23:00
mithroWhat is your plan for dealing with disappearing students?23:00
mithroWhat is your plan for dealing with disappearing mentors?23:00
mithroany ideas people?23:00
jothamyeah i have an idea23:01
jothamgoogle is your friend23:01
jothamspecifically those questions put into google show everyone elses answers23:02
JLPfor mentors we have backup mentors i guess23:02
jothamso create a composit answer from that23:02
jothamfor instance (scroll down)23:02
tpbTitle: Google Summer of Code (at
jothamgod i have meetings all afternoon23:06
JLPyeah it looks like having constant communication going between organisation and mentors and students is the best way to deal/prevent them dissapearing23:15
JLPKDE also has some ice pages about SoC 2007 -
tpb<> (at
mithrookay all submitted23:20
mithronash: so now you need to pimp to Chris :)23:21
nashmithro: Can I see the application23:21
nashIs it on the web somewher?23:21
mithronash: nope, it's a stupid webform thingy23:22
mithronot my best work, but it'll have to do, I need to go sleep for a bit23:22
nashI'll look for Chris23:25

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