Tuesday, 2020-02-25

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-_whitenotifier-3- [yosys-symbiflow-plugins] litghost opened issue #10: Create tests for #9 - https://git.io/JvEPx01:48
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-_whitenotifier-3- [sv-tests] alainmarcel opened issue #662: Add proper command line options to specify that .v files are actually .sv files - https://git.io/JvEDr04:12
-_whitenotifier-3- [sv-tests] alainmarcel opened issue #663: Add filter to Surelog return code for pass/fail criteria - https://git.io/JvEDi04:17
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mithrolitghost: Do we have an example of a fasm output with a BRAM cell in it?04:35
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litghostmithro: Many04:41
litghostmithro: Why?04:41
mithrolitghost: Where can I find one?04:41
mithroDid you know that prjxray has a pretty good PDF of it's documentation at https://readthedocs.org/projects/prjxray/downloads/pdf/latest/ ? :-P04:44
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-_whitenotifier-3- [prjxray] mithro opened issue #1255: Missing clean_json5.py causing minitest/litex/min/arty to fail - https://git.io/JvE9S06:54
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-_whitenotifier-3- [symbiflow-arch-defs] mkurc-ant opened issue #1338: Fix inference of IBUF/OBUF in SymbiFlow - https://git.io/JvuJD17:15
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sf-slack<rwinkler> Today I was cleaning the SymbiFlow documentation, and I realized that we have a problem with the conda environment at ReadtheDocs, namely we are exceeding the RAM limit on the server. If we want to use Doxygen in our documentation, we will need conda. Fortunately, I found that the people from ReadtheDocs are rather kind and willing if it comes to increasing the amount of available memory on the server. Maybe we should20:28
sf-slackask them for it?  https://readthedocs.org/projects/symbiflow/builds/10499598/ https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guides/build-using-too-many-resources.html#requests-more-resources20:28
tpbTitle: My Build is Using Too Many Resources Read the Docs 4.0.0 documentation (at docs.readthedocs.io)20:28
sf-slack<kgugala> @mithro ^^20:29
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lromor[m]Hi, not sure how to call it, but nexpnr has this pretty nice gui that allows the possibility of showing the internal schematic similarly to vivado. Is someone working on this stuff?22:13
lromor[m]I'm talking about this: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/55494d385a06b28afbe9dfc10c245453ac9e2a7f/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f3073706d6c42612e706e6722:13
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daveshahlromor[m]: Miodrag (mmicko) is the best person to talk to about that22:35
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