Thursday, 2021-02-18

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MelkhiorHello, I was checking the SoC size in my FPGA, and it seems that the default is much bigger now (using master HEAD for VexRiscv, not the default files in pythondata for the current test) than it was when I started. I had a note at 5400 LUT and now it is 8142.  Pure curiosity not an issue, I am just wondering why. Is it because the new SoC has SMP07:49
Melkhiorcapability by default ? (I'm still using just one core in those tests). TIA07:49
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_florent_Melkhior: Hi, Dolu really tried to minimize the impact of SMP in the single core configuration, but it's still probably a bit bigger. This is also using the native LiteDRAM interface, if you want something very close to the previous configuration, you can try to use the Wishbone interface by adding:
Melkhior_florent_ Thanks ; what's the difference between 'native LiteDRAM' and wishbone - bigger/smaller, bandwidth, latency ? (again just curious ; I was just checking the impact of my new stuff and the baseline has moved hence my curiosity :-)09:16
_florent_Melkhior: VexRiscv SMP can be directly interfaced to LiteDRAM for better performance/efficiency instead of using the common bus of the SoC that is shared with all the peripherals.10:09
Melkhior_florent_ so this direct connection is better/faster ? Then I'm going to stick with it :-)10:42
MelkhiorI'm adding a lot more overhead with my extra instructions anyway:-)10:43
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cr1901_modern_florent_: >VexRiscv SMP can be directly interfaced to LiteDRAM12:49
cr1901_modernHow does that separate bus work? Is there a block diagram?12:49
mikeK_de1soc_florent_: I just wanted to apologize for my behaviour yesterday, I guess I am a little excited to get the VGA working on my board. Take the time you need to work on the VGA portion. Whenever you publish your work, I will definitively use it! Thanks. MikeK.12:50
_florent_Melkhior: yes direct connection has better performance: less latency, increased data-width and burst support12:54
_florent_Melkhior: BTW, I also ordered a Arrow Deca board12:56
_florent_cr1901_modern: here is a block diagram:
cr1901_modernThanks. Hmmm... so there's muxes to swap between litedram bus and I/O bus. Does this increase performance in any case besides "one core is accessing the I/O bus and another core is accessing the litedram bus"?13:00
_florent_mikeK_de1soc: I haven't noticed an inappropriate behavior yesterday,  getting Video working is indeed very nice since very visual and I can understand you can be excited. It will just be easier for me to have a closer look an maybe do some simplification to support more configurations since current support is a bit experimental. I should work on this very soon.13:01
Melkhior_florent_ Cool for the Deca, will got one, don't know how much help I will be though beyond testing...13:03
_florent_cr1901_modern: that fact that it supports bursts, has an increased data-width and lower latency reduce the bottleneck between the CPU and memory13:05
cr1901_modernOh it's possible to mux two wishbone buses where one supports burst and the other doesn't, and get the burst performance?13:06
* cr1901_modern will have to take a look when he has time13:06
mikeK_de1soc_florent_: Thanks!  :)13:10
_florent_cr1901_modern: not yet in LiteX main SoC but BMB on VexRiscv'sice and the Native LiteDRAM interface support bursting13:11
cr1901_modern_florent_: Last q for now :P >>13:40
cr1901_modernIf I have an external core written in nmigen that I want to include in a litex design, is there a canonical way in litex to generate the verilog so it goes in the build dir13:40
mikeK_de1socI second that! I also have a Verilog file that I have created. how can we include the design into litex!13:46
mikeK_de1socBut my design is connected to the GPIO pins. MAybe we can use the same..13:47
mikeK_de1socsame method...13:47
cr1901_modernthe minerva core has to already do this, but I think it's special-cased via a pythondata package that mithro made13:48
mikeK_de1socwhere is the minerva core? My goal is to connect a High speed ADC board that I have for my DE1-SoC. The THDB-ADA. 150 Msps ADC and Dac. They have example verilog code I believe.13:53
