Thursday, 2018-03-01

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mithrocr1901_modern: It's actually ISE does /opt/Xilinx/<version>/ISE_DS and Vivado does /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/<version>/02:45
cr1901_modernRight, what did I say :P?02:46
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tpbTitle: FPGA Miniconf Set Up Instructions - Google Docs (at
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tpbTitle: A Way Forward for fRISCy Shield Digital Design (at
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cr1901_modernmithro: So what should we do about the path woes?18:44
shivm28Hi everyone, I did a little research about this project: Create a generic debug interface for soft-CPU cores and connect to GDB. Currently, I am understanding how OpenOCD works and about GDB. But I just wanted to know if this project is stilll open or not?19:21
shivm28Also, which development board would be best to work on this project?19:23
CarlFK[m]shivm28 (IRC): I think it is still open - not sure about dev board.19:29
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