Monday, 2020-05-11

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receslitghost Yes thats true but since this does not appear in the bitstream how can you know that the block type changed ?08:12
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sf-slack2<tmichalak> @reces The fact that the address is auto-incremented doesn't mean it is not there. So the addresses are in the bitstream and as @litghost said the block type is encoded in the upper bits of the address.08:36
recestmichalak Oh so how can you recalculate them withouth seeing them ?  is there any rule as to in which order they come ?08:37
-_whitenotifier-9- [fpga-tool-perf] acomodi opened issue #108: Create DataFrame to have easy-accessible results data -
sf-slack2<tmichalak> @reces: they start with the last FAR address and then they are incremented every _number_of_words_per_frame_ words, which is 101 for Series7, 93 for US+ etc.08:42
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sf-slack2<tmichalak> @reces: the `part.yaml` file X-Ray tells you about the existing ranges of frames in a given part and also has to be taken into accout08:44
sf-slack2<tmichalak> @reces: for example, if say column 0 has 10 frames then the next frame after column 0 frame 9 is column 1 frame 008:45
recestmichalak so the minor address increments every time a frame changes. And the block type changes according to what ?08:45
sf-slack2<tmichalak> @reces a similar rule applies for rows and clock_regions etc08:46
recesso by looking at the board you know in what order you expect to get them ?08:46
sf-slack2<tmichalak> @reces: pretty much08:47
recesI think I got it thanks08:47
recesone last thing regarding that08:47
recesWhy is there only a limited number of supported boards by xray ?08:47
recesthere is a big workload that needs to be repeated for every board ?08:48
sf-slack2<tmichalak> For X-Ray there is usually only few extra files that are necessary to add a new board, such as tilegrid, part.yaml and package_pins so in general board specific information08:54
recestmichalak tilegrid is any extremely useful one ^^ . So its generation needs time/effort right? What I want to say is reverse engineering a bitsream of an unsupported board is no easy task, right ?08:56
sf-slack2<tmichalak> @reces tilegrid plays a big role in the fasm2bit translation process09:00
recesBut one would guess in the bit2fasm as well right ?09:01
recesbecause it needs to map the frame content to the correct clbs that are being used09:01
sf-slack2<tmichalak> @reces, yes this applies for both sides09:14
recestmichalak thanks :)09:47
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-_whitenotifier-9- [symbiflow-arch-defs] mkurc-ant opened issue #1479: Add support for IOBUFDS primitive -
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sf-slack2<mkurc> mithro: Could you push the latest XRay database?15:24
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sf-slack2<timo.callahan> I'm debugging the prjxray db I generated for xc7a100t parts. • The bitstream for "buttons" kinda works on the board -- all LEDs except led[3] and led[4] work as expected.22:41
sf-slack2<timo.callahan> • If I use fasm2bels, and read the .v and .v.tcl into Vivado, then regenerate the bitstream, it works 100%22:41
sf-slack2<timo.callahan> • Diffing the fasm between symbiflow and vivado, one of the diffs is related to one of the outputs:22:42
sf-slack2<timo.callahan> • This location happens to be something I had in the prjxray/settings/ file: • export XRAY_IOI3_TILES="RIOI3_X57Y101 LIOI3_X0Y101"22:47
sf-slack2<timo.callahan> Also, there are unknown bits in the (fixed) Vivado bitstream:22:50
sf-slack2<timo.callahan> ```> # In frame 0x00001c9e 1 bits were not converted. > { unknown_bit = "00001c9e_3_9", unknown_segment = "0x00001c80", unknown_segbit = "30_105" } >  > # In frame 0x00001c9f 1 bits were not converted. > { unknown_bit = "00001c9f_4_22", unknown_segment = "0x00001c80", unknown_segbit = "31_150" } >  > # In frame 0x00001ca0 2 bits were not converted. > { unknown_bit = "00001ca0_4_2", unknown_segment =22:50
sf-slack2"0x00001c80", unknown_segbit = "32_130" } > { unknown_bit = "00001ca0_2_16", unknown_segment = "0x00001c80", unknown_segbit = "32_80" } >  > # In frame 0x00001ca1 2 bits were not converted. > { unknown_bit = "00001ca1_5_15", unknown_segment = "0x00001c80", unknown_segbit = "33_175" } > { unknown_bit = "00001ca1_3_29", unknown_segment = "0x00001c80", unknown_segbit = "33_125" }```22:50
sf-slack2<timo.callahan> Is the XRAY_IOI3_TILES coincidence just a coincidence, or something I messed up?    Or should I just chase down the unknown bits?22:53
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litghostThe unknown bits are probably the issue23:30
litghostHow many total?23:30
litghostWhich IOSTANDARD is being used?23:31
sf-slack2<timo.callahan> Those are all the unknown bits, what I listed.   The only diff not shown above is another RIOI3, X57Y109, that looked exactly like the X57Y101 shown above.23:41
litghostCheck if the unknown bits you see match what mkurc in
tpbTitle: Document missing bits required by LiteX to run on A200T · Issue #1323 · SymbiFlow/prjxray · GitHub (at
sf-slack2<timo.callahan> IOSTANDARD -- Vivado says lvcmos33, after I re-import it.23:44
sf-slack2<timo.callahan> Ok I will check #1323.23:44
mithrolitghost: Does look okay?23:49
mithrolitghost: I think the SSTL135_SSTL15 thing is expected?23:50
litghostWe are adding SSTL15 to the supported IO list23:50
mithro@litghost There looks to still be some instability in the DSP SDF output?23:50
litghostmithro: That has been there since the DSP timing output was added back23:51
litghostCommit looks good23:51
mithroI put the xc7a100t in a the next commit so github would render the diff23:51
mithrolitghost / @timo.callahan / @mkurc - New Project X-Ray DB has been pushed to master!23:53
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