Wednesday, 2016-02-03

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mithrowhat is halfway between major and minor?05:36
mithrotumbleweed: I was thinking "major issue", "minor issue"05:42
tumbleweedintermediate, regular05:44
JoelwNo adjective at all: ""05:56
JoelwOr if you're talking about music, natural05:57
CarlFKmithro: "just a little"06:07
JoelwActually, I retract my music comment - that was incorrect06:09
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sb0mithro, what are you using for compressing on the fpga btw?22:11
sb0do you compress on fpga?22:11
mithrosb0: we do jpeg compression on the FPGA to get it to the computer22:11
sb0ah, with what core?22:11
mithrosb0: then to get it to youtube we have to do h.26422:11
mithrosb0: we currently use a slightly modified mkjpeg from opencores.org22:12
mithrosb0: we really need to rewrite it, was just discussing that with _florent_22:12
xfxfthaytan: ping, is there anyway to debug av sync issues with the black magic src's?22:32
xfxfwe are having major sync issues this morning with this keynote22:32
xfxfit's been perfect the last 2 days22:32
xfxfnetwork, cpu, memory, disk io is not being saturated22:32
xfxfsource dropped to 1fps twice this morning too22:33
xfxfI'm going to restart the switch after this keynote, outside of that I'm out of ideas22:33
xfxfI see no errors about dropped frames or anything anywhere22:33

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