Saturday, 2007-02-03

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CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/modules/games/minisec/ (minisec.cpp minisec.cpp minisec.cpp minisec.cpp):00:09
CIA-11Added home planet resource for tracking the home planet in minisec:00:09
CIA-11 Part of fixing Minisec so that the implementation in tpserver-cpp is00:09
CIA-11 acturate. Plenty of changes to come yet, such as removing the home planet00:09
CIA-11 resource when the owner of the planet changes.00:09
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CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (main.cpp main.cpp main.cpp net.cpp):00:41
CIA-11Added signal handler to cleanly exit:00:41
CIA-11 And a little fix to the network code if select returns negative, as the sets will be invalid00:41
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (17 files):01:24
CIA-11Added verCheckPreChecks and underlying read and write:01:24
CIA-11 This is the setup for making the TLS socket use the same non-blocking code as01:24
CIA-11 the tp and http sockets. The Underlying read and write methods get overridden to01:24
CIA-11 the correct gnutls calls, and the PreCheck used to do the handshake.01:24
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CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (playertcpconn.cpp playertcpconn.cpp playertcpconn.cpp): Better version check, fixed condition and a little debug message in PlayerTcpConn03:09
CIA-11Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/ (26 files in 2 dirs):03:09
CIA-11tps and https connections now non-blocking, and using PlayerTcpConnection:03:09
CIA-11 PlayerTcpConnection is now general enough to have the PlayerTlsConnection as a subclass.03:09
CIA-11 This means that the non-blocking goodness now includes tps and https connections.03:09
CIA-11 Makes the code much smaller too.03:09
* llnz wanders off03:11
llnzlater all03:11
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mithroanyone alive today?04:34
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mithrohello gorilla07:15
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JLPhi all13:27
mithrohey JLP15:39
JLPmithro: hi, up late :)15:51
mithroyes :P15:53
JLPmithro: i was checking a little bit the spreadsheet15:54
JLPi've somehow got the feeliing that the Battle Frigate and Destroyer are bit to close when it comes to HP15:56
JLPat least that's the feeling i get freom the graph of relative HPs15:56
mithroi'm got a few small changes I'm going to commit15:58
mithroyou have to remeber carrying capacity too16:00
mithroit has 100 more carrying capacity16:02
JLPyeh i know, many factors, i guess it is quite hard to ballance everything16:02
JLPand everything becaomes clearer only late when many people play the game and something is too weak or strong16:03
mithrodo you want to check out the update and put your graphs in it?16:03
CIA-11[email protected] * web/dev/documents/mtsec.ods : Updates to Anti-* explosivness.16:04
JLPkind of reminds me of the wesnoth presentation fom LCA200716:04
JLPi didn't know that  they are collecting so many stats16:04
JLPwill pull and check it out16:05
JLPduring discussion about the future of I've also stumbled upon this site:
tpbTitle: KDE Games Homepage - The KDE Games Center (at
JLPsome potential contributers for parsek and TP :)16:08
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (example1.xml example1.xml example1.xml): This should be png not mng.16:12
CIA-11[email protected] * battleviewer/ (33 files):16:12
CIA-11battleviewer-parser intergration.:16:12
CIA-11 Redo of jotham's patches because of confusion caused by dos/unix filetype.16:12
mithrothere  looks to be a game called konquest16:19
JLPyup, a bit simila to stars... but a lot simpler16:20
JLPyou get a planet, and a few ships and you send ships to other planets where they fight with others and so on and when someone gets all planets he wins16:21
JLPone of the games i like a lot in kde, and that also woken up my memory of GalCiv and Stars!16:23
mithrohrm, if only it wasn't kde :)16:25
JLPi'm glad it is :P16:25
mithroi'm intrested in finding out how the move command works16:26
JLPwith darcs?16:27
mithrono as in on the starmap16:28
JLPof konquest?16:30
mithrothe current way to move in tpclient-pywx sucks16:30
mithroto i'm looking for ideas16:30
JLPhm it sucks in konquest too, you just select the start planet, the number of ships to send and then click on final planet and that's it16:31
JLPyou don't even see the ships traveling or anything like that16:31
JLPwhen they reach the destination you only get report about the battle, no fancy graphics or animations or anything16:32
JLPmaybe they imprved this version that will get into kde416:33
JLPif nothing else, many kde games now switched to using SVG for graphics16:33
CIA-11[email protected] * web/dev/documents/minisec.php : Updated about how planets work.16:41
mithroyou tried the new battleviewer?16:43
JLPnot yet16:46
mithrohopefully I can convince jotham to stay around and keep working on it :P16:46
JLPyeah that would be great16:50
JLPi'll pull battleviewer and check it out now16:50
JLPmithro: how do I run BV?17:00
mithropython run_battleviewer.py17:00
CIA-11[email protected] * tpserver-py/ (37 files in 2 dirs): Added battlexml output support.17:00
JLPoh I see now, i forgot to first install pygame17:01
JLPso when you run it it opens thi XML file and plays back the battle17:03
mithrostill a bit primative but it's getting there17:05
JLPmaybe the animations for lasers could be a bit slower, so that you see which ship is firing at which ship17:06
JLPother than that it looks like a great start17:06
JLPso then the servers will save the battle history into XML and send it to clients which will then be able to use it for their animations17:07
mithrotim@ultraslim:~/oss/tp/battleviewer-dev$ more WISHLIST17:09
mithroFloat away damage numbers17:09
mithroSummary Screen17:09
mithroBackground Starfield17:09
mithroLog values appear in a window accross the bottom of screen17:09
mithroVCR control for moving forward/backward rounds17:09
mithroMouse over pop-ups showing name and description17:09
mithroCooler Lasers17:09
mithroRound title at the top17:09
mithroCool animations for everything17:09
JLPnice nice, TP is getting more and more nteresting every day17:10
JLPand if I understand correctly also the images of planets/stars/spaceships would be same for all the clients17:11
JLPand when you connect to server it should cjeck the date/version of the images and then update to the latest common version17:12
mithropretty much17:14
mithroIE how tpclient-pywx downloads it's media17:15
JLPgreat makes a lot of sense, less work for client developers, more consistent experience and i guess this is the onlyy way if you are running a game in a different universe like Star Trek where ships are different17:15
JLPso when you package the client you take the latest version of media and then only updated it if and when needed17:17
mithrowell you don't even need to do that17:17
mithrojust package the client with the required graphics and have it download everything left17:18
JLPyeah that's what I thought, the basic required media, everything extra can be fetched later and cached localy so that you don't need to refetch every time17:19
JLPso you only do it when there is a change17:19
JLPor if you need different set of media for different games17:19
mithrowe discussed the media stuff at the meeting17:21
mithrosee the minutes17:23
mithroSubject: [tp-devel] Meeting Summary17:41
CIA-11Jure Repinc <[email protected]> * web/dev/documents/mtsec.ods : Added graphs: Added two graphs: one for resources and one for ships19:57
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