mikeK_de1socah ok..  it's a cpu core.. is this the same core that Linux-on-litex-vexriscV?  I am still learning the in's and out of this stuff..13:55
mikeK_de1socFrom my understanding no...13:55
cr1901_modernNo, it's a different core13:57
mikeK_de1socof the 2 cores, which one is more feature rich?  I am suspecting the Linux-on-litex-VexriscV.14:02
cr1901_modernMost ppl for most situations have converged on vexriscv14:04
_florent_cr1901_modern: in fact pythondata is just a way to package the sources and get them during the build. The nMigen to verilog elaboration is done during the build here:15:06
_florent_so you could use a similar approach15:07
_florent_for Minerva, we are also relying on from Minerva:
_florent_that already provides a way to configure the nMigen sources and generate a verilog file for the CPU15:08
_florent_but the approach is in fact very similar with SpinalHDL/VeRiscv where we can generate during the build configurations that are not included in the pre-generated configurations.15:10
cr1901_modernAhh okay thanks15:11
MelkhiorDumb question; as VexRiscv is an expandable core so well integrated with LiteX for RV32, how much effort would it be to have 'VexRiscv64' that would be pretty much the same but 64-bits ? (i.e. RV64I[M][A][C])15:46
MelkhiorWork on extensions could probably use an easily-extensible RV64 core similar to VexRiscv for RV32 :-)15:46
_florent_Melkhior: that would be a question for Dolu15:50
Melkhior_florent_ yes probably. LiteX would only see the wider memory request I suppose. Though the BIOS/bootloader/kernel would be affected to some extent... probably not a trivial exercise15:51
MelkhiorLitex already work with Rocket, so I guess most of that would be fine by default15:52
_florent_Melkhior: gsomlo already did the BIOS adaptation for Rocket indeed, so there shouldn't be that much work on the LiteX side.15:53
Melkhiorusing the integrated 'boot.bin' as @somlo does for Rocket (I tried porting opensbi, but coudl'nt make it work)15:53
Melkhiorseems it's tough adding instructions in RV64 cores, while I did Zks (for chinese crypto) in Vexriscv in less than two hours as I had the test SW from Krypto :-)15:55
MelkhiorVexRiscv is really nice for that kind of work - and with Litex it's just another linux box so SW is easy as well !15:56
Melkhiorkudos again :-)15:56
somloMelkhior: integrated boot.bin is b/c I wanted to reuse BBL (from riscv-pk) as the "emulator"16:11
somloI guess opensbi is theoretically possible, and "a simple matter of programming" :P16:12
somloMelkhior: It's lower on my list of priorities because I'm still scarred by the experience of dealing with edk2 a few years ago :D And I really badly want opensbi to be less of a dumpster fire, and I hope it is, but I'm afraid that if I look at it it'll turn out to be just as horrible16:15
somloIt's PTSD, basically :D16:15
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Melkhior@somlo opensbi wasn't too bad, I rebuild it in RV64 after fixing what I thought were the relevant bits (constants, mostly) ... and then it compiled but didn't work and I had no idea what to do :-)16:22
somlooh, good to know, thanks! I know Fedora-rv64 switched to opensbi (from BBL) at some point around 29..3116:26
somloso if I ever get sdcard (or sata) to the point where something like systemd can boot from without timing out, I/we will have to deal with it16:28
Melkhiorit works fine with linux-on-litex-vexriscv now, that's the default bootloader now I think (anyway that's the one I always use)16:29
mikeK_de1socI have a question about the boot-loader if that's ok. I am in the process of compiling the linux-on-litex-vexriscv for the DE1-soc. Once i get it working, I want to load the bootloader. From my understanding, i would need a separate serial connection to the de1-soc separate from the jtag port? they mention GPIO pin 0 - 1 for TX and RX. this is for16:35
mikeK_de1socthe linux boot loading?? or can I use the same Jtag port, but it reroutes the serial connection inside?  still puzzled.16:35
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mikeK_de1socOH man, I am so CLOSE!!!17:33
mikeK_de1socI get the Litex Prompt, but i think my serial connection is not good..17:34
