Monday, 2018-11-12

*** tpb has joined #photonsdi00:00
*** RexOrCine is now known as RexOrCine|away01:45
*** Bertl_oO is now known as Bertl_zZ04:31
*** se6astian|away is now known as se6astian08:21
se6astianfelix_: I have a decklink sdi 4k here now and will put it into your pc here today09:02
se6astianif that is a card you can work with you do not need to bring yours09:02
*** Bertl_zZ is now known as Bertl09:57
felix_since i highly doubt that i'll get to the dual link support this weekend, the decklink sdi 4k should be sufficient11:42
felix_do i need to bring the ssd from my test setup?11:43
se6astianwouldnt hurt as you probably have stuff/drivers installed there that would take time/effort to collect/install here as well11:52
se6astianthe normal decklink software is installed and works already with the decklink mini recorder11:53
felix_on that machine i only have the decklink software installed11:57
felix_so i don't really have to bring the ssd from that machine11:57
se6astianright, then its not required11:58
* felix_ is currently waiting for the hardwre test thing to build for an arty board, so he can verify that the test code works16:01
felix_the i'll adapt that for the axiom photonsdi hw :)16:02
se6astiangreat, because there are only a few days left :)16:03
se6astianwhen you arrive from the airport do you plan to go to the airbnb first and then to the office right?16:03
felix_yes. haven't checked when the checkin time for the airbnb will be yet16:04
se6astianthe host expects you already at around 15:0016:04
se6astianI can probably pick you up by car from there then and we go to the office together16:05
felix_sounds like a plan16:06
felix_the test design seems to work on the arty16:06
felix_so yeah, i guess that i'll have the test design ready this evening16:12
Bertlsounds good16:15
*** Bertl is now known as Bertl_oO16:48
felix_Bertl_oO: do you need the .bit or the .bin file?17:48
felix_ contains the mapping of pin numbers to ascii characters that are sent on that pin17:50
tpbTitle: ยท GitHub (at
felix_Bertl_oO: and top.bin in the same folder17:52
felix_the output srats with ascii 0x20 (space), so that it won't emit control sequences that might do unexpected stuff with the terminal17:53
*** se6astian is now known as se6astian|away18:27
*** se6astian|away is now known as se6astian20:19
felix_the baudrate is 115200 with the 25 mhz oscillator21:18
*** se6astian is now known as se6astian|away21:51
Bertl_oOokay, any test code which checks for collisions and reports them?22:10
Bertl_oOand is the output done in a way that two signals can overlap when two pins are connected? i.e. what will the pattern then be?22:11
*** RexOrCine|away is now known as RexOrCine23:12

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