Friday, 2007-02-16

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jotham (not to be misread as dwarven quantum)01:05
tpb<> (at
jothamthey don't explain how they manage to cool it down to 4 millikelvin..though01:05
nashlasers most likely01:08
nashAnd it may be an analog box... hmm..01:09
mithrohowdy people03:00
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mithrohowdy :)03:10
jinkuymithro, hi03:10
mithroso the status is, "coming along nicely" :)03:10
jinkuymithro, i am currently studying in Unisa03:10
jinkuymithro, doing my last year03:11
mithroyou intrested in the MIDP project?03:11
jinkuymithro, that's the thing03:11
jinkuymithro, i don't have experience with midp per se03:11
jinkuymithro, but Python and Java is something i love03:11
jinkuymithro, it's a mobile client. right ?03:11
mithrojinkuy: btw, i don't think it's says it on the form, but I'm putting up some funding for that project03:11
jinkuymithro, yeah03:12
jinkuymithro, here's a paste03:12
jinkuy"Strong Java programming skills and an interest in developing software for mobile phones.  Experience with MIDP Java development for mobile phones would be ideal, but not expected."03:12
jinkuymithro, that would be nice. :)03:13
mithroI only got a copy of whats up today, I havn't had a chance to look at it yet03:13
jinkuymithro, so can i join in ? ask Sue Tyerman and Chris Steketee ?03:14
mithrojinkuy: i have no idea how you go about joining :)03:14
jinkuymithro, hehe03:14
jinkuymithro, well you know the usual academic form submission and all that03:15
mithroI assume there is something you select to say "I want to do this"03:15
mithrohave you had a chance to vist our website?03:16
jinkuymithro, yeah reading up03:16
jothamok windows just gave me the dumbest warning ever (after double clicking an exe)
tpb<> (at
mithrothat is a weird error03:17
jothamit's funny03:17
jothami assume it means 'this needs to be run by add-remove programs' but..ambiguous and funny03:17
mithroi think it means that it's normally started by another program03:17
jothamyeah, i just thought it was funny =)03:17
mithrojinkuy: the getting started guide is most probably the best to get started :)03:18
jinkuymithro, :) I am reading up on atm03:22
tpb<> (at
mithrojinkuy: okay cool03:23
mithrothe protocol is pretty simple03:23
jinkuymithro, Is this what I am further suppose to develop on ?03:25
mithrowe are currently in the process of making a 0.4 protocol, but thats a good 6-9 months off and doesn't effect your pojrect03:25
mithrojinkuy: this is the protocol you will need to use to talk to the servers03:26
jinkuymithro, well my project runs for about 8 months.03:26
jinkuymithro, right03:26
jinkuymithro, 1 year SE project03:26
mithrojinkuy: sounds about right, so don't worry about 0.4 stuff on the mailing lists and such03:26
jinkuymithro, cool03:26
mithrojinkuy: I think a pretty good person could knock up a workable TP protocol library for java in less then a month03:27
jinkuymithro, less than a month ? hehe.. sure03:28
mithrojinkuy: it's really pretty simple :) and you wouldn't have to worry about most of the advanced stuff too03:29
jinkuymithro, :)03:30
mithrojinkuy: i think the hardest part will be the GUI on the phone03:30
jinkuymithro, From the docs "There wouldn't be any worries about animations, (much) graphics, async actions, etc." <--- I am really not that interested in it either. :)03:31
jinkuyjinkuy, well, the GUI will be Java ?03:31
mithrojinkuy: the GUI would be in MIDP java - which i'm afaird I have little experiance with03:31
tpbTitle: Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) (at
jinkuyjinkuy, same here. is it possible that I read up the specs and implement MIDP Java ?03:32
jinkuymithro, yeah got that one.03:32
jinkuymithro, for GUI ?03:32
jinkuymithro, i have decent experience with Java.03:33
mithrojinkuy: if you contact Chris I think he'll organise a meeting in person too btw03:33
jinkuymithro, will do that.03:34
mithro    * Rich User Interface Capabilities: MIDP applications provide the foundation for highly graphical and intuitive applications. The graphical user interface is optimized for the small display size, varied input methods, and other native features of modern mobile devices. MIDP provides intuitive navigation and data entry by taking full advantage of phone keypads, extra buttons such as arrow keys, touch screens, and small QWERTY keyboards. MI03:34
mithroDP applications are installed and run locally, can operate in both networked and unconnected modes, and can store and manage persistent local data securely.03:34
