Saturday, 2020-07-11

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whitequarkso i finally gave up on the conda crap and tried to build the quicklogic toolchain from source05:09
whitequarknaturally that doesn't work either05:10
whitequarkah hm, it's picking up the wrong yosys05:10
HackerFoowhitequark: Any interest in using Nix instead of Conda?05:32
whitequarkHackerFoo: i tried nix a while ago, i like it in theory (unlike conda) but i didn't have such a great experience either05:35
whitequarkwhat i would actually appreciate is the quicklogic toolchain as a ... tarball05:36
whitequarkyou know the same thing vivado is doing05:36
whitequarkthat would be actually great05:36
whitequarkoh yeah the source code instrctions for vpr are just completely broken05:37
whitequark$ git clone -b blackbox_timing05:37
tpbTitle: GitHub - SymbiFlow/vtr-verilog-to-routing: SymbiFlow WIP changes for Verilog to Routing -- Open Source CAD Flow for FPGA Research (at
whitequarkCloning into 'vtr-verilog-to-routing'...05:37
whitequarkfatal: Remote branch blackbox_timing not found in upstream origin05:37
HackerFooI hate tarballs that dump garbage all over the place. "Uninstall? Ha, why would you want to do that?"05:38
whitequarkHackerFoo: just a self contained one you can unpack into /opt05:38
whitequarkthe current experience is /significantly worse than proprietary tools/05:39
HackerFooIf you're interested, you can try:
tpbTitle: GitHub - HackerFoo/nix-symbiflow: Nix packages for SymbiFlow projects and dependencies (at
whitequarkno i don't want to learn nix05:39
whitequarki just want a fucking toolchain that works05:40
whitequarkis it that hard?05:40
HackerFooI started on a quicklogic branch, but didn't have time to finish it.05:40
HackerFooThere's a lot of moving parts right now.05:41
HackerFooIdeally, there would be compatible packages of Yosys, VTR, etc. in whatever distro you prefer, like GCC, binutils, etc.05:42
HackerFooBut there are some patches required to get things working for now.05:43
whitequarkI don't really care about patches05:44
whitequarkI'm saying that both the binary and the source distributions are completely unusable right now, the former for me, the latter for everyone05:44
HackerFooI struggled with it as well. That's why I wrote the Nix stuff.05:49
HackerFooBut things will get better as things get upstreamed.05:50
whitequarkwhy is it necessary to wait for upstreaming to have working instructions to build from source?05:51
HackerFooIt's not. It just makes the instructions shorter.05:52
HackerFooOr, change less often.05:52
HackerFooBecause it doesn't help if the instructions are always out of date.05:53
whitequarkwhy not... have CI check installation instructions?05:54
HackerFooFor which distro? Which version?05:57
HackerFooThis is exactly what Nix solves.05:57
whitequarkyou know what would also solve my problem? not bothering with this toolchain at all05:58
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HackerFooBeing an early adopter is never easy.06:02
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sf-slack<pgielda> @whitequark, sorry for that we are changing multiple things at the same time so there is a lot of moving parts. In any case somebody will soon paste a tutorial on how to compile stuff from scratch using a clean debian.12:16
sf-slack<pgielda> Ranting on conda does not help btw. Its a packaging choice made long time ago. Its maybe annoying but works and while personally I am *personally* not a fan (I use gentoo I like ebuilds and sources only... i also dislike pip) it does not mean it does not work. In fact contrary -- there is a CI in symbiflow-examples repo that does a clean conda installation on travis and test the tutorial.12:20
sf-slack<pgielda> Obviously the tutorial needs updating because its outdated... but again the whole project is a lot of people doing a lot of things so not always everything is easy and works. In any case if there is a particular issue lets disccuss it on github in the relevant issue12:22
sf-slack<pgielda> Oh and in different timezones so I usually miss the most interesting discussions and rants ;)12:22
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HackerFooConda works on a clean install (as tested in CI) but usually fails for updates, which is annoying given that rebuilding arch-defs can take several hours.16:05
HackerFooThen, if you change anything locally (e.g. working on a local copy of VTR) you have to manually keep things synchronized.16:06
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HackerFooA tarball is fine for users, but this is open source, so we need more developers if things are going to get better.16:14
hzellerHow many dependencies are there that can't be simply installed with a debian package ?16:19
HackerFoohzeller: It could all be bundled into one giant package, requiring a ~20GB install every month or so to get the latest improvements.17:01
djphNot 100% sure if this is ontopic for the channel -- found some links as I was hunting for linux fpga programmers ... there any "gotchas" I might've missed with the project in general? (everything seems to have compiled, I think, but the devboard won't arrive til monday at the earliest)17:32
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mithro@djph Are you talking about for using the QuickFeather board or?22:57
djphmithro: no, the ice40 one23:17
mithrodjph: I know of about 5-10 iCE40 based boards, I'm guessing either the Fomu or the icebreaker?23:19
mithrodjph: What do you want to use it for?23:22
djphno idea ... first _actually_ reasonable priced board i saw.  bit of a rabbit hole :) kinda more was looking at smaller / older things, but "on linux" is apparently not high on many lists.23:24
hzellerI still have an Icestick in my gadget drawer somewhere. I think my first experiments with Yosys+Arachne a few years back were with this one.23:27
mithrodjph: I have a particular bias towards the Fomu because I wrote a lot of the workshop @ workshop.fomu.im23:32
hzellerAnd that workshop is amazing - you install stuff on your fomu, and then connect via a usb serial to it and have a Python repl running on the processor implemented on the FPGA ... instant amaze and gratification :)23:35
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