Wednesday, 2021-06-16

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-_whitenotifier-acce- [fpga-interchange-tests] acomodi opened issue #27: Change test cmake to be arch-independent -
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-_whitenotifier-acce- [python-fpga-interchange] acomodi opened issue #101: Add support to emit VTR XML architecture file -
-_whitenotifier-acce- [vtr-verilog-to-routing] acomodi opened issue #568: Add Interchange logical netlist reading capability -
-_whitenotifier-acce- [vtr-verilog-to-routing] acomodi opened issue #569: Add interchange physical netlist writing capability -
tpb<W​olf0> So... I was wanting to help project uray with their Ultrascale+ research. I have an XCVU33P17:50
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tpb<m​ithro> Wolf0: Take a look at the github issues on
tpb<m​ithro> Wolf0: you can follow the process at 23:01
tpb<t​pb> Title: Database Development Process — Project X-Ray 0.0-3522-g6e6bff0b documentation (at

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