Thursday, 2021-06-17

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sf-slack<anuragmuttur123> Hello, I had a problem while trying to install symbiflow-xc-fasm2bels using 'make env'. I get this error: `ERROR: File "" or "setup.cfg" not found for legacy project rapidyaml from git+ (from -r requirements.txt (line 3)).` `Makefile:9: recipe for target 'env' failed` `make: *** [env] Error 1`02:10
sf-slack<anuragmuttur123> If there's a problem with the Rapidyaml GitHub repo that it's looking into, how would I solve this issue?02:11
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tpb<m​ithro> Muhahahahaha!15:00
tpb<m​ithro> mgielda / kgugala -- You need to register your nick on Libera so I can add you to owners of the SymbiFlow namespace15:01
tpb<m​ithro> hzeller: Same with you15:01
tpb<c​r1901> cc: emilazy. Guess what? It's registered :)15:07
tpb<c​r1901> also cc: gatecat15:07
tpb<k​gugala> @mithro I've registered my nick15:15
tpb<m​ithro> Now I need to figure out how to add people to the symbiflow org...15:38
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sf-slack<anuragmuttur123> Hello, I have an issue when it comes to building the environment in the symbiflow-xc-fasm2bels folder. I get this error: `ERROR: Package 'rr-graph' requires a different Python: 3.6.9 not in '>=3.7'` `Makefile:17: recipe for target 'env' failed` `make: *** [env] Error 1`16:54
sf-slack<acomodi> Hi @anuragmuttur123 upgrading to python3.7 should fix the error16:57
sf-slack<anuragmuttur123> Ok, I managed to fix it. Using these commands helped ```sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.6 1 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.7 2``` Thanks!16:58
sf-slack<acomodi> Great16:59
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-_whitenotifier-acce- [symbiflow-examples] marcmerlin opened issue #154: /opt/symbiflow/xc7/install/bin/symbiflow_synth: line 93: prjxray-config: command not found -
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