Tuesday, 2007-01-23

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llnzmithro: working on the videos? :-)08:55
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mithrollnz: yes09:50
*** mithro changes topic to "AI Programming Competition in progress - http://www.thousandparsec.net/tp/comp.php"09:51
mithrollnz: btw, I had a chat to the people running the open source labs at Google09:51
mithroand they said we might be able to get some free "AdWords"09:52
llnzcool, that would rock09:52
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mithrollnz: ping?10:52
llnzmithro: pong!10:52
mithro1 tape down....10:52
llnzbtw: cia-11 bot isn't working, no tp commits10:52
mithrocan you try now?10:56
llnzummm... soon10:56
* llnz hacks away on non-blocking stuff11:06
llnzoh, that's non-blocking read, btw11:06
mithroit's a start11:07
llnzhere comes the commit11:10
CIA-11tp: Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (playerhttpconn.cpp playerhttpconn.h playertcpconn.h): Copyright updates11:10
llnzwot!, pretty.....11:11
* llnz ponders his next move11:14
llnzflag all reads to be non-blocking, or fix writing and then make it totally non-blocking11:14
llnz(tp and http only, currently)11:14
llnzor, extend non-blocking read support to tps and https11:15
llnzany preference?11:16
llnzi'm trying to think of a case when send might block...11:29
mithro2 tapes captured11:33
mithrosend does block when you send large stuff11:33
llnzbut only up to the buffer size (about 1500 bytes), after that, returns partial write, iirc11:34
llnznope, you're right11:35
CIA-11tp: Lee Begg <[email protected]> * tpserver-cpp/tpserver/ (10 files):12:28
CIA-11tp: Added writequeue for select loop and processWrite for Connections:12:28
CIA-11tp:  Added processWrite() to Connection, with default so it doesn't have to be used.12:28
CIA-11tp:  Added writequeue and addToWriteQueue() to Network, and code in select loop to12:28
CIA-11tp:  call processWrite on the Connection.12:28
* llnz wonders if he should call the next tpserver-cpp release 0.3.2 or 0.4.012:36
mithroup to you12:40
llnzi will release tpsever-cpp before I start on tp0412:42
llnzwill finish non-blocking first, i think12:42
llnzbut now sleep12:44
* llnz wanders off12:44
llnzlater all12:44
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