Friday, 2021-03-19

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hellohi, for prjxray, was running source settings/, reources.yaml file was missing, anyone knows where I can find resources.yaml for the various models in settings ?13:11
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sf-slack<acomodi> hello: there was a very recent change to how parts are handled. You can fix this issue by using this PR: and, prior to sourcing run `make db-prepare-artix7`13:13
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hellothanks so much l13:20
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sf-slack<arvindsrinivasan> I’m getting back into looking at this PR and any idea why it failed CI?15:32
sf-slack<arvindsrinivasan> It failed with some pip error during a test?15:32
sf-slack<kgugala> TBH it looks like a package server hiccup15:34
sf-slack<kgugala> I'll restart the build there15:35
sf-slack<arvindsrinivasan> Also, what happened to this PR @lofy15:35
sf-slack<dan.ravensloft> I was waiting for litghost15:37
sf-slack<dan.ravensloft> I don't know how to access the kokoro output, so15:37
sf-slack<arvindsrinivasan> Ah15:37
sf-slack<arvindsrinivasan> Do both PRs just need CI to be restarted?15:43
sf-slack<kgugala> I did restart 207915:44
sf-slack<kgugala> it failed with `E: Package 'g++-6' has no installation candidate`15:45
sf-slack<kgugala> I think this was fixed15:45
sf-slack<acomodi> I think a rebase is necessary15:45
sf-slack<acomodi> for both of them15:45
sf-slack<arvindsrinivasan> Is there a good way to do that?15:47
sf-slack<acomodi> You can fetch the latest master from upstream and then `git rebase <upstream remote>/master`15:50
lambdasomeone with better SV knowledge than me, is this how it's supposed to work? I would expect $bits(s) to be 32
tpbTitle: View paste MT6A (at
sf-slack<arvindsrinivasan> I rebased and pushed16:03
sf-slack<arvindsrinivasan> I went ahead and rebased the other PR as well, should I make a PR for it from my fork of the repo?16:12
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mithro@litghost / @acomodi -
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