Thursday, 2021-02-25

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dayjabynickoe I managed to get it to run in Renode (instead of lxsim). Maybe that serves its purpose for you? I documented it in
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_florent_Hi nickoe, I just made some changes to litex_sim to have the same behaviour between --ram-init and --sdram-init08:11
_florent_you can now just do:08:11
_florent_litex_sim --with-sdram08:12
_florent_litex_bare_metal_demo --build-path=build/sim08:12
_florent_litex_sim --with-sdram --sdram-init=demo.bin08:12
_florent_and it will load demo.bin and jump to it08:13
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nickoe_florent_: Ahh cool. That does see to work now! :)09:21
nickoedaddesio: Also cool with the renode stuff, but can I do co-simulatio with own modules with that setup?09:21
nickoe_florent_: I am not sure why, but when running the donut in the simulation I only appear to get on frame before it exits back to the prompt in the app09:23
_florent_nickoe: it indeeds seems to be receiving a character and exits09:24
nickoeIs that a bug in the serial2console module that I assume is used there.09:25
_florent_This would need to be analyzed, this could be due to a \n to \n\r convertion, I'll have a closer look09:36
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nickoe_florent_: Why is it that the --sdram-init does not support boot.josn? It appears to be calling get_mem_data() as the parameters to SimSoC and it appers to load the files into the data that it returns.19:31
nickoeBut sure, when I boot it appears to not boot anyting after liftoff.19:32
nickoe(with the skip init constant of course)19:42
nickoe_florent_: What is the point of the --with-analyzer on lxsim? I thought it was a replacement for
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nickoeBut when I run it with: "lxsim --with-sdram --sdram-init=demo.bin --gtkwave-savefile --with-analyzer"  I get,  after I interrup the simulation.20:01
tpbTitle: dpaste: 3JJSGPGLM (at
nickoeOk adding --trace did put stuff in the vcd file at lesat20:03
nickoeWhy does it ask for a password when I run with --with-etherbone ?20:12
dayjabyBecause it creates a local network interface, like tap0, which can only be done as root20:13
dayjabycheck `ifconfig` to see the IP addresses. it should show tap0 with and you can try to ping (which did not work for me with lxsim tho)20:14
nickoedayjaby: The guide says to use lxserer on .51,   "litex_server --udp --udp-ip="20:26
nickoeI just tried to add the LedChaser to the sim example.20:26
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nickoe_dayjaby: you there? I feel off freenode20:37
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dayjabyye, the disconnects here can get annoying :P20:37
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nickoe_dayjaby: Can you example   simulate custom hardware, such as the LedChaser as an example?20:39
nickoe_And get vcd traces out?20:39
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dayjabylet me check20:39
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dayjabyappearently with something like it's possible (check
tpbTitle: Co-simulating HDL models in Renode with Verilator (at
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nickoedayjaby: I am not so god at the verilog simluation instrumentation thing, I mean the cpp file. So I was hoping there was a more magic way that I could use and not require me write too much spagehtti.20:52
dayjabyYes, I thought the same. I've done some gdb debugging in renode, which worked well. So you need the VCD traces?20:53
nickoeYeah, well. My goal is to be able to run a DSP chain in simulation that someone else is primarely working on. Then I would use the softcore with litex and the demo app or the test scripts via lxserver to poke some registers to control it.20:56
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nickoeI want to feed this chain with AXI DMA20:58
nickoeSo my first goal is to be able to run this simulation where this DMA just dump data to some output signals20:58
nickoebut right now, I think I need to take my eyes off the screen for a bit.. I better clean up it is getting really dirty around her.e20:59
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nickoeby AXI DMA I mean, LiteDRAMDMAReader21:33
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nickoemaybe this is realated to my earlier comment about the vcd being broken as well
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