Sunday, 2014-07-13

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andi-mmithro: How did you get the edid you uploaded to
mithroandi-m: how far did you get with gst-switch? Should like you got the GUI up and running?03:02
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andi-mWe saw the GUI, but there where only black boxes and no video09:13
andi-mSee the gst-switch channel for more details09:13
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shenkimithro: ping11:58
mithroshenki: pong11:58
shenkimithro: did you see PM?12:13
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tpbTitle: miniSpartan6+ : A Powerful FPGA Board and Easy to Use IDE by Scarab Hardware Kickstarter (at
shenkimithro: two HDMI connectors21:45
shenkiit's a mini hdmi2usb :)21:45
shenki32MB of ram. that should be enough for our buffer(s)21:46
shenkino indication as to the licence of the design21:48
shenkihrm, no DDR21:51
shenkii wonder if it would be fast enough21:51
shenkimithro: well, i backed it. worst case it's $80 down the drain22:12

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