Thursday, 2007-02-08

*** tpb has joined #tp00:00
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JLPhi all00:31
mithrohey JLP00:31
mithrohow are you today?00:31
JLPsomewhat ill, well more or less in between ill and not ill00:32
JLPoh and i see that there is a new user here00:33
JLPhi jasmine00:33
mithrojasmine i believe is a bot :P00:35
mithro~seen JLP00:36
tpbmithro: JLP was last seen in #tp 2 minutes and 22 seconds ago: <JLP> hi jasmine00:36
jasmineJLP was seen 2 minutes and 22 seconds ago.00:36
mithroi wrote jasmine a long time ago, but I'm unsure why it's all of a sudden appeared here00:36
mithroshe has nice html logs somewhere00:37
JLPi hope it is not just a bot, i hope that this is just someone who stays in the channel, goes away and forgets to set the status :)00:38
JLPsomone like me :)00:38
mithroi never set status00:39
JLPi'll have to find an auto-away setting in Konversation00:41
JLPhmmm just can't find it00:45
mithroi don't really find it all that useful :P00:47
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* llnz ponders09:05
* llnz checks demo1 and finds two systems on top of each other09:07
llnzlooks like the random isn't very random (used wrong)09:08
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CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (5 files): Make sure status is zero on failure in MetaserverConnection10:26
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (prng.cpp prng.cpp):10:26
CIA-11Fixed getInRange calculation, now is random:10:26
CIA-11 Sometimes you really do have to use doubles.10:26
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/modules/games/mtsec/ (mtsec.cpp mtsec.cpp mtsec.cpp mtsec.h):11:00
CIA-11Added resources to MTSec createGame:11:00
CIA-11 There is one for each of the "mineable" explosives types. Some (such as the11:00
CIA-11 anti* types) would not be mined, but created.11:00
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CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * libtprl/tprl/ (10 files): (log message trimmed)11:40
CIA-11Tidy up and added some new methods:11:40
CIA-11 Removed unneeded function and method.11:40
CIA-11 Made static functions (callback functions) friends and made the corresponding11:40
CIA-11 worker method protected instead of public.11:40
CIA-11 Added:11:40
CIA-11 - getCommandSet()11:40
llnz - setCatchSignals()11:42
llnz - setCompletionFinished()11:42
llnz - redrawLine()11:42
llnzthat will do for today11:50
* llnz wanders off11:50
llnzlater all11:50
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tpbjasmine has quit worldforge (Quit: jasmine)16:14
tpbjasmine has joined on worldforge16:14
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adhokmornen all20:27
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