Tuesday, 2007-02-06

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JLPjotham: ahoy01:12
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (5 files): added basic battle damage text animations. need to fix up death animations now and would like to add alpha fade on damage text.01:23
jotham-hum that no-redraw event bug is weak01:29
mithrojotham: I would recommend putting things like "Need to fix up" and "would like" in the longer description02:17
mithroand you forgot to commit the font02:19
mithrojotham: cool floating numbers :P02:26
jotham-oh damn i forgot to commit the font03:17
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Added Vera Mono Bold to project03:19
jotham-can you add maybe a variable called 'verbose' to your parser so you can have if self.verbose: print foo03:20
jotham-having it dump all sorts of random shit to the console is extreme03:20
mithroit's dumping random stuff to the console?04:12
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (battleparser.py battleparser.py): Removed excess prints.04:15
mithrothat better?04:15
jotham-yep cool04:20
jotham-haha that floating text looks silly04:21
mithroat least it gives you an idea which side is getting hurt04:22
mithroi quite like it :P04:22
nashis there any doco about the battle viewer and how it all works?04:22
jotham-i was thinking of generally going for a 'retro' asthetic to this thing04:23
jotham-once i learn how Numeric python works i'll be able to tint the sprites based ont heir alpha masks and make them strobe/pulse red/yellow wahtever to make em look like they are blowing up04:24
jotham-dunno...poor mans animation04:24
jotham-i could also probably just do an explosion in 3D and output a png sequence04:24
mithroi have a bunch of explosions in mng04:38
mithrobut i'm yet to figure fix the loop problem04:39
mithronash: kind of04:39
tpb<http://ln-s.net/IYd> (at darcs.thousandparsec.net)04:39
mithrojotham: it would be good if the lasers came from the weapon points04:40
jotham-yeah of course04:42
jotham-i have to redo the lasers04:42
jotham-but i haven't decided how they are gonna look yet04:42
jotham-have a couple of test scripts for them04:42
mithrojotham-: feel free to commit test scripts and stuff04:43
jotham-are mng's like gifs in that they are just a sequence, or are they more like video codecs that record change over time04:43
mithrojotham: somewhere in between04:43
mithrojotham: http://darcs.thousandparsec.net/repos/libmng-py/examples/pygame-example.py04:45
tpb<http://ln-s.net/IYg> (at darcs.thousandparsec.net)04:45
nashmithro: Okay04:47
nashShould all clients implement it?04:47
mithronash: currently i'm planing just an external viewer04:47
mithrowhich is what jotham is writing04:49
mithrobut if a client really wanted it could impliment it04:49
mithroeventually there might be a 3d version04:51
mithrojotham: we should add some sound effects too04:51
mithroanyway i'm heading off now04:52
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adhocnight guys12:57
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JLPhi all13:57
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jothamgot my head around Python Numerics in pygame22:51

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