Saturday, 2007-02-17

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mithrohowdy people06:09
jothamalksdjklashey mithro06:19
jothamalksdjklasnot much, been trying to add the event stuff06:20
mithrowhats with the name?06:24
jothamalksdjklasoh friends were being silly in another channel, it's just random keys after my normal name06:24
mithrojothamalksdjklas: okay :)06:28
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mithroJLP: ping?07:12
mithroJLP: any idea what this is -> <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>07:15
tpb<> (at
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JLPmithro: pong10:40
JLPyeah tjhis script is for this -
tpb<> (at
JLPi guess it is used to track readers10:40
mithroJLP: it was broken earlier today10:47
JLPmithro: unreachable or did id do something bad to the page?10:49
mithroJLP: was continually being reloaded10:49
JLPmithro: i'm thinking if it is even worth to have this, but i'm not sure yet as i haven't yet tested it on my own blog10:51
JLPdidn't yet add the widget with visitors to the blog to see what effect does it have10:52
JLPbut the stats do have one interesting feature10:52
JLPthey show what links people click on your page10:52
JLPis this possible with awstats?10:53
tpbTitle: AWStats - Free log file analyzer for advanced statistics (GNU GPL). (at
mithromaybe find something there?10:57
JLPwill check out the plugins11:05
tpb<> (at
mithrowhat blogging software do you use?11:13
JLPmithro: WordPress11:16
mithrowhats wordpress?11:17
tpbTitle: WordPress Blog Tool and Weblog Platform (at
mithrois it any good?11:20
JLPi think it's currently one of the best if not the best11:21
mithrois there a good tool for publishing locally instead of using a html form?11:21
JLPdon't really know, haven't yet looked for one11:22
JLPi usually just write the text in and then paste into WordPress and add HTML11:23
mithroI write most of my rants in evolution11:23
mithroi'm pondering setting up a blog/personal site/etc11:26
JLPi think you can't miss with wordpress11:28
JLPthere are also lots of themes for it and lots of plugins11:28
mithroknow of a nice simple clean theme?11:34
JLPthe default is quite simple and clean :)11:36
JLPyou can use to preview themes11:36
tpbTitle: Theme viewer (at
tpbTitle: Blog by Email � WordPress Codex (at
mithroi hate this way they have a column which stays the same size no matter the screen res11:38
JLPyeah in default theme, but you can always find a theme with dynamic/fluid width article column11:40
mithroJLP: so know of any?11:47
JLPif you use the Theme Viewer you can select on the left the opetion Fluid Width and it should show you just themes with dynamic colum11:48
mithroJLP: is there a "doesn't look like its trying to compensate for lack of real content"?11:49
mithro"not designed by depressed teenagers" would be good too :)11:52
JLPi don't know, i guess you'll have to check out a couple of themes and see which one do you like the most11:52
mithroso far 17 pages :)11:54
JLPyeah lots of them to go thru even when you use filtering11:55
mithromaybe i'm too fussy11:57
mithroyet to find one I like11:59
mithrocloset to what i'm looking for
tpb<> (at
JLPi was also looking for the right theme for a couple of hours, and even then i couldn't decide for the best one, so i just said enough and picked the current one12:02
JLPoh yay it looks like they finaly fixed my internet connection, upload is again at normal 80KB/s and download is currently going at ~700 KB/s12:04
mithrowell I'm going to go watch a movie bblr12:05
mithroso JLP, how goes life?13:46
JLPmithro: very busy13:48
mithrowhat you been doing? how goes your translation?13:49
JLPcurrently I'm just fuguring out what is the problem with the new graphics card I bought13:49
JLPit worked just fine for a couple of days, but now it just locks up X (also runs at 100% CPU) very often13:50
JLPfor example when screensaver starts, no materr if it is OpenGL or not13:50
JLPI've now even borrowed a WinXP CD from friend and I'm testing the card in windows13:51
JLPand it doesn't look good, doesn't lock up, but 3DMark results are very slow, even slower than with GeForce 6800 I had before13:52
JLPso I'm suspecting that there is something wrong with the hardware13:52
mithrocurrently tossing up between14:12
tpbTitle: veryplaintxt � (at
tpbTitle: Sandbox � (at
tpbTitle: Barthelme � (at
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* JLP wrote a Gentoo ebuild for libtprl, that seams to work, next tpserver-cpp19:45
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