Monday, 2016-02-01

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mithro_xfxf, The code which needs to be fixed is
tpbTitle: HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware/edid.c at master · timvideos/HDMI2USB-misoc-firmware · GitHub (at
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tvCommitBot[streaming-system] micolous opened pull request #114: Switch freenode webchat to https (master...https-freenode)
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tvCommitBot[streaming-system] mithro closed pull request #114: Switch freenode webchat to https (master...https-freenode)
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tvCommitBot[streaming-system] micolous opened pull request #115: eventfeed2internal: fix missing timedelta (master...eventfeed-timedelta)
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tvCommitBot[streaming-system] mithro pushed 2 new commits to master:
tvCommitBotstreaming-system/master 18e31ed Michael Farrell: eventfeed2internal: fix missing timedelta05:20
tvCommitBotstreaming-system/master bb828e8 Tim Ansell: Merge pull request #115 from micolous/eventfeed-timedelta...05:20
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tvCommitBot[streaming-system] micolous opened pull request #116: Add wsgi configuration for Django 1.7 (master...wsgi-django17)
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tvCommitBot[streaming-system] micolous pushed 2 new commits to master:
tvCommitBotstreaming-system/master 2e81a18 Michael Farrell: Add wsgi configuration for Django 1.705:37
tvCommitBotstreaming-system/master c54892b Michael Farrell: Merge pull request #116 from micolous/wsgi-django17...05:37
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tvCommitBot[streaming-system] micolous pushed 2 new commits to master:
tvCommitBotstreaming-system/master 966bbcb Michael Farrell: fix init05:39
tvCommitBotstreaming-system/master fbcec0f Michael Farrell: Merge branch 'master' of
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micolousthaytan: you have any suggestions for improving
tpbTitle: video-scripts/ at master · xfxf/video-scripts · GitHub (at
micolousI droppyed the "deinterlace" and second "queue" line because the encoder would stop working after a few seconds06:53
micolousThe box it runs on has the power06:53
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CarlFKImportError: No module named oslo_i18n07:16
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mithroMaZderMind: sadly we had to fallback to dvswitch at the moment22:16
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mithrothaytan: ping?22:19
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xfxfthaytan: are you around today to assist with gstreamer pipelines?  i'm having issues with AV sync with some of the pipelines in
tpbTitle: video-scripts/ at master · xfxf/video-scripts · GitHub (at
thaytanxfxf, in the keynote atm22:58
xfxfi believe i need a multiqueue but struggling getting something working22:58
xfxfno worries22:58
thaytanxfxf, where are you?22:58
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xfxfin the AV room, do you know where that is?22:58
xfxf(same room as NOC)22:58
CarlFKthaytan: NOC is near the volunteer room22:59
thaytanis that near the speaker/media room?23:00
mithrothaytan: no, it is next to costa theatre23:01
thaytanI'll ask someone :)23:01
mithrodeeprave: don't forget to flash the .bin not the .bit file23:01
deepraveI was looking around for a html file..23:02
xfxfi thought we flashed html files23:02
mithroCarlFK: have you updated Percy's flash script?23:05
CarlFKmithro - no, but a git pull should do it23:06
mithrookay, testing now23:06
mithroxfxf: do you need to check the disks have enough space remaining at all?23:07
mithroCarlFK: your flash-atlys icon isn't working - it just flashed the old firmware?23:08
CarlFKmithro 600g drives can handle 3 days easy, and last night I chaced23:08
CarlFKmithro.. ah, I missed the ...update23:08
CarlFKon it..23:08
mithrothe symlink isn't updated23:09
CarlFKmithro git pull now please23:09
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mithroI think Matt has left his laptop in Costa Theatre23:27
xfxfCarlFK: confirming you will rsync and check disk space / delete files every night23:54

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