mikeK_de1socwhere can i change the speed in the litex code, I want to use 115K...   :017:35
MelkhiormikeK_de1soc in linux-on-litex-vexriscv, the default speed is set in soc_linux.py17:38
Melkhiordef __init__(self, cpu_variant="linux", uart_baudrate=1e6, **kwargs):17:38
mikeK_de1socok thanks..17:38
MelkhiorI think17:38
mikeK_de1socyes yes i see it17:39
Melkhiorif you have corrupted data, you can use checksummin in lxterm17:39
Melkhiormy mbit serial link is unreliable, but it's faster like that + checksumming than going down to 115.2k17:39
mikeK_de1socbut if you change the baud rate here, does the FPGA follow suit? or am i talk out my ass..17:39
mikeK_de1sochow do you enable checksum?17:40
Melkhiordont use --on-crc17:41
Melkhiorwhen you change in, you need to regenerate the bitstream17:42
Melkhiorto change the FPGA default value17:42
mikeK_de1socah ok...17:42
Melkhiorthen you just need to match in lxterm or minicom or whatever serial terminal you use17:42
mikeK_de1socyes yes17:42
mikeK_de1socbut it's says it's 1152 by default...17:42
mikeK_de1socso i have to set it to 115-2 in soc_linux?17:43
mikeK_de1soci am assuming...17:43
Melkhiorthat's a trick:-)  it's 115.2 by default in litex, but linux-on-litex-vexrisc override the default in the SoC in the python definition17:43
Melkhiorat least that's my understanding of it17:44
Melkhiorwhen using Linux you need a fast serial port if you use that to upload the BIOS/kernel/rootfs17:44
Melkhioreven at high speed, it still takes forever17:44
mikeK_de1socyeah i get that part... I just want SOMTHING to work...17:45
Melkhiorif your board has a supported micro-sdcard slot, use that for those files, and use 115.2 (or lower) for the console, you will save yourself a lot of waiting ...17:45
Melkhiorbut beware - micro-sd can be even more temperamental than serial !17:45
mikeK_de1socyes... but the de1-soc, the SD card slot is connected to HPS...17:45
mikeK_de1soci think...17:45
mikeK_de1socis this correct...  def __init__(self, cpu_variant="linux", uart_baudrate=115.2e6 **kwargs):17:46
Melkhiorno! that would be 115.2 mbit/s:-)  because of the e617:46
Melkhiorit's scientific notation17:46
mikeK_de1socyes yes yes17:46
mikeK_de1socsorry i meant 317:46
Melkhioruart_baudrate=115200 will do17:46
mikeK_de1socyes yes17:46
mikeK_de1soco kgreat17:46
Melkhiorhopefully I remember this correctly, went through the same questions/issues when I started LiteX some months ago :-)17:47
mikeK_de1socPay it Forward!!!  Thanks buddy!!!   beers on the way...  :)17:47
Melkhiorexactly :-)17:48
Melkhiorgood luck17:48
mikeK_de1socyup..  Tanks!17:48
mikeK_de1socit's working!!!!!  :)17:59
mikeK_de1socbut melkhior  no here...  :(18:00
mikeK_de1socok i have the litex Prompt!!!!   how do i load up the linux image?18:00
Melkhiorback, cool if it works :-)18:00
Melkhiortype 'help' :-)18:01
mikeK_de1socoops wrong window18:01
Melkhior:-)  :-)18:01
mikeK_de1socLiteX BIOS, available commands:18:01
mikeK_de1socleds                     - Set Leds value18:01
mikeK_de1socflush_l2_cache           - Flush L2 cache18:01
mikeK_de1socflush_cpu_dcache         - Flush CPU data cache18:01
mikeK_de1soccrc                      - Compute CRC32 of a part of the address space18:01
mikeK_de1socident                    - Identifier of the system18:01
mikeK_de1sochelp                     - Print this help18:01
mikeK_de1socserialboot               - Boot from Serial (SFL)18:01
mikeK_de1socreboot                   - Reboot18:01
mikeK_de1socmem_speed                - Test memory speed18:01
mikeK_de1socmem_test                 - Test memory access18:01
mikeK_de1socmem_copy                 - Copy address space18:01
mikeK_de1socmem_write                - Write address space18:01
mikeK_de1socmem_read                 - Read address space18:01
mikeK_de1socmem_list                 - List available memory regions18:01
mikeK_de1socsdram_test               - Test SDRAM18:01
Melkhiorfor VexRiscv, you will normally need a 'boot.json', which describe where to put which files, normally DTS, kernel, bootloader & rootfs18:01
mikeK_de1socyes i have that.. but i can;t find it...18:02
mikeK_de1socitex> serialboot18:02
mikeK_de1socBooting from serial...18:02
mikeK_de1socPress Q or ESC to abort boot completely.18:02
