Tuesday, 2018-11-13

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felix_no, every pin outputs a characteristic pattern that can be checker with a usb-uart10:59
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Bertlyeah, but the question is, what happens if two pins are connected?11:08
Bertlwill that cause a short or is the signal properly handled (e.g. by using tristate instead of pulling high or very limited current, etc)11:09
Bertland is the pattern generated at the same clock cycles or is there a nice shift between outputs so that you can see the overlap11:10
felix_the patterns are currently all aligned11:13
felix_i wouldn't expect a short between connections11:14
Bertlwell, I wouldn't either, but that's (among other stuff) what we are testing for, no? :)11:15
Bertlso please, adapt the design to offset the pattern between channels and make it use tristate instead of pulling high when not active11:16
Bertluse a keeper to avoid unexpected edges11:16
Bertlalso, do we get pattern on the MGTs as well?11:17
felix_uh oh, i wasn't planning to have to go back to this today; have to get some other things ready before i leave for vienna :/11:18
felix_there are no mgt-related test for the board yet11:18
Bertlokay, so what are your plans regarding testing once you arrive?11:19
felix_i'd test the interface between the module and the camera, then get the clock chip working, then get the control interface of the sdi chips working, then the gigabit transceiver stuff fo the sdi in/out11:23
Bertlokay, you are aware that we don't have the SDI chips on yet?11:24
Bertland that it would be a good idea to test basic functionality before we add them?11:24
felix_apart from that i'll work on photonsdi again; probably on the old board though. and then port it to the new board11:25
felix_yes, i'm aware that the sdi chips aren't populated yet11:25
felix_yeah, that's why i wrote the test11:25
Bertlnot sure how you'll test the MGTs with that though11:26
Bertlanyway, is the source for your test suite available somewhere?11:26
felix_https://gist.github.com/felixheld/5966c2032ae85d352b129fe574f37010 with the io standard of the differential lanes changed to IOStandard("LVCMOS25"), in axiom_photonsdi_hw.py11:27
tpbTitle: axiom_photonsdi_hw_test.py ยท GitHub (at gist.github.com)11:27
Bertlhow do you build it?11:28
felix_sending the bytes on the different pins non-overlapping shouldn't be too hard to implement; i can try to da that later today11:30
felix_when you have installed migen, litex and photonsdi (photonsdi with the io standard changed and no termination selected) in in virtualenv and have sourced the vivado config, you can just run axiom_photonsdi_hw_test and it'll generate you the bitstream11:31
felix_should work with a recent python311:35
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felix_hm, the gtp bringup sort-of depends on the bringup of the si* chip13:34
Bertlthe si chip is there, no worries :)13:35
Bertlbut if you mean for test purposes, you can drive the GTP PLLs from the fabric as well13:36
Bertlso no need for the special GTP clock input13:36
felix_i'd say though that if the fpga bringup was successful (fpga power rails work, fpga is configurable and the flash can be used), and all power rails work, my biggest concerns regarding the hardware would be eliminated and i'd say that the risk of putting the sdi chips on there shouldn't be too high13:36
felix_true that13:36
Bertlhow long are you going to stay?13:37
felix_hmm, might it be an option to put one sdi transmitter on the board if the fpga bringup was successful?13:37
felix_i'll arrive on thursday and leave on monday13:37
Bertlokay, so if initial testing on thursday is just fine, then we can add the missing parts on friday or saturday13:38
felix_my main reason not to put the sdi chips on the board at first was that i wasn't 100% sure if the power rails and the fpga works13:38
felix_sounds like a plan13:38
felix_but yeah, since i'll probably do most of the photonsdi development on one of the old modules, this shouldn't be a blocker anyway13:39
Bertlone SDI chip and later the rest is probably too tricky13:40
Bertlbut we'll see and decide13:40
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