Saturday, 2021-04-03

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_florent_geertu: nice! Thanks for sharing, if you identify limitations while playing with featherwing extensions we could try to improve this.07:24
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geertu_florent_: sure, will do08:43
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zyp_florent_, possibly related: I'd like a way to do something like add_extension() that adds connectors09:47
zypconsider e.g. the butterstick with syzygy connectors, and then you plug a syzygy to pmod adapter board into one09:48
geertuzyp: That's a bit different, as unlike Featherwings, there is no standard w.r.t. signals on syzygy connectors (or is there?)09:54
zypthere's some, but those are more fpga-oriented like clock capability and differential pair polarity/capability09:59
zypbut I was thinking more in the sense of boards attached to boards so you get several levels of pinout mappings10:00
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Melkhior@somlo Trying to stress-test the sdcard in buildroot (to see if I can reproduce the issue I have with Yocto), so far it's doing good; I've created a buildroot with more packages and cross-compiled binutils/gcc in it, then rebuilt a small numerical code in it and ran it with no issue.13:19
MelkhiorNow I'm pushing the sdcard a bit more: added a 128 MiB swapfile, and started the numerical code with a test case requiring ~330 MiB (the board has 256 MiB) under 'screen'.13:19
MelkhiorSo far it hasn't crashed, step 1 is correct (roughly 40x slower than from memory), and I can disconnect from screen, run 'top' for a while, and reconnect screen ; it's very, very slow - but it doesn't crash:-)13:19
MelkhiorThe only other device I use is the serial port for my console, no idea why Yocto is completely unreliable with the exact same kernel/dtb13:19
MelkhiorMaybe I should try disabling the [currently not working in Linux] Ethernet in the gateware - Yocto probably try to use it when buildroot just ignore it...13:19
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dormitoFor a Litex project: If I have two module wrappers, is there any guides/turials that cover basic things like routing an output from one module ot the input of another?16:29
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somloMelkhior: interesting point -- I tried building the bitstream without ethernet support. I get the same hard lock-up when I try using multi-block sdcard write commands from linux19:58
somloat least the problem's symptoms don't change with what should be unrelated gateware being present or not...19:58
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thornshi folks - trying to extend a target for the first time, and I have a total noob question - I can't figure out how (the target) is connected to (the platform)?23:41
thornsI see I import ulx3s from litex_boards.platforms but in the platform I see no mention of that namespace or whatever it is...23:41
thornsI see that I create ulx3s.Platform, which makes sense, but again I don't know where that namespace comes from23:43
thornsnm I see there's some magic in litex_boards/ I think this is the connector23:45

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