Friday, 2021-04-23

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-_whitenotifier-3- [python-fpga-interchange] gatecat opened issue #66: Cleaner nextpnr BBA generation -
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CarlosEDPHey folks, I wrote a walkthru post about Symbiflow on Arty15:49
CarlosEDPUsing Xilinx Open Source FPGA Toolchain on Docker Containers.15:50
tpbTitle: Using Xilinx Open Source FPGA Toolchain on Docker Containers | by Carlos Eduardo | Apr, 2021 | Medium (at
cr1901_modernThis is at least partially subjective, but... what's the most "complicated" working bitstream you can flash to Arty using the free tools?15:55
mithrocr1901_modern: LiteX Linux SoC with DDR and Ethernet16:00
cr1901_modernThat's pretty excellent progress16:01
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mithrocr1901_modern: The next big RTL target is the NeTV2 as a PCIe HDMI capture device -
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cr1901_modernmithro: Neat... that would be quite the accomplishment as well :D22:04
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mithro@CarlosEDP I would love to have your blog posts / walkthroughs in the official SymbiFlow documentation...23:14
CarlosEDPmithro: That would be awesome...23:56
CarlosEDPhow do you prefer to do.. any formatting?23:56
mithroWe use sphinx23:58
mithroCarlosEDP: We can also set up the documents to automatically run the commands on CI to make sure they work23:59

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