Sunday, 2020-07-12

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-_whitenotifier-b- [symbiflow-examples] mithro opened issue #30: Add testing of the symbiflow examples on multiple Linux variants -
-_whitenotifier-b- [symbiflow-examples] mithro opened issue #31: Add testing of symbiflow examples on Windows -
-_whitenotifier-b- [symbiflow-examples] mithro opened issue #32: Add testing of the symbiflow examples on Mac OS X -
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hzellerHere is someone who outputs VGA with the fomu ...
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-_whitenotifier-b- [sv-tests] hzeller opened issue #930: Report page should have a link back to sv-tests project -
-_whitenotifier-b- [sv-tests] hzeller opened issue #931: Report page: move logfile buttons to the bottom of the page ? -
-_whitenotifier-b- [sv-tests] hzeller opened issue #932: Report page: switch on Jinja whitespace removal ? -
-_whitenotifier-b- [sv-tests] hzeller opened issue #934: There should be a link back to external test cases -
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