mithroi don't think you end up using AWT or Swing03:35
jinkuymithro, umm..03:35
mithrotrying to find out more details about how you do a GUI in MIDP Java03:36
mithrojinkuy: the idea is you develop a simple client which runs on the phone03:37
jinkuymithro, right.03:38
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mithrothat is an example of doing GUI stuff in MIDP i believe03:39
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mithrojinkuy: everything clear? or?03:41
jinkuymithro, yeah.03:41
jinkuymithro, thanks03:41
jinkuymithro, :)03:41
jinkuymithro, got a call03:41
mithrojinkuy: btw, do you know anyone one else intrested in it? the project probably needs two people at a minimum03:41
jinkuymithro, not at the moment. but i'll contact sue and see if anyone wants to be involved in it.03:42
mithrojinkuy: i'm willing to provide a lot of support in getting started and understanding the protocol03:43
jinkuymithro, so for the software engineering project, will i be involved in the GUI or the improvement of protocol library ?03:43
mithro(I designed a large part of it and wrote the python implimentation)03:44
jinkuymithro, yup. I read about it.03:44
jinkuymithro, :)03:44
mithrojinkuy: i think the idea is both (depending on the number of people) - but I would have to check with Chris, he knows more about how the Uni stuff goes/requires03:44
jinkuymithro, cool03:44
jinkuymithro, just a sec03:45
jinkuymithro, yeah that would be nice. so now I have some understanding on the project.03:48
jinkuymithro, thanks.03:48
jinkuymithro, isn't it possible to run Python on mobile sets ?03:49
mithrojinkuy: not in a way that is easy for "users"03:49
mithroplus python isn't suited to the restricted resources that phones have03:50
jinkuymithro, right.03:50
mithrojinkuy: well I have to run now03:50
mithrohopefully you'll take up the project :)03:51
mithroi think it'll be a bit more fun then your normal projects03:51
jinkuymithro, no worries mate.03:51
jinkuymithro, thatnks for clearing things up.03:52
jinkuymithro, ofcourse that's why i chose it03:52
jinkuymithro, :)03:52
jinkuymithro, hopefully if chris allows03:52
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* llnz ponders10:05
adhocabout anything in particular?10:12
llnzwhat to do next10:12
adhocah ...10:12
adhocage old problem ...10:12
llnzi can't remember what I have to do10:22
llnzoh, that's right, fix minisec combat (again)10:30
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llnzi'm going to reset demo1 shortly10:57
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (4 files):10:57
CIA-11Fixed return vals for the default underlying functions, and log message:10:57
CIA-11 Problems on demo1 could have been due to the return values being the wrong way10:57
CIA-11 around. Switched now.10:57
CIA-11 Also added log message to find out write error, which probably won't happen now.10:57
llnzdemo1 restarted11:06
llnzgrrr... i have no freaking idea what the combat code is doing wrong11:22
* llnz wanders off11:22
llnzlater all11:22
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CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/modules/games/minisec/minisec.cpp :11:25
CIA-11Player systems need to be slightly larger to make sure all the objects are inside:11:25
CIA-11 Otherwise the player's first fleet could hide in the system at a position which is outside,11:25
CIA-11 and no other fleet can.11:25
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JLPmorning all12:06
adhocevenen =)12:07
* JLP checking the backlog12:08
JLPoh nice, it look like Jinkuy is going to work on a Jave ME client12:15
adhocis that for phones?12:16
JLPyup phones, mobile devices12:16
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adhoccunning plan =)12:21
adhochow about qutopia on the green phone12:21
adhocor openmoko ? =D12:22
JLPhm, yeah qtopia would be nice, I wonder how har it would be to trim Parsek from KDE/Qt to Qtopia12:23
adhocmost of the functionality is there12:23
adhocMDI is a problem12:24
JLPyeah, i guess the screens like starmap, messages, orders, info should just be tied to numpad number keys12:25
JLPlike most of the submarine sims work12:25
adhochaven't seen any12:47
adhocwhat are they called?12:47
JLPhm like Silent Hunter, Aces of the Deep, 688I Hunter Killer, and open source Danger from the Deep12:48
adhoc688i i remember12:50
adhocwill have to check out the last one =)12:50
JLPhave to go now, see you later all13:51
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