mikeK_de1soc[LXTERM] Received firmware download request from the device.18:02
mikeK_de1socException in thread Thread-1:18:02
mikeK_de1socTraceback (most recent call last):18:02
mikeK_de1soc  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner18:02
Melkhioryou pass it to lxterm as --serial-boot or something like that (test system down ATM)18:02
mikeK_de1soc  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 870, in run18:02
mikeK_de1soc    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)18:02
mikeK_de1soc  File "/home/mikek/Documents/Cyclone5_SOC/Litex_directory/litex/litex/tools/", line 462, in reader18:02
mikeK_de1soc    self.answer_magic()18:02
mikeK_de1soc  File "/home/mikek/Documents/Cyclone5_SOC/Litex_directory/litex/litex/tools/", line 448, in answer_magic18:02
mikeK_de1soc    self.upload(filename, int(base, 16))18:02
mikeK_de1soc  File "/home/mikek/Documents/Cyclone5_SOC/Litex_directory/litex/litex/tools/", line 358, in upload18:02
mikeK_de1soc    f = open(filename, "rb")18:02
mikeK_de1socyes it's there, should have worked..18:03
Melkhiorfor serialboot it needs to be on lxterm command line18:03
Melkhiorso that lxterm knows which boot.json to use18:03
mikeK_de1sochold on fpga locked up..18:03
Melkhiorthen normally, it's all automatic18:03
mikeK_de1socthis is my current command line.. lxterm --images=images/boot.json /dev/ttyUSB0 --speed=115.2e318:04
mikeK_de1socso i need to add the serialboot in the command line??? or with i have the litex prompt??18:04
Melkhiornormally that looks good*18:05
Melkhiorthe serial-boot is for automatic18:06
Melkhiordid you see the memory initialize at start-up ?18:07
mikeK_de1socwell yes and no..  i type reboot and this is what i got..18:07
Melkhiorif not try the sdram_test to make sure the memory is OK18:07
mikeK_de1socsorry for the irc..  should i be using pasetbin or somthing... I am VERY new to all this..18:08
mikeK_de1socitex> reboot18:08
mikeK_de1soc        __   _ __      _  __18:08
mikeK_de1soc       / /  (_) /____ | |/_/18:08
mikeK_de1soc      / /__/ / __/ -_)>  <18:08
mikeK_de1soc     /____/_/\__/\__/_/|_|18:08
mikeK_de1soc   Build your hardware, easily!18:08
mikeK_de1soc (c) Copyright 2012-2020 Enjoy-Digital18:08
mikeK_de1soc (c) Copyright 2007-2015 M-Labs18:08
mikeK_de1soc BIOS built on Feb 18 2021 12:50:0018:08
mikeK_de1soc BIOS CRC passed (b9f40d07)18:08
mikeK_de1soc Migen git sha1: 7014bdc18:08
mikeK_de1soc LiteX git sha1: 5291a64618:08
mikeK_de1soc--=============== SoC ==================--18:08
mikeK_de1socCPU:        VexRiscv SMP-LINUX @ 50MHz18:08
mikeK_de1socBUS:        WISHBONE 32-bit @ 4GiB18:08
mikeK_de1socCSR:        32-bit data18:08
mikeK_de1socROM:        64KiB18:08
mikeK_de1socSRAM:        8KiB18:08
mikeK_de1soc  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 870, in run18:08
mikeK_de1soc    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)18:08
mikeK_de1soc  File "/home/mikek/Documents/Cyclone5_SOC/Litex_directory/litex/litex/tools/", line 462, in reader18:08
mikeK_de1soc    self.answer_magic()18:08
mikeK_de1soc  File "/home/mikek/Documents/Cyclone5_SOC/Litex_directory/litex/litex/tools/", line 448, in answer_magic18:08
mikeK_de1soc    self.upload(filename, int(base, 16))18:08
mikeK_de1soc  File "/home/mikek/Documents/Cyclone5_SOC/Litex_directory/litex/litex/tools/", line 358, in upload18:08
mikeK_de1soc    f = open(filename, "rb")18:08
mikeK_de1socFileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'images/Image'18:08
tcalSometimes after you connect with lxterm, if you just have the litex prompt, type "serialboot" there to kick things off (sometimes it's automatic, sometimes not).   If you don't have the litex prompt but the litex bitstream is loaded, it will reboot if you hit the "reset" button (this is common on Arty boards; I didn't catch which board you were using).18:08
Melkhiorsome stuff got cut18:09
mikeK_de1socthe DE1-Soc..18:09
mikeK_de1soci got it work manually...18:09
MelkhiorI suggest moving all the files in the current directory and just have filename (no path) in the boot.json, just to make sure it's not a weirdness in the paths18:09
Melkhiorseems it can find the kernel image in images/Image, but relative to what ...18:10
tcalLooks like a problem on the lxterm side?    Yes, good suggestion by Melkhior.18:10
