Friday, 2021-04-02

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mithroFFY00_: IIRC You were working on some other stuff previously?00:01
FFY00_yes, arch packaging for fpga stuff00:02
mithroAhh! BTW Are you working with umarcor on getting the arch stuff into ?00:08
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umarcormithro, do you mean moving the architecture definitions/databases?00:51
mithroumarcor: No I mean the Arch OS packaging (not symbiflow-arch-defs repository).00:52
umarcoroh, you mean the Arch Linux PKGBUILD recipes00:52
umarcorArch, AUR and symbiflow-arch-pkgs are listed in
umarcorI am aware of FFY00's work, and I think we've talked to each other before in some issue of GHDL related precisely to packaging for Arch00:53
umarcoryet, we did not talk specifically about creating a,, or something like that00:54
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FFY00_sorry for the delay01:16
FFY00_yeah, not actively right now but we have talked01:16
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umarcorFFY00_: there is no need for moving symbiflow-arch-pkgs into 'hdl'. however, if you want to do so because of visibility and/or better coordination, it'd be welcome01:54
umarcorwhat I'd like to do in a few months is showing a table for users to know which tools and versions are available in each packaging solution01:54
umarcorthat will be easier with help from the mantainers of each packaging ecosystem01:55
umarcornevertheless, Arch Linux is probably the easiest because lazka from MSYS2 is already doing a nice work:
tpbTitle: Outdated Packages - MSYS2 Packages (at
FFY00_I mean, it might make more sense than the symbiflow org02:41
FFY00_but I need to do some work to get things in shape02:41
FFY00_I need to make the CI build packages in order taking dependencies into account02:42
FFY00_and generate the repo db in a separate step, after everything02:44
sf-slack<mehdi> Hi All, I am looking for diagrams for the whole ASICs EDA/Flow ecosystem. I would appreciate if you send me any diagram you have (I am trying to compile everything in one diagram or doc). there is some work done by T. Ansell here:
tpbTitle: Open ASIC EDA Tooling Random Diagrams - Google Docs (at
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-_whitenotifier-5- [yosys-symbiflow-plugins] szhou888 opened issue #102: Whether it could use in windows? -
umarcormehdi, see
umarcorthere are ~8 diagrams in that issue03:54
umarcorFFY00_, see the CI scripts in, maybe also
umarcorMSYS2 does already resolve the dependencies and build packages in order. It's based on pacman. Hence, removing windows specific tweaks, it should work for Arch.03:56
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sf-slack<acomodi> mithro: changes to attrs.json looks good, but yes, zynq segbit changes to IOBs doesn't look right, I'll look into it07:35
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FFY00_mithro, about the project, do you have any thoughts? do you have another one which you would be more interested?13:09
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mithroFFY00_: I've been distracted by other stuff I haven't gotten a good handle on what is currently in GSoC14:58
mithroFFY00_: I would ask acomodi and the antmicro peeps14:58
mithroFFY00_: Generally I would love to see people working on documentation tooling and improving performance14:59
mithroFFY00_: stuff related to improving interchange is also highly valuable14:59
sf-slack<acomodi> FFY00_: I see you asked for the generalization of the wrapper scripts. I'd say these enhancements would be quite useful as they would boost the toolchain's general usability, taking us closer to enable adoption in other OSes, as well as simplifying  the logic required to run everything15:17
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-_whitenotifier-5- [symbiflow-examples] jgoeders opened issue #136: points to antmicro/symbiflow-examples -
mithroFFY00_: another potential option would be to work on making sure everything works with tools installed via conda, containers or system packages. That seems like it would be of interest to you?15:31
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mithroacomodi / litghost: So should I be pushing the latest master database update or not?18:38
mithro@litghost Guess I misunderstood then....18:38
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sf-slack<acomodi> @mithro we should wait for a new diff once that PR gets merged19:01
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-_whitenotifier-5- [python-sdf-timing] christian-lanius opened issue #45: Names with escaped brackets do not match -
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