Wednesday, 2019-10-16

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mithrolitghost: new database pushed with `pin_functions` values now --
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sf-slack<mkurc> @litghost: It seems that didn't fix libxml for me. I've double checked that conda installed the correct package and it did.15:02
tpbTitle: Pin libxml2 to version with fix. by litghost · Pull Request #1077 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at
litghostHow did you test it?15:03
sf-slack<mkurc> Removed the build directory and started from scratch15:03
sf-slack<mkurc> Are patches present there applied during build?
tpbTitle: conda-packages/libxml2 at master · SymbiFlow/conda-packages · GitHub (at
litghostThat's the idea15:05
litghostWhat error did you get?15:06
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sf-slack<mkurc> `lxml.etree.SerialisationError: unknown error -296584060`15:06
sf-slack<mkurc> during routing import15:07
sf-slack<mkurc> After manually re-building and installing according to #1066 it worked correctly15:07
sf-slack<mkurc> And this is the same error I encountered for libxml before #1077 when trying full xc7a50t graph the first time15:08
litghostDid you run "all_conda" after cleaning the build dir?  This could be a cmake dependency error15:09
sf-slack<mkurc> No, I didn't. But when running single threaded make there are no issues15:09
sf-slack<mkurc> And then I verified version installed15:10
sf-slack<mkurc> and it was correct, as specified in the cmake file: 2.9.9 h14c3975_515:10
litghostmkurc: Can you run:15:54
litghostcd <conda dir>15:54
litghostfind -name | xargs sha256sum15:54
litghostfind -name etree.cpython*.so | xargs ldd15:55
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sf-slack<acomodi> @litghost BUFH passthrough seems to be working. I have successfully routed the `simple_ff_x1y0` without BUFH instantiations. Now I get an error during `print_route` for which an `16:06
sf-slack<acomodi> ClusteredBlock is null for a specific location. I need to debug it. One thing I didn't do actually is remove the BUFH sites and tiles from the architecture file... could this influence VPR behavior?16:08
sf-slack<acomodi> @litghost I have also force pushed on master+wip the new version with a working `wip/equivalent_sites` branch. How to create the name for the new tag? I see that now is sth like v8.0.0_rc1_XXXX_commit-hash: what should go in XXXX?16:11
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litghostI have been tagging conda builds with the output of 'git describe'16:36
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mithrolitghost: Did the prjxray-db update look okay?16:45
litghostYa, they look okay16:50
litghostI'll test the integrated symbiflow later, I'm trying to debug a VTR linked list bug :( :(16:50
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sf-slack<mkurc> @litghost: I've started again with freshly cloned repo, just to be sure.17:38
sf-slack<mkurc> @litghost: c7283cbab4a165b891c0156ef618d9d151126b967502e6d0eca1ed5acc76b026  ./
sf-slack<mkurc> @litghost: Output of ldd is there:
litghostOn my system there are two lxml instances, do yours have the same output?17:40
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litghostAlso please run "sha256sum /home/mkurc/Repos/google-symbiflow-arch-defs-2/build/env/conda/lib/./python3.7/site-packages/lxml/../../../"17:40
sf-slack<mkurc> c7283cbab4a165b891c0156ef618d9d151126b967502e6d0eca1ed5acc76b02617:42
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sf-slack<mkurc> Well, actually only the one inside conda env should be relevant.17:45
sf-slack<mkurc> When I run `conda list` it reports `libxml2 2.9.9 h14c3975_5 symbiflow`17:45
litghostCan you check if you have an enviroment variable "PYTHON3" defined?17:46
sf-slack<mkurc> outside conda env no.17:46
litghostAlso run the python file from using conda, e.g.17:46
litghost/home/mkurc/Repos/google-symbiflow-arch-defs-2/build/env/conda/bin/python3 repo_lxml.py17:46
litghostDo you have PYTHONPATH defined?17:48
litghostAlso run:17:49
litghostconda/bin/python3 -c "import lxml; print(lxml.__file__)"17:49
litghostconda/bin/python3 -c "import lxml.etree; print(lxml.etree.__file__)"17:49
sf-slack<mkurc> The two last commands output paths pointing to files inside the conda env:17:51
sf-slack<mkurc> `build/env/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lxml/`17:52
sf-slack<mkurc> and `/build/env/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/lxml/`17:52
sf-slack<mkurc> no PYTHONPATH outside conda env17:52
litghostTry to see if "conda/bin/python3" works or fails17:53
litghostIt will take a couple minutes (~10 on my machine)17:53
sf-slack<mkurc> I'm already doing it17:53
sf-slack<mkurc> @litghost: Ok, the test completed without errors.17:55
litghostOk, then the libxml2 in the tree has the fix17:55
sf-slack<mkurc> I guess I must have had something wrong with the conda env17:55
litghostNot neccarility17:56
litghostRun "make VERBOSE=1 file_xc7_archs_artix7_channels.db"17:56
litghostAfter removing build/xc7/archs/artix7/channels.db17:56
litghostSee what python executable is being invoked17:57
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litghostacomodi: failed, you need to tag VTR before bumping, and conda doesn't support "-" in versions, so replace all the "-" with "_"18:02
tpbTitle: Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence (at
sf-slack<mkurc> @litghost Ok, this time routing import completed without any problems.18:03
litghostUnclear what happened before18:04
sf-slack<mkurc> Yep, I have no clue18:04
mithroBTW If you are having trouble with getting kmurray to do a review, you can also ask Vaughn18:14
sf-slack<acomodi> litghost: Yep, seen the failure now, I'll update it asap18:15
mithroIt also looks like Verilator is getting support for Python based models...18:32
tpbTitle: Python models by patstew · Pull Request #3 · verilator/verilator · GitHub (at
mithroAlso other things I have discovered18:40
tpbTitle: GitHub - eirikpre/VSCode-SystemVerilog: SystemVerilog support in VS Code (at
tpbTitle: GitHub - patstew/linter-verilator (at
tpbTitle: GitHub - manucorporat/linter-verilog: Atom linter for Verilog, using icarus verilog. (at
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