mikeK_de1socok so move the boot and rv32 to the previous directory..  ok doing that...18:11
Melkhiorand check for typo :-)18:11
Melkhiorbeen there, done that :-)18:11
mikeK_de1sochumm. interesting  differnt error...  File "/home/mikek/Documents/Cyclone5_SOC/Litex_directory/litex/litex/tools/", line 358, in upload18:12
mikeK_de1soc    f = open(filename, "rb")18:12
mikeK_de1socFileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Image'18:12
mikeK_de1socwhich directory should you be running this in???18:12
mikeK_de1socin the build directory?18:13
Melkhiorit worked for me when eveything was in the same directory, and I started lxterm from there as the working directory ...18:13
Melkhior'Image' is the linux kernel, is it there with the right name ? plural & caps are killers :-)18:14
mikeK_de1socthat's just it I don;t see the Image file at all??18:14
Melkhioroh it's normal then :-)18:14
Melkhioryou need to copy it over from the buildroot18:14
Melkhioralong with rootfs18:14
mikeK_de1socAH....... ok......18:15
mikeK_de1socyes, i still have to do the buildroot stuff......18:15
Melkhiorhehe :-)18:15
Melkhioryes you do18:15
mikeK_de1soci was just getting the DE1-Soc up and running...   look like I succeeded!18:16
Melkhioryou need 4 files in there for the json18:16
mikeK_de1socok so where do i follow next in the instructions..18:16
mikeK_de1socBTW.. the memory test worked!!!!18:16
mikeK_de1socthe SD ram!!18:16
mikeK_de1socok i only have 2 files...   boot.json and rv32.dtb18:17
mikeK_de1socHAppy HAppy Joy Joy!!!!18:17
Melkhiorthe DTB which is from the DTS generated - i think - by linux-on-litex-vexriscv (you may need to compile the DTS to DTB using dtc)18:18
Melkhiorthe bootloader, which is likely OpenSBI (can be something else, OpenSBI is probably best), there's an opensbi repo for it for LiteX18:18
Melkhiorthe kernel & rootfs, which you get from buildroot (Image and rootf.cpiuo respectively)18:18
Melkhiorand then the boot.json tells where to put those 4 in memory18:18
Melkhiorgreat :-)18:18
Melkhiorgood luck with the buildroot!18:18
Melkhiorgot to go18:18
mikeK_de1socthanks man!!!!18:18
Melkhior4 + boot.json18:18
Melkhiorreally bye :-)18:18
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mikeK_de1socYES SIR!!!18:41
mikeK_de1socYup it's slow!!!!18:41
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shorne_somlo: so I read up a bit more on the MMC kernel layers, what do you think will happen with litex_mmc is issued a multiblock transfer? it seems the request() code path will be the same, just the size of the buffer will be bigger sent to LITEX_MMC_SDBLK2MEM_LEN_OFF will be bigger.  Then would we expect the hardware to handle the multi block protocol?21:19
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shorne_somlo: that is what it looks like, I put in a debug statement for write and did some simple test21:44
shorne_dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/test1 bs=512 count=121:44
shorne_litex-mmc e0005800.mmc: mmc write is_multi:0 length:51221:44
shorne_that is ok21:44
shorne_dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/test1 bs=512 count=2021:45
shorne_litex-mmc e0005800.mmc: mmc write is_multi:1 length:819221:45
shorne_Command (cmd 25) failed, status 221:45
shorne_Command (cmd 13) failed, status 221:45
somloshorne_: yeah, we just allocate buffers that correspond to the larger max_req_size, and it all "should" work out when the core mmc layer decides it's time to use cmd18 for reads instead of cmd1721:45
shorne_etc. it seems all commands after we try the multi block transfer fail21:46
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somloright, it seems the card itself and/or the LiteSDCard FSMs somehow take a "wrong turn" somewhere and get stuck21:47
somloI'm trying to find a slightly more detailed spec of the SDCard PHY layer than what's available at
shornealight, so the driver is a bit sub optimal but it seems we should be doing the "right" thing21:48
tpbTitle: Simplified Specifications | SD Association (at
shorneYeah, I have been looking for a good spec too21:49
shornethis is not good enough
tpbTitle: How to Use MMC/SDC (at
shorneAnyway, got to go21:50
somlook, later! and thanks for double-checking.21:50
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