Thursday, 2020-08-13

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ske33Thanks so much litghost; so for prjxray, XRAY_ROI_GRID * are unused variables when doing fuzzing?08:09
ske33read that it was used for performance optimization;08:10
ske33was trying to figure how the XRAY_ROI_GRID* is related to XRAY_ROI_TILEGRID;08:13
ske33and how XRAY_ROI is related to XRAY_ROI_TILEGRID08:15
ske33I know which region I wanted but is there any documentations what are the values I should set for XRAY_ROI and XRAY-ROI_GRID* given a XRAY-ROI-TILEGRID08:17
ske33Thanks so much ............ :)08:18
ske33so XRAY_ROI_TILEGRID and XRAY_ROI must be in sync right ?08:30
ske33and how do I set XRAY_ROI_GRID_* for optimization ?08:31
ske33and how about the XRAY_IOI3_TILES ? What's the special handling that is needed ?08:43
ske33I'm doing fuzzing ........09:03
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sf-slack<nelson> Thanks, will give it a try…14:08
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-_whitenotifier-3- [fpga-tool-perf] ryancj14 opened issue #221: 'nop' Runtime -
-_whitenotifier-3- [symbiflow-examples] tcal-x opened issue #42: examples/xc7/linux_litex_demo serialboot doesn't work with provided Linux images -
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sf-slack<timo.callahan> @kgugala -- will try your json fix tonight22:28
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